llnrnry County's limber U nit asset for Immediate oxploltu I Ion Mills should bo turning It out to ld la tho roconNtruc linn work of tho hhMor. In vcHtlgnto tbls virgin field. ivxt& Horuoy county resource (tra attracting tbo .attention of ilia entireWest. Irrigation, stock raising, mines, oil nnd g pro spoct nnd agriculture -,ill' awaiting development. VOL. XXXIII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON OCTOBER 16 1020 NO. 50 pit m HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM LOSE FIRST GAME Grant County Teams Victors But Return Game May Prove Different. (Contributed ) Tho football squad travelled Into (Irani County IuhI week nnd engaged Prairie (My High nnd Canyon HIkI. Tho'fcauio at I'rnlrlo was tho first ono thai tiny of our boya hud ovor played nnd their Inexperience told heavily against them. Tho faHt heavy back field of tho P. II. S. cir cled our onda repeatedly for Ionic gains but lino plunges nnd forward passes woro not no successful. Tho boy from Harney woro In auporlor condition to their opponents and were playing a hard game when tho whistle sounded for tho end of tho last quarter. Tho final score was 48-0. I'rnlrlo outweighed tho H. C. II. 9. ovor 15 pounda on tho average. Monday at John Day, Canyon City wan encountered nnd a spirited con teat developed. Tho final acoro of 127 doca not toll tho truo talo for, tho losing, our boya showed auporlor to their opponents. Canyon scored In tho first and fourth quarters on long paasua, but was saved twlco by tho whlstlo whon tho I'urplo and Gold olovon waH headed for tho goal lino. Rolnoman, Cowan, nnd Thornburg pounded tho lino for ynrdngo with Voogtly toar Ing on long runs. Only a disastrous slip prevented tho latter from scor ing when ho was only flfteou ynrda from goal. Olt tncklo plays, a pretty pass to Clark, nnd n flvo ynrd plungo by Thornburg netted our only touch down. It. Gowan kicked tho goal. In this gnmo tho tackling wna hard and clean and tho gonornl offonslvo nnd dofenslvo play of tho II. C. II. S. players opened tho oyoa of many who hod scon Saturday's game. All In nil, for n groon oloven, tho boys did remarkably well and if thoy continue to improve we'll serve out n high class brand of football when they show on the local gridiron. Welcome will be back In uniform nnd a few new faces ard expocted. With tho exception of Illchardson, who was Injured In tho flrat gamo nnd LnKgnn, who wan tho victim of an umiMutil mishap, tho boys nil ro turnnd In good shape. Th following men took tho trip: Clark. Cuonl. L. H.; Willis Swott, L T : it Morton. L. (J.J O. Hlbhard, f : Ifaliih Swett. It. O.: Ilotehkiss. H T : F. Loggon. C. Oownn, It. K.; It Cowan, Q.; Thornburg, L. H. H.J Itelnemnn. It. II. II.; Voogtly, K. I). Subitltutnx It. MrGownn, II. Mlllor, Richardson, McCulIoch. M. oi.ii qi i, f p. nitrimnni i Station fame umpired both games. ti.i. .rhotinin rnr (hn rnst of tho in i iiuii kiini li ui.n a iJAiiiii i r ,,, iu u fniinwu. ortntmr 23 1 Cnnvmi iiv iilifh- Oclobor 30 ! irniri piiv inti- ' Nnvninbftr C Jlond High. ' Hody thu "ilodoo" stnff for this year was flirted, lor- Jesgift t ranees nonogaii, J.u-l sftt0)J Kbnlucky bluegrnHS In, gen- Hhopard,. Asst. 'liiJt0!r't k,rniy BpeaKlng. tho niotil deslrablo. Manager: Woaluv, tJ((j j)pjt rnm,jt8 jt in nominnnly (low Welcmo A8L MiUiak'cr: MIbh II. A. Afuhr-on rrom tlui Faculty, Final tallle.i show tho grand total of 5 1 HO- - Received rrom tho Tag sa' which was hold for tho bouoflt of tho Athletic Association. Pretty gout) work and the girls aro receiving mcr lt"d praise. Altho thoy all worked hard, the team under Hazol Uibbard' as (!aptuln out did tho other four teams. Tho winning was compoied of tho Misses,. Uibbard, McPhootoro, 0. Hyrd, Lazarus, T. Foley. Kveryono is glad that "Wcs' Wei- como is back in school, Tho girls "who stayed at homo" assisted Miss Vrcnto In preparing fllwl iiir.i1.i.l.... .IImhim n iVtn l.rrn and tendering u dinner to tho boys Tuesday evnlng, It wnn a dandy meal nnd tho 'ihoorH for "Tho girls" wero glvon with a gusto. Walter Donsted, Loyd Comogys and Jas. McCulIoch nro now arrivals In our midst. Hoc. Loggan has boon notified that 'be II. (j. if. h. in onrollod in tho In- , .,.. torscholastlc Dobating League and Is now awaiting materia! IlIOLOUIOAIi HUItVKY MAN 1IKIW II. F. Stono, In chnrgo of rosorva tloiiH with tho U. H. IUologlcnl Bur voy, nrrivod in thin city Innt Wod nosdny evening. Mr. Stono Ih on n tour of tho bird nnd gnmo ronorvu tloiis or tho United States nnd. Is hero for tho purpouo of visiting tho Mai hour rosorvo. Ho has vlnltcd with sovorol of tho citizens of thin city and hun shown considerable iutoroHt In tho views of people on tho pro posed ceding of thin roHorvo lake to tho government. Mr. Stono In not hero to mix with local politico or. to ndvlso any one how to vote on tho bird bill. It Is u matter ho has not hud nn opportun- Ity to investigate nnd ono Unit hu know nothing about until ho reached Oregon, further than having been sent a copy of tho proponed meanuro. His bunlneHB hero Is to visit tho res- ervo In his usual capacity. Howovor. 1 ho linn been Inviting discussion of the bird bill with a view of finding sentiment and to arrive at a proper understanding of how it effects tho future development of tho county, Tho gontloraan has gone out to tho 00 ranch to visit with William Han- ley and will nrrlvo back in Hums thin ovonlng. Ho said be did not havo anything to say for publication, nor would ho venture an opinion on tho controversy ovor tho propsed measure. 'O" NKXT YKAK'H I.AVVNH DKPK.M UPON PHOPKH MAKING NOW (Special Information Service, U. 8. Department of Agriculture) Next year's lawn deponds, In great meanuro, upon this autumn's mak ing. Kxcept porhaVs In the north ern tier of 8tnto and Now Knglnnd, oarly autumn needing is much more grown nn ultrogon-freo media In or sntlsfnctory than spring needing. , dur to muko thorn take their nitrogen Houth of Now York and Now Kng- 'from tho lr. Oilier' than Mils tho ho laud States spring auodlng should called "breeding up" of bacteria in rarely, If over, bu practiced, say spec-, nil humbug, lallsts or tho United 8tntes Depnrt- (3) No mnn can "guarantee" rnv mont of Agriculture. 1 orahlu results from "puro culture" Young gnus, they say, does not Innoriilntton. It Is nn experiment stool well in tho spring and summer nnd Is not sufficiently nggrosHivn to combat crab grass and other summer annual weeds. In most or tho area j south of thq Now England States and , north of tho Potomac and Ohio Itlv-1 ers tho host tlmo for needing lawns Is during tho first wookn of Septem ber. Should Ilo Well Fined After thu preliminary preparation, which Involves thu thorough working are In tho noil as shown by tho pren of tho soil, thu surface of thu area to once of nodules on tho roots, no lio suuded should bo thoroughly fined amount of luuoculntloii will do any with 'a rako or similar Implement, nnd liouo meal should bo applied at tho rate or about 20 pounds to a thousand suiinro feet. The bono moal Is of much benefit to the young grass hIiico It asnlsts It In making sufficient now rocomeuded ror two acres Ih growth to pasu the first winter in morn than wo formerly recommend good condition. Tho main point In d ror fifteen acres, and much Inrg- bo obsorvod In seeding Is to sow thu Uoed ovouly nnd to cover unirormly , hut lightly. The covorlng can bft - done on ft small area with an ordln- nry gnrdon rako or on n largo area with a weodor. Light rolling nftor ; covorlng In fronuontly benoflolnl, I Thoro are noveral species of turf- formlnn grassun that can bo used ror I Inwn making In )hl country, w fr nw, twirtiinrn imrt of tho Uiillcil used In mtxturuil with other grantum. V mixture compoBod by wolght as ollows ban boon 'thoroughly tested 'iy speclallHtii of tho department and hi thought to bo us satisfactory for lawn making hb any mlxtura that can ho used: W parts of Kentucky lMuegrass. 4 parts of recleaued rodtop. 3 parta of perennial ryo grnss. 1 part of whlto clovor. A slight modification of thoso pro portions mukos no matorlal illffor onco Jn Ujo ftpoaranco or Ccchs or ii,n tnwn. A mistaka commonly mndn ' J( HturUng n ,IlW ,H Umt of using , Anh,ck HlauA of Krft8B . is ossontlal nt tho beginning, nnd iu ordor to bo certain of securing it seed of thin mixture should bo sown nt tho rato or not Iobh than A to 6 pounda to a thousand foot.. Tho development of a satisfactory lawn doponda to a largo degroo on ho foundation upon which It has lmn burled. A really good lawn rarely results from a poor boglnlng, nu ,; ..in m and no reasonable amount of effort (Continued 'on page four) FACTS ON QUESTION SOIL INNOCULATION Dependable Cultures May be Secured From O. A. C. At Nominal Cost. I'roi. u, v. Copson, Acting lluctor - loiogisi or tno Oregon Agricultural College, hun stlbiulttod tho following lur "Miring upon tho uho of cul- luro uHi for tho liinooulutton of 'ok"ich. hi viow or tnu activity or commercial ugonts In tho State at tho Prosout tlmo nnd tho character of tholr representations, it is deomod Important that this Information bo Bvon publicity through tho press !'' Copson says: "Tho following circular letter Is "nt to you in order that you nrny Klvo tho furmers tho facts on tho "lunation of artificial tnuoculntlon of legumes, and. to refute tho question- blo nnd falno statomonts mado by ngents soiling commorclnl cultures, "(D Tho "pure culture" method perhaps tho host way, nil things considered, to got tho special kind or bacteria Into your soil. If you ul- ready havo u certain legume growing In a field on your farm, you can easily and thoroughly Innoculnto an other field with thin noil. This la tho surest method known and bus no disadvantages when you know thorn are no weed pests to bo carrier along with tho soil. "(2) Tho puro cultures propared nl O. A. , are guaranteed to bo fresh and to contain tho largest possible number of living, virile bacturlu, nnd If tho soil happens to Iwi lacking j this particular kind or bacteria it will probably bo ii benefit If proporly applied. If tho bacteria are already there, innoculatlou Is useless; It Is uko adding u llttlo wator to tho ocean. "(4) It In not known how long bacteria will llvo In tho poll when no legume In grown, hut after five yearn It In reccomeudeil that Inline illation he prnetleed. If tho bacteria more good. "it,) Wo are receomrnondlng tho use of larger amounts of Inuoculnt ing material on tho strength of later experimental ovldunro. Tho amount it tltuu tho commercial cultures Theso bottles sell for COc postpaid, or tho ooulvnlont of twonty-rivo cents per aero. Wo put tho culture tip In two-acru hIxoii only. "Summing up: Tho 0. A. 0, Cul- tures nro an good uh uny in thu mar ket ami larger ror tho amount recom mended thnu any or tho commercial cultures wo liavo seon, Thoro Is no comnnrlKon between "brcodliiK up" llvo slock and InnooulutlngMia'ctorla they nro already "bred up." Many noiia do not need InnbcuJntlon. If tho Hol is well drained nnd not acid, but still yII! not grow a leguminous crop, thoro Innoculatlou may holp. No ono hus uny right to claim more ror inuoculatlon. "Slnco Inuoculatlon of lugtimos Is still experimental, tho Dopartmont of llactorlology at 0. A. 0. Is pro pared to furnish iuiioculatlng line toria to the fnrmors of Orogon at cost. Tho facilities ror handling this wotk nro greatly improvod so that orders can bo rilled promptly. It Ih oxpectod that tho rarmer will leavo a small nlot uulnnoculatod uh a check and will report results nt tho on(l of tho HenH0. ... "Any furthor Information on tho subject will bo choorfully glvon." Very truly yours, Signed: P. V. MAUIS County Agent Loader. o Mrs. Mngclo Lovoiih hns rotumod from her trip to Portland mid oth er outsldo points. During her nh- sonco sho visited with relatlvoH In iJoVq on hor way In. ' COUNTY AGENT LEADER PLEASED WITH WORK F. L. Ballard Tour County I With McDianiela: f eonle I Show Great Intercut. T 1 District County Agent Louder F. ' L. ilallnrd huij boon touring tho I county with L. '15. McDanlols during tho past wook. Thoy nrrivod In last i ovonlng from n Irlp which look them to Crane, Callow Valley and Fluids. Thoy had hopojl to go nn far south nn Donlo and juke in more of thu Trout crook country but rocont rains made tho roads' hard and tholr tlmo wan limited as llioy are scheduled for a meeting at Drewsey tonight and at Silver creek (tomorrow night. "I am highly pleased with tho pro gress being wide toward organiza tion In Harney county," said Mr. Ilallard while discussing bis trlp to a representative of thin paper. "Thin In a big territory and you havo won derful resourced (hot may bo aided very materially1 by the work or tho county ngont In tho several commun ities. You havo probloms to solvo that roqulro careful attention and concerted action nnd thin can bo done when tho farmers and stockmen nro onco organized for the purpose. "I have explained to tho citizens In tho several communities wo havo visited that It Is not tho purpose of tho mnn I represent to como Into your county and tell you what to da, weather of tho nouthorn climo nnd but mora to aid In doing what thu.,aa docldod to snmd tho winter puoplo themsulves want, In a system atic manner. "Our plan Iso work with tho citi zens of each community. Tho val uable results obnluud throughout Kas(orn Oregon aro possible because whom thu community Is organized nnd has a definite program thu coun ty agent Is able to work In harmony wltti this progjam and link each ifp throughout thu county and thus bring them all together." Tha first meeting bold with Mr. Dalian! present was nt Crano where tho school children were Interested particularly In tho plan of a com munity fair, also a pig, sheep and poultry club nnd where tho students or tho school havo pledged their ef forts townrd a school garden under nn Irrigation plan from a pump. Thin feature lias tho support of many of the business men of Crano u Ail l going to bo a factor Iu demonstrat ing what can bu accomplished Iu that vicinity At Cntlow tho meeting wnn well 1 attended nnd arrnngemuutii woro mado for assembling tho uocuHimry material tor n rodent poisoning cam paign to begin under proper super vision an soon nn conditions will war rant. At Fields much Interest was shown In tho proposed orgluizatlou and M. M. Doan was mado chairman ror tho purposo of getting' tho community started; Mr. Olson wnn put In chnrgo of rodont control, J. M. McDado on grain, Mr. Hillings on alfalfa and 15. H. Hnthrlck of llvuntock. It jn tho Intention to work out 'a community program there and havo a big meet ing on Thanksgiving. I Messrs. Italian! and McDanloln have gone lo Drowsey tonight nnd Will meet with tho Silver crook peni po tonlorrow night, nftor tbnt 'Mr! ilallnrd goes on ovor by way of llond ! to Redmond. HAHTKKN HTAU ANN!- VltflAllY CKLHHHATION Tho 25th anniversary of tho estnb llshmeut of Hums Chapter, No. 40, 0, K, S. will bo celebrated at tho mooting on Monday, Ocohor 25. All Musonii and tholr wives and Eastorn Stum and their husbands aro Invit ed to this mooting following tho reg ular session of tho Chuptdr. In former years It has boon tho custom for tho Past Matrons nnd Past Patrons to on'tortnln on this oc casion but this year the ontortaln- mont is rovorsod, Tha Chaptor members nro going to untortnln tho former officers. This notice lias official authority from olllcuni of tho Chapter. Mm. It. L. Hulton and Mrs, I. Fostor nro In tho city on 1(UbIiiobh and to visit with relatives and friends. CIIUJU1T COU11T AIMOUIINH Tho rogulnr fall term of circuit court was brought to a close Wednos day by Judge Ulggn. Four mon woro given penitentiary noutuncun before ho closed tho term, ono of whom was paroled. Hoy dray, who pleadnd guilty of larceny, wan nonloncod to not mora than two years lit tho poultontlnry nnd paroled to J. It. (lould. O. J. Thorp, guilty of forgery, wnn given two yearn. OIllo Medio, for larceny of a iituur received tho same sentence nnd Leo Holllwuy got two years ror Inrrony rrom n houso. Tho latter enmo hero during thu fair and stole n nult ease nnd other valuablen. Sheriff Ooodmnn left yesterday morning with tho thrco Inst named men for tho panltlary at Balom. COUNTY COMMIH- HIONKH ItKHIONH It. L. Ilass ban sent bis resigna tion as county commissioner to Judge Wm. Karrn by mall from Baw tulle, California. This omen la in receipt of a loiter from M. Ilass in which bo wrltca bo has forwarded bis resignation. Judgo Farro la out of town today and thoro foro haa not been neon as to what action will bo taken In tho matter. Mr. Haas's term will cxplro tho first of next January. Whether thoro will bo an appointment to rill out bin un expired tlmo or not is not known. Mr. Hnss and his wlfo loft hero during tho summor for a tour of Cal ifornia and In his letter Just received ho states ho cannot resist tho flno down thoro. A rnrd was received from Mr. Hbbb several weeks ago showing ho wan at that tlmo in Old Mexico at tho famous racing city. Tho card did j Fairbanks iicennrlo staff, which lu not give much Information further! eludes Kltou Hanks, Josoph Ilenn- than that It was "some town." Mr. Hans writes ho had tho pleas ure of visiting with tho Vulgnmorea In San Diego, also bad met Mr. and Mrs. Dunn formerly of Harney coun ty. Tho Timos-llerntd Is to bo nont to Sawtellu to thu Ilass address In or der that ho koop posted as to doings of Harney county. AND STILL U.0 A YKAK Think of r2 splondld woekly issneni of tho best readingall of It rrom I that night and a chargo or fit) cnt original sources tho wldost variety' wjj j,w ,im,j n thu ruudn nro to go -equal to 36 volumes, and adapted,, a i,on,,rit to tho St. Joar.oh Ho to ovory ngu In tho futnlly. ,,uaj, n jH hopml there will bo n suf- 'i nut moans a year or Tho Youth's Companion. And what It means to f ihu family life cannot bo computed. Splendid Serlul Storlus Iu weekly (not monthly,) portions sustain high Internal, 200 Short B(orlos, Kxcept- lonal Articles by exceptional author- itios, special pages for tho Family, thu Hoys, the Girls, Strong, mature minds prhtu Tho Companion's Kdi tornl Page, everyone enjoys Its humor, and till hands soon find it "ono or thu family." Ouu paper for all tho family. The Companion takes ho plaeo and saves tho prlco of several publications. ' ' Btlll'$2.50 for il yenr'of sa-iifn'ues. hut IIiIh price nut guaranteed beyond January 1, next. Now subscribers for 1921 will re ceive: V V)V ,tYouth'a X'QiupaiiloiiriS Ihmuo.Iii-1081.u 4 tK f 11 2. AJ1 remaining weekly 1920 tusuos. 3. Tho Companion Homo Calondar I according to thoso who havo Inves tor 1921. I tlgutod tho matter. All tho above ror $2. GO. 4. MtCall's Magazine ror 1921, 11,50 tho monthly fashion author ity. Doth publications ror only 3.50. TUB YOUTH'S COMPANION Commonwealth Avo. & St, Paul St., Huston, Mobb, Now Subscriptions Recolved at this Office. TUIIN OUT AND TAKE AN INTKUKHT IN THK GAMH Tho Harney County High School football team will havo Bomo visit ors In Hum a on next Saturday when tennis from a rant county will bo lioro to compote on tho local grid iron. Tho cltlzQiiH should glvo thoso athletic moots tholr hearty coopera tion nnd support. Turn out nnd wit ness tho gamo and glvo tho boya en couragement, n la a part of tholr education. FAIRBANKS ATTRACTION FOR HOSPITAL BENEEIT Plays Role of Unselfish Hero In "The Knickerbocker Buckaroo" Film. Douglas Fairbanks makes hl re appearance nn "Old Hoc Chcorrul," in "Tho Knlclterbrocker Ducltaroo" which will ho shown at tho Liberty Theatre tho last week In Oclobor, Tho moral or thin story in that do ing something ror somobody i a worthy and laudable ambition, but that unselfishness enn uomotlmes bu curried too far, and unless guided by culm judgement, may bring tho un selfish ono results bu doosn't ux poct, and, Bocondly, that tho proper placo to start any reconstruction In character Is at home. Douglnn plays tho part of Teddy Drako, wealthy Now Yorker, who decides that hla Ufa In all wrong be cause of hla soirish qualities, and starts out to do unselfish things la tho world, which gets him Into & series of amusingly complicated sit uations laid in tho west. Fairbanks was; tho .'Irst to in troduce constructive philosophy via thu screen route. Ho baa taught millions tho way to laugh, tccauso of nu Intelligent understanding of certnln conditions lire. Ills Intent pictures dcaln with ono or life's big gest evils, that of solflshnofin. Wo nro selfish because wo don't reallzo that happiness only comes from do ing things for others. With thin thought an a basic reason for "Tho Knickerbocker Ilucknroo," a dis tinctive story was developed by tho bury, Frank Condon, Tod Heed and director Albert Parker. Tho play opens Iu a fanhlonahlo New York Club, where u statuto of Darwin, tho philosopher, co-star with tho screen lioro, making poss ible soma Interesting athletic uctlon, when Doug iu his conversation con cludes, "Perhaps Darwin was right." It is said that the now Fairbanks' story, because of Its slmplo treat ment, Is his most brilliant film. Tho exact date of thin production will likely ho given In our next Inane. Thoru will bo added attractions on r.ciimt ndvnnee neat salo to Jutlf two hIiowb during tho evening iiotm, j,0ar this in mind. Ui tukot when tho oommlltoo calls upon y0H wlM u,,, assurance that you will HL.0 tho entire program whether yau gol jn tno f irMt of tho show or not. qOUNTY COUHT DOINGS Tho county court has been In ses sion during this week and last weok. Tho uusslons have not boon contin uous nn tho officers havo had to ad Jpunijfrom tjriio, to tlmo ror other -mutters-catting their uttontlou out or tho court room. . During tho sesaloii considerable, road building machinery hns been) purt'jiusod. Tills Is considered an ocoiinmKnl move as there Is much road' work to do and by careful sup ervision thu county can build roads choaper than by tho contract Bystom. An ordor wan ontored making all right of way for highways from thli tlmo on 80 feet. 4 , Sheriff ordorod to assign dolln quont tux certificates, to nevoral ap plicants. ' " Expert's ropnrt on the books and accounts of tho assessor, uchool sup erintendent, road master nnd treas urer examined and appoarod corroct. ! . - " n . i rnuy wero nccepiea ami iiiou, ( Tho export's report of tho books and accounts of thu sheriff show a balance yot duo tho county and he was glvon 30 days to corroct his ac- counts. Tho brldgo across Silvias river at j. w. uigga' placo condomneu, Mrs. A. M. Poarco has. moved to town to spud dior chlldron to scht KlUli Sho doslrcn sotno milk ouatomersj. Iu 'A qulro at hor rosldonco ncrb8Sv tho utreot north of tho HuniB Garage.