The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 09, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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Tago Might
T II M T I M 10 R II H II A tj I
l !' N N
O It W O N
Mr.: ril .y, Orobfr , U)2').
A silver dime isn't much of a fortune, that's
true. But a dime a day Baved for a year
.would be quite a little help.
Here are some of the things it would do.
It would buy you a new suit
of clothes.
It would pay for a weeks va-,
cation this summer.
It would pay for a lot of
Christmas presents.
It would make a creditable
payment on a home li-
It would buy a watch, an en
gagement ring, in fact any
one of these or a thousand
other things you might
Don't despise the Dime because
Little drops of water make an ocean.
1 First National Bank
Mrn. Hurmnu Martx, thu county
numo, Iiuh gonn to the Drownoy coun
try to vliill nolioolii uml Iioiuoh In that
community for u tliuo. .
John I). Daly, pronldant of tho
Flrflt National IJunk of thin city, Ih
over from bin homo at IIoIho on bul
ncss In connection with tho local In
A. Murphy Ih a recent arrival from
Numpa. Ho haH takon an interest
In tho A. A, TrauROtl Inland Kmplro
ltoallty Co, and will inako IiIh homo
hero permanently.
K Mm. II, 1J. Maco nrrlvod homo laHt
wouk from a vIhU with rolatlvon and
frlondH in California. Him cornea
homo In much hotter health wo aro
to report.
Mm. A. V. May, of Pendleton, a
HlHtnr to P. H. Wolttoiihlllor, Ih hero
on u nhort vIhU to (ho latter. Kho Ih
a guont at the ranch homo a few
mllori cunt of thin city.
Dr. Vincent arrived In thin city
from Ilend the fore part of UiIh week.
He had heeii aliHeut from Crane for
a few weekH on a vacation trip and
wiib on IiIh return to Crane.
MrH. Krancen Clark aunoiinceH
(leo. Cawlfled waa up from Nur
rowH for a Hhorl visit during tho
Judgo Geo, 15. Davln wiih over from
IiIh homo at Valo during tho week on
IiuhIiiuhh heforo tho circuit court.
VrHorn At Ontario, to Mr. and Mm.
Currier, on Oct. 2, a daughter. Mm,
Currier wan formorly MIoh Nina
JI UJ UaU UtA UU Ui3J Utf J U.jil
that the teacherH of Harney county j ,K , r,.m,nm,nti
wont 100 per cent In memherHhlp for km)W, WIl ,0t K,v
the Oregon Htato TeacherH
city, I.CNter Tipton and Minn Kllxa M.
Mueller were uulted In marriage,
Hev. Is. . Tracy of tho Narareno
church performltiK the ceremony.
i..r'..m.. i.... ... ...
where alio Joined hnr daughturn who
are In school, Mm. Unlloy Haycn do
ponlted what Rod Croitn fundn nhn
had on hand with the Chapter troait
urer, A. C. Welcome.
Henry TrowbrldRo la here on bunl
ncHH. K. J. Callow wan over from Ilend
durltiR tho week on bUHluunn before
thu circuit court.
Horn Monday, Oct, 4, to Mr. and
Mth. A. It. OIhcii, a hoii.
J. O. Hutler wan over from Catlow
valley durltiR tho week after a load
Mr. and Mth. Kenneth Crosier nr-!f lumber. When o,uoatloned by the
rived homo last evening from their ! nownpiipor man iih to tho uho of tho
honeymoon trip to IIoIho and other ! lumber Mr. Hutler mild Frank Kuuey
outnldu polntH.
wiih going to build a depot at Hock
ley. Mr. Hutler further enlightened
the newHpaper man that an an In
ducement to IiIh coiiiIiir to HuniH to
trade he wiih charRod CO centH for
the privilege of waterliiR IiIh team.
TIiIh Hhould not hu allowed by tho
cltlzetiH of Huron and thu Individual
who Ih rcHpoiiHlhlo for It ban Riven
our town a net back.
Mr. and Mm. s, H. Ilrelthaupt
were In town ycHtorday, They came
In on Thurmluy ovunliiR by way of
Hend, beliiR en route home after
cuunu of getting guy with Oun' driving to I'ortlaud and Inking In a
Heherz'H "bug." Itlluy wnH driving j part of the Htato fair at Halem. They
It out the lane the other day when, drove down by way of Pendleton uud
according to tho driver, the conned decided to make the trip home by
thing took a notion It wouldn't fiil-I way of the Central Oregon IiIrIiwiiv.
: Their many frleiulH in thin vlelnliv
were glad to greet them iih it will be
Charley Dnvln Ih carrying hi aVm'
In a hIIiik iih the reHiilt of a horuei
falling with him and dlHlocatlng hi '
DenulK Cooper waH over from IiIh
Silver creek home during the week.
MrH. Magglo Lovonn In nhneiU In
Portland on a nhort vhtlt. Shu in ex
pected homo thu latter part of next
Itlloy Homhry Ih nurnlug a dlnlo
catud nhoulder and a bruised face be
low tho
road and upset on Hint,
one wheel, HiuaHhlng the
wind Hhlold and otherwise dlHflgur
log the "bug" nH well iih Itlley. I tut It
uru recovering -the "bug" being
remembered they formerly bad
charge of the Kxporlmont .Station
here but are now renldlug In Malheur
able to be about nllghtly dlHflgured, ' county where Mr. Hrclthaiipt Ih the
utid Itlley In about the winio condl-! county ngent. They went on over
tlon. I thin morning.
Ict Ready
f or
Thin Store will bo
IIoudqwui'toi'H for
School Supplies
Why wtiifc until tho last minnto tho open
ing day of Hcliool to buy all of thu needed
supplies. Imy now wliilo stocks uio fresh
and service not rauhed.
Tablets Rulers Pencils
Pastes Crayons Pens Inks
Wo on ii jrivo , ou a oomploio list, of
OfHoial HooIvh For All (initios.
The Rexall Drug Store
11. fl. Kolnoy, formerly a resident
of thin vicinity but now residing at
Seattlo, Ih here on a vlitlt. Ho merely
returned to pay IiIh rotipocln to bin
old time nuiiuulntaucuii, hu miyH.
Mr. and Mrn. I.oo Tliornhurg ar
rived homo Sundny evening from
. their Hojourn In California. They
J were accompaiilua up by Mr. and
Mth. M. V. linker, who aro enjoying
thu renewal of aciiialntauceH and
vlnltH with rolnttlvoH. The Thorn-
burgii aro back to roHiimo their rent
duueo In (IiIh city. I.oo in enjoying
good health and Hturlcd to work at
oui'o upon IiIh getting home.
Thu Klectrlc Mght Plant Iiiih had
nothing hut "cuhiiIiirh" for many
.weekH. Mr. Dwyer ban had to bo a
patient man to ntand all that ban
been mild to him without dlnplay-
but ho Iiiih
lug adequate
mirvlce, therefore ho didn't come
back, but during tho pant week Tho
TlmcH-Horald ban noted a decided
Married YoHterday, Oct, fi, at the
homo of thu groom'n mother, In thin' Improvement In the Hcrvlco and In
herewith Riving public nxprennlon of
Itn appreciation. Tho llghtn have not
only been brighter but they have
been coning on earlier In tho even
ing and giving thu people a chanco
to uho them Inntead of ronortlng to
other ri'OiinM or lighting until the
electric llghtn came on. Manager
Dwyer ntaten ho expectn to bo able to
give better service from thin time
forth becatiito the water power will
bo adequate within a few dayn.
Don't Stop n
it's a definite plan that makes the man
keeping everlastingly at it brings suc
cess. If you start, and then depart from
systematic, saving your Savings won't count
and mount decisively.
Deposit a little each week in this
strong bank. Don't Stop Saving!
Harney County
National Bank
vrm tiMm ivu'ni'ni"ntnvii
"i vim i i .u is i.iiji i i i' j i i.ji
Oco. K. Hooh, U. H. npoclal agent
In connection with the cenniH of
manufacturerH, In here ou bimlneftv
He In getting reportn on Htich bunl
iionh conceriiH an f.nlcd lo make pro
pter return duioig the time the ecu
.'iH onitmeiiuorN were ou the ground.
Itev. John H. Wlchernon will Jcavo
DoiirIah Kalrbankn In "The Knlck
erbrocker Hucharoo," him been chon
en nn the photo play to bo produced
at the Liberty Theatre an a benefit
tomorrow afternoon for Union where! for Rt Jom,,h lHpllnl. Tho ex
In- goen to attend the (Irniid Houde
PreHbytery an a rOpreHeiitatlvo of
the local PrcHhyterluu church. . He
expecta to return by the end of the
Among thorn from a dlHtauco lo
attend circuit court during the week
are Mr. and Mrn, Judd Wine of thu
P Itauch, Mr. and Mrn, Crow of
Deulo, Mr. and Mm. W. C. Hutler
and Mr.'arjd Mrn. A. M. Ohms, of
Catlow Valley. Th Wlckertn were
a I no hero In attendance upon court.
Dr. and Mrn. II. M. Horton came
ovor from Hund yenterday. Doctor
came over to attend a meeting of
the directum of tho Klrnt National
Hank and Mrn. Horton enme along
to vlHlt with homo folkn. Doc. will
likely try Iiih luck with the hnlw bu
foro ho ruturiiH to Hend.
Mm. Henry Dalton and her two
children nrrlvod home Wwlntuidny
evening from Portland where they
had been to coiiHiilt an eye Hpenlal
Int In regard to the little hoii'h eyen.
Ho ban given the family encouraging
act dale ban not been llxed becaune It
hI not known at thin lime' what day
the film will be available but an
nouncement will he made later.
Tho nelectlon or thin film for thin
ptirpoHu wiih hccaiiKo of Itn remark
able activity and thrilling Hcenen.
Doiiglan Kalrbankn In nlwayn a man
of action In hln productlonn and In
thin thero'n ttninethlng doing every
minute. One adventure after anoth
er come no rapidly that one In kept
ruuhhIiik , what'n going to happen
It in tho Intention of tho commit
tee In charge to arrange for norno
npoclal fentiirt'H between reoln on Uho
night of t IiIh production and tho
charge will be'fiO centn for admin
nlon. 1 1 1 ( . 1 1 soiiooi, i'oothamj
The football team of the Harney
County High School left (IiIh morn
ing for Prairie City where they piny
a game with the Prairie team thin
afternoon and wo undurHtand will
play a nccond game at John Day with
In connection with the cane. ; a mixed team from that and the Can
almoin Mm. Dalton made a '" City high nchnol on Monday af-
nhort vIhU to Olympln, Wanhlngton, lernfinn.
to nee her mother.
i mi i j iiui'h in in iowii. no came
homo Just thU wuek for the flrnt
time hIiico voluiiteorlng IiIh Hervlcen
In the war. Ho received IiIh (Uncharge
hint Nnvtffuber but ban been In Cal
ifornia moHt of the time hIiico. He
came In with bin brother Martin the
other day hut they are not going to
I remain here for tho pruHont, con
1 teipplatlug a tour of the IIoIho vnl
j Icy mid poHHlhly portloiiH Of.tho Irri
gated (TiHtrlctti In WiiHliIugton with
a view or Inventing or, purhapK,
routing, until Hitch lime iih the irri
gation project Ih a reality heru when
they can return and work their
laudH to an advantage.
Several car loadn or Htipportom
have accompanied thu boyn and It Ih
Mioped by home people thai they
make a good allowing for their
Hcliool. They were nomowhat handi
capped by one of their bent pliiyeml
being unable to go over becaiiHu oft
IIIiiush. WcHloy Welcome lit one of I
the ntrong men of the team who wan
detained at home hecaiiHo of nick
iiohh. I.iimI night the boyn wore given a
"Pep ' meeting at tho Commercial
club by Hoveral of our cltlzetiH who
gave them courage. TIioho older
men have nerved their lime on tho
gridiron and wero ready with advice
and good cheer to encourage tho
Your woithlea TIRES
are not worthless.
Because vulcanizing puts
new life into them und
addn many more miles to
their capacity.
We vulcanize scientifically
and economically.
Burns Garage
I wlnh to publlcally thank every
member of my nuveral commlttcen
for tholr hearty cooperation which
mado our department at tho fair
tho nplendld nuccenn it wan, ulno Mrn.
Holland for her gencroun loan of fur
niture and ruRH. I ulno want to
thank Mr, McDanleln, Mr. Julian
Hyrd, and Mr. Wlchernon for
their much needed help. I want Mm.
McComh of O A. C. and Minn Larson
to know that their very vltlclent
Judging of exhlhltn In our depart
ment wiih truly appreciated.
Mrn.,W. M. Sutton.
Superintendent of Womann De
partment. o
A. W. (Sowan Hoomn 1 ft 2 l'p
nta;lrn, Hounnevullc, Building,
School Supt. KraiiceH Clark calls
attention to the announcement that
the week of November 1-8, American
Speech Week will again be obnervud
by the nchooln throughout thu coun
try. The piirpono of thu Hotter
Speech Movement In to intercnl
Amcrlcann In "conHervIng our melod
loun KngllHh tongue." .
LOST On tho ntrootn of Hums,
Sigma Chi pin with tho tnltinln J.
P. I. A nultabla reward will bo
given tho party who found it If
brought to thin office 9-25.
Dr. W. H. Heynnldn Chiropratic
nerve npeclallnt. Will bo at the Lev
enn Hotel for .10 dayn, anil will be
pleaned to have Hiiffercm who have
tried other methodn and have not
obtained dcHlred renultH call. Con
Htillatlou and examination free
KOIl 8ALB Now 1920 Model Max
well touring car, bought Aug, 1st.
and drovo from Pennsylvania to
Oregon; three now tiros Addrm
or nee Jonopli Henry, Hlltzcu. Or-
Ron It.
Cordn. I'nlvcml
Adv. tf.
Try Firchtono
KOIl HAhYsHO foot C Inch canine
Universal Oarage Co. 8-H.
Patlentn receive tho bent of raro
at the Hurnn Maternity Honpltal, Mr.
Ientor Wllllam.n, Prop. Adv.
Mm. A. I). Jouen Is now In chnrga
of tho Smth rooming 'houso adjoin-
i lug tho Cole hotel. Sho will b
pleased to mod her many frloiMi
there. C-12tf.
Wo will noon have m number of
buyer for mnna Unit ctum stock
inutrlirji roaMinabljr priced. Gome in
jnml lbt your property Ilnrncy
County Abstract Go.
Wm. Farre
Ircllcc before U. S. Lnnd
department mid
Real Estate
Indications uro that tho
litre of the land will
attract many InvofitorM to
Harney County the com
ing hrMMUi. I.bltlngH now
will be kept heforo pros
pective InvcMom tho en
tiro hcnsou.
The Herman Martz
Wood Saw
Is prepared lo work
Phone No. G104
Kenneth Crozier
cun deliver
Cheaper new than later.
When the preeHt Mtpely
Is exhausted the price
will ralae.-Phone G22F.
Bend & Burns Auto Stage
All Touriiifi Cars
Leaven liurnn every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Special attention given passengers
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable goods,, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in our care given prompt attention
whoa you ordor a glass ot our porfoct
soda. Made juot right, mixed jus!
right and oorved just right It ia a
drink fit for thu gods or tholr do
scuudauta, Sooma llko high pralHo"1
Not n bit of It. Como In any tl"' 1
and put tho matter to n tost. Anil
llflton, U taatOH oven bottor If partak
en In company.
i I