Torrenco MncUwlnov. lord mivnr of PnrW hninu,i ui .. - - f. .1 un,l l,.cd n.8 Bh0 WftB loav,n Drlxton PriBon, wharo alio has daily vtaltetl tho horo for Ireland's freedom. After 20 duy ot hunger striking tho British cabinet, it la roported, liavo mot at J special btut. 11 in rtfgunl to tho MacSwinpy cnao. w wsini: oiiskuvatioxm. . I MclMnleK County Agent. Si tiii ( r) -Sonio Stock. .Some Fancy Work. In other wordH Some Fair. Hurrah for thu Ladles of Harney County They're working NOW on noxt H'trn exhlbltH. Tho same committees In all coin munition hold over, unothor year. We wcro told thnt the nrt exhibit prepared by Mrs. Button and her forp of enthusiastic assistants could hare won at the statu fa.rl a County Agent saw the statu1 xhlbltH and rniyn ho too-ln fad, The fair exhlbltH If he tan accomplish It a Harney Count, exhibit will be lit Balem next v.-ir o give them a run for their bt of men who could have mudo i t l exhlbltH tills hciihoii but wt-r prevented from dotui; ho for u' r 1 "ii or another have promlHed j 1 k t Hietr whoulder to the wjieel iitiil make thu llveittoek ami agrlcul ' exhlbltH e(iial that or prepared liv the Imlle thatn thu nplrlt fel- low go to It. While we are on the Hubject of ex liiblth wo regret to miy that all thu fu'lurex to exhibit cannot be laid at (lie doom or the men hIiico one of the Indies on the committee soliciting ex- MM! for tlin nrt mill iIiiiihihI lr iilunce deparlmeutH was told that th-re "wann't enough In It" Hbadus of our forefathers what a nplrlt. Now t tin the fair Ih out of the way It In time for all to be thinking of getting after tho Jack In order to prelect the fall crops. The lllologlcal Survev has entered Into nu agree ii)m wiili tli County Agent to as- I.. .1 I... .. .... I.. 1. 1 111 iiii m'ii k uy luriiiniillig limn I nl j'i' 'n i" clean up the Oovorn-J ne ut I.,::. Ik bin It Ih up to the hull- viii.iih 10 i Kuii up their private . li'iNMiiLs Ti work will beuln In u i fi-w I,i-. ami wherever the rabbits nr.- rmiiKt gathering In tho valleyH mI ii p- .ire mi taken at once by ll.i- 1, u t i Miieri to cloau thum out 'In- irk wilt he douu under the ill- ritiu of tint county agent and tho' )-t a e -.! to tbu laud tho hiiiiio as done with the squirrels, ir you are interested In ridding your lands of t iese penis you can secure the polso'i or thu county agent at whole- Fall and Winter Dry .Goods Furnishings - Burns Cash Store CASE" nalo HMt and lio will nee tlmt you an given every assistance possible i.i Uu work. Uh cinder and surer to got them whim tho snow Ih on hut , to m.ikit Hiiro tuts begin NOW. Tho attention of all farmer con- . lotnlilatlui; seeding laud to alfalfa It ! called to the fact that representatives of a commercial llacterlu culture firm are In tho fluid In thU county I prepuied to Hell culture to you at a prico ranging uruund 2.00 pur aero. I Th"r" ,M no ro to hollovo that ,he,r K"u" "t ! they claim tor ,l but UH you ,,avu ,'0"1 repeatedly lohl m,roro J'0 can secure culture Ul u,,u,u "roiigin ami virility ll,r0UKn iM omcw r Tom thu Oro. K0" Krtculturnl College direct, for approximately :io coiitH per acre. 11 you nave Ih) .uoiiey to spend and ft llhu initio do that tho ltl;li n rnet. von pay it 1 no nrtlel- 1 butter It Is thou 1U your IiiihIiium and youm only wheru and from whom you purchase your culture. How- "m Jiiht buar In mind that no amount of culture will produce n crop or alfalfa 011 a poorly prepaied seed bed or where water lahlo In maintained at too high 11 level. The County Agent In company with AsKlstaut State Leader of Coun ty Agents F. I., llallard and others will address meetings at the follow ing tlmo and piaces: Cranw, S I. M. October 12; Cat low Valley, Heck ley .School Hoiiho. 4:30 I'. M. October 13; Fields Hta tlou, S 1'. M. October H; Drewsey, 8 1. ,M. October lrt; Silver crook Orange Hall, Sunday, October 17, S I'. M. Kvery 0110 Is Invited to be pres ent. -o- oi,im:st i'ioM-:i:it i,i:av- in; FOit thi: hast "l-'ncle" Joel Howard has finally consented to go eant with his sinter and ulueo to make his home for tho balance of bis davs. He Iiiih lolil ii few close friends that he will never return to llurnuy Valley, not because Iih wouldn't llko to. hut been use h does not bullove during the Hhort spun that Is IiIh to llvo he wll be aide to raturn. Mr. Howard Is 03 years old. "Uncle" Jool Howard Is well known to many old time people ol this vicinity. In thu early 'SU's when the writer was a HinallKoy. this New Stock Shoes, Sox " Leather Vests Sweaters Caps, Hals Shirts, Ties Uncterwear Mackinaws Blankets Auto Robes Traveling Bags Trunks Navajo Blankets old man uncut to drive an ox team lor John Buyers' hiiw mill crow, hulling logs out of the timber to thj ii ill mid InU.i bringing lumber tfow or tin MiHtOiuen.. Mr, llow.ud came to thin part or tho country In I Sill and had allien made thla lih homo, Six yuam ago a Hlnter came out from .tho eiiHt with tho Intention of, taking bur brother back to llvo with her. alio Ih three yearn IiIh Junior. Ho didn't want to go back oiiHt and hIiu would not return without null, ho Hhe took up her nhoilo with him on tho J. M, Daltou farm hIx iiiIIuh out of IluriiH, and had remain- ed there with hlin, Later a daughter ' some time, having contracted tho In came out to eHcort them back to the Unonzn. TIiIh Ih not general, how ramlly home hut Mr. Howard would I over, jiud It Ih hoped there will ho not coniioiit to go ho hIiu returned 1 recurrence of It durliiK the year iih without either ho or her mother, Ito-1 Iiiih been tho ciiho during the piiHt rontly another daughter, Mra, Chain-1 berlaln, of Urooklln, Mass., arrived hero and after much perniiaiilou ln-i duced Itlm to coiiHent to ko hack, They came up rrom the ranch a few days ago but Mr. Howard Ih India-i PohuiI and they have been at the I.ovoiih hIiico awaiting Ii lit recovery before making the Journey. Mr. Howard hi pleaHed, to ho with j IiIh rulatlvoH but Iiiih been ho long In I the It 1 k open country ho wiih loath to leave. t o Would Interfere With Business If tho voters of Oregon will give a moment' MorluuH conitlderntlou to the dmuuKliiK utTuctH of the bill pro poHed to limit tho legal tnteroHt rate to 4 per cent and ft pur cent on con tract, they will vote It down by a big "7- ,l,n 1 '""" ' ir ever a bill has nharp teeth, thU Is It. And ir this hill Ii made .1 law it will do mora t: lcouragj law I real! lug than any previous men:. ore mi .1111 stalito book :. I bmo ivho would borrow monr) in the cIiim or Mtcuriiy wbleh 1 e inauiU (J pur rent, 7 me cent or S per eat will either have to dvb'io the law or not get the loans they must have. If .the law Is traiisgressml bv evasion I lie borrower will have to pay the cost or such ovaiilon In which event his money will cost hint oven more than It otherwho would so that he will be under the double dis advantage or having to break the law and or paying money to do ho. The proof or this assertion lies In the fact Ilia' mime years ago there was a law ivh'ch was to thu effect thut owners of mortitages wero to pay an annual tax thereolii. ' That 'law defeated 'tself for the borrower always had to pay the tax. True he did not pay It direct but It was added to his cost of procuring money. And the name thing will happen to the follow who thinks he can borrow f, per cent or 7 per cmt or S per cent money for I our cnt hecnusu of a law which huu thai I per cent Ih the limit. Money Ik lliiild. Six per cent money will not ho loaned at I per cent no mutter what rldleiiloiiH law may be In effect and If Oregon shuts her doors to money which demands over ft per cunt Htioh money wll go elsewhere for Investment. Callfor nla and WaHh'iigtoii are cIoho at hand ami t liny will be delighted to have us pass hTicIi a law iih thu one proposed. Attorney General Drown has giv en his opinion thut no Irrigation or drainage bonds, which bear C per cent could hu Hold by tho State of Oregon If this measure became a law, Millions of dollars worth of mortg ages drawing In excess of ft pur cent will have to be renewed during thu noxt two or three years, How aro thosu to bo renewed If this tnuasure becomes a law, Not only will Oregon capital bo driven away from the state but outsldo cap ital will be kept away. H thosu who drafted this measure must design lawH wo suggest that they devote their thought to some thing constructive. Laws hucIi uh this one will bring ridicule upon the slate and hamper financial operations most iierloiiHly, Bo In addition lo wrecking atato development driving men who need ed borrowed moiiov to the wall Head ing Htato money Into other slates or the Union to work and build other communities the pernicious five per cent Interest bill would keep cap ital fniu tho outside coining to Ore gon to work for tho advancement or tho Htato. Don't ho misled by thin five pur cunt Interest bill which hoohih of ho much bnnoflt to borrowers or money 011 Uh faco. Look at Its many angles, Consider Just how It would operate, It Ih pernicious legislation, 0 Choor up! All Ih not lost. Civiliza tion, wo admit, Iiiih boon sorely crimped, but tho world Ih dotted with ninny christian nations and a fow christians. ,4 I'UIIMU HOHOOIj ItlOI'OKT Principal Button ban mado n ro i 'l(,rt r public nchonl of IluriiH fr tho month JUHt clomul, It hIiowh 1,11 IncruaHo In onrollmcnt of 21, making a total or 222 onrollod. The j iivoniKo attendance for thu month Ih ""t- ho good an thif former month bo- - 'UMi or u prevalence of coIiIh that nlmoHt opoilomlc In Its character, niaiiy older people being afflicted with It. I Tho huIiooI Ih progressing In a nut j iHfnetory manner, however, except j for the llluoHn, MIhh Ilda UayeH, one f tho teachers, Iiiih been nbsont for two hcIiooI yearn. Tlibi snappy street dresa u it light tan and blue plaid wool. Tho vralst lit nllk duvotyn. Tho cupoJlmtiKH loosely, uttachod to ii wittut liMniMith tho collar. The hunters aro not producing any big bugs of geese or ducks. KHTItAYS Two mules, both hohbl ed mid one with a hell 011, cum to our ranch up the river during Inly ing tlbie. Tho animals are broke. Thu owner should come mid gut them before It becomes necest.iry to feed thum and thus add mi ia peusu. Thu owuur should pay lor this notice. O. I), Builth, Hurua. Oregon o.3 NOTICK TO OltKIUTOHS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned lias been duly appointed administrator of tho estate of Oeorge W. (lutes, deceased, by the County Court of ho Statu of Oregon, Tor Harney County. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, duly veri fied iih by law required, lo 1110 at my residence, lliichaiian, Oregon, or at the olllco of my attorney J. S. Cook, IluriiH, Oregon, within six months from the ditto or this notice. Dated this 9th day or October, 1D2U. J. W. 1IUCHANAN, Administrator o ' .. IN Til 10 COUNTY COUHT OF .TUB BTATB OF OHBOON, For Harney County. In thu matter or tho estuto of Thonius W, Stephens, Deceased. NOTIOB Ih hereby given that, by an order of thu above named court mado and entered 011 tho 8th day of Ociobur 1020, tho uffdorslgncd was appoint od Kxocutrlx of tho Inst will and test Ituunt and estate of thu above named Thomas W, Stephens deceased; and all persons having claims against M A It Y O It I F F I X Itcpubllciiii Candidate For Hchool .Superintendent Save Your Eyes Eye Htrain Cannes headaches, nervoUHiiess mid other trou bles. I lit prlnsHCH accurately and Hclentiflcally. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICK SCHWARTZ Optometrist Olllco with Dr. II. F, Smith o I 1 wftfAfc. , . 1 1 mmm. 1 -f'l 1 i. -1 1 .- 1 A It N H Y Httld eHtato aro notified to prcHont tho mirno, duly verified iih by law rouulrod, to My attornoy, Uoorgo B, Blzomoro, nt IiIh olllco In UuriiH Hnrnoy County Oregon, within hIx months from tho dale of thin notice. ' Dated this Oth day of October 11)20., MILMK FHANOKB I'ATTHItSON Executrix rartloH knowing UiohihoIvoh In debted to Tbomaii W. Btephoim aro reiiueHted to call at tho olllco of Uoo. B. fllzomoro and nottlo tho hiiiiio ut onco. notjcic of im;hmc,tion UNITHl) HTATIOH LAND OFFICIO UuriiH, Oregon, October C, 1020.' NOTICK ih hereby k von Hint Ooorgo 10. Johnson, or Biintox, Ore-1 gou, who, on March 12, 11)20, mado' Additional llomostuud lOntry, No. I 010112, ror BI0V4. BV4NI0W, 8WU NWi,, NKVSBWVS, Section A, Town- ship 23 B., Mango 2fi 10., Willamette Meridian, Iiiih filed notice of Inten tion to make Final threo-year Proof, ' to oHtahllsh claim to the land above! described, before Iteglstor and lie-, culver, at IluriiH, Oregon, 011 tho 11 tit , day of November, 1U20. Claimant mimes iih wltnesHou: Walter Kesslnger, C. A. Gibbons, W. L, Ilcst, mid lOiiimltt Johnson, nil of Btintex, Oregon. V. O. COZAI), Iteglstor. t THIS IS A GENERAL STORE -but- WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD Itt always a fair weather price in our bargain department for (roceriei. Come in out of the rain of profiteer!. We have an umbrella with no lendt in it. It it pockelbooe proof grocery buying, and it your oppor tunity for a jutt return on your money. Kce ear immples fnr made te ertler nulla. Yeu couldn't get fecttar values anywhere at anything like the price. L. E. REED General Merchandise Ladies' Monogram Some Specials Dress Goods Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves Shoes Belts Ties Groceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Vegtables. N. Brown I'jiro Fit For Itont 000 acroH of good pa- turo will plenty of water. Addresa Franchi arlllln, NnrrowH, Oregon. 1 - j Have your watch overhauled. Ktri tho old clock to ticking, get that old 'dcco of Jewelry In wear ley order. . Hnvo your eyes fitted to KcmiIImjc IkIhsmcn, see O. M. HAMHHUIIY 'Jimclci', optician. TIIK MKAT WK HKND YOU will Huroly como up to your oxpocU tlonn. In fact If It in your first order tho is cat will provo a revolution to you In flavor, tuiidurucsi aid Jucl ncss. Wo don't nsk you to take our word for It. Olvu uh a trial ordor mid you'll have the proof. O. - W. CASH MARKES Stationery Here & Sons