The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 09, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    rK Four
T II 10 T I M K H II E It A I. I)
It U R N S
Saturday, October 0, i:ht)
The Times-Jierald.
Hat The Largo! Circulation Of Any
Newtpnpnr In llhrney County.
Onr Yr ....
fliirs Montht
. 1X0!
Siltlllitlty, October I), lli!0
firrtt of November. An orftiuilxiitlou
to bo known iih the County Public
Uonlth AflHoelation linn been effected
to take euro of any matter In con
nection with tttlH work mul It Ih ox
ntiotoil (but tlio inemborH of thta or
niinlKiitlon will uncertain the tiuutl
went In tlio (llfforntit conitnnnttloii URU
(n inu county ami let It bo known In ( iirn:
order that tlio court may act Intolll
Kontly wlion tbo ninttor In placed
beforo It for eonBldorutlon,
The roeular fall term of circuit
court convened on Monday mornlnrc
of thin week. flimirnl Jury trlnlu
have noun bold and tbo court lnn
ImmhuiI upon matterH beforo tbo
Amoni; tbo ciihum dlHpoHod of
County Awont MeDnnlotH olTered a
nnoctal nrlxo for tbo IicmI emmy writ
ten by a hcIiooI boy or lrl on "Why
Harney County .Should Have a Fair."
Tbo following waH awarded the prize
and wan written by. Krancoa DoiloKan
dauKliter of Mr. and Mra. J. J. Don.
A county fair createM IntoroHt from
AccordliiK to Information brought
back recontly by a delegation of
JluniM cltlruns to Portland, the time
is ripe for some railroad cotiHtructlon
In tbo Central Oregon country and
we Hbould take advantage of It.
There Ih a dlapoHltton upon tbo parti the hiiiiiIIohI boy and ulrl to tbo old
of thoHo In charge of affairs that ajont man and woman. The children
move Hbould bo mado to brljig more are concerned ohleNy with the
tonnage to the traiiHportatlon lines nuiUKomout offered ; lint tbo exhlbltx
nail bring a greater production to the In which they take part teachOH them
Idle landH of the country by the two' to do their beiit. Older people are
working In harmony. TIiIh Ih our ' IntoroHtod not only for ammuHoniont,
opportunity. Wo aro going to liuvo'liut for graver economic problem.
our Irrigation project completed with
In u reasonable (lino iih noon iih the
tramiportallou compaulcH can ar
range for the noccKmiry exteiiHloiiH
The fa'.r Ih. primarily, for tlio
rancher. It HtlmulittoH agricultural
growth. The farmer workH to have
his produce, which bo will enter In
Strike; the exhibit, of the hlghcHt grade.
mi It Ih time that nil get buoy.
while the time Ih right. Oo after. Me Ih proved by romtiotltlon to brum!
thlngH wbon wo are all In tbo Hnrnujtho bent lire Htock for tlio nntrlcH.
Mil leu and liavi tho backing of tho Higher price aro received for the
right peoplo nnd have a united or-, bettor breeds of live tock and im thl
Dr. 0. C. Orllllth vh. Oolden 0.
Hrady, Hiilt to recover money on ac
count, tho Jury brought lit a verdict
for tho plaintiff In tho mini of $47fi.
Drog AHtorgulol vh, A. 10, Drown,
Harry and (llonti Drown, for damage,
tbo Jury found for tho defendautH.
Wlnnlo Wlckort vh. Win. Duttler,
replevin of property, Jury returned
a verdict for defendant. -
TIioh, and Leu Vlnkem vh. ThomiiH
Hill, forceful entry and detainer, tho
Jury found for plalnllffH.
Juno Ingernol wiih granted n di
vorce from Dell IngerHoll.
A criminal milt Ih under coiiHldera
Hon today In which Frank McDurney
Is acciiHod of killing n cow, the pro
perty of the HiiHteru Oregon Live
.Stock Co, It wont- to tho Jury III In
There aro one or two other crim
inal ciihch net for trial during the
term and a lew civil huIIh yet on tho
docket to dlHpoHO of.
Dint. Ally. Hlzemore Hinti'H the
court Ih going to empanel another
grand Jury to take up inattora be
fore adjournment.
tlonal (luiiril company, nnd nerved
an regimental commlnmtry Horgeaut
of tho Idaho trdnpn on the Mexican
Dorder In 1010. Ho leavoH WcdhoH
day evening for Vancouver Darracka
to report for duty. Payette Entor
prltto. O-"
Fair Premium Winners
Are Not Axeilablc
Tho LadloH Aid of tbo Prenbyler
Ian Church will moot at my- homo
Wodnondny,"6nl, flJ, 3: AO J. M.
Mm, W. M. Sutton, I'roHldont.
FA DM WANTr3D:I want to 0nr
from party having farm for hhI,
Olvo price nnd description, John
W. Wnlt, Champaign, IIIIiioIh.
10- 2t.
n- 1 1 rfiirTTTTi
ganUatlou to work through.
la chiefly a stock raining country,
the conununlty would bo made more
The farmer who Iiiih become din-
Tho roontv onnrt nmul ...,..).. ' """" u.wuniKuu i,y mo X.
o know there Im a demand for tl.e,,,l,l,18 f M i','",'r- " '.er
county nurHo before aid will bo fnr-i ,,wo,,.,w lmVo ralH",, ""' VM
nlHl.ed from that source toward ur lK'cU"T' """"
work. There Ih audi a number of nw,," ,',,7ml' wlU' n" o
thlnga requiring public aid that It H'l wrk. Thu farmer who
In cumin the board more or s Iohh ' !',"K "", .!" "' 11 ru,v , by
uiu i'.iiiiiiim m progroHi.
Social' recreation, especially for
farmer' families, Ih provided by (bo
nonoeru and the taxpayers ara going
to iiMumo the respoiiHlblllty or plac
ing more expense upon thcuiHelvoH.
This at loriHt. seems to be the attl.
.Miss Cecil Suhreyer, a ropresenta
tlvu of the Stnto Dureau of Nurnlug.
under whoso supervision the com
munity nurses are taken ean of, was
In this county for Hnveral days last
week. She made luvstlgatlon of con
ditions mid askd what would bo done
In the matter of continuing tho work
that Iiiih been started anil financed
' fur by tjie State Tuberculosis Ah
HiM'lat lun. Miss Schreyor desired a
rouuty organization to take up the
nuttier of the public health mireo
and see what the sentiment was In
regard to the county assuming the
Till Is ti new iluinrtiirn In 1I1U
jirt of the cpuntry but It Ih one ofl ''" '"!arUly
the Important advancement Ideas '
lliat wo should take advantage of.
'Ilio propar cere of the children has
long been i,oglectod. It has been
mown from cbs.iru loos since Hi
time wo ciImthiI into :iu- big worir.
rar tlu li m of vital Importance in
the future of the human race that we
' gtvu lh chlldrun butter attention.
Tho Hud Cross ban opened the way
for this work and It Is up to par
nuts and school authorities to fol
low out the Hue of work Htartvd by
this big organization.
The people In general of this coun
ty am favorable to the proposition
of a public health nurse. Hspeclally
Is this true of school authorities
and the teachers, as well as Individ
uals who have given the subject con
sideration. However, there Ih some
opposition that must bo considered.
If n more thorough understanding
wero had of the dutloH of the com
munity nurse It would bo of benefit
In overcoming thin predjudlce. Some
tioom to think It her duty to do act
uul nursing where she Ih called up
on, but this Ih not the case, She
will go on In an emergency for a cer
tain period but thin Ih not general
pinl she Ih not permitted to remain
on private canon an unreasonable
longlh of time iih she must dovoto
hor time to tbo entire county. Shoi
U more In the capacity of advisor1
nnd teaober than as a iiurne to take
particular ciibj'ji.
Already much support has boon
forthcoming In tho nature of letters,
potltloiiH and resolutions from the
teachers ami different sources In tho
motility, recommending tho work go
on and that tho county assume tho
expense. TIiIh will require an Item
of Homo $3,000 plus the price of a
Tord car to bo Inserted In the county
budget to be acted upon, Tho sum
named Ih not salary alone; tho nurse
Is expecting to recelvo ? 1 10 per
month and tho balance of tho
amount Ik for the upkeep of tho car,
oxpuiiKOH In going about over tho
county, aupplloH, printing, etc. Thorn
pre certain chartii and pamphletH
uoceHvary in the work that must bo
takou carp of.
Tho demand for this work Hbould
fair. It brings them In contact with
people outulde of their narrow Hcope,
who live under dlirerent coiiiIIHouh.
When people congregate, they ex
change their Ideas and opinions,
which glvuH uueh one a broader out
look on life. ,
Kcouoinlcally the community Is
benefited. Visitor from outside the
county and slate are'lnterested, dot
only In the exhibits, but In the land,
ami natural rescources of the county.
The Interest iipreadH, calming atten
tion to be directed toward the laud.
This causi'H laud speculation, bring
lug In more people to nettle and de
velop the country. Harney County
needs thin settling and development.
A county fair promoting this should
supported by every
Tho following clipping from a I'oy
ettu paper mentlonn a former Har
ney county boy. Capt. Lyiid wan nt
ono tlmo a resident of this noctlon
whore Jils father had a ranch and H. Hlbbard.
the boy worked for a while at the 1 Ithode Island
Island Itanch of the P. L. S. Co. Peabody.
Capt. Lyud'H wife Ih a hlster to Mrs. i
(Continued from page ono)
Cow iiny ago, Harley HotchklHH.
limit Crude' cow any ago, L, Mace,
1st, Phil Smith, 2nd.
Dent male calf tinOr one year,
Phil Smith.
r.est Heifer calf under one year,
lilt, Phil Smith; 2nd, L, Mace.
Sheep Mnt'inos
Ham 2 ycarH or over, T. Caldwell,
1st; F. King, 2nd.
Hwo lamb, T. Caldwell, IhI; C. A,
MuMahnu, 2nd.
Dam lamb, C. A. McMaion, 1st.
Flock, C. A. Mc.Mahou.
Oxford Downs
Dam 2 yearn ami over, Dam lamb,
Kwo two years and over, Hwo lamb,
Flock, Dr. L, K, Hlbbard,
HogH DrrkMilres
Dent matched team, over 2400,
Dent 4 home team over 2800 Ceo.
Poultry Turkeys Host pen
Chickens Oregous Dest pen, Dr. L.
Into the
Wo invite you al! to call and get acquaint
ed and inspect the store.
You will find Prompt and Courteous Atten
tion at all times.
Mail Orders will receive prompt attention,
shipped out same day order is received.
If we haven't what you want, we will get it.
C. O. PERRENOUD, Manager
Successor to Welcome Pharmacy
Iteds, Mm. Dalpb
Obll Shattuck.
After an examination taken at
Vancouver DarraikH In .Inly InM.
Win. K. Lyml Iiiih been appointed
first lleutenaul In the Air Htrvlcw
regular army, being the only ojih
from Idaho to be commissioned an n
flying olllcer In the Air Service.
Lieut. Lyml was a second lieuten
ant of the old 2nd Idaho Infactrv
and sailed for France In 1917 iih i
first lleutenaul of the Htith Field
Artillery, Shortly after arriving In
France he was detached to tin; Air
D. C. Kellh, field secretary of the.
Oregon Slate Detail Merchants As
sociation, was hero during Hie week
from Port land and Interested several ,
local dealers In taking out a inein-'
horshlp In the organisation. This
association Is for the mutual benefit
of the members and It Ih hoped tint
local men will avail themselves of .
thesV benefits. The firms or Hums
who hnveUakeii out membership are; i
A. Ottlngor. proprietor of the
Farmer Exchange. Is up from bis
San Francisco home looking after his drome on tho Dhlue. ami remained In
bUHlnoHs Inter! In this city. Mr. the Army . or Occupation until he
Ottlngor came In by way or Demi brought his squadron out to sail
and ban been taking thlngH quiet for home In July I9H, as Hie last
since his arrlvnl. However, he Is A r Serv'c nnlt to leave the A. K. F.
not going to remain quiet during the We reel particularly Interested In
rest or bin stay as he InteudH to try the career or Lieut. Lyml iih he Iiiih
bin luck with the bird shooting some made his home In Payette for the
time the coming week. Mr. Ottlnger past Hve years while not In the ser-
queHtlotiH his caller about the ruture vice, and considers this his home,
of this part of the country and os- He was admitted to the bar of Idaho
Service and after passing through The Times-Herald, Lunaburg. Dal
various aerial and gunnery schools. , ton & Co., Hum Cash Store, C. II.
both French and American, was an Voegtly, I. 8. (leer & Co., N. Drown
Instructor In the largest Amvrlcau A Hons. Deed Dros , Home Drug Co,
AMutiou center overseas. Farmers Kxcbange.
After much prellmuary imtilinf. '
Lieutenant Lyml went to the Front j ,
as Operations Olllcer of tho first "V" ' """ '""J""
American equipped squadron to fly
over the lines, the KlCth Aero Squid,
rou being equipped with the famous I
Liberty motors, and participated In
two major engagements, St. M'hlei;
and the Meuse-Argouue.
At the, close or hoslllltloH. Lieut ,
Lyml wiih promoted to l he rank of'
Captain and given command of the
Sfith Aero .Squadron which he look
Into ConiiMiiy. establishing an air-
For Your Table
Community Plate
There are many inferior grades of silverware rn
the mnrkct, and it is difficult for the average
housewife to detect the difference at the time of
. purchase.
We tell you the exact quality of our silverware
and guarantee it to be exactly as we state.
You can buy from us with every assurance of
safety and economy.
I. S, GEER & CO.
m ' 1 " " "---
pecialiy the irrigation project. He
noes a great ruture with the reser
voir In uud tho water properly
handled, but until this I done he
dojm not reel JtiHtiried In making fur
ther InvestmontH or enlarging his
business activities.
last Juno and we had hopes of a
brilliant legal career for him, but
feel confident that an he Iiiih chosen
the Army iih a life career, that he
will make a success or that.
At one time Lieut, Lynd was a
member of Company I, tho local Na-
Do you want $5 in Groceries?
We will GIVeW to you FREE!
If you can guess how many coffee
beans are in the bucket in our window
TERMS: No Person connected with the
Farmers Excha nge allowed to guess.
We Stake Our Reputation
On The Service We Render
Wo wonder if you know how well we really try
to serve you. 11ake our tires for instance: We soil
you the best tires we know of
of course
Then we show you, by aclvico and actual assist
ance, just how to take care of your tires, so they will
yield to you the last mile built in them.
We render this valuable and expert SERVICE
because we know it will bring us both the best satis
faction in the end.
Our SERVICE AFTER SALE is best for you,
and because it is best for you it is best for us. Wo
run our business on that basis,
Our helpful tire SERVICE will increase your
mileage. It costs you nothing and saves you money.
Universal Garage Co.
Come in and guess free of charge
No limit to amount of guesses
Children guess with each purchase
First Prize $3.00 in trade
Second Prize $2.00 in trade
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
uu in tuu iiamiu or mo court ny mo :