The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 09, 1920, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    t II IS T I IN 10 l) . II 10 It A I( 1) It V It N 8 , II A It N 13 V 0 0 V N T V , 0 It
Vnmi Throe
If Ilic ;r 1 J. rtsttlvo mio ol
n j - I ituili. .ice il, wu four tlio rap-'
litn'loi'M ni' many or our politicians
will litivo (o go buck, ta l(o a hath,
fumigate, iui(t,iitiirt nil ovor again.
Why do some pooplo wear furs on
u hot Hiiiniiior ady, you iihU? Vrry
simple. It'u about tli o only way
Ihuy can lnduco other pooplo to not
Ico tliotn, how that honlory displays
aro liofoN'nK a drill? In (ho nmrkol.
Oh, no, Hioho Hour (.'rprciMjoiu uru
not huhltual. Handing out allhlu nf
tur u primary hi not half as oxhlllar
utlng iih spending tlio salary hufori
you aro olootod.
i vrritm ntinr'Ait
Wo advhto ovory iniui and woman
(o oxeorclso tholr inalienable right of
frnnchlHO and voto oxactly an thuy
House hit tho coining national oloo
llon. Hut wo hopu thuy plomio to voto
an wo do. '
x -
Kill That Co id With
The McAlister Trio
Tuesday evening, Oct. 19
The first of a series of six numbers provided
for by a Lyceum committee of Burns citizens.
Attractive rates for season tickets
will be offered thoce desiring the advantage of
these high chss entertainments. Watch for
definite announcement of pi ices next week.
Music : Lectures : Dramatics
The opening number is musical, consisting of
vocal, piano and cello. Th6y are described as
comprising an ideal Artists Trio.
" Tin.
La Grippe
NtRlectcd Cddo Dro Dcngorous
Tnko no clmncoti. Keep 1Mb otnndar J romcdy Pnmty fcr ihu nint uniioio.
Ilfcnha up a cold l. 74 bourn Rrllevto
Orlppo In 3 dayoCxectJor.t fct Hcmlacha
Qiihilnn In tlili form I'orn ret affect tlio hcuJ Caticarn la luct Tonic
Lnxntlve No Oplata In Illlt'o.
WHAT -you lose
TV thru baking failure
must be added to baking
costsit has to be paid for.
Calumet Baking Powder
will save you nil of that Be
cause when you uno It- there aro
no failures- no lostcn. Every bak
ing is awect and pnlntablo and
lays moist, tender und delicious to
tho latt tasty bite.
That's a big savingbut
that isn't all. You save when
you buy Calumet unci you savo
when ydu tiao it.
fSXS?) At Lerly Theater
8 rxrr o
,n.r v,
r K r an .vcAivMTfmworitia Record JMv.
J tlon
Worlds Record
tlon muiuiH u butter nmrkot.
Ko, Wllllnm, tho hiiHtlur novor
waltH for opportunity. Hu nmkuH It.
I'ooplo who aro connldurcd 'lucky
uro Konurally found to ho plucky In-Htimd.
Don't toll your huHhund "you told
hint ho." U'h KnllhiK oiioiiirfor hltn
to roruonihor, without IioIiik riuiilml-
. r. ii
It is reasonable in cost and
possess mnre tlian the or-
dlnarylcavHdnijiir. neth. You pay
lew und use lets. You ct Ihe iik st
in purity, dependability and whole,
In every way it is the
tvowdcr has hept it Ihatvonte
of tnilliona of lioujewivos iw more
thml thirty years.
Poiiml can bi Calumet ' . , U
Wnz. Some bii.'tir ,7 ii
T2o2.iniia(roTtr ;.c .u .:;r'.
11. kfVWmm WH,.I4I. 4W 4 . .H Iff IM
Raijcupof butter,
i uvyiy wiy u 15 Hie CS'ctpa uranu.
ist way to keep down bale- mJS'iSl
IC costs. 'That's u lint Ims mmle it S 8 f "p?',i,r-l ?
o world's bluest wr it U Kin,; O J"', KV,,1I
jijmot Halt inj:
ij rj ixiwif r, i tr.i.
L jri 'ion lomnti,
Suntlilne Cm a
uacipa j
I' 111,- n .tx n tij
LOktiN, rriuwcHESOri -SPRirffTEfy "BPUTU
- wwi oxiri rex n ) O 3
Record- cmamr flu-fiPooND MEreuR oru.3. runoi r;
nr.. jluruo -t,jwanl .ntwnrp.. JIqli;mm. wiiuro Amorini'H liotit iro conlldontly lookinc to
i,Jifi,V Itor.iirw Hojin- ot tlio I'ttcnnl-liru'tihorw and hopofulo.
IM) i si:i,l. ON
A northwest farmor was harvest
lir i loni; auo tJt wu'U sultr
At.,-1. t 'ay; thh tompuraturo wr.j tli.- hundred mark. Juat as tlu
farii-r, who, by tho way, waH a ton
(tut, ciiio into tho burn yard with
aiioihiT loud of hay, tho county afjent
droy up in his car, acconipunIodby
two ,ovlal folIowH who xuomcd to bo
fi;oyniB tho afternoon's rldo.
'I'ho county aKnt asked for tho
farmor'H son, who happoned to ho
pn culi nt or ono of tho boys and
BlrlH1 club projocts. A word was
lu I an to tho condition of tho
crop,, a Klnuco taken at Homo Duroe
Jurw iH. and then tho party loft for a
iiolghborliiK town. j
'That chap mi rely linn llttlo ubo
for ino," romarkod tho county aont.
UilnkH tho county uontH aro a
iim (.. s j()t u,j t)jUt wo ujijjjjt bettor
!'' Mff litnij hay."
munty uKont ruallzod bin op
Iiomd,,,,, iut j,,, WH n,,0 W()rrQ,i, JJ
''"' oi.iidoiico Ji his work, faith In
iiMiity to aid tho farinom In tho
sn,T,il projocts uudor way, umoiij;
Utt . - a
which wuro two pig elubs, ono Short-j outsldo world. II In work roaches
horn club, forestry project, craln throo oiassos, tho fanner, his wlfo, his
(taudarillzatlou projoet, and thruo chlldrou. In hoiiio placitH a npeelal
ithor projects .uudor consld.gratlon, ; homo doiiiomitnitlon, aopt loohu uf
Ills wa1 (ho typical county atpiitt's not tor tho liuprovomout of household
of problems. Ho was faithful to his
tasks, well prepared, with tilt yoara
agency oxporluneo behind him lln,
hud lived and worked on a wcntorji j
farm in his boyhood. i
In spltu of all this ho was chiillnn-!
Kad, not openly, hut In a suspicious I
problems, and a special hoys' and
Kirls' worker cares for tho interests
of tho youiiKStorH,
Tho county uKont bus been an im
portant factor In tho orKunlzatlon of
tho county faruibureuus. Ho has
fostered In many eases projects that
way. Ho was doubted, not by tlio 1 will lead to tho relief of tho farmer's ,
many, but by u fow f armors who had
llttlo uso for "now fanglod" Ideas.
Tho 'caso just cited might brim;
tlio question as to tho worth of tho
county agent. Is ho worth his hlro?
Just what aro his duties? Dues ho
earn his salury?
In tho first pluco tho county agent
In a reprcsoutatlvo of tho statu agri
cultural collego and tho United States
dopartmout of agrieulturo.
tho agency created by law
tipruadlng of agricultural Information
among tho folks of tho county.
Tho county agent goes among tho
pooplu, carrying useful Information
marketing probloius, In some coun
ties ho has assisted In'thu. formation
of cooperative milk associations or
in the work of tho wheat growers,
Today with every movement or
ganized, with labor and capital thor
oughly organized, It Is up to tho
fariuur to unite with his fellow farm
ers In t plan for the benefit of all.
Tho unit for such organization Is
Ho Is around and through tho farm bureau;
for tho tho spirit of tho farm bureau Is tho
county agent.
If you want to bo a luminous farm
or instead ot tho man hanging on to
"misery" market, consider carefully
The Ford Sedan with electric starting and lighting system and
demountable rims with 3-in'ch tires all around", is the ideal family
car because of its all-around utility .and refined and comfortable
equipment. Finely upholstered. Plate glass windows. An open car
in the spring, summer, and early fall. A closed car in inclement
weather and winter. For theatre parties, for social visiting, for
louring, and for taking the children to school, it is just what you
want. The low cost of operation and maintenance is not the least
of its charms. A regular Ford car, simple in design, strong in con
struction, and durable in service. Won't you come in and look it over?
The comforts of an electric car with the economy of the Ford.
vhat tho county agent and tho farm
.jolatod farmer hu Is a breath of tho bureau mean to you. Tholr coopera-
from ono farm to another. To tho