Harney County's (Intbrr N nn nsM't for limned lata cxploltn (lun MM should be. turning It nut to aid la the recount ruc tion work of tho nation. In uwtlgato this virgin fteld. Harney county's rcsconrccn art) attracting (lio attention of entire, West. Irrigation, stock raising, mines, oil ami gas pro npecta and agriculture-all awaltlHK development. VOL. XXXIII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON OCTOBERS 1920 NO. 49 BURNS DELEGATION GETS ACTION NO BIRD BILL Facts Placed Before Oregon State Chamber; Papers Take up Fighl. Wllllnm Ilnnloy. Tod Hnyos, Juntos Doncgnn anil Sum Mothers lii'iul loft hero ItiHt Sunday morning (or Portland. At tho time of thulr departure there wan very few who know tho object of tho trip, hut It tins sit re developed that thuy woro before tho uxocutlvu comtulttuo of tho Oregon State Chamhor of Com incrro for n contlnuouu session of a couple of days or more and that dur ing their May In the motropollit thoy had the prlvllego of uttondliiR u Northwest Hivers and HarhorH con Tontlon. The latter la something now for a bin dry Interior country to take part In but It Id qulto appar ent that thoy wero recognized as thuru was a resolution Introduced and favorably acted upon endorsing tho movement to tie up tho "dead tills" of the railroads lu Central Orogon. Tho primary object of the trip won to place tho real factH concerning tho proponed Roosevelt Hlrd Heftige before tho Stato Chamber of Com rnnrre and tho citizens of Portlnnd, This wnti nccompllHbod. Tho news papers of that city, with tho possl bio exception of tho Telegram, will from thin time until election give thu real facta concerning thin foolish bill and uho their Influonco to de feat It Addition Hennctt, tho well known writer for thu Oregonliin, emtio back with the delegation hint evening and will gather first hand Information for publication In that paper. Thu fiMlnrx of thu Journal have signi fied their iutdutlon to glvo tho mat ter publicity and Invite contributions from this section showing tho trun itate of affairs. It appears that Mr. Flnloy con tinues to misrepresent tbo conditions and Is determined to have the voters of Oregon give to the reservo valu able la? ds l ha mean thousands upon thousands of dollars to tho tchool children of tho ntnto and fur ther than that retard tho develop ment of thousands of acres of land that vhould have the honoflt of water for Irrigation. j When tho Hums tnon placed the nrtunl farts hoforo thu people down j there they readily saw it would bo dang. roiiK to cedo theno lands and ( the lake lo tho government under "i" 1'iiilltlonH iirovldcd In tho pro poned bill because It might cause' complications. ' j The fact that tho fltnto Land Heard sees thu dunger of this bill j nnd the further fact that the loach-! rs of the schools of Hnrney county i fcavo entered protests against this proposed inemuro shows conclusively that It has the opposition of tho very; people who nro best qualified to stand for the rights of thu ncIiooI fh'i'lren of this state. Those iihould r'ven heed. Vr Hcnnntt Is going to visit tho I ' i "l get fiftunl Information, to " r with photon t.o hack up hi O)..., . 1 OltMKIt HKJII SCHOOIi (H1. MAimiHD I rlonds n ISurns havo rocolved nnnounromont of tho mnrrl.'iKO of MIhi Milan Hendricks to Wllllnm It. Hoofer which occurred at South nond, Wash., on Oct. 2. Tho announ cement Htatcs tbey will bo nt homo after Dec. 16 nt 1039, 16th St. N., Portland. Tho hrldo is n very, charming y.ung ludy who Bpont bor school !avH In Ilarnoy county, bolng a dau ghter of tho Into O. O. HondrlckH. After graduating from tho Harney county high school she wont to Port land and took a courso in nursing, holng one of tho honor students ut the tlmo of her registration an n gruduato nurse of this state, She ban s'neo devoted hor tlmo to her br 'chsIoii nnd has been very .nuc f'll Sho In capublo In hor lino f f v.rrk nnd many pooplo of HuniH f"'l t pcrionnl obligation to hor for nir,f.jt work. Thoy fool Hho Ib en titled to a life of JmpplneBs and con tentment In her new sphere. x ADAM GKOHOK OUKW GIIA1N , 'ON LAKK I1HI YKA11H ADO Tho display of onts and barley grown on tho Malheur Lake bud by 0. II. AiiRiuuH thin season has re minded Adam Uoorgu of tho success ful crop ho rained In tho name neigh borhood Homo whore hack about 1804. lie said he rnlsod hurley that wont 100 bushels to tho aero ami oats that yielded exceptionally well, also wheat that threshed hotter than 45 hUHhels. IIu had no binder at that time and ho had to cut tho crop with, a mowing machine and raku It up thu name as hay. o KEEP OREGON LAND IS ENGINEER'S PLEA Cession of Big Malheur TJact To U. S. Would Mean Serious Loss to State. Salem, Or. Oct., 7. -(Special to Tho Oregonlait)- Passage of tho following results: measuro ceding to tho United Stntoj President, J. C. Cecil, Suntex; Vlco government many thousands of I President, Donald llotchkiss, Hums; acres of land In tho Malheur lake. Treasurer, R. J. Wllllamn, Suntex; district to ho utilized as a bird rof- Secretary, L. K, McDanlels, Hums, uge. would cause a loss to thu stato I K,t,cutvo Hoard, K. II. Ilnthrlrk, of Oregon estimated at not less than B)U(h Knd. 0rfmt ThoinHO ,,r,nco. $300,000, according to a statement . lmi ,, MUth of Mn,10Ur Uko. Issued today by Percy A. Cupper,' 0t0i Uniting. Ilurns; John Hunter, state onglncor. in response to an up.;anr,K Cruok. j,h Hmth( Km,Kranl peal made recently by B. W. Nelson , Cm)k. Tom C,)V(!llu,f calamity; of tho United States biological sur- Knr HZf ,nw)tl( Crnm)( u, orlh voy In which tho latter urged approv-of ukt,. chn(, (Jwm)Mf Slvft(, uvor. al of tho bjll as nn economic mens- A K T,pto( ClltoWt Jftck Cruok. uro. Tho proposal to cedo these lands j j,Mt (jonny i)r0wsny. to tho government will go before the . ... .... ... , ... .a ., , ,, A committee foils sting of Dr. voters at tho general election In Nov- ,, , , ,.,,, ... , , v.. .. . omuor Hlbbard, Phil Smith, John Illggs, Pat Cecil, nnd ('litis. Hyrd, was appointed "At Hi recent state fair grain was , , r,.,irw M1,U,,I(, hylavln ,, ,.on. exhibited which was grown within ( Htltutinu for consideration at the thu meander Hue of. Malheur lake," fna r;.Kll,Hr Iia0nK to ,, ,,,,, Mt said Mr. Cupper's statement. ''This ,,urflH 10 A M , flrsl marAL. grain attracted considerable atten tion and severed effectively to dis credit the assertion that this land In valueless f una. an agricultural stand point If It Is of valui for tho pro duction of marsh grans It must be of n'ore valua fo. the production of srnlr. and klndrel product?. Much Hay Now Produced "If tho Malheur bird refuge meas ure passes thin land will be deeded to the federal government and removed from the possibilities! of taxation. It ban been estimated that at least .10,- i 000 of thu 47,000 acres In thu bed of tho inok are adapted to agricultural purposes. ' This laud, if disposed of at $10 an nere, would net the statu school fiiiidn approximately $1100,000 Tho fact that 7000 toiw of marsh hay 1 1 nttlin 111 nrs (Whit ffnill llllu firtflfi would seem conclusively to prove that tho Malheur bird refuge mens Ln m h. ' uro seeks to glvo thu federal govern ment a valuable asset which proper ly should remain stato property. "According to Information rocelv od from tho engineer of tho Harney basin Irrigation district, which In cludes approximately 82,000 acres of .1 . .. . . . land in imrnoy county, mo irrigators; A ,,,otB was hold nt thu Com of that section are almost a unit ! n,orca ciuti rooms In this city thu agalUHt tho moauuro. Tho engineer. roro ,mrt of UlH wnok j0 uIhruhh tho advises that he rocontly visited nor-, (rm,uj0 f n county lloalth Ah: lions of tho Malheur luko district ami . found oxcullunt cropH growing within tho moauder lines. ' Hoard Against Proposnl "It would seem to be a sorbins Knmo exout, at least to net as nil ad; nlutako on tho part of the ntnto to nlvory hoard. glvo this body of valuablo land to f MHH (Jccll S(.,royor, n roprosouta tho federal governmont, particularly . tlV(, of tll0 H(Ht0 nrcnU 0f Nursing when wo taku Into consideration tho - WUH ,,r0Heiit and explnlned tho duties fact that any plun which so far ban of HUch organization, wheroupon boon considered for tho reclamation i 10 foioWjnB olllcers woro elected: of tho bod of Mainour lake, would ir0Hltlt)nt. Cnpt. llobt. M. Duncan, provldo for tho diking of a lurgo areaj urns. VIco i.r0sidont, Mrs. Kdlth which could nnd should bo mal"''"',,,, Lawon; socrotury, Miss od an a bird reiiorvo, I hollove those j AuRllHttt mouIIoii, Burns; trounuror, who doslro to seo tho moasuro du- K Wnlu(.0, crane. Community featod nro nlmoBt to a man fuvorablo vJ(,(J ,,roHlt,ontH. Mr, w. M. Sutton, to tho maintenance of a part of Mai-, IJurnH. Mr8 A, h. Curry, Crano; hour lako as a bird rosorvo. h, l. Davis. Drowsoy; Mrs. Doll "Tho stnto land board, composed DofunbaUBh, non0. of Oovornor Olcott, 8tMy of, romnmot Julian llyrd, I1 i.?, .i Hums, chairman; D. M. McDado, llllu, nun iiiij juiintiii.tii.ii i.fu, lands and has gone on rocord In op position to giving Mnlhuur lako to tho government." : o Mr. and Mm. 8. Alberflon and Mr. nnd Mm. Moseloy uro hero' from the Alborson Miction. Tho boyu havo boon ia!(ln,r their chanct-h with tho "am" of a secret order whllo in town and from thojr appoaranco they haven't had any of the worst of tho doal. HARNEY COUNTY STOCK MEN ARE ORGANIZED Association FormcdS nturday Night; Officers Elected; Meet Again Nov. 6. tTho Stoekmou of Hnrney County met at thu Ihirint Coiuuiurclnl Club rooniH last Saturday evening on a call of County Agent L. 10. MoDuiilolii fur the purponu of organizing a live stock association embracing alt thu llvostock growers of tho county. After bulng called to order by Mr. MoDnnleln who In hrluf talk out lined the aim and purpose of tho pro posed association which Included mothods of marketing, cooperation, purchase and supplies, range pres ervation, Isnuanco of brand book, etc. Dr. Hlbbard was provaled upon to act nn temporary chairman, after a short talk by Dr. Hlhbnrd on tho necessity of such n organisation tho election of officers was hold with tho rday , In November ut the Commercial rooms. Tho Secretary was Instructed to secure cost on a county brand book for submission at that time, Although this meeting had boon advertised for weeks and the stock men been notified to ho present (here were two other conflicting meetings at tho Club rooms on the Hjimu evening which caused more or loss confusion. It Isn't often the cttse but this was one when there wasn't room ei'ough to house thu meetings scheduled. However, following oth er meetings the stockmen finally got logo! her hut because of several hnv liiK left the building before the mold ing was called to order It was de rided to brug the election of olllcers P ' the next mooting for further 1 oiiHiiieraiiou nun rouuciuioii. i inn meeting Is to bo held on the first Saturday in November anil .should have first consideration with all con cerned. o HAKNJvV rou.vrv HKAIril ASSOCIATION H0,lt0ll to W(,rj connection with the publin health jiurso. It In, the ohjerjt of thin organisation lo direct Uio work of, tho community nursq, to Iluruni ltov. Fnthor Francis, Hums; Mm. Cady, Crano; Dr. Donman, Crano; C. W. Drlnkwator, DrowHoy; Mrs. Dane, Drowsoy; Mm. Doll Dof enbauKh, J. CHoutty, Donlo. Kovoral commltlooa nro to )io np jiolntod, tho Important ono bolug tho numlng oominlttoo, nnd theso will bo mado puhlle an noon an they nro available through tbo 'association Hccretary.' BODY OF MAN FOUND BURIED IN SAND PIT Nothing Found to Ide.it if y Him; Cauate of Death a Mystery; Murder? While oxcaynting in tho sand pit Just west or thu comutory on last Saturday evening, Win, MeKluiils un earthed thu remains or a human be ing. He wns engaged in hauling sand for the masons nt the new hos pital when ho unearthed tho skele ton and ho nt once reported It to the authorities. On Sunday morning Coronor Clov onger empaneled a Jury nnd togeth er with the County Physician, Dr. Smith hold an Inquest. Further ex cavation brought more of tho re mains to the view of those present but wo understand the entire re mains were not leeated. The head and trunk, with .the legs were found but the hands were not found, The flesh had entirely decomposed and there wan nothing found to Identify the remains. Ho was a medium siz ed man with light or rod hair, woro wery good clothing and had evident' ly died with bis hat on his head, One leg bono was found broken but no other evidence showod that tho man had met his death through foul play. Som silver coins were found about tho rornulns, 46 cents in all, one hearing the date of 1012. A red bandana handkerchief, white handl ed pocket knife, a package of tobacco some cigarette papers and matches were also found. The Jury returned a verdict of an unknown man who hnd met death ! from an unknown ruun at an un known time, but it was Hie opinion thu body had been there for nt leant five years. Speculation as to who thu man was and how ho met death, has been In dulged In by several of our citizens but no solution of thu mystery has come to bo taken as right. Some think the man was murdered and burled where thu body was found; others suggest that ho might havo boon Intoxicated and wandered out thoru nnd died from exposure; an other theory in that tho man may have been walking on tho embank ment when it raved off and In tho fall the leg was broken nnd thu sand covered him so completely that ho: smothered. Citizens of Ilurns, Including W. , W. (Jould and J. W. Buyer, both of ; whom wero on the coroner's Jury, re call tho disappearance of Frank llur man, a homesteader who used lo re side In the vicinity of thy. Narrows, about flvo years ago. Mr. (lould was then In the post otllco and said the man used to frequent tho olllce, hut disappeared and ho nnd others Inter ested themselves In locating him hut novur did gat any clow ns lo what hail became of him. This may have somo connection with the finding of tho body but no one In in n position to know. It In likely thu mystery of the death of the man or who ho was will remain unsolved, FIltHT lATHl'M NP.MIIKIt :o,mi:h SOON Tho organization that In responsl hloffor the signing up of six excellent Lyceum numbers from tho Kllluon White bureau will begin an nctlvu campaign for nenson tlckelH nt onco for the ontlro sorlos. Thoro will bo a varloly of ontertulnmont that will attract the pooplo of this city and vi cinity, This undertaking Is for tho advancement of tho community In n wny that brings bettor entertainment nnd Instills n dcslro for hotter things among tho youngor pooplo. Espec ially In thin courso recommended to tho young laden and young men of thu high school. Tho first number will bo on. Tues day, October 19, and tho attrnctlon in tho McAllister vTrIo.. Tbo talent consists of Katbloon and DhKobo Mc Alllstor, planlnts nnd vocalists; and MIhb Irma Mario Jordan, 'Colllst. They produce n brilliant program In which tho dramatic predominates. Operatlo nlrn, vocal, piano, 'cello numborn 'and high class drnnmtlo readings nro featuron. . ' ( ' Cattlo prices havo ndvancod somo and thoy aro moving, Shoop prices aro also bettor. U. H. WAR ItlHK INHUHANCH ItKPIlKHKNTATIVK 11KHK Cliff Wood, Field Service Hopro soutatlvo of tho War Hlsk lnnurnnco Duroati, In lu Huron to moot with ex-service men and (IIhcubh Insur ance nnd adjust other service claims. Mr. Wood In an active man In his lino of work and known how, why nnd when, He In jiuttlng thu Legion boyu right In a lot or tilings they havo overlooked and tho result of his vlult will bo beneficial an many of the boyn Tho Pavilion Superintendent fof have not kept up tholr lnnurnnco the fair last week ban not yut turned I....... .1 ........ 1. 1..-.,. I ..ll.na.!t. 1. 1.. ......... I... .1 imr iiiivij iiiui tuiimuuiuu umut clnlmn that they should. O"" TEACHERS OPPOSED TO THE BIRD REFUGE BILL Educators Pass Resolutions Adverse To Its Passage; State Keep Land. The following resolutions wero submitted by the committee compos ed of Llbhlu Krlchesky, Caroline Joklsche, Clara McMullcn, Hoy H. Cain, W. M. Sutton, and accepted: Preamble: We,, your Commlttco on Resolutions In Instltutn assembl ed at Ilurns, Oregon, In tho Public School Uulldlng, Oct. 1, beg leavo to present tho following resolutions First: For your consideration, tho subject of Tonchorago. Tho hous lug of teachers In various parts of I... ulntn Iiiih lirntieht ubnuL a COII- .U v r. . . - dltlon which wo think domnnds that tho districts furnish somo sultnblu place in which tho teachers of the various districts may he housed. We, therefore, suggest that this Institute Indorse a clause ill tho school' law which wilt Klvo tlonrdu the pow,r tr. provide such suitublu cfindltloiu for their teachers, and, also, suggest that thoUMChors throughout the Stnto of Orogon uho tholr Influence, with tholr representatives and sena tors townrds'tho Introduction of ,uch u bill. Second; In the tnattor of tho Com munity Health Nurse, we wlan to In dorse the work already dono and Ack (or u continuance of tho snmn at tho bponso of the County. We untlorMni.d that tho fund neco9ary for tho (ontlnuunco of this imriMve will call for an expenditure of $3000. ner milium mid transportation. We, therefore, ask that thu County Court) provldo for this Item lu thu auiiuai llU(jKHti ' Third; Wo v!sh to urge that the Hoard of Dinctora for tho County i.'iiif iirnviilu for an Kdlicutloiial Do- partinent In which tho districts of the County may plitco their work and that suitable prizos bo awarded for the best display In every lino or en denvor. Fourth: Wo, further wish to In dorso In these Husolutlons our ob jection to tho passago'of tho law cod ing tho Malheur Hlrd Hesorvo, or tho Hoohovolt Hlrd Reserve to tho Federal, Govornmnt. Wo hellovo this trrltory should be retained by the htato and for tho uses of the state. Fifth: We BUgKl that tjio teach ers Indorso tho work that ban linen done and support that work that Ih being dono by tho Oregon Slate Teachem Asnoolatlon In behalf of the tenchem nnd tho educational, stand ards of tho stato. Sixth; Wo wish to thank the peo ple of Hurnn for tholr hospitality to us nnd wish to extend our thanks to tho Instructors of our Institute, to tho County Buporlntondunt, to tho School Hoard of Hums, and to thoso who havo furnlshod entertainment for tho succoss of tho liiBtltuto JubI closed, Respectfully submitted, Slgnod: Llbble KrlchcBky, Carolina Jok Ischo, Clara McMullen, Hoy H. Cain, W, M. Sutton. o- Mr. and Mrn. M. V. Hakor aro up from tholr homo lu California on n visit with rolatlves and friends. Tho Hakom formerly roBlded In thin coun ty whoro ho had charge of tho OO ranoh for a tlmo provlouH to its bo lng purchasod by tho proBont own em. Mm. Hakor In a nlator to Mm Tom Allon and Cavj4. Thomburg. They nro mooting mnny of tho old time frlendB In this vlciuiCy and re ceiving a hearty wolconio, FAIR PREMIUM WINNERS ARE NOT AVAILABLE Records Not Yet Properly Checked. Baby Contest Interesting Feature. in hln report on tho awards them faro they are not available for pub lication this week. Thu women;)' department records have been turned In hut upon Investigation there nru somo errors in the clerical work that require checking up to make accur ate nnd for that reason tho awards in that department nro not to bo had for publication. Tho awards on live stock appears in this issue. A feature of Importance nt tho fair last week that failed to havo any notice In theso columns was tho bet ter babies contest. It could hardly be called a contest, either, although tho community nurso offered prizes for first and second, tho examina tion given the babies was foi tho sat isfaction of parents more than from a competitive standpoint. Mrs. Martz, the community nurso, wns assisted In this weight nnd meas urement work by Miss Cecil Sclireyer who was here as a reprosentatlvii Statu llureau of Nursing: Mrs. J. S. Cook, Mrs. Leon M. Drown, and oth ers. Dr. Iluerkl conducted tho exam Inntoii of twenty-nine babies; Dr. Smith offered his services but Just as arrangements woro completed for hla taking part In tho work nn emergen cy call camo for him nnd ho was runhett from tho pavilion to tho cava nnd did not got to come back. According to theno participating In thu examination, the work lacked de tails to make It ofllclally come under thu Hotter Halites coiitust. becnusu there were no blanks to properly re cord the necessary Information re quired under thu rules. However, certain measurements were taken, the ago of the chjld considered, tho weight taken and other like infor mation and this has been forwarded to the statu organization for a report. Tho awards will bo mado from tho record taken and the community nurse will receive the report. Thu livestock exhibits nt the Har ney County Fair made up In excell ence where It may have fallen short In numbers on ncconnl of tho fact tlint Die siockhioii lor nrsi umu In a long while hnvo a .market fof their range slock and nre therefore busier than usual riding for their fnt stock. j Tho Hoys and Girls Purebred Llvo stock Club wero there with their mil ntalu lu good condition considering tho handicap under which thoy lab ored throughout thu entire summer. Tho Shorthorn clnsuos far out numbered nil others much to the sur prlso or the stockmen since Harney County Ib presumed to bo a Hero ford stronghold. , Tho wlnnom In tho various Classen are: ClaK 1. ShorthoriH Hull 3'yoarH, or over,, Allon SlU. Hull Sonlor Yearling, C. K. Mc Pheolers. Hull-r-Juiilor Calf, Int. Allon Sltz; 2nd Jack MeDaululs. Cow over threo yoars, Jnnlc Mc Daniels. Cow undor threo.lst, Hurbert Whiting, 2nd, Amy Tumor. Hoiror Junior yonrllng. Allon Sltz. Hoiror, Junior calf, Chas. Mc Phootors. t Produco of Cow, Jack McDanlols". Special Club prlzo ofTerod by tho BIIvIch Cattlo nnd Homo Association of a trip to tho International Stock Show for groatost lmprovomont was" won by Horbort Whiting with Golden Hoauty In closo competition with Jack McDanlol'B Perfection nnron. Host Milking Shorthorn Cow, Jack McDunlcls. Champions null over 2 years, Allon Sltz. Hull undor 2 yearn, Sltz. Cow ovor two years, Horbort Whit Holier undor two yearn, Allon Sltz. lug. Grand Champion Hull any ago, Allon SUz. Cow nay ago, Horbort Whltliiit. llorerord Cow ovor two yeam of ago, HartoT HotckklHS. (Contlnuod on pugo tour)