II A It N K V V O C N T V , O It H 1 O N Pago High r ii 10 t i m t; m - ft in: i, n i i' u n h , H..j..j..y.j..fr.HM''H',M"K,'K Gettiisg Ahead There are a thousand and one ways of spending money to one good way of saving it. Here are a few good rules for getting ahead.. They have helped others They may help you. , Spend less than you earn. Keep out of debt. Never spend profits or wages before they are earned. Keep an accurate account of income and expenses. J tion. Open a bank account and give it careful atten- Do It Now! I First National Bank BURNS, OREGON M m m m 1 ! I. M. Duvlii brouglit ovr a nleiill 5 of honey booa for exhibition at tho C fair, n .Too Morrln In up from Narrown on a nliort vacation trip to thlto In tlin fair ami look aftor iioino buulnoiiH nf falra, J I ICtl. Btallard and family aro ovor l; from tholr homo on Otln crook takltiK I In tlio fair and vinltlng with rulallvcn and frlomlH. Tho aoroplano arrived from Head early ThurMday morning to tnko part In tho fair fosttvUloM. Tho wlhd got lin "Imek up" simmiwhal and Inter fered to noma extent hut wo Juiit no I right along. yj Mm. Julia MeOoxvnn, formerly y Julia Ornolor, In hrr on a vbrtl wllh rolatlVdH mid fiivml. Ma .MnOownii Iiiih many frloudH In thin vicinity who V , aro gl.id to greet hor on hor noonA- lonnl vlHltn. Mm. V. I). Ilurfinan, who In hnro to attouil tho Inetltuto J ' for leiu'hurH) lu a n!nlor to Mm. Mo- I Oowau. M ItolutlvcH Imvo received word from i Watla Walla that tho 15 mnutlot old hoy of Mr. nud Mm. W. ('. MeKlnnuy had carried off flmt prize at tho county fair lant week, retiring hlgh ont In tho baby content. IIIh "grand daddy" Capt. A. W. (lowan, nayn "Harney county horn kldn got thoro ovory tltno." ud Mm. V. J. IlopkliiH worn I tho KtioHtH of Mr. and Mm. John ' Oomborllng for n fow dayn during tuo week, Tho Ilopklnu roHlilo at Juntura whoro ho In engaged In tho gurago and trannfor biiMlueiin. Ilo j needed a Ford and had to corno to X Crnno for It. Upon reaching thoro HAJP LOCAL Jack Ivy lu up from hlii Wlllamutto homo on a vIhR with frlcndn In thin county. Tho norloH of mooting being hold nt tho I'roHbytorlnn church cMoHod on WoduuMday night. Hogulnr tiurvlooH will hu hold lu tho llaptlnl church Sunduy morning and uvonlni; ait unuiil. Mm. LouIh Schwartz, who Iiiih boon vlflltlnR with Mm. B. I Schwartz of thin city for a fow wookH, took hor doparturo Sunday for hor homo At Portland. Sho mndo tho trip to Ilond In company with I. K. McDanloln. MIhh CocII L, Schroyer, AnnLitant Btnto AdvlHory Numu of tho Oregon Htato Hoard or Iloalth, cumo In lant Monday ovonlng by way of llond from Portland to commit with Mm. Vartz In connection -twlth tho public pumo work in Ilarnoy county. MIhh Martha Ifanluy arrlvod home tho foru part of thin weuk from Port land whoro alio had been for a fow wcukH. Sho hrlngH back word that Mm. Itombold. who Iiiih beon ho aor louHly III, In Hllghtly Improvod. TIiIh is certainly good uowu to hor many frlondn In thin city. County Agent McDanloln wan call ed to tho ntato'falr to bo present at a conforunco of county agents. JnmoH Lampnhlro and wife arrived homo lant week from tholr trip to Kuguno whoro they wont to taku Mm. Mnton and Minn Gwendolyn Lamp nhlro. They report nomu rather din- agreeable weather encountered on tho trip but no iiiIhIiujih lu any way to mar tholr plcntiuru. When tho hiintlni; party of Irvine H. Cobb reached IluriiH lant Friday It wiih found a biii; belouclUK to Mr. Cobb hail been lout. Tho telephone wan uind and wires mint to different placed but tho liar wna not located and had not been up to u day or two iiko. A liberal reward will bo kIvoii 'for itn return. Tho ban contained clothliiR but Mr. Cobb in under tho I ImproHHlon thoro wan no dlHtliigulnh- Iiik inarkn either on tho clothen or tho Ij.ik. lien Aunuiuh left Sunday mornliiK for the Htato Fair at ilalem with Kiiiini on Li and barley taken from tho field that Ih Krowlni; on the lake'bod at Malheur lake. Thin Ih a portion of the proponed Itoowivolt Mini rof iiko that Mr. Fluley clalma In not fit for UKHculltiro. The field or Kraln Ih urnwu between two ami a hair and three iiiIIoh IiihIiIo the meander Hue or tho Hue of tho preaont roxorvo Some of thin i;raln in nlno nt tho fair Kroundn lu llurun and will later hu noon at tho Commercial Club roouiH, (hoy decided to come on ovur to vlnlt with old time frlondn and drive back to Juntura. Mr. and Mrn. F. (1. Kolloy ami tholr Hon have been kuuhIii of rrleudrf In thin city during the fair. Kolloy ntnrted over with ,nomo of ho Cat low Valley producln hut had thorn packed no nolld In the back of bin car that they were lu no nhapii for ex hibition upon tholr arrival. They wero accompanied over by Minn Lar non, their nchool teacher, who at tended the Inntltutu. I.. C. Ilradfleld. one of the old time home men of thin miction of the country, wnu ovor from bin homo near Drownuy to take lu the fair and rat-on. Iiu ban nomu fine running homuM but did not bring any over to compete In tho upend ovciiIm tltbi time. Ilo mlMHua tho former gay Union with turf men when wo had big ntabloM of running homon come to lake port, but nald ho enjoyed the fair. Mr. Ilradfleld hopeu wo will begin early to plan for next year' fair and have one of tho old timo progrnmn. Celohrutlfiii aro boomnlng no nuin nroiiH lu Ibofid partM Ulut llioy full to glvo tho "thrill" they onco did. Mm'. H. IJ. Cooper wan hero dur ing tho weuk viiiitlug with frlondn. Hho wan a guunt at tho W. L. Utott homo. Mr. and Mm. 0. T. Llllard and tholr Hon wore over from tho "Valloy of Tho Moon" homo to tako In a part of tho fair and attend tho Inntltuto of tho toachern. They wero aliio pron nut at tho meeting of tho union high iiehool hoard at Crano Wedneiiilay afternoon. Ii, 0. Kolnay, tho civil cnglnqor who mndo I ho preliminary luvoHtlga- ' Hon of tho water, newer and light poiiBlhllltloH for 11 ti r tiff wnu hero for a nhort vlnlt during tho week. He took lu tho fair and fomiultod with tho city aulhorllleu. Mm. Kolnay ao- i coiupaiilod him on bin vlnlt. I 0. 0. Jo(Iy, chairman of tho re publican con tral committee of thin county, necitred potltlomi at thin olll , vt yHtenlay for circulation to liavo j the iiiuiio of H. M. Ilolton placed on tho ballot at tho November election i an a candtdatu for county commln hloner. Mr. Ilolton in well known to . many of tho people of thin county, j Ho formerly conducted a warehouno and forwarding hunlnosn nt Crano , but recently dlHpmicd or that bu.il- iiiihm and In now on bin farm a few in 1 1 dm eant of Huron. Teachers' Institute Tho Ilarnoy County Teachor'n In ntltuto Jiint cloned wan one of tho moht nuccetinful ever hold in tho county both In rvgnrdn to tho number in attondnncu and tho finality of In ntructom from the ntnto hcIiooIh. Of tho fifty teachem In the county there wero forty-live prenent and tho other five wore excuHud either becauHu of II I n on n or becauno they had already attended ItiHtltuto thin year. Tho luntructoru of (hu ItiHtltuto wero: Hupt. J. A. Churchill; J. F. llrumbough of tho Pnychology De partment and MIhh Wlnlgor or tho Phyulcal Traluluc Uepartmont from O. A. C; Alfred Powom of tho Kx teiiHlon DIvIhIoii or U. or O.; W. (I. Iloattlor Inntructor In ltur.il School method from tho Oregon Normal School.- At the bimlticHi meeting held yen terday afternoon 1). M. McDnde, prlu elpal of the Harney County High School wan elected delegate to tho Oregon State Teachem Amwoliitlon which meetn annually during Deo ember In Portland, Mm. Huston or tho IluriiH nchool wnu elected to nuccuod Mr. McDadu In ciuio he uhould bu unabo to go. HenoluliouH wero puHHod but owing to tho crowded condition or tho paper they will have to bo published next Ihhuo. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OP THE Harney County National Bank OF BURNS OREGON SEPTEMBER 8, 1920 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts - - -Overdrafts ------ Bonds and Securities - - -United States Bonds .- - - - Furniture and Fixtures - - -Real Estate Owned - - - - Stock in Federal Reserve Bank -Redemption Fund - - - - Interest Earned but not Collected Cash and Exchange - - - - $418,108.37 630.G8 143,857.85 32,500.00 4,G01.77 1,000.00 3,100.00 1,025.00 9,210.49 ' 176,551.52 LIABILITIES Capital Stock -------- Surplus " Undivided Profits - - -Interest and Discount Collected not Earned National Currency - - - ' - - - -Reserved for Depreciation Liberty Bonds -Deposits - -" $791,275.5 $ 50,000.00 52,000.00 17,223.07 103.57 27,900.00 2,002.78 641,440.16 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY ACCOUNTS INVITED .$791,275.58 MAHUIKD At tho Ilaptlflt pnr Honago on lant Saturday, Sept. 2G, Ruby N. Kolo wan married to Timothy Crowloy, Itov. J. J. Tlcknor performing tho ceremony. Mr. Crowley Ih woll known In thin vicin ity, having renlded lu tho I.nwen country for many yearn. MAHK1BD- TuoHday, Sept. 28, nt tho Huptlnt pnmonngo, Charlen A. Harbor and MIhh Kathrlno J'lch, Itov. J. J. Tlcknor porformlng tho coro mony. Mr. Harbor wiih one or tho boya who went to war and bin mother liven lu thin city. II lu bride lives over lu Catlow vnlley. I A. W. Oowan Itoomn 1 ft 2 Up , HUi;lm, Hounnuvcllu, Uulldlng. 10-1-41 JET HEAY xor CMOOi AGAIN THIS YEAR This Storo will bo noa'(J(imrtoi's for School Supplies Why wait; until Uio laM; liiiiiuto Iho open ing day of Hohool to buy all of tho uowlod HiipplioH. Buy now whilo stocks, aro IVohIi and sorvieo not rsuhod. Tablets Rulers Pencils Pastes Crayons Pens Inks Wo can jiivo ou a coinploio lisl) of Oflicial Hooks l'oi' All Gi'wIqh. EE BROTfflERS The Kexall Drug Store Yourwoilhkss T1RFS are not vorthleeit. WIT Hecnuse vulcapizinp put new life into them mid adds many more miles to their capacity. We vulcanize scientifically and economically. R. F. ROSE Rums Garage IIAIl.NKV COUNTY Ki:i'UHI.IOAN It ALLY A Hepubllcnn Meeting will bo' hold nt tho Cominornlal Club Hnomn Tuun day Kvorilug at 8 o'clock, October C, for the purpoHo or organizing a liar ucy County Kepubllcaii Harding and Cool Id go Club. Cordial Invltntlon to all ropuhllcami Lndlen and World War VeteraiiH OHpcclnlly. A. W. (30 WAN, Htato Central Commlttomnn. KOIt BALKNow lOZO Model Max well touring air, bought Aug. let. and drove from I'ennnylvnnla to Oregon; throe now tiros Adtlri or hoo Joneph Henry, Hlltzon, Ore gon It. IV. JI) IX)CALH. Try I''lroMtonc ConH. t.'nlvtTMl Garage. Adv. tf. KOIt 8 A LB 140 root G Inch casta. Univorsal Qnrago Co. S-lt. I'atlontn recolvo tho bout or raro at the Ilurnn Maternity Honpltal, .Mrt I Livitor Wltllamn, Trop. Adv. I Mm. A. I). Jon oh Ih now In charge or tho Snub rooming bonne adjoin ing tho Colo hotel. Sho will bo pleiiHod to moot hor tunny friends there. C-12tf. LOST On tho HtrootH of Ilurnn, Sigma Chi pin with tho inltlalH J. I). L. A nultahlo reward will bo given tho party who found It If brought to thin olllce. 9-26. Dr. W. II. Roynoldn Chlroprntlc nervo.HpeclallHt. Will bo at tho Lov oiih Hotel for 30 dayn, and will ho plpiiHod to havo HUlferem who have tr!od other methodH nud havo not obtained dHlrod roHiiltH call. Con Nultattnn and oxamluatloii free. ... i-i. i i i Win. Farre Pivnctlce before U.K. L.n! t tiiartinent mid Real Estate Indication are that the hint of tho liuiil will attract many limv.tor to Harney County tho com Iiik m-jimmi. I.lHilngs now will bo kept before pro, pectlvo Investors the on tiro neicon. STOCK ICANCIIIvH WANTKD Wo will mhhi have n number of bnyiTH for Mimn flmt cIiinh ntork ranrhes rraMinnlily priced. Come in nnd llHt your property Harney County Abstract On. The Herman Mnrtz Wood Saw Is prepared to work promptly J Phone Nj. G104 uJ Kenneth Ci ozEer can dfllve YOUR COAL C1itiipr now than later. When he present supply Ik txliHiiKUd tin price will raise.-l':oi e We Stake Our Reputation On The Service We Render We wonder if you know how well we really try to serve you. Take our tires for instance : We sell you the best tires we know of FIRESTONES of course Then we show you, by advice and actual assist ance, just how to take caro of your tires, so they will yield to you the last mile built in them. We render this valuable and expert SERVICE because we know it will bring us both the best satis faction in tho end. Our SERVICE AFTER SALE is best for you, and because it is best for you it is best for us. We run our business on that basis, Our helpful tire SERVICE will increase your mileage. It costs you nothing find saves you money. Universal Garage Co. Uii i fj'iiiHriTiJWrnjiri- -5H Bend & Burns Autt StaQC II. It. KCHANM) N I S I.H I , O. S. IM.TKKSON. I'mpt. All Tom-inn Cava NOV MAKING REGULAR SCIWDVLh Leaves Jiuvntt every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Special attention given passengers Quickest and cheapest route out Porishnble goods, Express or any freight shipped via Bend in our care given prompt attention HEADQUARTERS, REED BROS. DRUG STORE ItEAIj PI.KA8UKE COMING when you ordor a glass of our perfect soda. Mado Jimt right, mixed Just riant and aurvod JitHt right It ia a drink lit for tho gods or tholr de Hcunduutn. Scorns llko high prnlso? Not a hit of It. Coiiiq In any tlmo and put tho matter to a tost. And llHton, It taHtoa ovon hottor K partake en iu company. PAGE'S SWEET SHOP mmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjei