Saturday, October a, lftSO. T II 10 T I M 19 H II II It A li I) II 1J It N H , II A II N K T COUNTY, OREGON Pa, go fieri HI i say! mmWM Yoo com B eo r (vMM what 5$ ' i t e&niei UotiT SN0KF. DNtfrtMirlCl HATriE! HOME SWEET HOME by Earl Hurst 17 '"fa 1 lJ Classified Advertising and Legal Notices Professional Cards Miscellaneous News SB gligW. MW. V " I W II 'I w a - - a tr 1 ' 1 I I. - - I f m PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. B. P. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Hums. Oregon utiivat residence, Dr. firlfllth's for mer home. Phone No. II l! , V . IIU U UK!, M . I) , Or. Sauruitiu It Ilruuet's Former Odlco Hulldliig I'liwuo No. UiJ - Horns, Oregon J. W. OKA It Y Paytriclaa aaa Surgoan llara. rria Telephoa 11139 DUNMAN BHNMAN Phytdclaa aad Hurgooaa C answered proaaptly day ar night 'Phono Grunts ' Crime, Oregon ! L. K. HUUIAUD I) i: N T I 8 T Oill.o lirnt door oust photo gallery Hums, Oregon C1IAUI.KS W. HLI.IH I. A W Y K It Hums, - - - Oregon I radices In thu Btatn Courts and Uiuro the V. 8. Lund Otllco J v Mtulloth Robt. M. Duncuu .MMl I.I.OCJI DUNCAN l-mrjeri HI N8. . OltHOON 1 ' . .. ..... i ii n .. , vr n i . AM'Tiiry nt I.uf IVi-eif- and !racilco boforo l'. X. I Mid O' a Hpuolalty Ott. n t ry B next door to I'. O. Hum, Oickoii llhav II i .. a r d , . . , ' r . I li'l'l l .H" "IHIIII KITIIII IU hihj.....ii. .i.J l. al K-tntu inattorM I I to liiNiinuico Nolor PiiWIo Hitriin. irt"" llltl t li It. KKSTIClt Attorney at Law UtJ Ottbe I'ructico Laud Scrip for alo,Tyclo He, Jlancn 8ocH 19 & an, Vale, Orrjcaa I. W. BlgKH M, A. UlMS1 n i o a n I K I (I (I H Lawyara Burai, Orgaa Hi. 4 . M : 0 I. II t I. A X I I'ululcf.x KxtractioiiH I Modern Dontlutry I I'fc'-i-j No. C3C ESTRAY KHTHAYKD Cuttle l i dod with 2 Muur on loft hip, u cd split In '('ft and crop off rlKl 1 "Ik" catllo Lraudud 87 with bur vor top on right rlliH, murkod hi t In .tIkIH nnd crop off loft. Horn's: ono nor rel work aiuro branded 71. op Mlflo und vonted on Hhoulder: ono bay aaddlo maro wlthh Htur In fucei branded TK connected on loft thoulder; two throo-your-old coltn buy gelding add brown inure branded 87 with bur over on stifle. H. J, McKlnuon, Drownoy, Oro. Camo to Plrlo Co. Hunch on Cow Creole. Two Bucks ono marked Hpllt In each oar ono hole in ono tar, owner can have thorn on puy- lng coat to Sherman Loug. Send coat of notice. $10 HHWARD Will bo puld for ouch of thu following described animals: Ono red inottlo fuco two year old hoKer branded reversed A with iitotn down on loft hip. LX with quarter circle bur under 'on loft ithlo. Ono rud mot I In facoj muloy, two your old hotter with! uiiino brands us first described. Ono ' rod wjiltu fuco two your old Htoor, with LX nml quarter clrclu bar1 under. All nuirked with crop and nwallow fork In rli;ht unr and un dor half crop In left 1). I. N'owolt, Narrows, Oregon. U-1 1-4 1. FOR RENT NOW OPKN- Rooming aouso In Mary Caldwoil building, Nico CIomu bods. Mm. M. O. VTUdoui, 6-S-tf. TO HUNT Office and tor room. I Farmers KxchuiiKu. FOR SALE Atteutlon WoolKrowiT 7 9 0 0, acroH raiiKO laud, 40U acron tiudun ditch G000 ouc and .1000 lamlm for muIo-IiIouI Location. j l VM. KAItltK. KOIt BALK 7 room hou lurn Mtonu cellar, windmill k. tank, 2 ' lotH, uleopliiK porch. Cheap, cu: I teriiiM, .Small lanh payment, bnl-l I aiico llko runt. Inland Kmplro I llualty Co. C-6-tf. TWO STOItV. hovcii room rcNldouco, 1 pluMtorcd, hoi and cold water, bath I and modern couvouleticos, cellar j and k urn Kit. In Hlock ao, 3rd addi tion ro UuriiH. IkiIoiikIi'K to Aim. Kathor F. Schwurtic, for uulu WM. FA It KB Tho llohrrl (ilen i-nncli In Mecllon. J.J. T. S.. U.;iV!j I)., for xole at! WM. 1'AltltK. vr Halo 1 2 horso-power Unwell ... . ...... ......... . initniou oiiuiiio ami nuy uuiur. a I harnain. W. A. Wood man. 1-3. r()i jjaLU- The JamoM JlcManiiM ruunli III See. 13. II, 1ft. T. 2 8., It. 24 K., 320 acron. $1000.00. Toruiii. WM. FAltltl'l. FOH RA LK- Todd Chock I'rootoolor, , aluo practleully now No. 10 Horn-1 '' mi.hi....... W.......u.. Frad WllllauiH, Ilurtitt. Orunon. I . 3-0tf, j I , . WIO IIU V, iiiIho and null fur-bunriiiK , rabhllM, and other fur-boarlm; an- j ImaU. LUt what you have with ' ' uh, htatltiK your lowunt prlcon on ' ! larKo lot HhlpmoiitH. Tho Fur & Hpuclalty FarmliiK Co., 510-517 N. j I l. Avo., Farito, N. Duk. ; j T. 24 S., It. 32 K 1C0 ucre of- j ferod for $1300.00, Ouy W. Coclclln I'laco In Sec'n 23 it 24 T -6 8 u 3'J H' Soulu of Lake, U0 ucreti $3200. 0. FOH 8ALK ScbalTer pUno la Rood condition. Mra. A. 1C. Hlobardnou. S-29 FOH 8ALK OH THADK 80 acres laud In tho fumouu San LouIh Val ley near AIuijiohii, Colo. Huh How In artoHlaii well hIho ono uliuro Commouwoalth Irrigation Stock, Large draluago ditch on uouth oud i of tlilD 80. Frlco $7C. per aero. I Will coiiHlder trado .for land near llurnn. (3. A. Korton, 100C N. 4 j Avo. Maywood III. 8-14-4 .1011 N (1KM1IKHMN4J, rwolor. nnd Optloian Jilntd'avoi'. vlM VatcU Kopalrliig a 8oclalty jams aim Nick Klclincr placo. ICO ncrcit in Hoc. 2, T. 23 B.. It. 3U I-: Umall houmi 100 ucroH cloarcd and broken. All foil cod. $1000,00. TANK II IncroancH Knnollnn 2.1 per cent, pro ventH carbon, nioro powor, tnoro inllua per cation. Oiiarantcod CO tab loti GO cuntri. A colli! J. A. Holllrt. Klold, OroKon. 7-1 71 0-2 " WANTED WILL TItADK 40 acron Irrlxatcd ono mllo cant of I'ayo.tto Idaho, 28 ucroH In Alfalfu, for dcslrablo llur nuy County land In vicinity of UuriiH. Thlu 40 hi In tho bwt applo producltiK dlntrlcl In tho U. 8. 1'rlcn 300 per aero. C, A, Kort 100S N. 4 Avn. Muywood, III. 8-14-4 WANTMO TO TltAOH 3 and throe (luartor Haiti Whroii, IIotmom or t'attlo for Kord. Dolt Cryrfor, IturiiH. BARBER SHOPS I'HOMI'V nor y ico anil courtoou troutmont will alwnyM o accnJd ed putroiix of the lluriu Hotel Harbor Shop. Ilathx at tiny lit tir of tho day. C. W. filurtiunm. 1'Mji. LEGAL NOTICES ' NOTH'H OF FINAL ACCOI'NT In tho County Court or the State of Orcein, for Haruny County. In tho Matter of tho F.ntuto of JohIiua T. Fry, doceaiiod. Notice la hereby given that the underiilKned udmlnlHtrator ban Died his ft nu I uccount In tho abnvo-uam-od court and eclato und that tho court huM mi Tuonlay tho 28th day of September, 1020, at tho hour of ton o'clock V M as tho time and the county c url of mild county iih the place for heirliiR objectlonti to itald acron 1 1 ai d tho Hettlemoiit thereof. All iii.tmouk concerned are hereby uoltnVl. to tile their objee IIoiih, In wrltiiiK. It any audi there be, on or befi-r i nit Id Onto, and to ap pear on nalil duto and cunteoit the came. Dated Aur.ii't 2Ktli. 1920. CIIAHLtJU V. HKKl), Atlmlulstralor. NOTICi: OF SIIKHIFF'H KALI! Notice Im hareby kIvo.ii, that by virtue of an Meuli,.n. dulv Iwiueil out of til Circuit Court of tho State of Oraitou, for llarnt) County, and to tue directed on ibo 21th day of Auk iihI, 1920, upon a JudKuieiit anil tie troa In foraclonure. duly rendered, enteretl of rrrd docketed In anil tiy mild co'irt on tho 2 ltd, day of AiiKUHt, 1021. In a certain milt thou in Haiti court p'-tiilliiK wherein Wohtoru Loan anil llulldliii: Com puny, a corporation, wan plalutlll, and JoKoph 1. Cavoiitler, Jam oh VI. Wilton ami Itiith A. Wctiton, bin wife, C. II. Leonard ami MadRtt Lon uard, his wife, Charles KIIIh und Mary K. KIIIh, his wife, Jamert Young und John W. DuvIch, woro defend nuts, In fuvor of plalntllT und agulnut said dofouduntH, by which execution l iijn commanded to sell tho real pro perty In itald execution und hereinaf ter described, to pay tho sums due tho plaintiff of $037.02 with Inter oat thereon from May 18th, 1920, at tho ruto of ton pnr cent, per unauta until puld, and $6C.0O attorany'a fooH and tho further aum of $15. 4a cos tn und dlHburtfjmontH, and thu further sum of $! 10.09 with Inter est thereon from May 16th., 1020, at tho rate of ten per cent, per an num until puld, nnd $50.00 attor ney's fees, und tho costs und expen ses on mild execution, I will on Satur day tho 2fith, day of Hoptciuhor, 1920 at tho hour or ten o'clock A. M. at tho front door of tho county court houao, In Hums, Harney County, Ore gon, koII at puhlln auction to tho hlKhOHt bidder for cash In hand on tho day of mile, all the rl(;ht, title, Interest and estate which tho said dofomlautH, or olther or any of thorn, und all persons claiming by, through or under thorn or any of thorn sulmo quont to thu 2nth. day of April, 1917, hud, have since iituiulrod, or now havo of, In and to tiuld roal proporty horolnboforo montlonud, und describ ed uh follows, towlt; Lota two (2), threo (3) and four (4) in block twouty-ono (21) of Morrison's Addition to tho town of UuriiH, Huruoy County, OroKon, to gether with tho tiKiemonts, heredita ments und appurtonuncofi therouuto boloiiBlng or In uhy wlso apportuln lyK. Bald uulu being niado HUbJoct to re domptlon lu tho muiinor provldod by law. Dated thltl 28th. day of August, 1920. W- A. OOODMAN, Shorlff of Ilaruoy Couuty, Orogou HUA1MONM FOK PUIIMCATION IN THE CIHOUIT COUHT OF THM 8TATW OF OltrcOON FOH THH COUNTY OF HAHNHY. J. J. INO10HSOLL, l'tulntlff, Vfl. IIKLLK rNOKHSOLL, Defondnut. To UVAAAi INOIOHSOLL, tho above iiamud tlefondaut: IN TIIW NAMK OF THK 8TATK OF OHUGON, you nro hereby Hm-j mouoil ami required to appear nnd answer the complaint (lied ngaluiit you In tho above entlllod Rttlt with-i In six weeks from tho dato of tho first! publication of this summons against you, and If you full to answer, plead or otherwise appear In said cauno within such tlmo tho Plaintiff for want thereof, will take Judgement ami decree nialrutt you an prayed for In tho Complaint heroin, to-wit: That tho boudfl of matrimony hereto fore exlstln between plaintiff and defendant bo forever dissolved and, held for nought. This summons la published for a period of oncn each week for six suc cessive weeks, beginning with tho Is sue of August 7th, 1920, In tho Times Herald, a weekly newspaper publish ed and printed In Hums, Oregon, by order of the Honorable William Farre, County Judge, Harney County, Oregon, made and entered of record huri'lu on August ii, 1920 Mcculloch & duncan Attorneys for I'lalntlrf Hesldeiice. Hums. Oregon. LAND NOTICES NOTICH FOH PFIILICATIO.V UNITKD STATUS LAND OFFICII Hums, Oregon, August 20. 1920 NOTICK Is hereby given that Hal ph K. I'eabndy, of Hums, Oregon, who, on June 12, 191C, and Jan. 12, 1917, made Homestead Kutrles. No. 08214-09203, for SV&N14, N'jHMt. 8 W 1,4 8K i; , SK Y 8 W VJ , See 5. HK NKV. NK8K4, Section C, Town ship 21 8 , Haugu 31 K Wlllamettu Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make Final throo-ycar Proof, to establish claim to the laud above dcKrrlhod, beforo Register and He celver, ut Hums, Oregon, on the 2nd day of October, 1920. Claimant names us witnesses: Ouorgo Whiting. Ida Whiting, Frank Whiting, and Krick N. Math ews, ull of Hums, Oregon. V. O. CO.AD, Hoslster. i .NOTICK OF Pl'HLK' VIION UNITKD STATUS LAND OFFICK Hums, Oregon, August 19, 1920 NOTICK Is hereby given that Leo nard C. Sprlggs, of Supleo. Oregon, who, on Murch 18. 191 C, and Novem ber 17. 1919, made Homestead on irics. No 08G72-09773, for SKV4. Sec. 1 1 ; NK , , N lSK , SK tf SK . Otic 23: WVjWVi, Sec. 21 and NKH N K Vi Section 2fi. Township 18 h., Ruiiko 2C K., Wlllametto Meridian, lias Hied notice of Intention to make Final three-year Proof, to sotubllsh claim to tho land above described, beforo L, M Miller, U. 8. Commis sioner, ut her otllco, at Paulina, Oro gon, on tho 2Cth day of September, 1920, Claimant numos as witnesses: Henry K. Wooley, Roy L. Chase, Fonton W. Chose, nnd Melvlu Wo- berg, ull of Supleo. Oregon, V. O. COZAD, Register. NOTICK IWK PUHIACATION UNITKD 8TATK8 IAND OFFICB Burns, Oregon, August 8, 1928 NOTICK Is hereby given Ahat William F, Foster, wIioho post-ofllco address Is Rlloy, Oregon, did, on tho 30th .day of July, 1919, file lu this oiHch Sworn Statement and Appli cation, No. 0l0r.r.l, to purchaso the' 8 K VIS KM. Sec. 31, T. 25 8.. and Lot 1, Section C, Township 215 S., Rango ; 24 K , Wlllametto Meridian, and tho timber thereon, under tho provis ions of tho act of Juno 3, 1878, ami actH ainendatory, known as tho "Tim ber and Stono Law," at such value aa i might he Itxed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, tho land nnd timber thorium have ; been appraised, tho timber esllmnt- i od ut lUfiO fence posts, 8o each, and tho land $112,00; that said applicant will offor tluul proof lu support of hla application and sworn statement on tho 9th duy of October, 1920, be foro Register und Rocolvor, ut Hums, Oregon, Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase beforo entry, or Inltluto u contest t any tlmo boforo patent Issues, by filing n corroborated affi davit lu this office, alleging facts which would dofeat tho entry. V. O. COZAD, Roglstor. r FOUND -Elite open facod watch with saddlo fob, ut tho Prosbytor lun church. Owner provo proporty and pay f orthls ad. 8-21 NOTIOK FOH I'UIILICATION UNITBD 8TATH8 LAND OFFICK Hums, Oregon, September 10, 1920 NOTICK lit hereby given that Arthur D. Schwartz, of "Nurrown, Oregon, who, on May 29, 1917, tnado Honiontond Kntry, No. 09787, for Lot 4, 8W'iNVW, W8WU, Roc. 2; Lot 1. Si:,NKi. KV48BV,, Section 3. Township 28 S., Itailgo 30 K Willamette Meridian, has filed notice or intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land nhr-vo described, beforo HeglH ter and Ilocelvcr, at Hums, Oregon, on tho 14th day or October, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: James Henderson, William F. Harris, Hans Hang, and Frank Drown nil of NarrowM, Oregon. V. O. COZAD, HoglHtcr. NOTICK FOIt I'Ul! LIGATION' UNITKD 8TATK8 LAND OFFICB Hums, Oregon, September 8, 1920. NOTICK Is hereby given that Kmory tanfear. of Amborx, Wlscon sln, who on Mny 1C, 1915, tnado Homestead Kntry, No. 07911, for BttRK'A. 8KV.8WM. Lot 4, See. 7, NVdNK Vi , NK',NW4. Lot 1, Sec tion 18, Township 33 8., Rango 30 K.. Wlllamte Meridian, hnn filed notice of Intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, tho test imony of entrvmau to lie taken be fore John O. Miller. I . 8 Court Com missioner, at his office nt Marinette, Wisconsin, and thn testimony of wit nesses to be taken before the Regis ter and Receiver, at Hums, Oregon, on tho IGth day of October, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: A. K. Smith, iintl J. Herdugo of Hlltzen. Oregon and Aubrey llobener and J. L, Hartleen of Cntlow, Oregon, V. O. COZAD, Register. NOTICK FOR Pt'lll.lCATION UNITKD STATK8 LAND OFFICK Hums. Oregon. September 8, 1920. NOTICK Is hereby given thnt Oeorgu Toner, of Hums, Oregon, who, on September 3, 1915, made Homestead Kntry, No. 08338, for 8KU8WV,. 8W,8K4. Soo. 12 J NKV.NWU. Section 13, Township 25 8., Range 30 K.. Wtllametto Mer idian, has riled notice or Intention to make Final threo-yenr Proor, to es tablish claim to tho land nbove do scribed, before Register and Receiv er, at Hums, Oregon, on tho 13th Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TUAUGOTT, Proprietor MEAL ESTATE . LOANS BLUEPRINTS PhonejaojorJtJias ir.u, Q:sz CAR REPAIR BILLS Are Never Excessive At This Shop THAT la because wo know our buslnoss, work quickly, aud with no lost motion or time wasted In puzzling over what to da. That (h a good reason why OUR shop should be YOUR shop. Try us. Our specialty Hlectrlcal aud Ignition work und Oxyacetvlea welding. All work Guaranteed, At the Jack McGuier former shop J. S. Taylor, Prop. "Here's Real Tobacco" says the Good Judge That gives a man more genuine chewing satis faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind, Smallerchev,lastslonger so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the .Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put uh in two styles W-B GUT is a lonfl fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco day of October, 1920. Claimant names us witnesses: Oeo, Dunstnoro, K. N. Nelson, Charles Hackun, and Arthur D. Hubn, nil of Hums, Oregon. V. O. COZAD, Register. CHURCH" ANNOUNCEMENTS NA'ARUN!) CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Young Peoples' Meeting 7:30 p. m. Preaching norvlco 8 p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening 7:30 . Missionary meeting second aad fourth Friday in each month 8. L. 8. TRACY, Pastor. PHKHBYTKKIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. ra. Proachlng nerrlco 11 a. m, Other services will bo annouaced ok soon as tho new pastor got ac quainted and arrange with tho con gregation. JOHN H. WICHKRSON,. Pastor C1IHIKTIAN 8CIKNCH HOCIHXTt Services nt 11:00 o'clock. Tho reading room In tho churck Kdlflco. Is open on Tuesday and Fri day from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. Sunday School moots on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Pupils may bo admitted to It classos up to tho age of 20 years. Tho public is cordially lavlted U the Church Sovlces and to tke Read ing Room. , 11AITI8T CHURCH Hlblo School at 1 A. M. Preaching at 11 o'clock, j Kvenlng Service at 7:30. 1 Prayer mooting Thursday, 7:30 P. ! M. Rov. J. J. Tlckner, Pastor. Resl jduuco north of Court Houbo, Phoua IW121.