.SiO'f Kv. Ootnlior 2, 1020. T II 10 T I M H H II K It A 1) 1) II if U N H , II A II N M Y' COUNTY O It K (ION I'ajCO Flr T I O.m'tir Howim wiin In town during tho week from Cntlow. llo wuh mi liitoroittod nUomliiUt at tlio fulr ami liioldenlally ncomod lo "nhy around" the m'liool "ma'aniH" at tho liiHtltuto. Win, Uuthorfonl, fonnorly u real-: and conluionliitOB roturulllK to Toxun ho killed n man but dooa not lull him dont of Cntlow, la In thin nnrt of) for tho winter. ' who It wan. nut ho dooa loll tho tho country after an extoudnd ul itunco. llo hua buou In dlrferont unrtH of tho eounly alncu loavlui; hero Fall and Winter Dry Goods Furnishings-New Slock Shoes, Sox "THE CONFESSION" , prion! that ho murdurod tho man bo ciutlio tho victim had betrayed IiIh alHter, After Duniont had aworn ho would mnko roparatlon If tho crime foil upon the nliouiilom of another, Dumout In nbsolvod by Katller Hart lett and luiivoa, Junt iih Kate Crol;hton la riiiliililoi; tho atory of her quarrol with Tom, Tom cdiiiuk Into tho room badly fr'lfhtoiind and tolla liln mother, brother una Hweethe'art that (irolish ton ban been killed and that he ban been nccUHod of tho crime. mi... m. . ...... j .. ,,...,.. A....,, ..... .. i in) nuui in vuiiii.'h u; iiimi iiiimu Leather Vests " . i... .. m b0 m,.. :vul ,i.l!.hmiK(i ,K,u',,or n,:r!,olt ,tno:VH Cnrtlinalu Approve Screen Piny That Appear al Liberty Next Week. Sweaters Mackinaws erly Thontre on next Thur.ulny and Friday. It ban the approval of aneh eminent authnrltloo aa Jamea Curtllii- fcmQ T-Tnl c 1,1 (,,W,,0I,B' ,,n,, Oaddlnal Mereler, JcLJo. .Llclto tho horole Prolate of llolijluin, eom- ni i ' rp. nioml and approve a play It mux! lu UilirtS, J. leS l,w f unperlor (jiiallty and of all Dilute nxantlv correct an lo trutli UnClerWCar minima and detail. Much approval Iiuh I liuon kithii uy nmil l TOO COIIIOH ! alon" wrltlen by llal Hold, tho aiilb or of morH nurriful plays than anr t-x-j -j i . othnr llvih writer. JjlanlCetS 'H furtliormoio ban the full appro vul of Ari'hblnhop OlirlBtlo of Oruuoii. Auto .Robes 1 w,iu suyH: ,,iIii, 1110 i,,,'i,foy : 'The CouftHHlon' vividly portrayH the Inviolability of the mm I of Hucramen lal CoufonHlon." It In probable that no feature pro ductlou of rereut yearn ombodloH im many merltorloun featured nn dnn thin photoplay. It In full of thrllllni; dnunatln InctdoutH. IMny room are Koln to ntlaa ono of tho fluent pro line! tona over noon In Huron If tboy fall to wltnena thin picture. Tho ntory In UiIh: htmiiv (!' "Tin-: coxi.'i:hhion" "Tho Cnnrnnnlon" Ih a urlppliiK ntory of tho CHiiadlau Northwent wrliun In uvn tlirlllliiK r"U with Traveling Bags Trunks i Navajo Blankets Burns Cash Store OVE In Oils and Gas To reduce our stock we offer i For Cash Veedol Oil Per Gal. Gasoline $1.00 .40 Liberal Discount on Access- ones. that Dumout In the nutlty man, ho doeH not Indicate hbi kuowlod;e and Tom Ih taken to prlHou. i DurliiK tho trial Dumout tontlflea that Tom nhot Cr(ili?lilou. Father llarlett Ih placed upon the Htand. and refiiHoM to islvo ally Information at) to what happonod In tho ootifoHMloutil or what Uumont until. Tom In eonvlel ed and tho loutence of iIpuIIi In pro iioiiiicihI. Michael Miiceeedn In kuUIiii; men of the town to try to effttiil Toin'n oHenpB. An they are battorliiK down the door or Ihu Jail, Father Imrtlott nukn them to leave and lot law ami crtler prevail an (led In III i Infinite merey will not allow an Innocent man to nurfor. Father Ilartlett vlnltn bin brother In If coll. Tom neUen tho pried, chokes him and tnnken bin OHcapo. Whllo on the way ho cornea In con taut with Dumout and there Ih a tor rlble flKht, but Dumout Auccocdn In loidcklnK Tom unronticlnun. Father 11.1,1 it tt HUHpeelo.1 'l m bad o'n ') to Canada and followed'hlm, but be fore he could reach him, a mem ber of tho iNorttiwimt Moonuul Po lice rapturon Tom and tnhoi him back to tho ntnton. Wltllo the prlojtt In lookltif; fur III I nomontoud lOutry, No. OOOiWl, for , BM Vi NM 'i , H'HIOi,. Sec. 7; N104 NMV4, Hectlon 18, TowiihIiIp 20 H., HaiiKo 20 10., Willamette Meridian, ban riled notice of Intention to make Final throo-yoar Proof, to oHtnbllHh claim to the land above doHcrlbed, hororo Heliiler ami Hecolvor, at Ilurnn, OroKon, on tho 4th day or November, 1020. Claimant namen an wltuoHmm: Arthur A. Tipton, or Ilurnn, Oro Kon, and Theodore .Totloy A, O. Voll mer. and Manuol HandorH. all of wnrrowH, nrei;on, V. (I. OOZAI), HetclHtor. .0 NOTKJK OK ViSM, ACCOUNT For Hon!-!)00 acres or fjood pnn turo w,th plenty or water. AddreHii Francla Orlllln, Narroww, Oregon. Mil , tyM 4 IN Till-: TOIINTV COIJUT OF THIS. HTATK OF OHKOON, FOH HAH-1 NWV f'.OUNTV. In the Matlcr of the rotate or Har riett K. WatHon, DecoaHcd. Notice Ih hereby kIvoii that tho umierlKned admlnlHtralrlx ban riled In tho ahnvo-entltled court her final ' account aa inieli admlnlMtratrlx and ! that the Court ban appointed Monday , win in utiy or Novuinin-r 11)20 at tho hour of ion o'clock In the forenoon an the lime and the County Court lloom in (lie Court Houmo In Ilunm, i Or!in hh the ilaco for hearing ob-1 eettoiiH to mild account and the 1 Riililoiueui tlicroof. All perHOUH con-' ornud fir heraby notified to fllo , tlirlr lllili'i'lliiliM. In utIIIiii'. it iiiiv . in h thir l on or beforo the above ""vp your witch fivci baiilcil, Htart iiHiiiml data, and to appear on mild the obi clock to tlcklni;, not that old date and nupport nuHi objections 1 plcco or Jewelry In ueaileu onler. Dated Hoptomhcr 28, 1020. ir,,. ........ ........ m,.. . . i, . MAItOAUHT HIIAVIJH, H "0 OWr ",M, fl' 0,1 "" Admx of KHt or Harriott 10. Waton, K1'1' '" M. HAMHIIUKV Deed, 'Jeweler, optician. tt wwiith of Atmophr kiu n mroim; iIPO !,,., )l0 comw HUr()Mll i),uniii.i licurt ltitrMt thnl bold from th Htnrt. It owi with Fnther UnrtUM. ninvnl bv irtry Wall ball. In the library or bin home. A itorm Ik rtiKlui; Dtilado. Michael, the noxton, crnred with four and coimclniiH utr'eken. Dumout ruim from a enbln and falln from tliw top or a ntnep bill into the river ludow. I'aMier liar lett reaction hliu from the water and Dumout eakn the prlunt lo take blm TIIK MKAT WK HKNI) VOU will nuroly como up to your oxpocta tlonii. In fact ir It In your Hrnt order tho meat will provo a revolution to you In flavor, tondornoHa and Jucl Uchu. Wo don't HHk you to take our word for It. (live un a trial order and you'll have the i.roof. O. - W. CASH MARKES In vmt much concerned about the mrk to t, MtnttHthal be will tell abHouce or Tom llnrtlnt, the iirleHt'n jji0 truth end freo Tom. N Uitlvei'sal Garagre Co, brother. In the Htorm. He placen a lantern outnldo an u jtnldo to Tom Tom'H mother In alno very much wor ried and who placea a lamp In the kltobon window. Tom Ik really In a naloon drinking, and with h'm In Jim Crelchton, brother of Kate ('mlghtou, who In etiKUKod to Tout. When t'rolKbton telln Tom h Iuih had oiioukIi to drink an nrRuine"! follown. They quarrel and an they are wrentlltu; about they flidit tbe'r way to the out nldo, and to a ifttlo patch or woodn. JoHOph Dumnnt, a Canadian, who ban been watchl": them. rollown. An Tom and CrelKbton are flghtlnc It out. Tom droH h'n kuii. TbU In picked up by Dumout, who ralHCH It and hIioIh Cre'uliton ICate CrHKhton, Toin'n nwcetheart. Hpriini;. in tho miKint'uio In In the room ( i tttiltuil. Father Hnrtl tt ttdlhiR him or a ijtinrrol nho bad with Tom that aftur noon, and that Hhu had broken tbolr eiiKacoiueut beuaiiHo ho had refuned to ntop drinkhiK. Hr brother, hIio Haiti, bail come upon tho uceuo and told Tom If he dltl no! kIvo up lliiuor. ho would breiil bin neck. Dumout, the Cauadlun, then romoH to Father Ilartlett ami telln blm he wautH to make a coufomilnu. Ho nayn The day or the execution In at baud and Tom'n mother and nweet liitri k to the Oovernor but h" r" fiiHon Id intercede. Father Ilartlett trlei to Ket Dumout back to the HlatoH In time to hiivo Tom'n life Junt rh the black cap Ih about to be drawn on bin head, tho prlent and Dumout arrive at tho prlnon. Dumunt trlen to cnufoHn, but dropit doatl. TJio warden In about to k ahead with the execution, but two of the Ktinrdn had noticed Hint Du mont wan trylut; to not Homothlm; out or IiIh pocket when be wan ntrlc ken. They find a paper in which the Canadian eoiifuHntm to tho murtler or CrolKhton. Thin U broui;bt to the ncarfcld Junt an the trap Ih about to be Tom ami bin family are ro- -o- NOTICK OF ITIIUCATIOX' Li 3 DE We t Can Supply You With Everything - In The Grocery Line Farmers Exchange Burns, Oregon I'NITICD STATICS LAND OFl'ICI-J Hurnn. Oroi;oii, Stplember 20. 1020 NOTICK In heroby Klvon Hint l.ontur H I. on ir. of lluriiH. OreKou. who, ou October ilO, 1015. made llomeHtead Kutry No. 08 It. 'I, ror N'K 4 . N 4 BK U . BK '4 Sl-J V4 . Section :io. Towimbip 21 s , ltniiKo an 10., Willamette Meridian, Iuih filed not ice of Intention to mako Final throo yoar Proof, to OHtnbllHh claim to tho laud ubovu described, before HorIh tor uud Hecolvor, at Ilurnn, Oregon, ou the Cth day of November, 1020. Claimant minion iih wUuohhuh: Cecil IrVliiR, Irn DiivIh, Sherman It. Loiik. and OeorBO W, Taylor nil of Ilurim, OroKon. V. 0, CO.AD, ItoBlHter. o .NOTICK I'OH I'UHI.KJATIO.N UNITKD STATUS LAND OFFICIO Ilurnn, OreKou, Soptember 20, 1020. NOTICK Ih heroby given that Itafol Ilermudez, or IluriiH, Oroh'on, who, ou AiiKUHt 7, 1017, made M A K V (1 K I I? 1-' I N Ueiibllcan Cntidldato V'or Hcbool Hiiperintemlent I r air prtppc; . nnnn Rnnnc; A AAA V A 1V1 VAIV - - - Vfc A V- w A- k A THIS IS A GENERAL STORE -but- WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD lit nlwny n fnlr wAAtlinr price in our bargain department for grocnrlet. Como in out of the rain of profiteer. We have nn umbrella with no lends in it. It pocketbooe proof grocery buying, and ii your oppor tunity for a Jut return on your money. Nrc our Mimples tnr made ta order nultn. You couldn't icct belter value unywlicre at anything like the price. L. E. REED General Merchandise HW-4HiMMMMHMIHIHHUIHHHtHIIIIUMM T Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here Save Your Eyes 18SS&. A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager ICyts strnin causes hcadachcH, nervotiHiiess and oilier trou IiIch. I lit jflaHHOH accurately and Hclentilically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICN SCHWARTZ OptomelrlHt Ollli'o with Dr. It, F, Smith mnrvi n Some Specials Dress Goods Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves Shoes Belts " lies Groceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Vegtables. N. Brown & Sons mm iT i iifo I