I'.'W Vow T II 10 T I M K R - II K It ,1 L I) II V II X H i If A It N H V COUNTY , O It 11 0 O N HutnnKv, October 2, 1020, $5 EM 1 . 4 ...... - M THE UNIVERSAL CAR it 9 i 3 885 9 I 1 eductions ' in Prices of Ford Products 9 The war is over and the war prices must go. ' Effective at once Ford Cars, Trucks and Tractors will he sold R O. B. Deiroit at the following prices: Touring car without starter NEW PRICES with starter . . - . - I Roadster without starter - -I " with starter - - - Coupe with starter and demountable rims, Sedan " Track,' Pneumatic Tires Chassis -Fordson Tractor $440 510 395 465 745 705 GILD PRICES $575 545 360 790 640 525 850 The Ford Motor Company makes this reduction in the face of the fact that they have on hand immediate orders for 146,065 cars and Tractors.' The company will suffer a temporary loss while using up the material got at high prices. They are willing to make the sacrifice in order to bring business back to a going condition as quickly as possible and maintain the momentum of tne buying power of 'the country. Henry Ford say's "The war is over and it is time the war prices are over." There is no sense in trying to maintain an artificial standard value. For the best interest of all it is time a real practical effort was made to bring the business of the country down to a regular pre war standard. 4 Following this suggestion the Burns Garage will make sweep ing reductions for cash on a complete Sine of automobile supplies and accessories which includes TIRES, GASOLINE AND OILS This will be a bonifide sale and a guar anteed money saving proposition for you. To those who have signed contracts for the purchase of cars, which have not been delivered, there will be a saving of many dollars. Our policy of guaranteed work will be strictly followed out and we are at your command with regular Ford efficiency in service and eagerness to fill your orders. BURNS frm rnl J 1 1 1 650 f 550 I 625 850 975 i H i w Pi Hi Si i i HTATIJ.MHNT OK TIIK OWNKHHIfll' MuiiuKomoiit, ote.,roo.ulrod Jiy tho of Congress of August 24, 1012, of Tho Tlmon-Hontld, published woek ly, at HuriiH. Oregon, for October 1, 920: Statu of Oregon, County of Ilarnov. mi, 'lioforu mo, u Notary Publla. In and ttif tJUy Stato and county aforesaid, lionioiiully. appourod Julian IJyrd, who, luring boon ' duly sworn nc cording to law, purpoacu and saya . tliat ho is tlio publisher of TJio j TluiOH-IInrald and that tho follow lug lu to tho best of li Ih knowledge and holler, a truo statement of tho ownership, management of tho uforo Hald puhllcntou for tho dato bIiowu In tho ahovo caption roqulrod by tho Act of CongrosH of August 21, 1912, embodied lu miction 4 111, PohIuI Laws and Rogulutlons, printed on tho ro viiruo of t It Ih form, to-wlt:' 1, That tho name and addrcuH of, tho inibllHhor, (idltor, managing mil-1 tor and business manager Ih Julian llyrd, ItuniH, Oogou. 2. That tho owner Ih Julian Hyrd,; HuriiH, Oregon, It. Tha tho known boudholdorH, mortgagees, and othor soourlty hold inoro of tho total amount of bonds, mortgages, or othor Boourltlos aru och owning or holding 1 or cunt or iiono. JULIAN I1YUD, Publisher. Rworn to and subscribed boforo! mo thin 2nd day of October, I U 2 0 . VM, FAltU.O, Nolary Public. My I'ommlHHlon olr-s May a", 11121 o CITY mCCOHDIOIt HMSKiNH At a Hpoclal inootlnR of tho city oounoll hold last TuoHday uli;ht, J, J. PattorHoit, city rocordor, roHlRnod bin poBltlon to tnl:o(ufl'ont Immediate ly, It waa accoptod and Sam Moth ornhoad waa appointed to take bin pluco tumporarlly. It Ih Ukoly Mr, Mothomhcad will hold tho position until tho Novombor oloctlon wbon a HiicooHHor will ho choaou by tho vot orH. Mr. Pattnrson la loavitiK for Nampa, Idaho wliuro ho will locate, Mr, Mnrcua Uoach, nccoinpanled by li Ih couhIh, Vtrgll SbloldH, was ovor from Silver Orook durliiK tho week, Mr. Uoach baa boon vlsltlnn with rolatlvoa lu tbla county for nov oral wooka. Loon M. Brown of tho Harnoy County National Dank rocolvod a tol oKram Thuroday anuounuliiK that Thoa. W. Stojihoua was seriously ill at tho Hono hospital. No further word has come Hlnco, Tom was thoro with his strliiK of race stock and ha I coiitomplatod Kolni; oaat with thorn to rnuu ovor tho grand circuit.