t n n x i m r n 11 11 it a i i B U It N fl , II A II N M T OOUNTT, OltTJCJON with ultlninto iiucconrt nil our uimurod rowurtl. Tho nbnonco of ouch n Kjilrlt will roduco tin to tho ntatuo of n collor tlon of unltn, without organization, without' doflnlto purpoiio, and mch (xliuuitlnB hlii onorjry and hl.-i ro HOtirciM In a mlro of nunplclou and cries urponcn. Tho iniuo can not ho ovudod--lt l.i one or tho othor. Which town? do you profor for thin VYItl.T JtUTTOANK MitM( jtno or TunT nort. vntTr" r nu oio or ani thinqi ntf A Hpaniard In Hald to havo Invent ed a machlno that pluyn clicen, thus . 1 I . . . 1 11... . - . . I . ft waBijy.i.iiiivi riiimviiiK lihi iiiiiiiiiii ninvnr nr n Hovoro raohtal ntraln. Now If omo KonhiH will junt dlflli up ono that will play holl it may afford a little rollof to Homo of our political frlondn. I Kill That Cold With Saturday, October 2, ll20. rart H r -,wf drifts wr.H I I f"rTtTo.f?6 U ,s. " 7Z' " 1 1 mm if. Mi 1 1 GOT A JOLT COM INC F aSr wo niUHt oxpoct that thoy at loiiHt will ho ahtu to dotuct tho bourn of our own oyoH, A Tow may bo Hhort flighted and 1 unnlmurvlni!. but tint nmlorltv of puoplo aro wIhu and iiulpk to nolo tho IdlniiyncniHliMi of hiiiuan nature. Why In It that nonio pooplo aro unlvumully admired and ruitpoutud Iholr faultH, mi do tho rost of uh? It Ih not bccaUHO tlumo faultH aro hlddun from tho world far from It. It In bocauno nucli pooplo havo hoartH oudowod with nioru than tho avoniKu of human computiuton Imartii that prompt tho mind to roconnlzo tho good qualltluH of othorH rathor than to bo continually nouklut; out tho weakor polntit. It Ih hocauitu thoy no tho bottur Hldo of othnrn that tho world think no woll of thotn. All pooplo havo tholr faultH, hut notiiu, unrortunatuly, aro only ublo to dlntliiKUlHli ihoHo which oxIhI In thu othor follow. o A HTOItY OK KAKM COUNTHY PIUMJKKHH BKKINU IKWII WAYS Smo of un aro content to ro through llfo iioUur tho rulHtnkus of othrrti, bllNRfully Indifferent to thu (net that thoy now us as wo hoo thorn. Pooplo think of uh only an our own conduct and nctlonn dtmurvo that wo bo thought of. If wo fpoud our tltno In potty and obnoxious crltlrltilmn of nthcrn, The children love WnsSey's and ffc &8d fer ti&m- r I - 1 mm 7A Made wm2sr condtelORe o broufibt to ttiem in Wrtetey's sealed satary pad:afic. IL t 11. ' SofZafles the crav'na for swc8fs.8id$dli3e&1ior sweet ens brealfi, alfa3Wtt:Wan3 belPB Steep teeth di . mm Mm StlCS A i J' LASTS ArM ' r wsi In tho bis cltlcH thoy ntlll think It Ih nmart to havo tholr auclout "rubu" and "hii)-Hod" Joko. It boat all how provincial and narrow puoplo aro wlun thoy aro iihut up In thu canyonH and tho llmltH of big lowim. Thoy got no that thoy don't know how tho world pro gronHo.i. A wook In tho rural townii and on tho farm would upon tho oyoH of tho follow who ntlll JokoH, an IiIh father and craudfathur did. about ruhoii. What' Ih moro upto-dato anywhoro than tho following: A Kan mm fnnnur, driving along n country road thu othor day In bin Dig Hlx uutomobllo, tumud it corner too Hharply and wont Into a ditch. Car rlud Into tho nearby farm Iiouho, a farm hand who wan a noldlor In France, gavo him flrnt aid and found HOW EOHIPPOS GREW UP INTO A MORSE VlRiiiPvlitiy mHilH TEL' AccordHiK to Prof. J. N. G dloy of tho Division of Paleontology. United Statea Muuoum, the horBO at ono tlmo was llttlo animal, known uh Rohtppua, nhown abovo. 'fhrough tho iigea It nlow y do volopod MUo th MoHOhlppuii, ITypohtpputj. MorychlppuB, Hip purlon, und thon to tho woll-lcnown antmal of today, tho Khuuh. or bottor Knnwii uh tho Horwo, Now i looko uh though our Bquua woro tfoUio to dovolop Into vvhut,wlll bo known to futuro Bgoa uu tbn AutohlppomobllohiiH. that ho noodod nkillful nurglcal at tontlon at ouco, Taklug (down tho farm Iioumi 'phono, tho flrnl-nldor citlloitMip a noted nurgaon In ICarnum City, 7t mlloH away.' In ton mln ii ten tllo doctor wait abroad an alr plauo and In Ioiih than an hour ho wan at tho, Injured niau'ii nldu. An hour later, tho opuratlon wan over and tho patient wuh comfortably routing. Thiui, in lomi than three houm af ter tho accident, thu llfo of an Injur ed man had boon nuved on tho ncono of accident far hack In tho country, by a nklllful phyxlclan from a groat city many mllori away, Hayticod? Huh! If a family workn In amity in Itn alniH and Uh purponoH In llfo it nun coodn, If it dlHiigrcoH, and In divided It di'Koncrateii Into a number of nop arato unit, without cohewlon, and ovontuully falla. Thin town in ono big family, with many membem, or unltn. A loyal Rplrlt of fraternity will wold uh together and enable un to work Intelligently, energetically and cohodlvoly for our common good, EARLY FALL CREATION FOR MILADY l'i;v'l i WW ! w I I I CASCARA Colli, Coughs rvi iikviiikir AND Grippe NcKlcctcd Coldo nro DnnRcrouii Tnt no chnncan. Kt-op thla Btomlard remedy hundy fer lb first nuten: Hii'bkfc op n cold In 24 hours fU-llovc'i Orlppo In D dAyo Kccllunt for Hondcho Qulnlna In thin form vm not nfroct tho hcud Cascuro is bt Tonic Lmutlvu No Opinio In HIU'c. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT I mm mm ihii id 'j i ! m f win mgi i n tv rOU certainly want to . sve money, and you krould like to hnvij better bnkinKU. 'Ilicn use Calumet. It's the bijeest tliinir. you can do to i:n provo the qunllty cf your baking and luwcr baking ccuta. Calumnt Is made in thelnrg- cr.r, tncit ennltn.y linking Powder Frr.torlo) in tlm World. No I.ik Irilt I'oudir la inatlo tinder better co:i(!ltlon& none can bo bctttr la qiLthty. It contains only surh Ingre- dicnU & hnve been oi. lolly en dorsed ly Uo U. S. Pure Food Authorities An absolute guoran tccthat It ih pure P mi wmmmm II III PWIliMl I I mix llli I " h, Mj ..... Ml caruYTtsr received highest Award. World's Pura Food Exposition. Chi cago Porli Kxpoaitlon, Pnria, Franco ponltivo proof of its super ior merit. It is used by more house- wIvit, domestic nciintbts and chefs than any other brand. That would not ha the caw, if It wore possible to eccuro a hiyhcr quality Icavrncr? It is f.old at n moderate price. All yeu hnvo to do ii to compare rosta to d-Mcrmlnc Imw much you can uivo by buying Calumet. Pound can of CMumct contains foil Km s. fornnhfl' ifjw'". win 12 at. Instind f id ' z. c m. lr i urn 6'i fri n TM'iiP'l -ibm y w:it It. 3 cup ufelrr CiT, 3 level te fjt. ia Calumrt btVmii Tovclcf. Yt cuplniittr. m rur gntnuliiu-U UKar, ic'JiiOtJrfi.'v J CVH Ot( wt rr. V,iltro:3f 1 ttmttoon ornno rjr'fuct. Ttxniunc InUietceuUrway. Ih e Olympic Line You Make the Final Test 1 Chemists in our laboratory and cooks 4 in our kitchens test jTtfiuWii Flour at every phase of the milling. Each sack must register unuorm flavor and bakin qualities. In order to appreciate this good flour we suggest oit test it in your own kitchen. Energy nnd strength nre supplied in the concentrated nutrition of au.TCSintu Wheat Hearts. It's the idcnl breakfnst food. Pnncnkcs mode from dlEVUlJUC Pancake Flour top off u good brcak(ac. 4 III M i raiHrH i m i imLm i mwuuvm f m www fin i rr www mwww rwx Healthy barnyards make wealthy farmers. A good many hale, healthy barnyards arc the result of CUHwDUS scientifically blended stock and poultry feeds. ' S ... 4