The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 02, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Pni Two
T II H T I M H - II H It A Ij I 11 U R N H , II A It N 13 T COUNTY, O It H Q O N
Hoturday, October 'J, 1020.
( Contributed)
You cuu Rot low down on most
Ktiys hy Hul)tnu:ttui; -tho hIzu of tho
Hhoes thoy wear from tho hIzo of
tholr hat, When u guy bcglna to
, look for luMltlonul Htorngo for hta
brnltiH ltK ii suro hIkii Unit tho bono
. Iiiih Htnrtutt to grow in. Tho only ox
outto unyoiiu ovor lintl for a involl
liouil linn boon romovod by uu net of
ronKii'ox. Any Kuy cun talk about
liltiist'lf ii wIhd oho looku for n hu!
Jnct of more iiohhIUIIIUoh. After nil
you know that Htato fruit Hindis
HiuiltMt you ilon't buy uutOH lio
cuuko they rnttlo. Tho world In ttill
of tiuranu iihouiiRrapliH looklitR for
oth'.T pooplort reconlH to talk on. If
you put iiitohh BomothltiK worth
while you don't nuud to do tho tulk
ItiK tho follow tlmt miver jiutn any
tbliiR across Ih loo butty llrttonlni; to
hlrt own voluo anyway. If tho world
and thlrt town Ih to bo a bettor plin;u
to II vu In wo'vo got to Brab hoiuo of
tbo Jobs wo'ru tryliiR to patm on to
tho othor fallow. Tho troublo Villi
tho nuwt of iih Ih thai wo don't .help
tku iiuiorul uvoraso of our town-- wj
loot ouriti-ivos and knock our neigh
bor --and tft jtiii orally wroni; both
.H 'I Ui'r-" Isn't anything radlci'ly
wroiiK with thin town Itri a good
dual hotter than niOAt of uh could ro
bulld It tho troublo Ik with you and
I. What wo noitl to do Ih to rIvi tho
world a llttlo dt'inoimtrntlon In co
operation, fellowship and human uu
dtTMtuudliiK- It lun't whatn In nour
bi-or that oiukcrt It- unpopular Uh
tlio ouo or two thluRK loft out.
All tho funny kum nro not on tho
"two a duy" by n low? lt thorn
wouldn't b any of uh loft for an and
lnco If they wore.
Di'ad bmvcH fall bocauim thoy wnro
Intonik'd to hrtiK uourlnhmunt to tho
trco but failed, Whon a follow or
n town Iii'kIiih to die Kh own i;ravi
ho or thoy shouldn't kink JuhI bo
ruujio HOtnt'otti olito propnroH a honiN
Mom; for It. Wo nro perfectly will
lui; to kIvo tho undertaker all that
boloiiKH to It tin Do you?
There nro a lot of folloWH In every
town that are rendy for the under
takor only thoy don't know It. No
body In thin town not any cheap ad
vcrtiHliiK In thin article If you fool
tho need of It toll tho secretary of
tho commercial club.
l.otH of fellowH rlnlit In UitriiH
Milnk uinl miy "Oh let ko and ho do
It" tho ri'Hiilt U nil that you could
oxpoct unci thou foiim.
A lot of fellown In thin burn think ,
lltnt whuu they nro ukcd to do hoiiiu- j
thliu; for the town thoy are doing tho
rant of uh a pernoual favor forgot It
-r-they uln't no nlch animal. What
ever you lo Ih done for the r.ood of,
Huron or not at all, j
A lot of fellowH when they road
Hi Ik will either Inunh and Hay "don't
fbnt hit ho ami no" while others will
Krnw red In tho fuee and Initio to'
luirni and wonder who lli ron of j
it iron It that would dro liianlt them 1
whlnh eluH ar you In? I'twd It '
"tr iiguln.
- a
Tba two bin political purtloM ar
rpoallnK history. Th pot and tho
kuttlo am iipiln nnxnftHd In the tlm
honored occupation of calling each
othor black.
!)00 TONS fluo (juallty hay for uulo,
Principally timothy, rod top and
clovor mixed. 240 ncroa good
pitiituro thrown 'in. Hholtorod food
Kround. Lota of good water.
AddreHU Inqtilrlott to A. H. I'hro,
Ulatnoiid, OroRon. 9-13
lntrnii, OroRon, Hept. 21 1020
NOTICK Ih horoby Rlvon that Hor
ni an ThloH, of HuriiH, OroRon, who,
on March 10, 1014, made Doxort
Laud Entry, No. 071280, for HSW'4
Sou. 211 mul NNW'k, Hoctlon 20,
TowtiHhlp 22 H HaiiRO 31 Will
ainettn Meridian, linn filed notice of
lutoiitlou to mako Klnal Proof, by
' purchiiHo under Meu. .1 Act March 4,
1916 to crttahllHh ulalm to tho land
abovo deHcrlbed, before ItoRlnter and
Hocolver, at Duron, Oregon, on tho
2t day of October, 1020.
Claimant namon an wltnenaoH:
JoHeph Wllkornon, Dale Porter,
(Hon Clumomi, and Trunk JacIchoh,
nil of UuriiH, OruRon.
V. U. COZAD, UoRlHtor
o .
IturiiH, OrnRou Sept. 21, 1020
NOTICK Ih horoby given that
; Nellie A. ltontfro, of Narrows, Ore
gon, who, on May 7, 101 i, inudo
Denort Land Entry. No. 07444, for
WMi. Section 10, Townahli 2d S.,
Kongo 20 K Wltlametto Meridian,
Iuih filed notice of Intention to nmko
Final Proof, by purchttHO under Sec.
3 Act March 4. 1016, to efltabllflh
... . , . ,..
cimm iu inn iiiiiii aooro uom.tiuou,
before Heginter and ItcceJver, at
Huron, Oregon, oil tho 28 day of
October, 1920.
Claimant namoN nn wltnciurs::
lHaau N. Hughet, and Otua Sleo
more, of Nurrown, Oregon and Philip
O. Smith, and Jack Hoblnxon, of
HurtiH, Oregon.
V. O. COZAD. Heginter
thoro bo.
Diitod Soptombor 18th, 1020,
lilt Pub. Sept. 18th,
6th .Pub. Oct. 10th.
O '
In tho matter of tho OHtato of Henry
Holkon, docotHod.
To tho unknown holrn of tho OHtntn
of Henry Holkon, doceiiHod, and to
any all other porotiH having or
claiming to have any Internal,
right, title, lion or entate In or to
tho real property of Henry Holkon,
OF OHKOON: You are ami each of
you nro horoby cltod and required to
appear In tho County Court of tho
Stato of Oregon for tho County of
Harney, at tho County Court Hoom
thereof, at IluriiH, Oregon, In tho
County of Harney on Monday the
18th day of Ocober, 1020; at 10
o'clock in tho forenoon of that day,
thou and there to nhow caiiHc, If any
oxIMh, why Uu' Honorable William
Farm, Judge of the County Court,
Hhould not make an order uutliorlz
lug and directing O. K. TIioiiiiinoii,
admlnlHtrator of the above outltlod
OHtatu to hoII LotN threu and four,
tho U'j of tho NIC Vi , tho N', or tho
SW'4, and tho WVi of the SK'i of
Hdctlon 6. Twp. 27 S or Hnugo 36
K. W. M. containing 320,31 acroa
more or Iohh In accordance with tho
ordern of thin Court and ah by luw
W1T.VKSS: Tho Honorablo William
Farro, Judge or tho
Ccuuty Court of tho
Stato of Oregon for tho
County of Harney with
tho nel of tho HaM
Court affixed thin 14th
day of September, A. D.
Notice In hereby given that the
undomlgncil have boon duly applonl-l IN THF COUNTY COl'llT OF TIIK
ed exectitora of the Uat Will and! STATK OF OHKOON FOH IIAIl
TeHtument and KMate of William K. NKY COUNTY.
Smith, dece.iHcd. by the County, In the mutter or tho Entitle of Mattlo
i Court of the State of Oregon, for A. uardner, (leceaaud
Harney County. All pornoiiH having ' Notice Ih hereby given that the
: clnltiiH agaliiHt yald oHtnto nro hereby I nuderHlgned Iiiih filed It Ih final no
I notified to printout them, duly verl-' count and report In the above-uatn-
fled uh by law required, to ua at onr;ed uhIiiIo and the Court hag net tho
place or residence in HuriiH, Harney I hour or 10 o'clock in the forenoon or
County, Oregon, or at the olllco or; tho 18th day or October 1020, an tho
our attorney J. S. Cook, mild City, time, and tho County Court room In
County and State, within nix moutliH the Court limine In Huron, Oregon,
ironi the date of thlrt notice. an the place, for tho hearing or ob
Dated thin 18th day of September, ' Jectloim to the name and the nettle-
1020. i inent thereof. All perHonu concern
IIUHKHT J. SMITH ; ed are hereby notified, to rile their
KAKNKST L. SMITH oujectloiM in writing ir any nuch
Kxecutorn or the Lent Will and there be, on or before mild date, and
Teatament and En late or William K. to appear ami content aald final lit
Smith, duceaHed. count H objectlntiH there be.
n ' Dated September 13. 1020.
Adrnlnlntralor with tho Will Annex-
i k
In The County Court or the State or' "
Oregon, Mr Harney County. , JfJ "jf; "Jf,;
In the Matter or the Katule or Inane u
Schwartz, Deceased.
Notlco !h horoby given that the'
nunied cHtnto Iiiih riled In tho nbove- willlam J. McKIiiiiIn,
named Court her flnul account an' Plulutlff.
uuuh executrix and that the Court, v.
Iiiih net the hour of 10:30 o'clock or Motl v- 1Ik.
tho forenoon of tho ISth day of NOTICK IS lllJIlEHY (UVKNtiiul
Octobei 1020 uh thu time unit the n,0 Un,erHli;nod ban been duly up-
County Court ltoom In tho Court pointed tcelver of the parlnerHlilp
Houno In Iluroa. Orogou as tho place wttutn of Dodije & McKIiiiiIh, and that
ror hearliiK objection- thproto and . arSeSliSr X'ZX
Ihu Huttlomout thHreor. All ptraoua notttud to proneni them to thv tin-
eoneernod are hereby notiriud to Hlo derHlgned within thirty dayii rrom tho
their objKftlourt In writing. H nny date or Hie llrnt publication hereor.
Milch ther bo. on or before mid dale w" " Atigunl 28th, 1020
...... . i '
anu iu iiiiuiir uu mini uiuu aim i;uir NOTICE IS HKItKHY FlMtTIIEK
teHt mild final account', If objections; til V EN that the lliial'hourliiK of Hii'ld
in the heart of Harney Valley
now offered at
$30.00 to $110.00 an acre
AH Within the Harney Valley Irrigation District
Large acreage cutting hsyy. All with water rights.
Salts Office at Burns.
rocoolvonihlp matter will bo bad In
above outltlod court and cauno on
Monday, October 4th, 1020.
TIiIh notlco la given by publica
tion once each week for a porlod of
four cotiHUCiitivo wookn purouant to
an order of thu Hon. Dalton DIrh,
Judge of tho Circuit Court of thu
Stato of Oregon for Harnoy Coun
ty, made and ontorod In ubovo entitl
ed null on Augim lHth, 1020.
Flrnt publication Aug. 28th. 1Q20.
Lmit publication Sept. znth, 1020.
Uurnn, Oregon, Soptombor 2, 1020
NOTICE In horoby Riven that
Ccorgo J. UllllngH, of IJurnn, Oregon,
who, on October f, 1910, made
HotnoHtoud Entry, No. 08370, for
Loin 2, 3, SIOWNW'i, NBtf'HWM..
Section 18, Towniihlp 21 S., Hnnge
80 E, Willamette Meridian, linn nlod
notice of Intention to make Flnul i
three-year Proof, to CHtnbllHh claim
lo tho laud above doncrlhod, before
HoglHter and Hocolver, at Uurnii, Oro-i
gon, on tho Rth day of October, 1920,
Claimant natnen nn wltnoHBon:
Carl Kobl, Clyde Mulkoy, Mollis
Parker, nnd Curlle Parker, all of
HuriiH, Oregon.
V. O. COZAD, Heglhler
WANTED Could uso mnn and w'j
on ranch for general work and
cook. Cood wagcH, Applicant
with children not desired, Mm,
CuhhIo Stnytb, Diamond, Oregon
ATP?-:; . -w-
v. I
' Ik
11 111
' : WW-
11 L
Mrs. Oregon: Tear this ad out
and hang it up itt your kitchen to
remind you to ask for "Oregon
T)UYING Orcgon-miidc goods if?
largely n matter of habit.
' nuforu .you buy anything, think for a
iivtmetitnm't that articlo you nccJ
supplied hy ai Oregon mnnufiicctircr?
'Thcii nik your merchant for the Oregon
made- ar.tiulc.
Me will be glad to fill your needs with
Oregon goods, because he knows that
every tiirie he cells tn Oregon product,
he helps Oregon, and everybody who
lives in Oregon. lie knows, too, that
Oregon Products are the finest in the
land. Tourists from all over the world
marvel at the wonderful flavor of our
fruit, vegetable, nuus and' cheese': Our
manufactured products, are sold from
Maine to California.
Start to form the habit today.
Associated Industries of Oregon
More Speed More Wheat
Hour after hour the' tireless Cletrac plows
steadily on, turning an acre an hour twenty
four hours a day if need be. And fast plow
ing pulverizes the soil, keeps the moisture in
the ground and increases your crop yield.
Discing stubble or cultivating: fallow' are easy jofys for the
Cletrac, too. It rides lightly over the top of plowed ground
hauling heavy loads of discs and other fitting tools without
packing the soil. It makes short work of seed-bed prepara
tion and gets the crop in on time.
,The small powerful Cletrac replaces four to eight horses
is economical and easy to operate. It is the tractor you need.
Come in and look this tractor over. See for yourself its
sturdy construction. Let us show you what it will do for,
you on your own farm.
Universal Garage Co.,