The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 02, 1920, Image 1

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    Ilnruoy County's timber) U an
ii.sM't for limited Into explolta
dun MIIIh should ho turnlii)
II out to aid lu tlio rcciuistruc
tlou work of tho tiiitlou, In
voNtlpito thin virgin fluid.
llurnoy cotiulyVi rcxcourccs nro
jittractiiiK (lie atlontloii of (ho
entire West. Irrigation, Mock
raising, mine, oil and gim pro
spect and iiKrlculturo all
awaiting development.
NO. 48
... . , ,
rnvuiou vurnctivc HirougU
Excellent Work of Tho of Burns.
The wra'her mini wa not kind toipor niT0 w,,,c" certainly good for!
n.iilhl v f n I AMHt m 1 I full I. t . .... ... thlR molhod of fnrnilm?. ,mi Mm
tlu ci)iini (air committee, hut oven
f.j, many people have nren attondlni;
nml h(mii to he enjoy. ii the enter
tiilumi iii (trovlded.
The i .villon dlaplnya aro right
up to fit- mark, especially In UiIh
truo of tho woniuns' department.
There never w.ih n finer display of
fancy work over exhibited in Harney
county There, nro over 100 exhibit
ors lu tli Ih department nnd tho dis
plays nro varied, which Includes sov
iral hundred articles.
Among tho Interesting things to
be soon in that department are nomo
Alaska relict loaned by Mrs. Hutton J
also HevernI urtlclos of handiwork in
wood and cloth laoned by Hex. L. 8.
Trucy (hut ho gathered during hla
mimdonury services In tho Orient.
The Hchool exhibit in another that
ilusorvea special attention, although
It requlrcn time to really npproolato
this display. Tho work of tho Hchool
children along the lino 6f maps and
nolo booku will compare favorably
with uny nchool In tho entire north
west Had tho fair movomont been
(tartcd earlier In tho year tho nchooln
would have had n bettor opportunity
to liuvo made an exhibit, but tho dis
play had to Ihi hurriedly nocurod
ulnco tho opening of tho fall tormn
within tho pitHt throe weeks.
Another pretty feature In that wing
of the pavilion Is tho doll Iioiiho. Thin
ftttractn much uttoutlon and doAorvcs
it Mr Schwartz ha a ntro dls
)l..y of baby things In keeping with
tho doll house and tho baby show.
Tho cut floworu, potted plantn nnd
Art exhlblto also come in for a Bharo
of pralso. Some of tho painting on
exhibition nro tho work of homo peo
ple., three painting bolng dono by u
filstor of Ht. Joseph Hospital that
aro much admired.
Cakes, broad, can nod fruit and
other good thing to eat aro on dis
play on ono table. There should have
been more canned fruit but unfor-jono
tunately It wan loft out of tho prem
ium list and too housewives did not
Inow about bringing it.
The women are entitled to the
cn.'d i for tho fine displays In tho
Inv! . Had it not boon lor them It
wn.M likely havo rather a barren
look k affair.
( A Ilvrd In in clinrgn of (ho farm
r, 'I r.irri'-ii products In tho othor
vmk of tho pavilion. TIiIh dnplay
i f intl, although not ns largo and
complete nn It could hnvo been. That
Is cue thing thnt In neglected the
hrlng'ng In of farm and garden pro
ducts by farmers nnd gurdaucrn. It
is too much to expect tho fair man
Agomort to go out nnd gnthor those
eihllilts for every Individual connect
ed with, tho fair ban hla or her pri
vate affairs to look after In addition
to tho dutlen of tho fnlr. It lu not
a 'i urrommodntlon to tho fair board
to m'Tfly glvo thorn tho privilege of
btM , (ixhlblts from one's farm or
r r' ii It Isn't tholr fair nny more!
tin ' ' othor follown. Howevor. this
I " n tlmo or plnco lo compluln 1
' f o tli'iigs. Tho fact is thoro ,
- - i m of tho host grain, grniiso '
and vcKt-tahloH on display In that dr-J
P'r'ni'Mit us ono will find nnywhuro
tho lack of quantity Is mado up
lu quality.
On entering tho north door of this
lng of tho pavilion ono first woes
hlvo of boon nt work from tho
I'orcy Davis Apiary over at Drowney.
Thin is a display as honey boos aro
not numerous In Harnoy county, A
Bcctlon of comb honey is a part of
this display.
To tho right an you. ontor in tho
display of tho Experiment Station
which lu ono of tho most complete
in the pavilion. Thin In not thero In
competition with tho farm products
hut merely an exhibition of tho work
f tho station th'n noason. Tho for-
af'o crops nro represented by field i
I"nn which nvorngod 13:4 tonn per,
it 'it tho idlago ntago; luinflriwern '
wliVi, yio'dod C4.7 tonn por ncro on
Irr' t d lund and lfl.5 tonn on dry
'nu plotn; thoro In nlso nhown honip
if varitlon or tax, 9 varltlen or nl
'a'fa, rod elovor, awuot clovor, ulniko
timothy, hurry vetch and nil oil plnut
culled "Lullomontlu lborlou." .
Ourouln nro displayed with u chart
showing tho yloldii of tho houhoii
: which aro very attractive uml n
"HnR udvurtlaiunont In fuvor of
tho Irrigation urojoct now undor con -
Htmctlon. Fifteen vnrltlou or wheat
yielded hotter than fiO htmhotn to the'
acre, wto nignoui Doing 81.7 and tho
luwoat no. 9; ton varltlen on dry farm
Idols wont from 1!2 hunholn to 40.6'
Irrlgntod portlona show out of nine
vnrltlos on dleplay yields ranging DU,1 UJ a ,uw uu u" vl'
from 43.3 busholu to 130 bushels per T!ly, ,dur,nB 1,10 ,M,Ml WuoU' Mr'
ncroj barley, tho sumo number of p'lurlol" W,,B luvostlgutlug the rah
varltlen aro on display, tho best bo- !'U I,Ufl itMuK Hl0'm 10 ,ut "
liiK Hnnnchen which wont better orc l,u f"jUI to conuU
than 03 bunhnlR to tho ncro; ryo Is B "l0'n , ,
another crop that In Important to tho M'' aubr,0,H11 ,' ro Inst ea
farmers of this section. There aro six 8" ,0, 1,0 H':luo ,,uri'0H0 Mul
varltlen of winter ryo on display "no of hl" ' " Krouu.l
which yielded from 17 to 31 bushels fr, 'Tral '1WookH dur,,, 11,0 r'1"
to tho ncro; nprlnK ryo wont nn hlKh 'iml w,n or ,,Mt, WuM,,ur w''tloim
as 38.0 per ncro. . Wuro unf,lVorttU'o ' h Hatlsfactory
Among the Individual exhibits In
tho gnrden nnd frtwn products that
have attracted favorable attontlon
and rnmnmnf nn? lnim iMv n
homesteader In Hatlow. who has one
of tho finest little farms In tho on-
tiro valloy-wo mean the portion ho
can Irrigate Is little. This exhibitor
has u variety or thlnga that show
what can bu dono over lu his coun
try; fruit exhibits were made by Mrs.
Kurro, Mrs. Behwart, Mrs. McDnn
lels, I'hll Smith and others. Tho
fruit was not II !.- !,..,. I
past; wo hnvo tho fruit out on the
farms and lu the nooks around tho
foot hills but no ope soumod Inclined
to lirillir It III. IV llllirmnn, I
have a wondorful exhibit In tho line
... .... .. .
ui nun uuu nu uueu no inciincu.
Othors could havo duplicated what
was on exhibition.
The lurgo pumpkin of Mrs. Mc
Kolvey'a from Fields was another at
traction, ulthough there were other
pumpkins and siitiash on dlnplny, this
one wus so big one hud to neo it and
thereforu comment. Homo of the
other individual exhibits of garden
and field woro Mrs. Kranklu Turner
and Mrs. Lupton; Clyde Mmbreo hud
a varlod exhibit which Included a
fluo lot of corn, ryo, water melons;
Jay Gould's popcorn looked mighty
good and Geo. Whiting's exhibit of
al fulfa nnd native grasses wero flue;
James Heel had a nice exhibit and
or two special features of this
wan a display of poanuta and norgnm
r. Carpenter, the O, A. C. mnn
, ,, .
nuu juii-,uii uiu )u uiiiii.ii, mi i ii uu .iin
ngruuably surprised to find thu var
iety of exhibits. "It Isn't so much
what onn nun in tho unusual Hint
uiukofi a fair u kiiccuhs, but thu mur
kotiiblo productii thut uro axhlhlted.
I'otutous, corn, alfalfa, grain, sugar
boetM and kindred productH nro what
count, and It Isn't thu big spcclmmi
that wins favor on making thu
awards; It Is quality, iimoothuuHS,
etc." sulil Mr. Carpenter when die-
uusslug tho awards with tho pavilion,
Mrs. JoshIo I). McComh of tho O.
V. C. mado tho nwnrds on tho eutrlen
f tho ladles, tho flowers, needle
work, cooking, tho school work, art,
3tc, This vas no easy task by any
moans un thoro wns n variety uud
.omo very flno work in every depart-'
mout. ,
Tho TlmoH-Horuld will mako no'
.ttompt to give tiio premium winners
ii thu pavilion uh the entry clerks
uul not been ublu to ehuek up thin
lornlug. i
Tho llvoutock oxhlhJtH ut tho fair
undo up In oxcolluuco what It lacked
.ii numbers. Wo will not bo able to
oublliih tho premium awards this
wook but will glvo thorn u mil next
Tho bldH for tho construction of
.ho highway from Lawen on to Crano;
van lot lust Tuesday. Thu succesuful
blddor wnu tho firm of Portor & Con-
lolly, big contractors who now havo
hlrtoon ploccn of road contract un-
lor construction, tho Harnoy county ;
MUtract making fourteon In all, Tho
hid was for $147, 30G nnd thoy nro ro-
nilrod to have tho grading complol-
r.l by January 1, 1021 and the gmv-
ding dono by July 1, 1021, tho
?;ravol!ng not to bogln until noxt
mrlng. I
J. Q
Kvprythlng moven along right
whon tho ontlro hunch gota behind it.
: II S. Rmlnaiml q..r W,
- 3
Work Willi Counlv Asenl
In Active Campaign.
. M r . . , , , .
,rn ""uiHon, in churgo of ro-
l!""1 col,tro1 of 1,10 Ul B' "lOKlal
- ''"' u ronuy o begin op
orations at onco, or at least within
tho next few days and will supply a
Humility of poison from tho govern-
l",'t "t,, two "u,n 10 aUl 1,1 1,10
1,1 r,,ct h W,M "rov,,,
lM'A. n",1" ?,,,,irt of lh" 1 ",u "ul 0,10
unntstant will have to divide his time
with other parta of tho territory. Mr
Onhrlolson has nrrangod with Coun
ty Agent McDanlels to begin an In
tensive campaign. He has had some
experience In poisoning rabbits oven
lboUKh U",ro ,n IHl
nro,ubl" ,0 ul Ht nccustoined
feed. Tho work In to IiokIii over on
Silver Creek or Catlow Vnlley In all
likelihood and will bo followed up
Tho i
rabbits thus destroyed wilt bu
that much out of the way from out
ing up forage that in needed for
stock during the winter months and
Icmoiih tho risk that much fur tho
crops of next year.
II tills campaign proves Hiicoan.ful
t I" likely this method will be given
preference over any bounty In tho
''yjiClo., of the rabbit pest. 1. It.
luiuiiuijr i iiii riii-aiior wa aim n mo
rabbits thus destroyed nro not allow-
ed !j bu projontn.l for bounty, should
tho bounty hill bo favorably vote I
upon, It will ptovo quite it suvlug
to tho taxpayers.
Mr. tJabrletnon and Mr. McDnnlela
dlsrussed tho proposition In tho
,r"c f rllreentatlv of tliM
papor nnd uro agreed upon tho meth
od of procedure nnd will act together
In Ilifi Imtmrf firit u'irlr Mr rinlu
... . ,, . . . . . .,
rlulson loft last evening for Malheur
county by wuy of Crnnu and will
sund bin Mr. Horn over uu soon uh ho
In available. ,
,Onorgo W. Oaten dlod nt tho King
hospltnl In thin city on WuduoMduy
morning aftor an Illness covering
nuvurnl weeks with typhoid fever.
Mr. Oaten wun 40 years old at tho
tlmo of his death. He wns born In
Mlnsourl but came to Union county
lu thin statu in 1879 whuro ho resld-
ed with his parents until lfi8fi when
ho cnlne to Harney county whero ho
hud slnco resided. Ho wan a quiet
man but one that hold friendships,
fie calud all hlu ucqiiulutnucon his
friends and wnn universally liked,
Ho Ih survived by throe nhitora nnd
two brothers. Mrn. J. W. Huchanan
mid Mrn. duo. L. Huohaunii both of
thin county and Mm. Molllo Word,
who roubles lu Portland urn slstur.i.
Price Oaten nnd Van Oates both llv-
lug In Union county nro tho brotheru.
Tho funeral sorvlco wan conducted
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock nt
tho Presbyterian church, Huv. J. H.
Wlchorson, tho pautnr conducting
tho sorvlco assisted by State Sooy.
Amoa of tho Presbytorlan nnnrd. Tho
remains woro takon to Harnoy for
burial where deceasod had rolatlvon
Mr nn(l MrHi Hi ut uathrlck nro
,nog u,0so from a dlstnnco to nt-,
toml jlf jftJr Tj10y aro up from
lll0r llomo noar )o0 am KH0Ht8 at
l!lH homo of Mr ,ul(l Mm. J, W.
HOUnHovollo, Mr, Ihithrlclc
in ft
Whltofnco breeder,
Mm. Him Hamilton wan over rrom
nroWsoy for u day or two during tho
W(l0c taking In tho flrat day or tho
fajr ,uj attending tho Inatltuto. Sho
wnn nccnniiianlod bv her nnvnd-
daiiKhtur and also two llttlo children
nho la mothering following tho doalh
0( '(j,0 mothor,
Tho School Children Would
Suffer Loso of Thousands
Dolluru Should it Fuss.
s The Btiito l.uinl Hoiird at a rocont
ineutiug caused tlm following toho
lutlon to be placed upon tho inliiiiteu
ut tho mooting:
The Statu Land Hoard hail before
It an application for tho reelumatlou
of certain lauds in Harney County
which aro embraced within what In
Included In tho proponed bill to
create the Koosovclt Dlrd Kefugu. In
viow of tho fact, however, that tho
question of cruntliig this reserve will
bu paused upoij by tho peoplo at tho
geuurnl election, November 2, 1920,
tho Hoard deems it Inexpedient at
this time to consider such contract.
However, an members of the Stale
Land Hoard tho duty In Imputied up
on uu by tho Constitution of the
Statu to act an guardians and trus-
toon of the school fund mid of nil
latidn pertaining thereto. Tho Kuouo
velt lllrd Hefugo bill proposeu to
cede away to tho foderal government,
without any remuneration whatso
ever, many thousands of acres of
lands belonging to tho nchool child
ren of tho State. These lands repro-
j iiout probably several hundred thous-
and dollars, which could eventually
find tholr wuy Into tho Irreducible
school fund, which It lu our duty to
guard nnd augment to tho teat of our
ability. If thu bill provided that this
laud should he ceded to tho fodorul
government In exchange for federal
laudu of equal value no Ions would
revolt to tho school funds. Thin bill
arbitrarily taken this laud from tho
school children and glvun It uwny to
tho federal government without a
Juat and dtiul return to tho school 1
p . ... D i
rair VrCCK KaCCS AnU
EnterteiniTient PrOgratn
!jini5U i,ini.,iniriv ,hi .w.w.. ....
report had been mado. Other mat
fair ban boon undur tin) munngemeut. tors nro ponding thut should havo
of n live commlueo. Tho rn. ok have tho nttentlon of n grnud Jury nnd It
been pulled off in k'imI 'bu.u ' ,a ,,kn,y u,on C0V0,,I"K 1,10 regular
... ..ii.... in n.itf iriuc.i tNi un.iltorm next Mondny nnother grand
H-.tornl dono .iouIm i if apu...l hn- o Jury will bo drawn. Tliono compoa
hceu wltnusHod. Hut ono nccldont lK to ono Just discharged waro A.;
hna occurred to mor ha plwiauro or K. ltlelmrdon. foromnn; M. H.
thta port of thu oiuaruiimiHnt nnd Hrenton. P. C. PriMin. Win. Tlialiu
thnt proved not rlc,u. Thin ivc-fer. Frd Hf.wn. Inuj Hakor and
oldoi.t wh nt the lln.hil or tho pony j Coluiiibuu Orovos.
racu yesterday aftornoou when thu' Tho Tlinos-Horald In Informed tha
saddle turned with Chester Irvir.g ' Jury brought lu throe true bills of In-
.1 1 .1 ... .... 1 .IiimIih I li.i unuuhin find
Juat ufter panning under tho wiro.
Tho pony also fell but tho hoy wan
only slightly hurt.
Tho auroplauu exhibition hau been
ii particularly pleasing features of
thu fair and brought favorable com
muut. Tho lllpllopn In tho nlr uud
tho thrlllng dlveu over thu fairground
nt Intervals, together with thu thrill
spiral drops from great holghtH uro
coralnly worh wltnuuslng. The dur-
lug nvlatom havo dono somu won-
dorful nianouvurlng, ovun though tho
ufitntlinr xvuh unfavorable. Thu wind,
ban boon very strong tar all throo ,
dayn. making fllghln and "iituntn"
llllllIMWIUH. f
An uddlllonal uttraotlon that In
uddod to tho program ban boon tho,
riding of wild horseu lu the Held lu
front or tho grand stand. Tim local
rider have put on no mo lino exhibi
tions or riding each nUornoon. Dr.
Dudley Honoris, who Ih a moinbor or
Irving Cohb'n party, wuh particularly
delighted with thin foaturo or tho
program during bin visit to thu fair ,
yostorduy urtornoon. Dr. Hoborta nil-
mired tho skill or tho horHomon but
whon askod ir ho would llko to try
a bronco said ho'd ruthor tuko a
chunco with tho aviator.
Tho rirst raco on tho program ror
Thumduy artornoon wtm u quartor
mllo danh and tho rollowlng ontrlou
woro mudo: Llttlo Dog, by Sklona;
1 Jlnunio Louie, by Jim Hchardaon;
' ri. i... .1 nil m iii fVnu f'nmi).
,y put Ooorgo; ntnr won tho raco
wuh crow (Jump nocoud. i
TJio potato raco wnu noxt nohodulod
ftnd had tho following ontrlou: Jim
T.nnln. bv Indian Loulo: Hlniidle, by
loiik: Dandy by llotohkhw; Dan, by,
Hawklna; Nolllo, by Pnraonn; Toddlo
Hoar by Maco; Haldlo, by Camoron; f
PnppoHO by Drummorid. Thin Is n
three day relay raco and covers all
llireo days of I ho fair. Dnndy has
won two uuccoiialvu day and does
not havo lo compote today for first
place but othern aro contending for
nocoud place In tho contest today.
In the throo-ulglitlui (IuhIi there
wuro entered; Suunhlnu by Hernld;
Pouiluta by Ooloff; Tango by Hayes;
Tango won with rltinnhlnu second.
Tho roluy raco brought In four
strings or horses: Cameron outorod
u string, Whiting, Monro and Haw
kins. Cn moron's iitrlni: took two
ntralght races the first and second
dayn with Whltlng'H second. This William Hanley during the week nnd
olmlnatod tho content for today and ",,ont JfHterday in thin city. Mr.
tho committee will substitute some V0"" ,u,k,Ml "formally to tho tonoh
othor ovent In placo of It thin ufter- or" nt u,0,r IwhIIIuIo yesterday aftor
tmoti. "00" nmI mtur tHok 1,1 tho fnlr.
Friday's rnclng ovontH brought' J"1ko Dalton Illggs Introduced Mr.
out nomo of tho sarno horses that Cobb to 1,10 chors ns "America's
compoted tho provlous day. Tho K"to"t humorist nnd author."
half mile dash had as entries: Sun-1 Mr (3ol,b WHH euplous In his prnlwi
shlno by Herald; Crow Camp by of Oregon and Oregon people. Ho
Oeorgo; Tango by Hayes; I'onnutH by Hft,,,! 1,1 tco1 thnl luo ooundaricn of
Soloff; Trowbrldgo by Oilman; Dick 1,10 1,1,1,0 uro 11 rcat ,tllc,, utr,"B al"
I'arkor by Weston. Tango won tho wnyH on tho outsldo and thnt tho
raco with Peanuts second.
Somu Indian pony tncon hnvo
boon qulto an attraction during tho
first two days nnd ono this nftornoon
ridden by squaws will bo nn nmuulng
foaturo without doubt.
Tho quarter mllu dnah yesterday
nftornoon brought out six ontrlos:
Dick by Drummond; Moonnhlno by
Sklonn; Chlco by Oeorgo; Star by
Oltmnn; Dick Parker by Weston nnd
Btrnngor by Hlbbnrd. Star won with
,nk ,,onon(I
The nonv rncn wnn won bv Penrl
nownn on Dick with tho othor on- " tt run In t.u baud an, .i u-m'
trlon ntrlnglng nlong which Inrludod ' "l"". brlnglm; iho re
MoonKhlno, Shorty, Carpet Tack and refining influoncen of civilization to
nn Indian pony. tl,o Went.
I "Wo hopo to come bnc'-c when Jio
0 bob tall deer nrn't ho scarce, for
Judgo Dalton Higgn of tho Circuit
court nrrlvod horo from bin homo nt
Ontario lust Hundav and on Monday
morning oponod nu udjourned term
of court. Tho holdover grand Jury
WUB aHsemblod and begun tho Invos-
ligation of mattern to como boforo It.
Thoy wero In hohbIoh up until yestor-
day morning whon Mr. Petornon, ono
of u, womliors, wnn reported too ill
to uttond tho sunalotiH whereupon tho
I In. I.... .lluMtn.r.n1 Mtn luru linfnrn unv'
"" " nu"
found ono not true . ..
Among ho out of town uttornojn ,
who have been in attendanco during
the week uro J. W McCulloch and
W. II. llrooko o Ontario.
JUUgo iiiKHs mm ""i
urgumonta and ploadlngn during tho
i .i .....I
weeu iipuii iiiw mm ohuhj n.
wnn ready to rocolvo nny roportH
rrom tho grand Jury,
Atnoug tho IndlctmentH roturnod
AUxIq vn. Olllu McCuo-lnrcany of
n "toor. Sho entered a ploa of guilty.
In n dwelling. No pica him
boon entered.,
Tho wrltor wan privileged to In- Br0Ha, prosporlty and contontmont
Hpoct ft now ploco of mnchlnory at wm occupy tho attontlon of tho poo
tho Unlvorsal Oarngo tho othor day. pi0(
u H u hydraulic truck tiro changer
that In a big Bavlng to tho irucu op-
oratora In thin part of tho country.
Hoforo thlH wnH Inntullod It wan
nocosaary that tho solid tiro truck
rims had boon sont away to bo ro-
movod or roplaced, Tanning a dolay
0r novoral dayn nnd adding a big ox-
prosn bill. Now thoy can bo takon
caro or right In Hurna and thin ox-
ponso nnd delay ollminatod,
Tho nppuratua la poworlul, capahlo
0r novoral tonn or proaauro nnd whon
n rim with tho Uro nttuohod In plncod
under it tho tiro Ih rompvod by ihlH
pressure and tho new ond placed In
noiilttnn In tho numo umnnor.
Tho Inatallatlou or thin piece of
machinery shown ontorprlao and mor-
jtn tho uupport of truck uaora,
Irving S. Cobb Gucafc of Bill
Hanley; Talks lo Teachers
Visits The County Fair.
Irlng Cobb, the well known magaXv
iclno writer nnd humoriht, with his
,)nrly r ''""Ifrii, woro guosta of
word 'Wolcomo' is tatooed on tho
hu,irla of 1,10 Poilo. Tho South
mk 01 a im,n 'Who In ho?' tho
Nor,l nHkB- 1,ow Inuch ,,n KOt7'
but tbo Wont nskn, 'What can ho do?'
, If 1 woro boosting for Oregon, I'd
bo,lHt "ot of 1,8 beautiful mountains,
of Its gorgeous sunnotn or of itn
iM n,no truc 1,0 u,,, l,t they
uroly tickle tho toes of tho Angoln In
"""von, but tho spirit of tho poo-
P,( 11 ,B a roHamlng nnd reawukon-
Ing of tho old pioneer nplrlt tho
I"" who cro-sed tho pUlf- -
I know that they know that Dr.
Huberts Is tho best shot west of tho
Mississippi and I tho worst."
I closing nfter n doll,i.tfully hu-
morons story characteristic of Mr.
Cobb, ho said, "Until you'vo como to
Oregon, and Hlopt on thu nagebrush
with plno bougliB for a pillow, and
cxporlonco tho kind treatment wo
hnvo hud until you'vo been to Oro-
gon, you nln't never been nowhoro
nnd you ain't never seen nothlu' ."
, o
Ford Starts Things.
High prices have boon hit and
thluga begin to tumblo down. Last
weak Tho Tlmaa-Hornld hnd a story
wrUtn tor that hum about Usury
Ford ularllng the pr!cen rtowu, but
owing to hlu local rproseututtv,
Urn Hur.tu CJKragu. takUiy up .Inc. t
un ontlro pa(u tailing tha paoplo
about it our Htory wuh crowilad out.
Mr. Ford didn't have anything
over his local roproHontHllvoH either.
w Uu) bol. by
flicl tho prlco rmJuc
t(m o I)rncUcilUy ovt)ry
ucl:0H30ry (j
b"n " Oil.
uccesaory thoy carry Including tlroH,
Mr. Ford mado ,tho announcement
that reductions would bo mndo nt
onco on nil Ford products effective
nt onco. Thin Included nil orders not
yet dollvorod, oven though thoy had
been filed weoka or montlm previous..
Jn , ntatoment Mr. Konl r.i;
"Now in tho tlmo to call a null on
war mothodn, war irlctw, wnr prof
ltuurliiK nnd war grood. It may bo
j nocuisnry for everybody to stand a
little sncririco. but it will bo mout
proHtablo uftor all, bocausQ tho soon-
or wo Kot ll0 )UBoa8 0f Hio country
back to u pro-war condition, pro-
..por tj,0 i,0Bt intorentE of all, It is
tlmo that a ronl practical offort wan
mdo to bring tho business of tho
(tlMntry nnd the Ufo or tho country
(lown t0 normal."
Thlu announcomont has boon fo)-
0W0Ci by othor automobllo concorpn
i,muing tholr prices lowor Tho
1)rco roductiona aro not cont.'nod to
,u,t0s, howover, na big mall order
houoon hnvo mndo nnnouncomontii to
(n0 B1UU0 0ftoct, Montgomory Ward &
Co R0ftr & noohuck and othora nro
out wlth n roduction on clothing nnd
Pt,lto thoro will ho mill rurthor ro-
auctlouH noon.
RiiEar la uluo coming down and It
wm nuturnlly follow that othor ort-
flj0H jn tho grocery lino will c -ao