The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 25, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    T !S K T I V if 1 1' ? ft T,
nuitfffl, n a it n m v cj o r n t
.VMS Ml4,Wli
Spent 7 Months
In Bed, He Says
M Ifolieve Tanlac Saved My
Life," States George
"It I had only ono dollhr loft In j
the world I would upond It for. a
buttle ol Tan Inc." wild doorr.o C.
Btront, Seattlo, Wuuh. Mr.' IliiBtlnRH
IfsstinfcH, who rusldus nt 8G Hull
nbou tho kokI It wu:i doing otliuni
youm. ('oihIiiu'iik, ho. nalil:
"Alone about tho flrnt of tho your
I bintiui o Kiiffor from a druudful
ftl'otiuieli trouble. I would liuva hiicIi
pntiiH 1 could bo liourd hollerlni; ti
i;lty block. I ltitd a tioor nppotllo,
and vlint llttltj I did nuintiKu to foreo
down wou'd our .'Ml lenient and (
would bloat HomotbltiK nwful and I
nlfto hud pnliia in tny cIiohI and Iokh.
I could not rotnln a thltiK I ato and
jtiHt (ho night of rood would cuuho
nio to hucomo turrlbly nnuiuiittud. I
boon in o ho wonk nnd dlzry I could
not stand without HtiiKKLTlng, nnd If
I trlod to walk a row HtopH I would
fall down. I finally had to kIvo up
ud ro to bod and wnn down for
oven month", I wa vory norrouB
utl would not "loop a wink for night
after night 1 wan In such misery, and
I lout weight until I wax nothing hut
kln nnd bonoH. Kvcrybody thought
I wnn going to dlo nnd I wnH told I
rould not llvo vory long, nnd I
thought ho, too, I tried nil Hnrtn of
trtmtmoutH nnd luodlclnoti, but nonn
of tli tun did inn a particle of good.
"My frlondn. nnvirnl of whom
worn 0. A. It. voternnn, mild:
Oeorgo, try Tanlnc, bocnuno It hnii
lmlpml ho many of uh," and nri I had
Imo rend ho much In tho nitwupnporii
"tiaa roHldcd In Bcnttlo thlrty-olght
I dooldcd to tako tholr ndvlco, I got
my won to bring mo n bottle. Well,
Hlr, talk nbout n Ufo-wivnr, aH noon
an I bt'Knn taking Tanlnc I could moo
a clinngo for thn better l;i my condi
tion, and nftor I hud MiiIhIimI tny
Kocoud bottlo I got nut of bed nnd
Imvu been up ever Hlnro, and tho
pa i.i. Iiuu alt cuniltiuiy Uit't mo, l
have a tine, npputlto now and can uat
anything I want without fluttering
any had jifter ottoctu. I began to pick
up and regain my IohI weight and
foci like a now tnnti, I never hnvo a
dlzxy apoU nnd I walk nil around
town an woll an I over did, I firmly
bollove Tallinn waved my lifo, and
will nlwayii praliin It, and nny ono
wlnhliig to find out any raoro about
what It did for ran cun either wrlto
or call on mo, nnd I wjll bo only too
glad to toll thorn,"
Tunluo Ih sold in Huron, by rtoetl
and In Crnno by Cnuio Morcantlle
Co. Adr.
Tho follow who nltomptH to innkn
HOiuttthlug out of nothing Honintlnum
HWCIMmIm- -tO lllll COHt.
K glvon tholr choice botwuoti a
llfo of happinefrt and ouo of sorrow,
-I r "t tm U f r -
la mHlntatmHl bylhttntnto
hi ardur (hat the V
9U1 mi Or mmy raetlv,
a MWrI U-.
TW UtwHy ImKxW lV CoHnm of
Uwratur, 3ctM H " Art, lK
OroW SokooOU SJmwI of thf
taJ tytveatloa, and tS pro'nutoful
SrAooUofUv.KWWWUt IWtUtil),
ArtHllrcltirv, Comtimcv, JoumatUm.
CiiucDlton (nil Mulc.
MlS (Ur.JirJ nt arkoUr.HIp at
miU (mtalliU bf an al-l (unity, ll
r(ulppi Uhoratorl. arwl a llbfkiyol
nearly 100,000 toIuh,
SixrilJ llttrtl r rtKfTfJI
ml Tnr ttliwlkm lvn tK KhK
nJ t Hr of tK (lutlant.
Willi a lllilM.l ruIUn
tal4 lr Ih rft railnn
I paJillo aniipnrl, ll l'rflvrtl:
la mw nlln iiMin at, ara
lard ilvlwiiaanl anj almlaJ
aaf Mlwaaa,
Ivw a c Ulotfu or lor any tiirrrni(ko,
l?iilvrullr Ottftu
vhen sturdy ploncora were nowinfr out a nomo
anl an x!stenco In tho Wcot, tho manufacture of
was begun. Today tho namo FUI.LKK ntands an tho rtnrdr pioneer
ia paint mnndfucturing on Uic Pacific Coaat a namo that ha kept
faith with quality for 71 years. , T,
Jlade for tho Pacific NorthwcBt, FULLKH Paint la the best for
your houfco or ouildlni,'.
W. P. Fuller & Co. .
Northwrftt IiranchcH at
Portland, Seattle, Tacoina
Cl .. tint... JS.-U
71 VtAR
Dealer in Your 1 own
Ladles' Monoxram Stationery Here
20,000' Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live. Stock
N .iiiM ii' pio would ho ho grocdy tlmy
would waul both,
JuHt tdldlug through llfo Ih a dan
goroiiH practice and often painful.
Tho pathway In Htrown with obidacleH
and pltfnllii, nnd Homotlmun with
'TIh a Had ntato of affair ft, nvtlly,
I ut thoHO HUffragottou who havo been
Dinting over tho country inniit bo
toirlbly lonoHonie, now thn limy iiro sjfMitLL ;j
oilx of a Job -an 1 Uui HmellKlil of J g
V 'tr?-.y Key'eitibee ' ,
i it. mm . - .r im imrTi" m' i i
Little chll'droii noo tho fnultu of
othora an they are, but ofton wo
ndulta neo them an wo would llko
thorn to bo.
Wo can not expect fortuno to nnillo
upon us at all times. A little co
operation Ih oxpocled from uh. .
Kill That Cold With
. . ran 1 and
Cold, Cvuittia TQV La Grippe
Tntiii tin cliMttron. Ktfp ' ' uiu'aid icinmly I :uly lor t'.j iWnt hmooj...
Uli'ftl . i n i. M r if, limiru - Rrllovej ,
Orippu I- t..,yr- F.trnllpni fof IIitt.o
Qulnliin In ililn fort i c'i lot ulfint tho head Cascaru In baat Tonic
l.uxullva No Oplulg I.i I Ill s,
Consider tho ogoliHtn we adjective our heading with.
is something you soldom find because usually a patch
isn't nearly aa good as a confident mending or a new
we know that it is tho best service we can give you.
We got to the bottom of the trouble and repair it
' Radiator repairing a speciality
Look at the
roads for twenty miles
around on a Sunday
SiUot your frnn na
enrdini to tlw load a
ilwy lutvn to t nival:
In sandy or hilly coun
try, wherever the (toinu
h npl to be heavy The
V. 8. Nobby.
For ordinary rountry
roadi The U. S. Chain
or Ufcco.
For front wheel The
U. C Plain.
For bct results
ei'oo'wnifi) U. 3,
ltoynl Cords.
HERE isn't any "country"
any more. The automo
bile has brought the most
remote settlement almost as
close to the center of things
as the next county was in
the old days.
To hear some tire dealers
talk you might think that
nobody knew anything about
tires except the fellow from
That's not
go on.
the basis we
We give every man credit
for knowing what ho is
spending his monoy on,
whether he drives up here
in his small car from ten
miles out in the country or
is passing through from the
capital in his limousine.
That's one thing we like
about U. S. Tires.
They make no distinction
between the small car
owner and the owner of the
biggest car in the country.
It's all the same to them.
So long as a man owns an
automobile large or small
bc's entitled to the very
best tire they can give him.
Quality has always been
the' outstanding feature of
U. S. Tires. There's no
limit on the U. S. guarantee.
All U. S. Tires are guaranteed
for the life of the tire,
Wc have given a lot of
thought to this tire proposi
tion. There is some advan
tage in being the represent
atives of the oldestand largest
rubber concern in the vorld.
Drop in the next time
you're down this, way and
ret us tell you some interest
ing facts about tires.
United States Tires
trni J i ni'f'TriTraaaf tt ttw- i rxi f
Company - okegow