II I) II N H II A 11 N K V (5 O U N T Y 0 It K O O N Hinrdny, Hcptcfnttcr 25, 1020 1'jp Four a I" 1 m r IH 1 ' i THE UN I VERS At CAR T S T II 10 T I M 13 H II M It A T, 1) eductions in Prices of Ford Products The war is over and the war prices most go. Effective at once Ford Cars, Trucks and Tractors will be sold F. O. B. Detroit at the following prices: ft NEW PRICES T ouriiss; car without starter. Ha f 440 with starter Roadster without starter " with starter - - Coupe with starter and demountable rims, I Sedan cc a u I Truck, Pneumatic Tires i$ Fordson Tractor 510 395 465 745 795 360 790 4 t , t f 1 s '" OLD PRICES $575 650 550 625 . , 850 975 640 525 850 The Ford Motor Company makes this reduction in the face of the face that they have on hand immediate orders for 146,065 cars and Tractors. The company will suffer a temporary loss while using up the material got at high prices. They are willing to make the sacrifice in order to bring business back to a going condition as r quickly as possible and maintain the momentum of tnebuying power of the country. , ; Henry Ford say's "The war is over and it is time the war prices are over." There is .) J; no sense in trying to maintain an artificial standard value. For the best interest of all it is time a real practical effort was made to bring' the business of the country . down to a regular pre war standard. Following this suggestion the Burns Garage will make sweep ing reductions for cash on a complete line of automobile supplies and accessories which includes TIRES, GASOLINE AND OILS This will be a bonifide sale and a guar anteed money saving proposition for yon. To those wild Slave signed contracts for the purchase of cars, which have not been delivered, there will be a saving of many riLoMars. I Our policy of guaranteed work will be strictly followed out and we are at your command J$ with regular Ford efficiency in service and eagerness to fill your orders. til GARAG i k 1 M1 1M i m I 8 Be i k fug HE kid TJm Iiitur-.Mountain 'l'q. & To I. lUt. Iiuh kindly voluiitoonjil to jmt a itJephoiii) at tlio pavilion for tho uho l lh& air vIhIIoth durliiK tlio county (air. NOTH5K I'OU I'UHMfM'riO.V mvmu SJTATKS LAND OK PICK Munis, OroKon Sojit. 21, J 920 NOTHJia Ib lioi'oby f;Ivon that Nolllo A. Itontfro, of NarrowH, Oro Kon, who, on May 7, 1911, iniulo Dtaurt hand Entry, No, 01111, for W'Vi, Auction 10, TowiiHhlp 20 8., HaiiKo :t0 13., Wjllamotto Morldiau, Iiuh fllod notlno of Intention to mnko Final Proof, hy jiuroliimo undor Boo, i Act March 1, . J Ulf, to outablhili claim to tho land 'ahovo doucrlbud, , hoforo IlculHtor and Hocolvor, at I lluriiH, OroKon, on tho 28 day of I Octohur, 1020. Olalmant nainriH a wltnoHnoti: ; Iiiuan N. Hughut, and Otua Hlzo I inoro, of Narrowu, OroKon and Philip (1. Hmlili, anil Jault Itohlimon, of HuriiH, OrtiKon, , V. U. COKAD, Rob'lHtor NUTIOK TO CKKDITOHH Notlco Ih horohy Klvtm that tho undorHlunod havo boon duly applout od oxiicutorH of tho I-ast Will anil ToHliiuiout and llHtato of William 10. Smith, diicoaiioil, by tlm County Courl of tho Stato of Ori'Kon, for llarnoy County, All porHontt haviitK olalniH acaliiHt nald oHlato aro huroby notified lo nroHnnt thorn, duly vorl flod aa by law roiulrod, to uh at our placo of ruuldouco In lluriiH, llarnoy Coiuity OroKon, or at tho olllco of our atloruoy J. 8. Cook, mild City, County anil Hlato, within hIx moutliHi from tho dalo of thin notlco. Datod thlH 18th day of Soptnmbor, 1U20. limnoitT j. smith 10AUNK8T U. SMITH HxooutorH of tho Kant Will and ToHtamout and Kntulu of William 10. Smith, docoaHod. NOT1CH OI' I-'INAirACCOUNT In Tho County Court of tho Stato of OroKon, for llarnoy County, In thu Maltor of thu Hutu to of Inaao; Schwartz, Docoafiod. Notlco 1b horoby Rlvon that tho uudoriilKiiod oxooutrlx of tho abovo namod cHtato has fllod In tho abovo- uamod Court hor final account aa micli oxooutrlx and that tho Court baa tint tho hour of 10:30 o'clock of tho foronoon of tho 18th day of OctObi'ir 1020 uh tho tlmo and tho County - Court lloom In tho Court II mi ho in HuriiH, Orogon aa tho plhco for lioarlui; objoctloim thoroto and tho Huttlomont thereof. All persons concomod aro horoby notified to filo tholr obJcctloiiH In wrltlnp:, If any audi thoro bo, on or boforo Hald dato and to appear ou said ditto and con tent mild final account, tf objections thoro bo. Datod Soptombor 18th, 1920. 10STHRH SCHWARTZ Executrix iHt Pub. Sept. ISth, nth Pub. Oct. 10th.