The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 25, 1920, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    H. .., :Vi(MwtMM' (Pill
1 II
v i m r M - i ff v i) n y n s ft , n a n t county, onnqos,
Pflgo Tbroo
Livestock exhibit, pa ades, display of field and garden products
Trials of speed, aeroplane flights, sports, barbecue
('lit!. IH KniNAI'KD AND
With) Ilurko 1m llcrolno of New
HiutopUjr, "Good Gracious,
When n sixteen year old girl in
kidnaped by n man sho neither
knows nor cores for and In forcod to
marry hlni and thereafter loaves lior
husband without even knowing bin
name. It In to b expected that In
turostlng developments will occur.
Thla In amply provnd by tbo story of
"Oootl Gracfoun, Annabcllo!" In
which DIUlu Darke, tbe dainty Para
mount (i tar, will appear at the Liber
ty theatre Sunday, October 3.
Thin picture story In ono of tbo
licHt In which MIm liurko baa been
soon since her ontrnnco Into tbo
silent drama, It la a plcturlzation
of the eminently successful play
written by Claro Kummor, a yotini;
iluywrli;ht of Now York nnd It was
produced at the Hotubllo Tlmntro,
v York City, October 31, 15i7,
"with gratifying results, to tbo author
nid theatre management.
Tho story,.has a Western atmos
phoro which later changos to Uio
Ku.-nt, whither Annabollu Lolgh, the
v t . , '
I tfueta tint will dn '
EILIE, BURKE, ja'GoodGracioUB.AtuubaUa
j MAY go astray because of
j some error in addressing,
" , or it may fail of delivery
I for some reason or other.
If you use envelopes with
your nam? anrj, address
neatly printed in the
corner it will be returned
to you and you will not
be puzzling over why your
correspondent does not
We Do
All kinds
Of Printing
The Times-Herald
heroine, goes and subsequently after
a lapse, of Hoveit yearn In followed
by ber husband, a hermit miner who
ban becoma enormoiiHly wealthy,
with tho rcHUlt that they meet In
peculiar clrcuuiHtuncoH. When theh
relationship In established, they find
happiness in their mutual love.
The picture was directed by
OoorKo Moirord, and many notable
players appear In tbo cast, tho load
ln man boliiK Herbert KawliiiKOii.
Other players In Mlna Ilurke's sup
port aro Gilbert DouRlns, Craufurd
Kent, Frank Low, Dello Duncan,
OIku Downs and 11 1 11 fa Weston, all
players of ability and reputation.
Wise and
Tho old practice of ;oIhk about
with a chip on oue's shoulder has
about, died out. Too much danger
of profiteers Rotting the chips,
It Ih not always wise to judgo &
stranner to be a fool bucause bo acts
like ono. He may bo leading you on
In order to sting you In tbo end.
A wIho man never speaks of lilt
wlixlom, but the fool seldom falls to
advortlso his own folly.
A beautiful woman never has ti'
anglo for admiration, but a good one
often falls to command respect. j
Try a test that soldom falls. Run
over you list of acquaintances and
yon will find that thoso who aro lik
ed by cats and dogs Invariably have
many friends.
, Don't slip through life at too An exchango avers that "Jar.x
strenuous a pace. You may slip a idiihIc Is dying out." Hut why will It
cog and slip out at tho simo speed music?
Why man
we made this
cigarette for you!
CAMELS fit your cigarette de
sires so completely you'll agree
they were made to meet your taste I
Unique flavor, fragrance and mel-low-mUd-body
due to Camels qual
ity and expert blend of choice Turk
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
are a revelation! You will prefer the
Camel blend to either kind of tobacco
smoked straight!
With Camels you can go the limit
without tiring your taste. They
leave no unpleasant cigaretty after
taste; no unpleasant cigaretty odor!
To get a line on why Camels win
you so completely compare them
puff-for-puff with any cigarette in
the world at anv nrice. You 11 ora-
nf; j i
fer quality to coupons or premiums!
ice uiply or in0 iriv J' ! uua uuaucu uu., winsuju-aaiein, u. u.
W-- 'WiO OflwiJM!flll3U0jMrrii)
JttJ'R ' '"s? r in alilnr laior rovireriiir
..f thin etiton for the home or of-