T II l'lMIlH-HEHA L I) II U It N H , BARNMY COI'N'TV, O II It O O N Hnturday, Hentoinlicr 25, H)2 ' " 1 1 IRRIGABLE and HAY LANDS in neat l ui a lariiey v aiiey now offered at ; . Ui $30.00 to $110.00 an acre Tugo Two All Within the Harney Valley Irrigation District Large acreage cutting hay. All with water rights. -v v- r PACIFIC LIVE STOCK COMPANY j1 v. WJicclnon a tr.irk diet tlrlr.Kwiy-calttf -povcr Sales Office at Barms. NOTICK OK FINAL ACCOUNT IN. THIS COUNTY COUUT OP TUB STATIC OF OKKCJON FOK IIAU- NKY COUNTY. In tin matter of the Katntu of Mnttlo A. (Iftrdiiur, deci'iixeil. 1 Notice Ih hereby kIvoii Unit ttio uiulornlKtiod hurt filed iu final ac count niut report in (ho above-named Mtuti nntl Iho Court Iiiih ot tlio hour of 10 o'clock In thu forunoou of tiiu lfith iinv nf niii)wir- moil .... it... nr. i i i.i.m. u iii.m nine, rtit'i thtf County Court room In .' n Court Houho In Hum, Oregon, Wiilhit-o Held Proves Tim. Tin- Ho. 1 " tk lhuo, for thu livarliiK of oh- Called Huh Often Is Hvrry jvuhuhh io mu mimo anil (lie ttuttlu 1 Itt 111. t t li.tH.i n til . .. Iiik over tho thought that ho had to ' ntuy at homo and mind tho kldn while IiIm wife did tho voting- what is . nrnv SlilC 'THU IM'H' AM) There Ih ono iron In thin coiinry whrli never Imhiomm x;lnr,.. Thy ilcfontvd oiiudldutu m nlwnH nlilu tj prdducu an allltl. ' Inch a Mini What la n Dub? In tho parlance of tho Hubmrsed tenth It Ih a man I who KiirceedH In muddlliiK overy-j thltiK with which ho comes In contact and who Ih unablo to do nnythlimj rlshl. It alio hureohIh one who doc Mk work carulenHly or Indifferently yon hoar of people "dubbing along" nt Homo given tank. Probnbly tho bout ayuonym for dub Ih what U commonly known iih "a poor flnlu" , In tho Circuit Court of tho Htato of Anyway, If you want to find what! Oregon for I laruyy County. a dub Ih roully like, hop "Tho Hub." j """,u J- .mckiiiiuh, tho picture In whluh Wnllaco Itulil . v will appear at tho Liberty Theatre Mott V. Dodgo, next Wednomluy. Oddly enough. In Defendant. ed are herobv notified, in rn Mi..ir obJectloiM In wrltliiK If any uuch theru be, on or huforo mild dute, and to uppcar and content uuld final tic count If objcctloiiN theru bo. Dated Soptuinber 1.1, 1020. C'lIAHMiH W. KM.ia AdmlnlHlrator with tho Will Annex ed. lHt l'ub. Hrtpt. 18th. f.tlt l'ub. Oct. 16th. o NOTICIC TO CltKHITOIIH I'lalntlff. tho oud, tho Mtar provim that ho hurt i dob after all and the Htory roundH out Into a decidedly InteroHtlnr xrltj!! of eompllcattonx with a nur niHliiK f In IhIi . And tlmro Ih lovo In It. No dub NOTICIJ IS IIKHKIIV OIVKN that tho uiiilemlKiied Iiiih been iltily up pointed Itomnvor of (ho pnrtnurnhlp oNtato of DodK AloICInnln, and Hint all purnotiK havliiK rlalnm n;uln,U tho hiiiii partforhlp otatn nro hereby UOtlded to tirOMOIIt Iheni to Hut mi. dominoed within thirty duyn from thu Wo Inivo never beforo heard of 'a , thief holm: crazy, but wo have ur- ImiH doublH an to Iho Hiinlty of tin; fellow who Ktolu $200 worth of car pouter tool. N n mlHflt In t It In restful tine. Home people firmly believe that "Ih't Lord will provide." Ilu will, but he Won't take It to them. The Cletrac Keeps Going Wet, boggy and slippery ground stops work animals and most power units but not the Cletrac. This sturdy tank-type tractor hauls heavy loads over boggy, rouph or hilly ground in any weather. Its broad metal tracks prevent "miring" and "bogging." Dependable the Cletrac tackles the stiffest' job on at moment's notice and works steadily all year 'round. It's on . top of every job right through the year from plowing and listing in spring to sawing wood and clearing roads in winter. Develops 12 H. P. at the drawbar and 20 H. P. on The nlt-purposr. Clctrnc does more work than four to ciht horses saven their care and feed bills, too end a hoy can run it. V.0111C in and iook tins tractor over. See for yourself its sturdy con struction. Let us show you what it will do for you on vou'r own farm or ranch. Universal Garage Co., BURNS ' OREGON .,n xfl , . . 1 . imiK"." "iiniii in riy uayn irom UK ,'old fall to et mixed up In a love , (!al(. of tll(. nnU pUul,..lt,0II r.PVr. In tact, hoiiiu people huv that to be a dub one intuit bo In lovo; othnrs nay that If you nro not In love you nro a dub. Anyway you put It, tho Kubjol't Ih InturoHtlnj;. James Cnuo directed the picture with William Ilorwltz iih IiIh iiHslHt nut. Nina liyrou hi thu IdiuIIiik woman and the cunt iiicluricK many favorten of tho LnHky Htock orKanU atlon. Will M. Ultchey wrote thu xoouarlo from a mtiRuzIno Htory by KdKor Franklin. n j HIOH LIVING COST I'ltOHLK.M IH KOLVKH ' Air. and Mw, Carter IU: llavru IVove It In Teanlnjc Tim Soil" which In d'tted Ain:unl :th. lU'JO nun NOTICK IS HKUICJJY ?V HTIIICIt liti;;i that the II tin I hear m at until rccoetverHhlp mutter will ho had In nuovo eutmeii court and ciiiihu on Monday. October th. 1H20. Tli l.i notice Ih kIvoii bv nublirn lion onco e:ich wook for a period of four cotiHi'cutlvo' weokH purnuunt to an oritur of thu Hon. Dultou IHvh JudK'o of tho Circuit Court of tho aiuio ot uregon for Harney Coun ty, made mid entered in above ontltt eu kUlt ou AURUH ISth, 1920. HULL HO-rCHKISS. Ilcculvcr, Flrnt publication Aug. 28th. 1920 LuNt publication Bopt. 2Cth, 1920. , . o . . NOTICK FOII I'UIILICATIO.V It has bcou Kolvud at lant the hlxh cohI of llvltiK problem! Mr. and Mr. (!arter Do Haven "hIkiw tho way at In their now delightful Para- tioui.t mlrth-provoker, "Toi.hIiik tho Section 18, TowtiHhlp 21 8 HaiiKO ' whh'ii win ne hiiowii ai iiu i.tu- n. Yviuamotio .Meridian, haH lllud arty Theatre next WodnoHduy. Hut, "H "f Intontlon to make Final their .solution of tho problem Ih oiio UNITKI) 8TATKS LAND OP KIRK Huron. Oregon, Buptombcr 2, 1920 NOTICK Ih hereby given tbat CJeorKtt J. UIIIIiikh, of llurnn, Oregon who, on October 5, 1016, nmdo HomeHtcad Kntry. No. 08379, for LotH 2. .1. BKUNWU. NBHWU that may not ho utilized by many yotim; mitrrled coupler. '1'hoy trade tholr protty city homo for a farm with cowh and ehlokonH and movo out to II vo off of tho fat of tlm. laud. Hut thoy find It a totiKh ' jiropoaltlon to K't tho "fat" out o.'i tho land. They "toano tho hoII" all l'lKht, but tho hoII tea0H thorn wnrao and they como to find out that thoy iro "tho Koata." TIiIh two rool HpiiHtn of jpilrtlt wiih i"lnicted hy Charles J. Pafrott, from vim Htory by Keoiio ThompHon, o Will trado for typewriter, " or"oll cheap, ono CornlHh OrKuu, In first cIuhh oondjtlon. Ahio have- othor furnltuiv. luijulre Phono 20F0, or P. O. 15ox 28G, Hurn.i, Oreuoii. o fJnoak Rontly of thu fraUtloH of otliom mid perhupii thoy will ho Jcus critical of yon, three-year Proof, to untahlluh elulm to tho laud above dcucrlhotl, before KegiHtor nun Itecolver, at Htirna, Oro Boii. on the fiih iljiy of October, 1D20. . Clalmunt natnuH ih wHiiohhoh: Carl Kohl, Clyde Mulkoy, Mellle Parhor. and Curllu Parker, ojl of lltiniH, OreKou. V. O. COZAI). ItUBlbt'cr. o W ANTIC D Could uho man nnd wife on ranch forKonoral work and cqok, Wood wagon. AppllcantH with children not denlrud, Mru. VuxMu .Smyth, Diamond, OrnRon, o When a iiroposPIou In cart led by I no wtyndur mar;iu o! one vol", oyory UJlojv who ui )portetl it coifHderx tnitl iu vaj tli-) Jecldlui; fiulor. Wo confidentially look for n heavy Iiictchho. In tho male vote at tho No vombyr election, No spirited man wnutH lo huvo li Ih n'olt'hborH chuckll- Why We Recommend this Tire to Local Motorists Only by selling you a tire that makes good to your entire satisfaction can we hope to have ypu come to us again for tires. On that basis we recommend the Horse-Shoe Tire. We know that your experience with Horse-Shoe Tires will be similar to that of a million motorists, scores of great corporations and many municipalities that use Horse-Shoe Tires exclusively, because they give more miles of service at a lower cost per mile. It is vital to our business progress that you be satisfied with the tires we sell. When you are ready, we shall be glad to tell you more about the dependable Horse-Shoe Tire and what it will do for you, I. S. Geer & Co. Burnt, Oregon l... 3 i m.l UUfc a n V a ill