The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 25, 1920, Image 1

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    Harney County's timber h an
iiMM.'t for Immcdlnto oxptnlta
(Ion MUIn nhould lo .turning
It out to ld In tho reconstruc
tion work ot tbo nation . la
rcHtlK(o thltt virgin field.
Ifarncy county's reftconrwft ntm
attracting, tho attention of iim
eutltii Went. IrrlKatioa, aUxfc:
raining, mines, oil and gai prfr.
specta and agriculture tll
awaiting dcvclnpmcut.
NO. 47
Consider Important Subjects
Sunday; Transportation;
Bird Refuge Bill.
Burns ha had novum! notable vis
itors during tho pant week. Tho
firtU ono being U. 8. Sonator (loo.
K t'h.inihnrlnlu who arrived Satur
day evening and remained ovor Sun
dny. tVnator Chamberlain wan mot
at Cr...- by a largo delegation of
cltlsci;.- thin city. Tho ontlro party
wnM fuortod to a rosturant immod
Intoly aftor tho train arrived and
wore guests of Crano citizens for
supper. Lator Sonator Chamborlaln
wns prevailed upon to addrosn u
gathering of peoplo at the Majeitlc
hnll whore bo dlscansod bottor roadii,
Irrigation, land loan banka aud mall
Tho trip ap from Crano wan madn
ver tbo now LI a way and consumed
a remarkably short tine na tbo road
In good, ovou though not yet complet
ed. Sunday forenoon Senator Cham-
ennin sponi tno tlmo mooting with
old tlmo frlonda and dlacusHlng mat
torn of Intertvit to tho territory In re
lation to legislation.
A party or Kugono men consisting
of State RoproiMiutntlvo I.. K. Bean,
State Sonator J. vIJ. Doll, Coo. H.
AlcMornui, a largo merchant of Hu
gone and a representative of tho
Stato Chamber of Commerce, Walter
Orlllln and Frank Jonklnn. also ar
rived In Duma Saturday night. They
csmo ovor on a pilgrimage of In
spection an to possibilities of extend
ing transportation throughout tho
central part of Orcgoln to connect up
with tho main llnoe. Tho trip wan
Inspired by our follow cltlxon Will
lain llanloy, who wan hoHt to the
party whllo In thin vicinity.
Karly In tho afternoon thoso via
Jtors toguthor with Senator Cham
berlain, were seated at a luncheon at
Pago's whero A. It. Olson acted aa
toast master and where Important
mutters worn discussed by tho visit
ors and local speakers. Mr. Bonn
opened tho discussion with roforonco
to thu transportation nluatlon and
suggested that efforts bo made to
tie up tbo "dead ends" of .road point
ing Into Central Oregon with tho
mnln Hum: Tho Natron cutoff, from
liond to Klamath, from Crano ncroHa
to a connection on tho west, etc.
Tho npoaker pointed out tbo rapid
development of our neighbor state
and contended that lack of transpor
tation waa largely responsible for
our retarded condition. Mr, Dean
further uald ho believed it would bit
a mlstako to allow tho bill for Rooso-
volt lllrd Rofufo to become a law an I
ii would likely cauno troublo In the
future dovolonmont of thn eountrv.
Thin aHHortlon brought forth jioljiy
approval from thono noatod at thV
table Charlen W. KIIIh wan tho noxt
npnker who wolcomod tho vlnltorx'
io our city and gave noma liuereHtlng
farln concerning local onterprloo8, !
,M. Knulknor wnn called upon
to furfber dlcui homo Induntrien
mid gnv the vlnltorrt nomo fuctn
ai,ut tho Immeniie body - of yf How
Pino to tho north of IliiriiH and Ita
cany ncccoM to market; Mr.
Morran renponded to a call from Mr.
Olnen In a most Interontlng talk on
organization and itn beneficial offoctn
upon tho commnnUy. naylng ho naw
1 :'
nu h'umoii way we nnnuia noi nil kci I
cloHnr together for our common good.'
maklnc an BBnoal tn thn rnmimmiiv';
d"i iniuillll iiiu lltllirin III l III' i
n.m.n ai.i. ni .i ... i... .
umiv iiniiiiitfr 111 ilh ciinrin 10
nriiro gronter recognition of tho rn-
notirroM or tho ontlro ntnto and bring
about dovolopmont. '
J tl. llnrvoy, our fnrmur neighbor
P tho river from Hurim, wan thpil,,M(J " u'cr tbo Colo.
". Tt .,,,ni.r railed ...,. ,..i i.,. Tod Oilman. Lynn llowarit and
tnaijo a good uddronu. Ho told of
l k i xporlnnceH on Irrigation pro
in California and compnrod tha
t'-rritfry with thin. Ho painted r
V " T'rturo of pronperlty for Ha
"'V vnlloy under Irrigation and fc '
bluing development. Mr. Horvoyrl
"i repented hla oxprennlonH of a t v.
davg beforn in regard to our keen
Ing hunlnoaH at homo citing InntancM
of nhlpplng creain out to floattlo and
troamory butter nnd Ice cronm back
-Hbowlng by actual figures of nomo-
thing liko ?600 a month being paid
out ror oxpreHH on products that
nhould bo taken caro or at homo. Dr.
tn .11.1
curh rnrmlng conditions and told of
xorao cropa of thin Beanon out at the
Kxperimont Station undor partial
Irrigation. Oata that throshod 130
iMiKholn to tbo aero and othor crops
ln proportion; C4 tons of sunflowoW
to tho aero and other like yields lm-
presHod oven homo folks with the
productlvlty of our noil. Dr. Hibbard
took Issue with Ropresontntlvo Ilean
on tho nird bill and gave another
Hldo or the ntory.
Sonator Chamborlaln wns f lion
failed and ho at onco onterod upon o
dlnruHHlon of tbo proposed JUrrt
Hofugn bill. Ho imld ho wasn't sun
Just what his atlltudo should hn a-
Uufrn was plainly a dlfforenco or
opinion on tho subject, but ho can-
tlonnd tho people to not bo hasty In
pnndiiK such a mcasuro as rrom his
Interpretation or tho bill lt was load-
cil and mltfht cause gTiot lator. Sou-1
alor Chamberlain uald plainly ho
would fight tho bill If it Dhowod
vicious foutures nhould It reach
congroi for ratification. Tho fact
that a considerable amount of tilla
ble laud in Included In tho ttrbiionod 1
.gift to tbo government, which llkolyl
oeiongs to tuo nchool fund of thin
ntato In reanon enough to hold back,
ni'Miiion uio possibility or interfering
with .tho future development of Irrl
gallon portlonH of tho country wan
another feature that should bo taken
Into conoltlorntlon.
William llanloy wan linked by
Tonnt Mnntcr Olntm to explain hltt
conduct during a recent abHouco but
Mr. llanloy didn't onllnliton
frlonda on that scorn, llo talked of uul., tno editor nnd publlnher of
railroad devoloiment and Irrigation ,,, ,,.,., Ml. .,..,, ,.. ,. ,,
(..nio.i ,i 1. 1 w... .... iiiu rionoer Hun ovor tn our Minter
fl.iuiiui (kin, ii, n iiiiiuiiuin limb niftin
of tho iiueutlon of bin pernounl con
duct. Judge Win. Farro closed tho din
cunnlon with a fow appropriate re
marks. Immodlatnly following tho lunch-
eon tho Eugene contingent and noma
of our local cltlnona mado a trip to
tbo lake where they viewed a flno
field of grain growing on tho lake
bed whom the water had receded and
Haw tho condltlotm an thoy wtlat.
Senator Chamborlaln wan taken to In a nuggentlon that Ilurnn nhould
tho Commercial Club roomn whero a Hike advantage of and nee If Prew
receptlon bad been scheduled for him ny, Crano and other pbrtlnnn of tho
hut it wan then after 4 o'clock and county will not Join tn Ilurnn' at
the largo crowd tbnt had gathered to tetnptn to got better rooultn from
greet him bad tnontty gone, howovor, our effort.1 to promote thu Interontn
many came down from tho luncheon of he entire country,
and grootod tho Senator following' Ueedo nald he had boon 'Watching
which ho npent tho evening In meet- tho trend of affalrn for noma time,
Ing and talking with acquaintances In fart bad noted tho effortn of Tho
and frindn. Tl men-Herald for many yearn In Itn
I'pon tbo Invitation of tho prlncl- evident denlro to promoto tho do
pal Senator Chamberlain v In I led the velnpment of Harney county (and
public, school Monday morning nnd Incidentally ho remarked that tho
talked to tbo puplln In anxembly, manuger wax a damphool for work
giving them Inspiration and encour- Inc no energetically and devoting
ngement by hln talk. Lntertho vlnlt- much valuable nparo with no little
od tho high nchool at tho invitation appreciation,) but bo wnn told that If
of tho principal and talked to tho wo finally got renultn it might bo
atudentn there. worth It.
Senator Chamborlaln left about 10 lioodn fpoko of tho development
o'clock Monday for Canyon City, of tbo wnter power on tho North
Cheater Dalton taking him over. Tho Fork of tbo Malheur which would
Senator wan certainly inont cordially bo of luentlmabln benefit to Harney
received In Ilurnn by all Ha cltlxonn Valluy an well an other portlona or
nnd he wont away with a good leel- tho country; making cheap power
Ing. 1 pnnnlblo for no many entorprlnen
o '
ii. a it. k.
Nt'lVN IWlHrtl
I.ydla Tyler under .pliynlclnna or
ilnrH will hA linn til. tn ntiitin! MPlmnl
(IiIm v..r Hh.i im thu itvmnnthv
tliln year. Hho nan tho )Hpainy
and bent wlnhen of her nchoolmaten.
Helen King nan left for Corvallln
whom nho will bo In attendants at
Ing n npoclal courno In IMiarmacy,
Mlllan Vulgamoro formerly of tho
19-- clft"'' wrltea from San Delgo
w,ul "no ,n "JoyK ur lira them
Mint Andornon and Mlns Whonldon
tilnffir.tfl ti fl... VTn ...a.l. ..
......... .... ... , ,.ii,,..nn HUH It
(friend lant Saturday. They report a
fvery enjoyable trip, although a
wikii wan nuruiy averiua nuring
tm v,,i11 ,M 1,10 l''kon. Ono of (ho
i '",inK forgetful of law, order
n "verythlng. was going to try her
ml"u tUir It
" nwcoannry. Noo.l-
! to nay tdiu In now grateful for
Mc-i1'10 ""K"1 orcn which wan uiicd to
,""B'nrtt0 nnr 'rannlont enthuHlnnm.
1 Tw? notablo oventH hint week
, roplano caino In nnd Cora Shop-
ttnl ox -1 camo Mrn. Kenneth
. f'piirlni. Tl... Ua.,ln... ..w..,...t l .
v uiuin uahihh uuuii-
r"U . congratulationa
to the happy
I lluvmnnit Ilnrtnn nlnnl nut tnut
- "
Knlnriinv fnr (h llnnlh i.ti.l n
-------- w. im... ......
huntur "old roturnliig Thurwlny
"Sa,,H door"--meek and uubdued
'J,,lu "lcarM boy hit a rock In "Nlcka''
i rum yarn ami npent me rom or tho
VAmu. Cowan ontor next Moudnv.
"rug" McCulloiiKh la uuo expected
i , ' ...
Wo now Jmvo more boyn euro od
than have attended for nomo limn.
I'Vlday waa ono grand day for nc-
Hon. Tho fall "Field Day" waa on
and everyone pitched In. Qallant
tnjiiidM undor the Umpiring leuder-
I of tho Faculty attacked tho
'ulldlngH armed with brooms, mopn,
"Hluot8"JH," duntern, etc. Walln
row Klr windows brighter and
IoKh glistened. Whllo tho Irls
vigorously engaged tbo Intoriou, tho
uy cleaned ntovoa, palntod, waBhed
windows, hauled dirt and carried
fiway rubblab. At noon tho "Homo
K?" 'uad undor Miss Freaso lod tho
rMYonoun wornem to mncn.
' JY Oh tint those beann woro
IfeodAnd did you see how many
wont upstair. Um-m-No wonder
'ho toachera ato alono "Wuzaiit?"
"Ahuh!" MIhh PurJngton wux tboro
and wanted brown broad but wo wu
Hurrah! On to I'ralrlo! We hnvo
.accepted tho challongo of tho I'ralrlo
Uy High School and arranged tbo
t0B on Oct, Oth. wo meet thorn at
I'ralrlo and Oct. 20th thoy will bo
oon on tho local gridiron.
Already a crowd has announced
Intentions to go and root. Hotter
romo along ir tho Court haa no
strings on you as It will bo ono trip.
And Itn up to tho boyawo
thoy aro blK enough bo Its to thorn to
Calls Attention to Advantage
of Unity at Home; Now
Energy Possible.
I. M. Davlun and 13. L. Iloedo were
over from Drownuy Thursday. Mr.
town, llo told thu inatmgor of thin
nhop that ho had been watchttu; with
much liititrent the effnrta of Durnit to
got organized and do iiomothlng to
ward development, but Hint wo hud
not made much effort toward getting
In touch with other porta of tho
country. Mr. Iloedo wiled attention
to (ho ncccHtty of gnttlnn tho homo
people together an thun wo' could go
nut with a willd front whon wo attkod
for bigger thlngn. He'n right. Thin
within roach or thin place, it wouiu
acrdmpllKh wondi rn In tho way of
making pumping plantij pohhIIiIo for
i a inrgu area oi huh vnimy inai ran-
not posnlbly be covered by tho avail
able aiirfaeii water: It would nojvo
tho HghtltiK and power problem of
Ilurnn anil leave tho clty'n flnnnccH
or bonding credit free to dnvolo to
other needed Improvoinenta along
the llrin of a newer nyntem; It would
furnlnh tho otiorgy for naw mllla over
, .
fir f0rHtM in tho vlclnltv ot the
porer vlto; It would be a mil',, ut
K'l'nt, toward petrifying any rail
,, tnrtlUKh roudH that will carry
our manufactured articled and pro-
lucti( of tho noli to tho markup or
' worm. n mci.
to tbo tfood that could bo acconi-
idihhad under thorough organliatiou.
l.lul'l'IFk'U .1 IIAItV
1 ,HI' (H .,.
Im1 .Monday afternoon during a
troiiK wind ntonn flro wan dlncovcr-
. . , , ( (jj0n
? . 1 11,0 " M ""J",",1
W. Sayor unco. Hi
"amen "I'rond rapidly and tho barn
waa noon entirely enveloped. Tho
fr0 onglnoH had bron In dlnuno for
, . ,t W(l8 hart, to ROl thorn In
f ' fow mlnxlL U looked
action and for row minute u iookou
ir ttn Rnvnr hnmil RH Wflll AH ad-
,n ...
Joining maldonccn In tbo same block
and acroun tho ntroet would Ignlto
bo dentroyed, but a bucket
, . . .
hrlgade was formed nnd navoral or
tbo younger men went on thn roor
,i tho ilamen down, although
., nr tn .i hurnlnit
Ti " " "i iim
"n cauglit novoral tlmon.
Tbo barn waa not uncd regularly
j)Ut tboro waa a quantity of dry bay
In it whero a neighbor wan In tho
" ' , , , ,,,., ,,,,
n"H of feeding IiIh loam whon ho
camo ot town. Mr. Hnyor and IiIh
dnuKhtnra alno UHtwl It to Btoro un-
UH()(1 cIolhnB an,i thlnga thoy dolr
,.., Thoro wn no iimurauco
",oro,, Thoro wan no iiih irauc
on tbo barn therororo it la a complete
lonn. i
, lt thought tbo flro waB causod
, aroOHIIIIOBH upon tho part of
"f,;"" , ,..
chlldron playing In tho barn.
- --o--' 1
i4inomnn ja,n0H Hnycrnft of tho
T! & Tel Co. In-
Intor-Monntaln Tel. & Tel. Co in
forms this offlco that tho tolophono
Uno to connoct with tho lino at An-
(lr0WB wnH now undor construction
-niii fmm frnno and was comnlotod
noutb rom Crano and was compjoiou
a considerable distance.
This la a lino that baa long boon
n00ded and ono thnt will ncoom,mn-
, t f t, onlo w,10 ,ln9,ro
' '',,,, with nurnn
"rot communlratlon with iiqrnn.
Thin lino had boon projected for a
nt)B timo but conditions and ciroum-
Ht(.nC0H worn HU0, that tho company
' ., ,..inil,,. UIltll
eonld not got at tho building until
this tlrno.
Purpose of Fair to Stimulate
Production and Induco
Stock Improvement.
This In 'tho last opportunity wo
will have to call your attention to tho
County fair which will bo held In
Ilurnn September 30 and October 1
and 2.
Have you an a resident of Harney
! county given this matter the thought
' and attention It deserves? or aro
you Junt simply lotting the matter
5 lido with tbo thought of "Sum Ita
flno thing but I haven't thu time
I to go or evon if I do go I won't take
I anything."
ii.. . .
; ir you are coming at an no you
Intend to come merely for tke pur-
. ,1 l j- ,. j i-
pone oi grams wiu in uivrv u w
Vlbly crltlclne tbo orTortii of thou
who aro workieg bard to make the
fair a naccena or are yea coming to
Join In tho fiplrtt of kelpfulnemi that
provalla and help put It acronn In a
manner that will make tho annual
county fair u nocenalty nnd a flxturo
Inntcad of only a possibility.
Tho burden of Instilling nnd main
taining life1 In the county fair move
ment ban developed upon a few mon
and women who have faith In Har
ney county. Theno peoplo nhould
not, cannot and will not bear the
burden again unions you tho Individ
ual and community show your In
tercut In the project not only by your
attendance but also by either ex
hlMtU g or Inducing othar mom
fortunate than yourself to do no.
Our comnAinlly, county, and ntato
fairs aro hold for a distinct purpose
to stimulate and duvelop not only
better stock and crops but altio to de
velop n belter community spirit.
Wlnin you develop either or bolh
or tho ubovo -you advvrtke to tbo
world tho possibilities or your com
munity and thereby Induco new peo
plo to nottlo and Invent In bunlnons or
lands and thereby without concloun
effort on" your part you Increano tho
valuation of your own business or
lands far out ot proportion to any
expenditure or time or money mado
by you to support your ralr.
There Is no ono In a community
who should not bo Interested In a
county ralr, regardless or trade or
For In nomo manner the Humilia
tion of bettor crops butter stock and
a closer community Interest affects i
every man woman or child in me
Wo desire to repeat that the only
way to make a fair success Is ror
every ono to exhibit their products
and attend thomselvos.
Too oHoii you' might Ihlnk that
you have nothing worth oxhlbltlng
and thon you attend tho fair and
find that you had better nt homo.
Whonevor yon admit that tho pro
ducts shown In any particular lUio
aro not as good as you have at homo
you aro admitting thnt you aro not
doing your part In placing tho ad
vantages of your community or coun
ty In Itn borit light boforo tho world.
You Bllll have a few daya loft bo
foro thn ononlnii dnto of tbo fair and
oven ndmlltlng that you bavo hero-
totoro had no Intention or making nn
exhibit why not cliango your mind
nnd It you cannot rind tho tnno to
proparo a full Individual exhibit Just
call up tho commlttop In your com
munity nnd toll thorn that you have
a fow good specimen of garden or
Held produce thnt will bolp thorn
win that community prUe Come on
now trlond boa sport for onco and
call up that commlttoo or got that
oxhlblt roady DO IT NQW.
Yesterday about noon threo or
four car loads or peopio "
town In which tho car of William
llanloy was discovered and upon in
vestigation It wns found that Irving
S. Cobb, tho woll known wrltor who
contributes to tho Batnrday Kvonlng
Post nnd other big mngatlnoB, to
icothor with n Inrgo party of frlonds,
woro with uh. Thov ronmlnod but a
abort tlrno and took tholr dopariuro
for Mr. Hanloy'H OO llano It whom
they did boiiio bird shooting last
evening, t .i.
Among tho party with Mr. Col ,b
ii.,... IJnl.iirtu nt NOW YOrK.
Iter of tho Ilond I'roiis; Mr, nirdsoU
J. Ovorturfi Norman Jacobaon, Hid-j
of tho Pilot Dutto, Mr. Vogol and
Mr. Jlalrd all of Ilond, and Ira N.
(Jabrlolnon of tho U. 8, Dlologlcal
Survey, Tho latter is cdmliiB back
from the OO and spend a row days
horo working with County Agent
McDanlols on rodent pouts.
Some Weddings
A quiet wedding took placo nt tho
homu of tho brltlu's parents Mr, and
Airs. u. a. nwooK in ins cuy on asi
Saturday uflornooii Sept. 18, whon
their daughter, MIhh Loin, became
tho wUo or Henry A. Caslday. Hov.
Mrs. C. A.'Swook in thin city on last
J. J. Tlcknor of tho Uaptlut church
performed tho ceromony,
Thn brltl6 Is a nntlvo daughtor of
Ilurnn nnd In well known to our cit
izens. She Is a graduate of thu Har
ney county high nchool and later,
largely through her own efforts, nho
attonded tho ntato normal at Mon
mouth and also tho O. A. C. She fitt
ed hornoir for leaching nnd ban boon
following that profession for two or
throe years .being now employed In
the public 'schools or Ilurnn. Mr.
Caslday Is a former student of the O.
A. O. It -wan at thn Utter nchool tho
young people became acquainted. Mr.
Caslday was among those to respond
to the call of bis country and give
his eervicea during thn late war.
Mr. and Mrs. Caslday are making
their homo In Hums for tbo winter.
Two of Harney county's popular
young people woro united In mar-
Mage on Tuesday evening Sept. 21
h0'r',,J1 S' li l Mi,a v P,ut vroinct. Tho district wua
lal? rJ,?.k n?i !?L n!m to make its preliminary In-
M. Jenkins. nn y". vesication very complete ami that
I'iMil"! ?, n.i M L nufllclont time be allowed for U,or-
Wl bur being ho son c Mrs. Anna u conBl(,orftt,ori of ,u pl(MJl but
Halnee. ahd his brldo l a unnecessary time bo tdken.
of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Jm kins. Tho N,ckjJ , ' ,o(J aUunUon to
ceremony wan porlorao by Hot . W;'tno WOnderrul development of tbe
1 . Amos. State Secy, of be Homo pumpnK roJcc(, ,n Cullfornfu nni
Mission Board or t a ' rbytorlan , ' pracUcany all of Har-
"".7 "i"7 u
lit vviiiirnp ,
finishing her education ro lowing : I ho
Kmnl. rn'.h:?.... . '.. h'5 I
a diuo iravenoB nuu ... "'"k"
t J ' : luv '"' ,.
rollowlng the ceromony ror Ilolso ror
a honeymoon alter which they will
bo at homo at Diamond whom Wil
bur will bavo charge of tho big
ranch of his mother.
Tho marriage of Miss Cora Bhop-
nrd aud William Kenneth Crozler
took place at tho homo of tho bride's
,,1 the schools or this coun y until ; - w nn
flnlshlnK h" " "' '. "'t . , present high cost or fuel waa but a
H;,r,,!mrSe,ny:dhKldo 1-I-ary matter and ,h.t che,.
" , i ! Vtl i ipftnm waters or Sllvlen Klver. and full con
Haxel 1 alnes. sister of tho Kroom. , f , f d w, , ljrnplnT
was brlde'smald and J. "n"n ''(; ; plants tho future of Harney ValHr
nard was best man. Tho brldo wore . ,,A
grandparents, Mr. and Mr, waiter profitably.
Cross, on Wednesday morning, Sept. o
22. It wan a quiet homo affair but ! in 1 1ST AKIUAI POST HKdKIV.
wns novortholeuti a pretty wedding., y;it I'llOM JIKVD WlCU.SKb'DAT
tho ceremony Iwlng performed In tho
presence of tho lminedlat. relatives T)0 ffl(t mfl tn hy rtM.0t.4W ,T
tilTr V TuZ!.. 1- "-rn. arrival Wcdnes
HaptlKt rburih used tbo ring Juft before noun when a plat.o
vice In performing th ceremony, j undfd In tbe fluid ndjulnlr.g towa
Tho brldo Is a very charming young i lUUj tB ,,u0t, Mr. (loo. Love, dallver-
lady who has mado iter homo n tins
vicinity since her birth. Mr. Croxler
Is ono of our young uusines. men,
being engaged In the transfer busi
ness with bis rather.
Following refreshments tho young
people took tholr departure by auto
for a honeymoon trip. Upon tholr
return they will take up tholr resi
dence In Ilurnn.
Friday morning Sopt. 24, Herman
Marts and Mlsa Sara A. Howell woro
... 1.. llilu I.v
unueu in iiiuriiubu
Hev. W. H. Amos, Stato Hecrotary
of tho Homo Missions or tho Presby-i
torlau church. Tho ceromony took
placo nt tho Marts rouldonco In this
city whom Mrs. Dan Varlen gavo
thoui a wedding broaUfnst. Mr.
Mnrtt haH been a resident of this
cotumvnlty for several yoam where
ho has mado many warm inomis. no
is a young man of Integrity and a
very capable machinist. Hla brldo
camo horo early last spring to on
tor upon her duties as county nurso.
Hh, Ih a canablu young woman who
has wldo exporlenco in her lino of j
nrofosslon. bolng stationed for a
tlrno lu India. Immediately follow
umo in UH..U. -
ing mo ceremony " ......... ,,
happy couplo took tholr departure doubt tbo (astcet mall waa over
ror a short honoymoon trip. Upon brought to Hums,
tholr return tboy will roako tholr. prom conversation with somo ot
,,0m ,n ySvH&KHHUKTT our cltUens who talked with the
Rev. J. J. Tlckuor of tho naptlst aviators tbo proposition of regular
church performed tho coromony on service to bo established in the
Wednesday, Sopt. 22, that mado near futuro will bo Ukon up by them
Sarah A, JcsbuoU and Jamea S. Joycs nt Onco. Tho men In chnrgo of thW
man and wlfo.. Tho marriage took ma),nln0 loft'Boon attor noon Wc-
on tho farm of Mr. Joyea near tho an ongagomont to fly during tha
Experiment Station. county fair. Thoy expoct to roura
" to Burns today and take up tho pro-
B. F. Johnson and wife camo ovor Uon ot mM Borvco wth lho ,,UH.
rrom Prlnovlllo Sunday. Frank camo, roon Qf mu cy Wq umh)r.
ovor to look attor nomo business In ; thoy have tho Port-
conuootlon with tho Oregon ft West- mmj pnpcri, jn Hums by 10 oNilort:
ern Colonlxadon Co. nnd Mrs. John-'0,l0ll morniB nmi thoy will also car-
son canto along to vlnlt with roiativoa
and rrlondH In this vicinity ror a row
days. Thoy ntartod on tholr rotum
homo Thursday morning.
Mr. Nickel Ready to Back up
Project With Sacrifices;
Big Possibilities Here.
Mr. .7. Loroy Nickol, President oC
tho Pacific Llvo Stock Company and
. ., .,, . i .
of 1,10 M,,,ur & Lux Company of Cal-
Ifornla was a visitor In Ilurnn, on the
2:ird. His Company has 33000 acn
In the Harney Vnlloy Irrigation Dis
trict which will bo Irrigated from
tho storago system on Sllvlen Itlvcr.
In dlHcunnlng tho futuro'or Ilnrnejr
County nnd dovolopmont by Irriga
tion Mr. Nickol was very cnthnnhla
tlc and stated that bis company waa
ready to stand behind the irrgatloat
district and assist In worklnit out bKi
Its problems. That to make the IrrH
gallon district a huccokh ami to ex-
pldlto construction work bo stool
roady to cooperate with tbo land-'
owners of tho District in all matters
and if necmsnry all should make
very material connesslons both as
to thn amount of water nneeHMrr
for irrigation purposes and An to tie
matter of financing tho district dur
ing tho present high interest rale
and blgh cost of labor and malarial.
Caution wan urgod that tbo cost
ostlmntod should bo largo enough to
"i.m i nn.i h.t tLl
noy Valley could bo covered by prl-
, (, , f ,t
. That combine tho uo or
tho storrd
Ht() bundrcdH or thousands of acna
j to the Irrigated nnu or tho State.
Ho further stated that hla com
pany was ready to subdivide Its
lundii and place largo tracts on tbs
market at reasonable turma Just
soon as there was something tnng'.
blo to show tho prospective nettlr
In tbo way of Irrigation, and that rt.
would bo n mistake to put a iMttlir
on land that ho could not operate
iiii.. un.
til thu following letter to Loon M.
Ilrown of tho Harney County Nation
al Dank:
"Ilond, Sept. 22, 10:45 A. ?X.
".Mr. Leon M. Ilrown,
"Hums. Oregon.
"Dear Mr. Ilrown:
"Thru tho klnduesj or tho boarc?,
Mr. Ceo. Lovo of tho Hond Aircraft
Corporation, tho uodorslgnod nnd all
tho people of Hond nond kludllct.t
, . . , ,, ,
, ,
Rood people or Hums, and alBo offer
tholr slncoro hope that by tbo rapl
transit today shown by this note,
rolatlona of our. two
homo cltlos may bo tbo olosor boun.t
togothor, to tho common good ot
"With host wishes, wo nro
"Most sincerely youra.
It wns Just ono hour nnd thirty
minutes from tbo time It loft Hon
that It arrlvod In Hums. Thla la no-
ry pn8aonKOrH..
Chas, Qwon was down from hW
Sllvles ranch homo during tho wook.
viifn nurnn n vilnnfa ft nil lirt'swl fiin.1
TT II Jl II Ita 111 Ul 41111 tlllS "MIIU rwir