The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 18, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    THE TIMBH'H 15 U A li 1) n U It N" H
n A It N 15 v r O V N T Y
o it io a o n
Hnturdtiy, September IH, tUHn
First National Bank
At the Close of Business
Loans and Discounts - - - -Overdrafts
U.S. Bonds
Other Bonds and Securities " -Banking
Mouse Fur. and Fix. - -Five
Per cent Redmp. F'd - -
Interest earned not collected
Cash on hand, and. in other banks
Capital - -- --
Surplus and Undivided Profits - - -
Circulation "
Bills Payable (Liberty Loan Account) - -Rc-Diseounts
with Federal Reserve and other
Banks --------
Deposits "
JOHN D. DALY, President
A. C. WELCOME, Vice President
E. H. CONSER, Cashier
J. M. DESILETS, Ass't Cashier.
C. A. Hawkins wan over from IiIh
homo at Diamond during tho wook
on buHlnortH.
Kick Voegtly wan In town tho oth
er day renewing acquaintances and
attending to norno burtliumn matters.
A. H. Karr, non-ln-law of P. S.
Woltteiihtllor, In hero from bin liomo
in Iowa. Ho Ih connldcrlng tho prop
ohUIoii of moving to thin part of tho
country and taking over tho actlvo
management of tho Wolltonhlllor
land Intercuts. Tho young man In a
auntlcr and wo hopo ho makes thn
raovo as wo nood nucb men to further
tho development of tho country.
This ttfcoro will ho
Headquurtoi'H for
School" Supplies
Why wait, until tho last minute tho open
ing day of school to buy all of tho needed
supplies, liuy now while stocks are fresh
and service not rsuhed.
Tablets Rulers Pencils
Pastes Crayons Pens Inks
Wo enn u;ivo you a complete list of
Official Hooks For All (li-ados.
The Rexall Drug Store
- 55,790.09
$ 50,000.00
Mr. and Mm. It. II. Drown woru
over from tholr Diamond homo dur
ing tho wuok.
Mr. and MrH. A, E. Ilrown were In
town for a fow days during tho wook
from tholr homo ovor on tho Mai
hour river near Vonator.
l'Mlns Kthel
Turner arrived from
her homo near
AndrewH Tuesday
uveulng with her mother, the latter
being ill and coming hero to counult
a physician. Tho lady expectn to ro
main In town for n couplo of weekn
or more under tho caro of her doctor
who deHlrcH hIio remain near and un
dor the attention of a numo. Minn
Kthel found a most hearty welcome
from her many frlendn In thU city
upon her arrival. Sho has recently
been employed in a bank at Nampa
but camo homo because of tho 111
health of her mother.
will iluroly comu up to your oxpeota
tlonn. In fact If It In your fimt order
the moat will prove a revelation to
you In flavor, tenderness and Juol
noii.i. Wo don't ank you to tnko our
word for It. (Jlvo uh a trial order
and you'll have tho proof.
Set Ready
Cecil Irving Ih hi luwn.
Mutton wan (n town Wod-
John Dnrsoy wan In town during
tho wook on bunlncnn.
Frank Ctorf wan registered at tho
Hotel Lovoiih during tho wook.
Walter Hulllvan In ovor from hln
hondquartoni In IIoIho looking aftor
IiIh ciiHtomorn In thin city.
Mm. CiipkIo Hmytli wan In (own
tho foro part of tho wook accompani
ed by I'rorttloy Smyth. Thoy worn
horo nu huHlucHH,
Wo may bo ablo to do a llttlo can
ning yot sugar niiido unotlior drop
(n prlco the other day. 11 Ih quo tod
at in cmiiIh a pound.
Archie McOowau linn nun In iihhuiii-
oil an active IntoroHt In tho Duriin
Oarage and will now ho found an Ilia
manager. Ilo In an old timer at tho
garago IhiiiIiiomm and flniln things
coming along Junt uh In formor days
only fiiHtor.
MIhii Hara Unwell In again at her
otneo In thin city after making a
special trip to Crauo to aid a locall
doctor In wimn operations. Whllo in
Crane sho Inspected tho school child
run. MIhh Howell Ih dovotlng hnr
tlmo particularly to tho hcIiooIh at
thin tlmo.
Minn Kvolyu llyrd took her depart
ure Wednesday morning by way of
Crano. Shu wont to Wallowa whom
sho will vlnlt her aunt. Mm, L. F.
Allon, for a Hhort tlmo beforo going
on to Seattle whero nho will ugaln
enter tho Unlvemlty of Wanhlngtou
for tho coming school year.
Hurt Oliver wan making proof on
hln bomoitead Wednesday. Hurt wan
one of tho hoyn who wont over seas
to help tnme tho Hun and slnco re
ceiving hln discharge han npunt
portion of tho time In Washington
and at outnldo polntH. He han boon
nt thn hnmentcad for nuvoral monthn
now, however,
O. L. Jamon and wife, parontn of
Mm. Joo Krumholx, left yoHterday
for tholr homo at I'. Center, Calif
ornia, after upending nnvoral weekn
In thin city tho guent of tholr daugh
ter. They will make tho Journey
homo by vnny stagon going out by
way of Ilond, visiting Crater Lnlto
and other hcoiiIc polntH en route.
.Mm. Obll Shnttuck han roturnod
from Payette where nho han been
vlnltlng her mother. Tho lady In re
covering her ntrength rapidly after
her recent operation. Mm. Rhattuck
Htitted nho had a, good tlmo and lota
of fruit whllo out at her parontn'
homo but nho wanted to got back to
hor own homo.
W. L. Iowo, tho trapper who liven
near Hunter over on flllver crook,
told tho writer last Baturdny night
that he had Hccurod 74 coyotes dur
ing Hint wook 2C tho dav beforo.
That certainly In getting eoyotaa at n
ratu that will exterminate them If
wo had n few more like Mm. Mr.
I.owo waken up much of the fur ho
entehoH Into rolioa. rugs, etc , which
in addition (o tho bounty. initkoH him
a good Income.
Henry Hamilton, tho old pioneer
who Ih no widely known throughout
thin country, camo In from Diamond
tho other day in company with Mr.
and Mm. It. 11. Ilrown and will likely
romalu in town for a Hhort tlmo
until aftor tho fair, perhapH, Henry
ban abandoned tho old mule ho uned
to rldo and mnken tho trip from
placo to placo now In an automobile,
but ho dooHti't really enjoy thorni
rliloH an ho did tho back of IiIh favor
ite mule.
p. W. Hltcliio, Iho irrigation an
alnlant who wna with flupt. Klmttuck
at tho Experiment Station for the
weaHon, left Monday morning for Cor
valllfi. Mr. Ititrhlo han romplotcd
IiIh courne at the O. A. C. hut may
return W) Hcbool for po"t graduate
work during 'the coming ncliool year,
although he had not decided upon
that coumo when he left hero, Mr.
Kltchln la an excellent young man
and proved a good worker at tho
Rtatlon, giving couHclonttnun norvlco
whllo thcro.
MIhboh Jean Cook and Annetto
Leonard, Jo Cook nnd Taylor HuHton
oxpoct to loavo next Monday by way
of Hond en routo to Beattlo where
thoy will ontor tho Unlvomlty of
WoaJilngton for tho coming nchool
year. Mlsa Cook will ontor tho non
ior clttBH having boon at tho untver
Hlty for tho pant three years. MIhh
Leonard will iiIho ontor hor Honlor
year, although up to this year hIio
Iiiih been a Btudent of tho U. of O.
Tho parly will bo Joined In Portland
by Mln Joan Schwartz who goon to
Iho Washington aohool an a froHhman
tho (nunc na Jo nnd Taylor. Kvolyn
Hyrd vin ftit(0 Join tho parly at Port
Horn Friday, flopt, JO, to Mr
him Mm (1 Ui ii C'liinuHin, u daughter.
I). II. Smyth iiud hln lion Ityo were
In town Sunday from tholr homo In
the Happy Valley country.
J. O. Ilutler wan over from Catlow
on notuo land buslnoHn during tho
MIhh Helen King took her depart
ure yoHterday morning for Corvallln
where alio will enter tho O. A. ('.
(liking a pharmacy coumo.
Or. II. F Smith han gono to tho
mountnlnn for an outing and hunt
During IiIh abHonco Dr. C. C. Orlfllth
will bo found at hln olltco during
Oscar Dowiih in in from IiIh Catlow
, Valley farm. Ho camo ovor to buy
a Ford. Tho liiHt'tlino wo vlHltod
1 Oscar ho intimated ho needed a cook.
Wonder If tho Kohl goon with a cook.
It. A. Smith and wife wont to
Heiid one day (hln wuok to which
point they took hln mother who in
returning homo after a vlnlt of hov
ural weekn with hln family and
frluudn In thin section.
Dr. H. Donmau wan up from Crane
for a day or two during thin week,
having brought Minn Howell, the
community numo up aftor nho had
Lunula an Innpectlon of tho nchooln of
Crano and assisted Dr. Deiiman in
somu tonsil operations
Hugh Tudor, one of tho nheop men
of tho Albemon territory, wan a bus!
noun vUltur to our city during the
fimt part of thlH week, Mr. Tudor
recently took a train load of nhoep to
tho Chicago market and although ho
didn't got a big price, ho mild It
wann't no bad.
W. H. Parker and hln non Kos
wore In town Wednesday looking at
ter some business affalm. Minn Lydla
a Tyler camo In with them, Hho having
n . Kono over with thn I'arkcm a Hhort
tlmo ago to Palnley on a vlnlt. Mnn
Tyler han taken up her ntudlen In
Iho high nchool.
' Mrs, Hunh Mrllargo Ih over from
her homo in Ilarron Valley on a
vlnlt with relative and frlendn. Mrn.
McHnrgo in a ninter to Mrn. W. A.
(loodmau. Chan., Lloyd and Kldon
JohiiMou. Hho In over to Join with
tho family while the other ninter,
Mm. Htonewall Mothemhead, In here
from her homo np In WaHhlngtou.
Telegraphic advice Thumday from
Portland announced that Mm. Ku
gonla Hemltold wan, Horlnuuly 111.
Further Information from tho mimu
nource yoHterday ntated nho waH not
improved. Her Muter, Mm. Piatt
Kandnll, left for her budnldo lan
night, making tho trip to Uond by
auto in order to aitch tho morning
train for Portland.
.ii .o-
Tho county farm bureaun of Ore
gon will federate Into a ntate bureau
If the rerommeiidatloiiH of tho farm
bureau olllclaln who recently mot In
convention are followed, miyn Paul
V. MariH, exteiinlnn director. A com
mittor o.' throe membem wiih ap
pointed for weritern Oregon and
three for oawtern Orugon to preparu
plana and Hiibmlt thorn to n general
convention to bo held later. Oeorgu
A. .Mansfield, president of tho Jack
sou county bureau, P. O, Powell,
president of tho Polk county bureau,
and O. It. Dougherty, prenldout of
tho ClackauuiH county bureau, are
tho commltteo for western Oregon.
J. H. Dobbin, president of the Wal
lowa county bureau, Albert Hunter,
kpresldon' of the Union county bureau
and W. W. Hurrah, member of tho
executive committee of the Umatilla
county bureau, aro tho commltteo for
eaHtern Oregon
Have .your ivntch overhauled, fit art
the dd clock to ticking, get that old
piece of Jewelry In wnnrlp order,
llavo your oyiw fitted to Heading
Harney County National Bank
Loans and Discounts $418,168,37
Overdrafts - -- 630.58
Bonds and Securities ------ 143,857.86
United States Bonds ------- 32,500.00
Furniture and Fixtures 4,601.77
Real Estate Owned 1,000.00
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank - - - 3,100.00
Redemption Fund 1,625.00
Interest Earned but not Collected $-t - 9,240.40
Cash and Exchange 176,551.52
Capital Stock 50,000.00
Surplus - - 52,000.00
Undivided Profits ------- 17,223.07
Interest and Discount Collected not Earned 103.57
National Currency 27,900.00
Reserved for Depreciation Liberty Bonds - 2,602.78
Deposits - - 641,446.16
$791 275 58
Joy relgnn in tho heart of the
American hounowlfo.
Hho la mightily plcaned even
tickled nnd all bocauno of sugar.
Every day she reads In tho dally
papers of how thn falling sugar
market In squeezing tho profiteering
garabtem who loaded up on ' that
Htaplo and have been withholding it
from tho market In order to compel
her to pay exorbitant prices and
clean up fortunes for thomselven In a
few months tlmo.
Hho reads that many of theno
gambling hoardom have lont largo
Hiimn of money through tho stump
In price, others aro In financial din
Iresn, and hoiiiu are on tho verge of
Their frantic walls aro bh nweot to
her cars iih Ih tho tantn of honey to
a hungry hear.
And she smllen.
Joy bo with you, sinter. Laugh
on, nnd laiight heartily.
Wo laugh with you.
Try Firrwtono CortK UnlvcrmU
Oiu-ttKO. Adv. ti.
FOR 8A LBHO feet 6 Inch casing.
Universal Oarago Co. 8-14.
Sylvia Hebekah Lodgo, No. 43, I.
O. O. V., will begin regular mootlngn
next Tuendny night.
Patlentn receive tho bent of caro
at tho IlurtiH Maternity Hospital, Mm.
Lenter Williams, Prop. Adv. .
FOIL SALi: Umpire Hntato Heater
in flrat class condition. An extra)
- bargain. Inqulro of II. A. ltlch-
unison. lu-U-'Jt I
Thu Lndlon Aid of tho Iliiptlnt
ehureh will give a window sale In Oio j
Commercial Club on Saturday, Sept.
Kenneth Crozler
chr deliver
Cfirapr new than later.
WheR i he present supply
In exhausted tke price
will raise.-IhoHe G22F.
Bend & Burns Auto Stage
All Totiriuu Carn
Lcavctt Hum every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Special attention given passengers
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in our care given prompt attention
Now goods arriving frequently it
Mrs. K. V. Schwartz. Adv. 8-21
Piano in Excellent shapo for root
Just tuned. Inrjulro at this office
Mm. A. D. Jones In now In chars
of tho Smth rooming house adjoin
ing tho Cola hotel. Sho will h
p loaned to meet hor many frlcndi
there, C-12tf.
Mrs. Millar Is agalng nt her plnea
of hunlnesH where nho In prepared tr
furnlnh tho trade with nuitnble toll
Innry. Sho hnn a nlco lot of thlngi
approprtato for tho school children
Wo will MKn have n number of
buyer for Hno fimt elann tock
ranrlirn rriutonnbly jwlccd. Come la
and llxt your pn)rty Harne?
CoHBty AbNtruct Co.
The Herman Martz
Wood Saw
Is prepared1, to work
Phone No. G104
Wm, Farre
Practice before U. S. Land
iJcparlmeiit and
Real Estate
Indication aro that the
luru of tho land will
attract many Investor to
llnrney County the com
ing MVIMOR. lilNtillKH IIOW
will bo kept beforo pnut
Mctlvo luvcstoni Uie en
tiro weahOH.
when yon order a glass ot our per foe t
soda. Made Just right, mlxod Just
right and.Borvod Just right It Is a
drink fit for tho goda or tholr di
Hcondunts. Sooma Ilko high pralsot
Not a hit of it. Como In any tlmo
and put tho tuattor to n tost. And
llHton, It tnstoa ovon bottor If partak
en In company.
' m i jr i. i in i- ijiiivu yuiir oynx iiiiimi hi iieiiiiuig
land and goon back to WuHhlngton (kIuknch, hco O. M, SALIHUUItY
for Iter Junior year,
Jeweler, optician,