Hal urduy, September 18, lf20 THE T I M l) H - II I It A 1j I) It V It N H , II A It N K Y COUNTY, O U 13 (ION Pago Kcrm .-"'J) oi-Ko-'Mflr-Te-e! I've oor to gct RIGHT OOr TO THAT hcre it is - iU loy it in owl ' lYOUR ROOM, -f-;-.- T"-"Z. Afiih TtlfTS FINE - 1 - - y Meet' it is mupbv oeoR- ive oeew -tfM OS(NO IT TO COT THE PUTTOtlS off TWP SOPFOSfi MY KftZOR IS HMD IT ALL HON CP 0L.0 CLOTUeS-YOU'O bUfVPGISUO UOV much ruieiTsnves- i SHARi'eNeo tri -IOME MEETING - WILL UiArric- Ailn I Alilftlf. IU VI In YOU LflV MY BLACK SOITOUT OP 060IN OM TWC WGT3VONU SO YOUUJ WEET IV) IN ft HURRY I Sefr NGV6R KNOW ITS' turn "nu miuc vi UCGN USED HOME by Enrl liuvat nvn ium v til w. I I Classified Advertising arid Legal Notices Prof essional Cards Miscellaneous News 111 a aywami IT I AIM ITWH V T J - 'Jf I NHS Ji -J,lJg- iw.. vJuw W'aw PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. B. P. SMITH Physician and Suruon Hums, Oregon . .1 - I........ Ik ' ..Wll I. .. itj k i k : u . ii v , ..ft, n ui - hut home. Phone No. 1 1 i . n i 12 it it i , m . i) Mr Snurmun & Urunel's Former Olllco Uulldlng v.i .til Hums, Oregon i .1. XV. G K A II Y Phynlclan and Surgeon Dura - - nKu TftlophoiM R13S DKNMA.Y DKNMAN I,bjlclnji.i Hd Hur(VOH i m aimnrruu liriiiuiuiT ii.it ur iiikiil 'Phono Crano I Cninc, (JrcRon I.. I!. IIIIlltAKD I) K N T I S T 00i i.rxt door oaU photo gnllary 11 n run, Orogou ( II.AIU.IvS W. IJI.I.IS I, A W Y !: H PuriiH, - - - Oregon Tra- lcc In th Stale Court and . . i . . ...... KI )u ino i . n. i.iiuu wiiiLii M Duncan' JSCAS I i M Mcf'ulloch Hobt MiCI l,W)CH X UVS c M land Olllco H ,J,ul mxc . Zltti bow tint un.ss. OltKOON : It M V V O N b V II .M A I. . Attunie) at Iiw ' ?r i. .i ii ii run ion m'liiro i;. n. I ..d O a Hpccialty , Sro . niiif next iloor to P. O. . I Iturus Oregon I f Ii a . II. I, e o it a r il j A'tinn'-at-l.i j d Itcil K lato muttorii I lie litNiiriiiico .Ni.tni'j Public I 'iriiH, Oregon Itltt'CK It. KKSTWt Attorney ut lw r.d Olllco Pructlce Land Scrip for sulo . '(&ftn " It 1 i ti V l(lOH Lnfrr Durn, Ovcf oa K . (i . McOI i: I. L A N Palnlefn KxtractloiiH Modem DoutUtry ESTRAV 'war uu ion inji, !"' djiiii. left and crop off rltUi' ilao cattlo traudod S7 wltji bur Hr top on tight ribs, marked sp.u lu right and crop off loft. Horse-t; one nor rel work mare branded 7L on 'tlrio and vented on Hhouldur; ono l)ay saddle maro wltlili slur lu funo branded TIC connected on luft lioulder; two threo-year-old coltn & bay goldlng und, brown maro branded 87 with bur ovor on atlflo. R J. McKlunon, Drowsoy, Oro. '-u in I il iu if ii. iwwn.u u,i v..... "reek Two Duoks ono markod "I'lit lu each our ono holo In ono ear, owner can have them on pay li'S ot to Shormun Long. Soud coat ot notice. ?10 RBWARD-. Will bo paid -for each of tho following described anlnmlii: One rod motllu face two year old heifer branded reversed A with Htom down ut. luft hip, LX with iiuurtor circle bur umlcr on IncrotiHim niiollno 23 por cent, pro loft nldo. Ono rod nioltlo lucojvonts carbon, moro powor, inoro inuloy, two your old liolfor with iiiIIoh por Ballon, (luitrnnlood 50 lab Hamo brands in flrHt doncrlhod. Olio lotH CO coiiIh. Ai;ont J. A. IIoIIIh, rod whlto faco two your old Htoor Kluld, Oroon. 7-17-10-2 .11. I V" .....I -1 ..I I.. I... 1 nun ha iiiiii ijuuriur virciu oar undor. All marked with crop and swallow fork In rlttht onr and un dor half crop In loft I). U, Nowoll, Narrows, OroKon. 9-1 1-4 1. FOR RENT NOW ,01KN HoomlnK bouso In Mary CwWwhII bulMlns. Nlco Cloau bodit. Mrs. M. O. Wbtdoui. G-S-tf. TO HKKT Oinct'H and Btorn room. Funnorn Kxchnngn. C-5. - FOR SALE Attonllou Woolgrowera 7 0 0 0 'aoroH raiiKo land, -100 aurort undor j ' ill tell 0000 on oh and UOOO lamb for Matu-ld4ul Locution. W.M. FAUIIH. iKOIt HALK -7 room houno, lnrK j Htouo cullar, windmill k. tank, 2 ; lotH, k1oiIiik porch. Clump, oany j tcrniH, Small uah payment, bal- auco lllto rout, .lnluud Kinplro I Realty Co. C-5-tf. "TWO STOItV, nuveu room roMldenro. . .phuttorud. hot mid cold wator, bath and modern convonlonroH. collar ami gurugo, In lllock 55. 3rd addl- MoM t0 ,,ur,u'' bl,oKnK ww 'Al"t I The Itobrrt Ole,. r,.,ct, In H-clh.,. ! i.,., r .-, u 11 li" I.. for half ul i Si..iiii'im ..!.ri. " I --"'. '"' ......... ! wm, fauiuv. Vnr Rule I honio-iiowor ltumiell hor hale i . norno-power uuHmiii tract Ion englno and hay baler. bargain. W. A. Uoodman. 1-3. l'OIt HALU - The JameH Mc.Mhiiuh ruueh In Sec 13, I I. 15. T. 2 8.. It. 21 -:., 320 ncrort. reduced to $1000.00. TormM. WM. FA lilt 12. FOIt SALIC Todd Chock Proctootor, aUo prnctlcMlly new No. 10 Horn Ingion Standard Tyiuiwrltor. -Fred WilliauiH, liurun, Oregon. 3-titf. VV IlL'V, TaUo and noil fur-boarlug rahbltB, and other fur-boarliiK an I ma I. Lint what you huvo with in, KtatluK your lowot prlcen on large lot Hhipmontri, Tho Fur ft Specialty Furmlng Co., 010-517 N. P. Ave., Fargo, N. Dak. Tycho SodJu KhhcIi Soc'h 19 k. 30, T. 24 S., H. 32 B.. c of fered for $1390.00. I Guy W. CocklJn Place in Sw'h 23 ft 24, T. 28 H., R. 32 R.. South of Lakj, ltt acres $324).. FOIt 8A1.F Schaffer piano U good condition. Mm, A. K. ltlcburdon. 0-2 " irorormuu nntt correcteu no na to con- FOR SALB OR TRADB 80 acreHl form to the agroeuwint of tho parties laud In tho famous San Louis V..1- reto by conveying to Plaintiff all mini in u . tl)() rK,lt( t,t,(J tt)), ,nuroflt f t)0 or uenr Alamona, Colo. Hun now- Ul,t..,.,,,..u .... illlv ?1 ini i ,m,i In urtonlan well also ono Hhuro Commonwealth Irrigation Stock. Largo drainage ditch on Houth end 7 Ii il , an Prim 175 nor aero of thin 80. Prlco $75. per aero. Wlll coiiHldor Initio for land near Hurnn. O. A. ICorton, 1005 N. 4 Avo. Maywood. Ill, 8-14-4 JOHN OHM 11 Kit UNA, Jowolor. tuul Optiohm Knirravoi'. Flue Watch RepalriiiK a Biieclally Nick Blchnor plnco. 100 neroH In Bee. 2, T. 23 8., U. 33 V, Small Iiouhu 100 acrt'H cleared and lirokon. All fenced. $ 1 000.00. , TANK II WANTED WILL THAOK 10 acruH Irrlgntcd ono mllo caHt of Payolto Idaho, 28 acros in Alfalfa, for donlrnhlu Har mty County laud In vicinity of Hurnn. Thin 40 In In tho bMt upplo produclnir dLnU'ict In tho U. 8, Prlco $300 por aero. C. A. Korlon 1005 N. 4 Ant. Maywood, III. 1-144 WANTKO TO THADK 3 and throo ipiarlcr Haiti Wagon, llormm or Cattlo for Kord. Doll Crydor, HuriiH. J3ARBEU SHOPS PltOMP'l mirvlco and courtooiu troutmtint will alwayn bo iicoord od pnlronri of the Uui'iih llotwl linrber Shop. IlulliM tit any hour of thu day, C. W. Blmmoiirt. Prop. LEGAL NOTICES XOTH'i: ()!' ri.NAh ACCOUNT j t,lw county Court of thu Statu of orogon, for Harney County, i , Mmi... nt tu. tutm,, nf Jnulnm T. Fry, du..iri unllerMlgned .'.dmlnirtrator him llled !'' !!?' .?b?.r!r.nn.V' " ",,ul court hnn not Tuesday tho 28th day of Soptombor. ID20. at the hour of , .,,, . .. , ,, , ton o'clock A. M a i the time and 11,0 count' eo,lrt roo,n of " '0' . . ,,ri.ir od tm to wild uccount and the Hottltimeut . thereof. All ijroti concttruiMl urv heruby not I (led. to (lie their obuc- 1 tloiiH, In wrlll.R. U a it y Hiieh there bo. on or befor- mild uutw, and to ap pear on hit Id iltta nad contuiMi thu Mime. Dntud Austtt 28th. 1020. ciiAitLUrf v. num. AdmliilHtrator. 8C.M.MONS IN Til 13 CIltCUIT COCIIT OF THU STAT13 OF OIIROON COL'NTV OF HAHNIOY KLD'AHK'TH TIlOltN. PlalntlfT. VM. MAHY PIIUITT und PKAHL N. PllU ITT, DefendantM. To MAHY PUUITT aud PKAHL N. PUUITT, Defciidanta. IN TUB NAMB OF TUB BTATB OF OHKOONYou aro hereby rh nulrcd to appear and uiurwor tho Coroplulnt tiled ugulaat you la the aboVtt-entltlcd muH on or beforo thr) 1 8th day of Septembor, 1920; and If you full to no appear and anirwer, for want thereof, thn Plaintiff will apply to tin) Court for thn relief prayed for In tbA Complaint, numely; a Decrco that a certain quit-claim deml, re corded on Pago 142 of Hook "V" of Deed for Humey County, Oregon, bo reformed aud corrected ho aa to con- l0 thu SW4. nnd tho Bli of the I iSBVj. of Section I I, In Twp. 23 8. H 20. B W. M., Jliirney County, Oregon; for nuch othor nnd further roof UH t0 (hu Courl muy Houm om,t. UI,U( Ullll ror thu ci-h.h and disburse- montu of nuch null. ' Tlilii publication In mudo purnuunt to uu Order or Hon. Win. Farru, Judge of thu County Court for Har ney County, Oregon; made and en tered lu thu ubovo-oiUltlod suit on tho 2nd day or August, 1920. HICQS & IUO OS Attorneys for Plaintiff 'Residing ut and having their post offco uddroHHos at Hurnn, Oregou, Onto of llrst publication Augunt 7, 1920. ! Date of luHt publication Soptombor 18 1920. POUND Tho Hurim Oarugo is in poimoHHloii of tli t oo gas books issu ed by tho firm numborod 274, 275 and 277, respectively, Ownor may lmvo thorn by provlnt; property. HU.MMONH l'OIt 1'UIII.ICATION IN TUB CIUOUIT COUItT OF TUB HTATB OF OHWOON FOR TUB COUNTY OF HAUNI3Y. J. J, INOBR80LL, Plnlutlfr, v. IIBLLB rNCBHSOLL, Defnndaut. To IIBLLB INCBItHOLL, tho ubovo uumod dorondiuit: IN TUB NAM B OF TUB 8TATB OF ORBOON, you nro horoby muhi moiled and reiiilred to appear and ainiwor thu complaint (Hod iiRalunt you In the above ontllled milt with in nix wockn from tho dale of the drat publication of thin nuiumotiH ngaliiHt you, mid If you fall to aiiHwer, plead or othorwlmi appear in mild cuuno within nuch tlmo tho PlalutlfT for want thereof, will tako Judgement und dec ngalnnt you an prayvd for In the Complaint herein, to-wlt: That tho bondn of matrimony hereto fore rulHtlng between plaintiff and defendant bo forever dissolved and, held for naught. Thin Humiuonn 1m published for a period of once each week for nix nuc endive weokn, beginning with tho In huu of Augunt 7th, 1920, In tho Tlmoa Herald, a weekly newHpaper publlnh ed and printed In HuriiH. Oregon, by order of thu Honorable William F;irro. County Judgp, Harney County, OrKn. made and entered of record herein on Augunt 5, 1020. Mcculloch & duncan AttoruoyH for Plaintiff ItMldeme. IttiriiH, Oregon. LAND NOTICES NOTH'i: l'OIt ITHLICATlOX UNITB1) STATBS LAND OFFICB HuriiK. Oregon. Augunt 2(1, 1920 NOTICB In hereby given that Ral ph !' Peubody, of Hurnn, Oregon, who, on Juno 12, 1916, and Jan. 12, 1917, made IlumeHtead Bntrlort, No. O82H-0U2O3, for HV4N'j. NViSi, nWVHBJ. SBV,SWVi. Sue. 5. 8KU NBVJ, NBUSB. Section C, Town Hhlp 21 S Ruugn 31 B., Wlllamelto Meridian, hun llled notice of Inten tion to make Fluul threo-year Proof, to iMtahllKh clalrij to thu laud ubovo ileNcrlhed, before Regluter and Re ceiver, at Hurnn, Oregon, on the 2nd ilny or October. 1920. Claimant iiiiiiich an wltneAnen: Uoorgo Whiting, Ida Whiting, Frank Whitlmt. und Brink N. Math own, all of HuriiH, Oregon. V. O. CO.AD, ReglHter. NOTK H OF PCItLK'X IJOV UNITBD 8TATBS LAND OFFICB HuriiH, Oregon, August 19, 1920 NOTICB in huruby given Unit Leo nard C. Sprlgga. of Suplee. Oregon, who, on March 18. 1910. and Novem ber 17. 1911). made Homestead on Irion. No. 08572-09773, for SBU, See. 1 4 j NB . N H SB ' , 813 ',' SB U . i See. 23; WjWj, Sec 24 und NBt i NBVJ Section 20. TowiinIiIp 18 h.I Ruiiko 20 B.. Wlllumetto Meridian, has llled notice of Intention to muke Final three-year Proof, to netabllnh claim to thu land above described, before L. M. Miller, U. 8. Co mm la id on ur, at her olllco, ut Paulina, Ore gon, on thu 25th day of September, 1920, Clalrunut naroci an wltnensen: Henry K. Wooloy, Hoy L. Cha, Frntoa W. Chase, and Melvln We- berc, nil of Supleo. Oregon. V. O. COiiAD. Heglstor, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UNITBD BTATP3 LAND OFFICB Burns, Oregon, August , 198 NOTICB H hereby given that William F. Foster, whoso pont-onlcn nddrosH Ih Riley, Oregon, did, on the 30th day of July, 1910, file In thin olllco Sworn Statement and Appli cation, No. 010551, to purchnno the SBVi8Bi, Sec. 31, T. 25 8., and Lot 1, Section G, Township 20 8., Range 21 B, Willamette Meridian, aud tho timber, thereon, under the provln-1 ioiirt of the act of Juno 3, 1878. and J nets iimoudutorv, Known (is tho "Tim ber and Stono Luw," at such value tin might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the laud and timber thoreon have buon appraised, the timber estimat ed at 1050 fonce posts. 8c ouch, and tho laud $112.00; that said applicant,! will offer fluul proor in nupport or his application and sworn statement on tho 9th day of October, 1.920, be roro Register and Rocolvor, at Hurnn, Oregon, Any person Is ut llborty to protoat this purchasu before outry, or Initiate a contest at any tlmo burnre putout issuos, by tiling a corroborated ulll ilnvlt In this olllco, alleging facts which would dufoat tho outry. V. O. COZAD, Register. FOUND Bllto opon facod watch with saddle fob, at tho Prosbytor luu church. Ownor provo proporty and pay f orthla ad, 8-21 NOTICB l'OIt PU1ILICATION UNITBD STATBH LAND OFFICB HuriiH, Oregon, September 10, 1920 NOTICB In hereby given that Arthur D. Schwartz, of Narrown, Oregon, who, on May 29, 1917, made IIomoMteiid Bntry, No. 0D787, for Lot I, BWViNWV,, W14SW'm Sec. 2; Lot I, SBViNBV,, B'jSBi, Section 3. Townrihlp 28 8., Range 30 B., Willamette Meridian, hun filed notice of Intention to make Final three year Proof, to oHtubllnh claim to thu laud abevn doHcrlbod, beforo Reglu ter and Receiver, at II ii run. Oregon, on the l lth day of October, 1920. Claimant nnmoH nn wIIuchhch: Jameii HondorKon, William F. IlnrrlM, Ilium Rang, and Frunk Drown nil of Nnrrown, Oregon. ' V. O. COZAD, ReglHtor. NOTICK Mil PUIU.ICATIO.V UNITBD BTATB8 LAND OFFICB Durnn, Oregon, Soptcmbor 8, 1920. NOTICB lit hereby given that Kmory Ijinfcar. of Amberg, Wlncon nln, who on May 15, 1915, made Homentnnd Bntry, No. 07011, for HV4RBU, HKMRWM, Lot 4, Sec. 7. N4NB4. NBHNWW. Lot 1, Sec tion 18, Tnwnnhlp 33 9 , Range 30 B.. Willamette Meridian, linn filed notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to entnbllnh claim to the land above denrrlbed, tho tent Imony of oitrvnnn to be tnken be fore John O. Millr. 1;. 8. Cour! Com mlimlonor, at life nlllpe nt Mnrliu'tt", WlNcoiiNln. and the teBMmony of wll iieaieMi lo he taken before the Regln tor aud Receiver, at Hurnn. Oregon, on the IDth day of October, 1920. Claimant niutnm an witnonndn: A. l:. Bmilh, and J. Rerdugo of lllltzon Oregon mid Aubrey Hebenor aud J. L. Unrdeen of Cntlow, Oregon. V. Q. COKAD, Reglnter. NOTICB FOR Pl'IILICATION UNITBD STATB8 LAND OFFICB Hurnn. Oregou, September 8, 1920. NOTICB In hereby given that fleorge Toner, or Hurnn. Oregon, who, on September 3, 1915, made llomeHtead Bntry, No. 08338, for SKUBW'i- SW'.SB'i. Sec. 12; NBViNWVi. Section 13. Townnhlp 25 8., Range 30 B . Willamette Mer idian, ban filed notice of Intention to make Final three-year Proof, to en tuhllHh claim to the laud above de Nerlhod before ReglHter and Receiv er, at Hurnn, Oregon, nn tho 13th Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TRAUGOTT, Proprietor MEAL ESTATE LOANS rhom-J.tojorJOiao CAR REPAIR BILLS Arc Never Exceuive At This Shop THAT In becauHB we kaow our b unto ass, work quickly, ad with lost motion or tlmu wanted In pbxxIIbr over wkat to 4. That la a good reason why OUR shop should be YOUR shop. Try un, Our ' specialty Blectrical and Ignition work and Oxyacotyleae Welding. All work Gaaraatoed. At the Jack McGuicr fount tkop J. S. Taylor, Prop. just Between You and Me" says the Good Judpe W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco i dny of October, 1920. Claimant tinmen an wltneHHen: Oeo. Duunmore, B. N. Nnlnoa, Charles lliickun, and Arthur D. Halm, all of Hurnn, Oregou. V. O C055AD, Reglnter. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS NAARICNB CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. in. Preaching HervJce, 11 a, m. Young Peoplon' Mooting 7:30 p. m. Preaching norvlcu 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wedncsday uvonlng 7:30 . Mlnslouary mcotlng necond aad fourth Friday in each month 8. L. S. TRACY, Pastor. PKKBHYTHKIAX GUUITCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching ncrvico 11a. m. Other Borvlccfl will be announced nn noon on the now paHtor gotn ac quainted and nrrangea with tho con gregation. JOHN' H. WICHBRSON,, Pastor CHRIKTIAN 8CIBNOB SOCIKTX Bervlcen at 11:00 o'clock. Tho rondlng room In tho church Bdlflco, Ih open on Tuemlay and Fri day from 2:30 to 4:30 p. ni. Sunday School mootn on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Puplln tuny bo admitted to lu ".InnHOs up to thu ago of 20 yearn. Tho public Is cordially Invited t tho Church Sovlces nnd to tho Head ing Room. 11APTIBT CHURCH niblo School at 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 o'clook. Bvnntng Service at 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 P. M. Hov. J. J. Tlckner, Pastor. Hesl dciico north ot Court 11 June, Phone W121. a ir.it, O.'e; Here's genuine chcuing salisfaction for you, hook ed tip witli real economy. A small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much long er than u big chew of tho ordinary kind that's be cause the full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles