The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 18, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    i n u u n v u v m , ma it ! v yf nrvi'T, n n k a o N
I4u'e Kix
t n
'I' I M M m
S&1 lw
CorJiiuatbn k Centyn H'a
OllvVt tliitiU'tlllli
UllKtlMtl KIII.
'i!n wrlifltt, noit'l"
Inl mill niiiti uf
It-Hern, urm Imre
lu IV.V. 'liter
lint fjIMMt HOIMf
Iiut-Mlmi 1M ttt On
Itlneo uf JiU lilnli
lti it i r n I lrivo I-
ir n I njr n h h v i
t'lnliuril Hint l
lino lit SitiKii-ltlll
II it m r, l: iil'lu.
llnm-omiiHiit. trt-
Intnl. White Oil
irr vrnri mill n
rlill.t li fninll?
m o v r 1 to flio
rointtrjr of Wrl
.Mt-ntPi. Ill linn
.rut la tin tlllilKr
Mi'liiiul ihi-n imtr
wta, .lirri thr mnitrr, while Irm-ti-tmu
rrndlim, v,ri'tiiu mill iirlO.iiirlti
naangril fu aluo nil lic Mil nil of 111,
liaallH rtUli aliirlrt of titlrli, kIiowIn,
Joliluiltli left Oil action! n( tlu ni'r
nt mine, ami rrit to arwrul Rrnnininr
arfcauli, ami aniulml aninr haov-Jrunr
t lap nnrlrnt lunKUitKf. Ho nm aui
tirllllaiit catnr lu fuel naa roa
aMcerd rnthrr foarkwartt. lie rtmn aniall
f alnturr, with frulurea bnrxli to urII
tea, nnil mh tar butt of the ethri
bar aa-1 tar aiattrra.
After maar furled attraipta la
M klMitlf for arnfeaalott, and re
aratetl faltnrra, kr taok vrrltla-. A
Ma umr graitaallr brranr haowa kl
rrrlr tif aeaaalntanrra vrlaar. II
m Introrfnrril to Jiiaaioa. taea ran
alaVrrd ttir drat of ttaicllah wrlfra U
Mr Joahiin Hernnlili, thr fnmnua Kuft
Hah raliilrr, a ail othrm.
Hrforr tlir "Vli-ar at Wnkeflefd" !
wared In 17HA. ranir tlir Krrnt rrUla a
nltnitfiS tlfr. In rtirlntmna week
ITtll. hr publlnliril n pnrnt entitled h
Trii'..ler., It n thr Mrnt ork U
wklrh hr had put kla nLMr, and It
retard him at onrr to thr raak af
learttlinate Rnstllah rlaaalr.
Aflrr thr ,TrnTellerH appeared "Thi
Vlrar of WnkrllrM," and It rnplillr oh
talnrd a popularity thlrh ha laMr
va tu our orru tlmea. MThr rnrllri
rkapfera aimer nil thr oner In a of inn.
twral anrtrr. toirrllirr with all tin
iTnrltr of rnuirily.M It i rlnlmrd thin
thr lattrr tiarl of thr tlllr la not vnrlh)
f thr ht-cttmlnK.
Thr mirrrva vthlrh hr nn nlth tlili
alorr rnroiirnRrtI (iolilmnltli tn try hit
fcnad n n ilrnmntll. nnil hr Trrntr tlu
H3od NntitrM .Mini Tlir piny. ho.
rvrr, In brut knrmn In lilfr IIiuph m
"Slip .Sloiipa lu I'lin'mrr." tt vnl
kroiiKht out nl thr Cotrnt llnnlri
Thratrr, and "plft hntrn mill KnllTln
arrr In a romalant ronr of Inuuhlrr.'
tloMamllh itl-il on tttrll -I. 1771. I
kla 4mti yrnr, Hr rrnn Inlil In tin
rharrhyanl of thr 'I'riiiplf. tint tjir pi"
mil not mnrkril by any laarrlplloa am
la now foricottca.
I CHOSE my wife for nnch qnn1!tl's
us would wi'r wHI. Slio 'tiutt
rem! nny KiiKllxh lioolc wltlfm
nuch Hpolllnp; hat for iilckllni;. Ire
nrrlriK nntl rnokvi-y, nom coulil t-xrc
lier. Wo witp !Vt iiistlnllnjt of ou
JioKiillnllly, nml our Kootwlicrry wlm
Imtl fircit rcpiilulloii, no tlint our con
Hint, ovoii to tlio fortlolli n'lii'no. ri
nii'iiitnTiMl thfir nillnlly without mo
liolp froi.i tlu lioruliN' oltlro. mul ciiiik
vtry fnf;iiontly to o iim.
.My rnlri worv woll-fortnH tint
lutiiltl.y. Two tliiitcliti'm. who. to con
era I not hi lift. wr eiM-lnliily vor hnml
fjoint" (illvlit, of Itiiuritiiit Immiuv, mi'
Hujihln. oft. tnnJpt hiuI nllurlnx. IU
t'ltltwt Mm, ('porfcv. wun lirl t Ostfonl
wlillp. llniM'v, jny tioeiiiiil hoy, rpeoJvi-tl t
hrt of mliei'lliiiiroim etlticulloii
Hut, nlnn, hy n wiuMph stroko of III
luck, my unllro fortuiu- wiih uwep
awv.y, nnil out of H.OOQ I liml hu
four hunilroil rrnir.lnlnc, This niiiKer
ny nelalilior, Mr. Wlltiiot, to lironl: on
tho oriKncnnirut oxlsilnir hHwci'ii tin
non, Ot'iirp-, nml his iliiuphtpr, Arnhfl
lu. Mr. Wllmi.t htnl ono vlrdio In per
fectlon, wjle)i wiih iirmlenrp, too offer
the only ono Unit Ih left iih lit peveii
. Wt now poor, nml wlnlom hmh
mo conforip lo,our luimhlo Mlttuitlon. 1
ptvo Ciomuo fi Diul nfit him to l.ou
do;i to, tin t J jo lof Iih iniRht for Klin
wlf nml for I foiiml ii wotlH eurf
of fUl vrnr In a JlMnnt nt'Ulihor
hooil, nml tlnMiei" wo nt onoo ropnlro'l
On fmr Journey w ftl In with mn
Mr. 7ltreli(il, pleiisliit' nml Inxu-ne
tlvn companion, who tolilMiio much of
Ripilro Thornhlll, our new landlord
who, It peemed, wiih tho plenHuredov
Ins nejiliew of tho trreat nnd worthy
Hlr Wlllliim Thornhlll. Mr. Hiirchell
lud tho Rront klmlnoss to resruu my
ilauKhtor, Hojihln, who hnd tho mli
chuncc; to full Into u mpld Htrenm, nnd.
who, hut for hln timely iiHHlHtniice.
mnHt hnvtf heen drowned. On UiIh, my
wlf linmedlntely hullt n futuro ro
mnnre for tho two younir people. I
could not hut mnllo, to henr her, hut I
nm never dlHpjciiPed with thono hann
1ch dehiRloiiH that tend to inuko im
moro happy.
Our landlord, Squlro Thornhlll, ho
ramp it frequent visitor nt our Utile
linhltntlon, lured, pcrhnpt hy my wlfo'H
venlHon pastyor porhnps hy tho
rhnrms of my pretty dnujthtorH. Mr.
IlurelielJ, too, camo often, o wo were
not at loss for ncrry eompiny. My
wife, amhltlous to hold our IioiuJh a 1 i t -Ho
hUrher lu I ho world. tlelred that J
Hell ur colt nt n in'lidilioilinr fair, and
Imy, InstPiul. n horwe that would ninlto
lnttr appoarnnco nt elitirch or upon a
Bho sent Moboh, who wn a inont
tJIsurcot hawnliiv'!', and whinn IiIh hIs
terfl tit tod out hravcly for tho fair.
They Ifimtuod hh IocUm, Inunhoii liln
hitoltloH mill cocked IiIh lnU with pliiH.
Mo woru a thundcr-iind-llnhtiilnK rout
and u KotdltiK Kroun wiilMcnnh hut.
alas, nt tho fair ho was Imposed upon
hy ii prowling nhnrper, who, nflor
Mono3 hnd well hnrnnlned nwny tho
colt, nmiiHRod to not tho purchnxo
money from him In return for a itroM
of grocn PpectacleH In nhnRreen crhor I
nnd ko, hh uhuii), unforoncen dlfHiitor
f rust rat ud our nttemptH to ho fine.
My dnuKiitors plnnnod n ploanuro ex
pedition to town, nnd this Mr. Ilurcholl
no HlroiiKly (Unapproved of Hint h qunr
rol eiiHtiud hetweon film nnd my wife,
and tho RentU'imm loft our Iioiirp In n
lit of minor, nor cpuld Boplilu'n plead
I UK IooIih hny him.
Tho town trip hettiK Mtlll In pros
pect, my wlfo decreed that I ko to the
(nlr myself, and Hell our one remain
ItiK hore. Hut when ono would he pur
clmwr exninliiiMl tlm anltJiill. and lie
Jarcd him Idlnd of oiio evo. nnothor
otaerved ho had u Hpnvln, n third per
celved he had u vlinlall, n fourth ahl I
h hnd thr Iio'ih. nml -o on. 1 hcran to
I have n ini'-t heiirty coiiU'in.t fi(r tho
poor heart mytwlf, for I rellected that
tln nnmlier of wltnesscM v iih ii KtronK
preHtinipttoii they wero rllit, and Ht.
tlreuory hlinu'lf h of the rauie iwh-Ion.-
Ilowovor, I tit hiHt sold mf horn",
hut had tho mNfortuii" to receive lu
payment u forced and worthiest draft,
the mimo hcltiK, Indeed, the wicked
work of tho vt;ry man who hnd Bold
Moe the npccliuleH,
Mr. Hurchfll helnt; nhent from our
rtrcKlitp, only Sophia mlMcd him, for
tho rent of us wero tfrently plenHcd by
tho vliiltH of our litidlord, who now
enmo often. It must ho owned Hint
my wife laid n thousand chemts-to
entrap him ns n hut-band for Olivia,
tind used every nrt to mnunlfy the mpr
ItH of her dauKhtcr, The result, how
ever, holnc small, my wife nought tn
rouse Mr. Thornhlir Jenlousy ly hint
In of Olivia' marrltiRo with Farmer
Williams, a most worthy, though hum
hlo neighbor. This foiling to egg on
Iho backwnnl Thornhlll, the wisldlng
ilny won net for Olivia nnd Farmer
WllllnmB. Ktit four days before tlir;
day I lrn rued to my distraction that1
my Olivia hnd gone off secretly In it
potfhnlso with n gentleman who, nj
I wns told by nn onlooker, klRsiMl her,
nnd mid he would die for her. Well
did I know the villain who had tlnm
robbed me of my sweet Innocent child:
It wns none other than the wicked
Thornhlll. My wife rell to loud be
rating of him and Olivia ns well, but 1
dcrlnrrd my house and heart should j
ever lie open to the returning repen
taut sinner. I net out to find hetv
hut my llrt effort persuaded me Hint
It was Mr. Iturclicll, and not Siiilr
Thornhlll. who hnd sediieinl my ilar
ling. This, though, was not the truth
'Twns hut pnrt of t)w vllltiln'-i plun t
After Jong search I found my dnrllii'i
l"rl, in a inning piniv, wnitlier sue lino
lied from the dreadful Tliirrnhllt who
ender prctetiie of uiarHagi'. had rulnco
her. It seeins they were married by a
blark hcnundrel, who hnd before mar
tied tho tuutrc to six or eight otl.ei
I took my poor dnrllng home, nnl.t
to he met with the tistoundlng pew
that my little home wns utterly de
stroyed by fire. With whnt cheerful'
Hess we might, wn mmlo xlilft to llvt
In one of our farm 'nuthiilldlncs, am'
endeavored to enjoy our former no
Hut this wns not to be. Tin ilenple
tdii Thornhlll nli 'iit to m-irry Ml"
Wllmot yes, the SHin to whom my
on. fleorge. wa once bhroiliml
tnade iiruiirtaol that w twarrv my
Olivia to another, yet let her Mill he a
friend of Ida owii. My rwh"iut d j
iiiWuftiin of this resulted 1 1 j
si ill re's throMtH of retrllinilon. nnd t lit (
inmo. In tho form of n itrinniwl for tn v
iMimiul rout, the which I wa. all unnhb!
to pay. I was thereupon thnnvn Into
a dehtor'H prinon. hut ocu hero I en
tleavored to preserve mv calm, nnd aft
er my usual mcdltntl'wjis. and htivlni;
prnlsetl my Heavenly f'orreetor, I Hlept
with tho utmost tranquility.
Mn n frequently caiN In tho concolfi
tlon of philosophy, which, I have
found, are amusing, hut often falla
cIoiik. In tho prison, though I attempt
etl a murlwiccdcd reform movement,
nnd though T lectured nnd ndvlKcd with
alt my powers. I suffered mnoy nnd
vnrl"v sorrows and dlsiinpolutiueiitH,
I was Informed of tho death of my
iliniglilei', (Juvm an unlnio repoii,
lhani: Heaven I I was toltl of tin forci
ble abduction of Hophln, by despernto
From this dnngor, bowovcr, denr So
phia wns rescued by Mr, Hiirchell to
whom I willingly giu'o my treasure for
a wlfo. And, wo then lenrned that
nnr friend Mr. Hiirchell wns In rtnllty
tho great fllr 'William Thornhlll, nnd
my dnimhter would be n fine Indy.
And, nnothor Joy, I lenrned Hint my
daughter, Olivia, wna the lawful wife
of .Squire Thornlilll, his previous mnr
rlnges alt having boon so performed
by the wicked clergyman Hint (hoy
wero not legnl.
Whereupon, my son, Oenrgo. having
reappeared, Mbm Wllmot. bin onellme
love, accepted anew Ids offers, and
Hi no two were happy together. Ah ii
cnpMionf to my harvest of irond for
tune; th" rncnl who did nie jiut of my
foi line s' lonif ao was nrri-stcil, and
forceii to give up hit enTeels, My
wrong being set r'"ht, f. of course.
vhh freed rf th- prison, end it now re
mained oniv Hint my gtnltii'ilo In (rood
fortune should etercd my former sub
mlNlon lu ndverslH'.
CMivrtirlit. HIO. Iiy the Pout Puhllslitng Co.
triii llMtnn I'nr.O. All ilKhtn riTcrvod.
Overlooking Opportunity.
Homo folks nre so used to bavin'
'lectrlc b Mm and limcier on their tloor.t
that when (iporluidty does knock tiey
think It's tho Janitor fussln' with Hio
funincc Sine Hlnjr Hulletln.
For mnny years wo men hnvo heen
told what would happen If woman
wero uver rIvoii equal nUffriiRo with
Now thoy hnvo It.
In futuro thti vote of tho humblest
fumulo citizen will count Just as
much as Hint of tho president of tho
United Htnton.
Acts, not words, will wrlto tbo
story of tho futuro,
It In a tnntter of speculation us to
Just what effect the fomliiluo vote
will In national and ntnto politics,
but tho presumption Is Hint It will
btivii a tendency to purify tho ballot
and rotlro a certain stump of politic
Inns who have been suklng to tie
bnuch tho ballot for yearn.
Morally woman In unquestionably
tho superior of man, nml It sho
tlumonstrateii tho fact that sho Is
broad minded enough to rise abnvr
l-i ntaintninnit hy Ihr ntnto
tn erilnr that tlir yonnjlpro
lIr ( Orrnn inny rrcrlvp,
wltlinot rout, the brnrHto nf
m Hlern I rdncntloo.
TV Wrlrrltr lnluJrlkfCotUt(
!-triHlur. &4n r4 ll AU, tli
Urao.iaU9ilxMM.Uir tcjwol rf Hiff.
hI MokUan, aatl th trvfhMil
i,w,oiUw. MMiMt(( rMiioiii.
.raltitariHtr, t'maanwi. JuMaUHa.
I d.ttin rn Mlltk.
Jtl,l tumlJt nt Mla)rria arc
m U .kIUU ly a l! !
rtMippfil Ulwiblrrlat tun) liary at
rv.rl I00.(-00 ltii.
Suprtrxitf J iMihi rr rnjrfa.t
ml vry iicnllon !vn . hmllh
an J wlr of the iluiUnli,
With a hrlablaiir,! ruii(lli-iii
InlurJ hr th rri-mil si prmnl.iu
ut PiJ.llo Mtipporl, Ilia tloUmalty
la miM rttlnrlnt uknn an n nl
larjl rftlupiuiil ami ailsiii.
For a raUtofu 6r for any Information,
I'lil ynrally ol t)tjim
liitnit, Or ion
poiumt pollll:a end ut ) for .! n i-.
stability and eharaotor, rogardlosi
of political coiiHltlorntlnnii, wo may
roaiioiinhly expect bur advent to ho
ono of nupromu Importance to tho
futuro wolfnro of our country. 1 it
Hitch an uveal political londerti will
liusllnto long huforo nttomptltiK to
foist upon tho voters of holr party n
man who doen not truly ropronont
the Intolllf'onco mid tho intoxrlty of
that party,
Until women udjuiit thoninalven to
their now Htbtlnn In life noma no
doubt will vote merely un tholr huti
bandu do, whlli) othera will do their
own thlnkitii: and voto an ( thoy
II Ih to tho latter claim Mint wo
must look for any material change
from Miur present political methods
and Hyslom.
. The November election will tpll
niiitih of the nlory, hut few political
rontons ton nro wllliiiu to innlm even
the lunallum kind of a prodlctloii nt
thin 1 1 mo.
Tho politicians tlioniNolves are nil
flouiitliirluf. In u sua of uncertainty.
o . .
The fellow who niakoH a big nobio
In sure to ho hoard that'a all.
Consider the egotism we Adjective our foodiag with.
is Homathing you seldom find because uexudij a patch
isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new
wo know that it is the best service we can give you.
We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair it
y accordingly.
Any person can give good ndvlce,
but It's quite n different I blur; to set
a good example.
Radiator repairing a speciality
WhereV Your
Dread Buttered?
WHAT makes your community a prosperous one?
Yon don't need to do a "Sherlock Holmes" to fig
ure out that the inchtries of a state or community are
the sturdy oaks around which the vine of prosperity
twines. And that the successful development of an
industry depends upon the quality of the product
and a market,
Oregon manufacturers arc putting the quality into
th'eir products; you can help extend their markcrby
asking for "Oregon Made" when you buy. And in
cidentally put more butter on your own bread.
Associated Industries of Oregon
The Letter You Write
Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
ckawe Company obecjon
I MAY go astray because of
TT some error in .addressing,
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for some reason or other.
If you use envelopes with
your name and address
neatly printed in the
corner it will be returned
to you and you will not
be puzzling over why your
correspondent does not
vye Do
All kinds
Of Printing
The Times-Meraid I