fiatttiilny, September 18, 1000 T II 1-1 T I M K H II 10 It A li 1) II U II N H II A II S M Y COUNTY, I) IIHfiON I'm (Co Fire NOTICK OP PINAIi ACCOUNT Wttl trndo for typewriter, or noil cheat), ono Cornlah Oman, tit flmt 1 (luMH condition. Also hnv6 othor IN J?1"? COUNTY COURT OK TUW furniture. Inquire Phone 20F0, 1 or 1'. O. llox 28G, Hurtta, Oregon. 300 TON'S fine quality tmy for nnto. Principally timothy, rod top and clover mixed. ' 240 nerea Rood pasture thrown' In. Sheltered food (round. Lotrt of Rood wnter. Addresn Inquiries to A. H. -INtRO, Diamond, Oregon. 9.13 ' o WANTKl) Could uno mnn nnd wlfo , nn ranch for Ronornl work and cook. Good wagon. AppUcanta with chlldruu not dealred. Mm. Candle Smyth, Diamond, Oregon, 9-18. Remember The Utility of Electricity. Also Remember that the Price has Not Raised in spite of doubled operating costs. E. L. & P. Co. NKY COUNTY. In the mutter of the Mntato of 'ftlnttlo A. (lardnor, doconHod. iNotlco Ih hereby given tlmt the umierHlKned linn filed hla final no count nnd roport In thu above-named chUIo nnd the Court has Hat the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of the 18th day of October 1920, uh the nine, nnu the County Court room In tTio Court llouno In IluniH, OroKon, tw the pIhco, for tlio huarlnir of ob. JeetloiiH to the Mnmo nnd tho Hottlo ment thoreof. All iiorHonH coitcorn ed nro hereby notified, to file their objection In writing If any illicit there bo, on or boforo nald dnto, nnd to appear nml rontcHt wild final uu count If objections thoro be. Datod Soptnmber i:i, 11)20. CHAULKS V. KLLMH. Administrator with tho Will Annex ed. lnt Pub. Sopt. 18th. Gth Pub. Oct. 10th. ! NOTICK TO OltKIMTOItH rsotlco Ik hereby Riven that the uitdnrnlgiind have been duly npplont- ed excctitori or the hunt Will nnd TeHtnineut and Kntate of William K. Smith, deceaiied, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Harney County. All pornoim IiiivIiik clnlniH itRalitHt nald entitle are hereby notified to prcnont thorn, duly veri fied an by law required, to uh at our place of rcMldouce In HuniK, Ilarituy County, OroRon, or at tho olllce of our attorney J. S. Cook, wild City, County nnd State, within hIx montliM from tho data of this notion. , Dated thbi 18th day of September, 19C0. lHJUKUT J. SMITH KAKNKBT It. SMITH Rxceutorn of 'the Inat Wilt nnd Tenia ment nnd Potato of William K. Smith, deceaned. The waR of a dog'a tall Invariably tnenitH friendship, but tho wave or a human hand often covera a world or Hecret enlmty. And Htlll. wo would not rare to Htato that the doR Ih more to be relied In li Ih actloiiH than mankind. Fall and Winter Dry Goods Furnishings-New Stock Shoes, Sox Leather Vests Sweaters Caps, Hats Shirts, Ties Underwear Mackinaws Blankets Auto 'Robes Traveling Bags Trunks Navajo Blankets Burns Cash Store U30. C8 NO, HUM lleport or condition of the 1IAIINKY COUNTY NATIONAL HANK, at IiuriiH,, In thu State of OrcKnti, at thu clone or bUHlniimi on Sopt. 8th. 1020. UKHOUilCKH Loans nnd diBcouittii, IncliidliiR rodlneountn $118,1(18.37 $418,158.37 uvontr.uiH, utiHccurcit, ?uu,tiH V, N. Government hcciirltlcn owned i DopoBltcd to iiecure clrctilntloit(U,S, Honda nt par) 32,500,00 PledRed to Heciiro li, S, depoHltH (pnr value) .' 1,000.00 PleilRod to iiecure poHlnt imvlnRd ilopoiiltH (at par) 1,000.00 Owned and unpledged ..... 97,300.00 War SnvltiRH CortiricntoH and Thrift StnmpH actu ally owned l,40tl,G8 Total U. S. Qovornmnnt HuuurltlcH ..... Other bonds watrltlc, clot . HocurltleH, other than U, S. bondn (not IncludltiR iltncka), owned nnd unpledged 42,501.17 Total bonda, seeurltlcH, etc., other than U. S, StockH, othor than Federal Honorve Hank Stock.... Stock of Federal HeHorve Hank (50 per cent of KttbHcrlptlou) ... ., ; KiirnltTtre'nnd FlxtlircH Heal uHtate owned other than baulcliiR Iiouho Lawful ronervo with Koderal Itetiervo Hank CiihIi In vault und net antotinta due from national bankH Net amountH due front Jiankn, baiiUerH, and tniHt companion (other than liiHt two IteitiH) Total of laHt two IteniH 13(1,257.93 CheekH on bankH located otttHlde city or town or reporting bnnk and other cash Ileum lteilemptlou fund with U. S. TreiiHurer and duo rrom 11. S. TreaMtiror IlileroM earned but not collected approximate on NoteH and IIIIIh Itucelvable not pnnt due 133, 200. CS 42,551.17 600.00 3,100,00. 4,001.77 1,000.00 38,200,05 133,004,55 2,053.38 2,027.54 1,025.00 9,240.49 Total $701,275.58 maiiimth:h 1.C7C.C0 4,3GB. 43 294,40 Red Star Detroit Vapor Stoves Costs less to operate Sanitary-no oder or smoke No wick Fastest No excess kitchen heat Fries, boils, or bakes any thing Will pay for itself in fuel saving in a few months A boon to the house keeper . S. Geer & Co. HARDWARE Capital Ktock paid In Surplmt fund Undivided profltM , I,etf current expense, Interest, nnrt tnxea paid .... Interest nud dlxcount collected or rrwlltcd In ad vnnco of maturity nnd not earned (approximate) Circulating notee oulHtnitdlng Cnithler'a checka on own bank outstanding Total Demniul uVpoolfa (other than bank deposit) hub Jct to Heervo(depoflltH payable wlthlu 30 day) Individual depoMt.1 subject to check Certlflcateii of deponlt due In leu than 30 dnya (other than ror money borrowed) Total or demand depoHltH subject to Itcnurvo.. 422,739.73 Time ilepoltt subject to I tenor ve (payable after 30 ilaya or Htibjecl to 30 iiuya or more notice, ami poHtal vavliiRN) : CerllficiitcH of deposit (other than for money bor rowed ) Poxtal huvImkn depoHlta Other time depoMlttt . ... . Total of time depnaHn aubject to Itoturvu, laHt three IteniH t'nlied .Suites tlepi.ts(otlier than wont a I hhvIiikh): united Htaten ilepnnltH, luuludlim depoMltH of W. S. dlnbtirnliiK otllceM LetterM or Credit and Travelorn' (Mieokn hold for en-It am'. outHtandliiR MahllltlcH other thuti thoHe above mated 218.024.13 122.90 50,000.00 52,000.00 17,823.07 103.07 27,000.00 294.40 299.085.80 123.CC3.87 j 145.057.07 200.85 72.1(50.21 122.90 205.00 2.002.78 OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM Sept. 27, to Oct 2 t Awealth of agricultural displays. Magnificent livestock exhibition. Splendid machinery and tractor exhibit Greatest horse show in the northwest. Excellent racing card and amusements. Special attractions both day and night. Ideal camping grounds. Excursion rates on all railroads. For particulars write A. H. LEA, Secretary, Salem, Or. Total $791,275.58 Or the total Ioiiiih and discount Mimvn above, the amount nn ulilch Interest nnd dl-rounl mwt cluu-p'd at rate In en- of Hiom iwrmltted by law' (Her. 5107, llev. Stat.) (eclusle of nolert upon nlilcli total rharRe not to cured no (tiiIh whs made) vu. NO.NK. The number of nucIi loans nx NONK. State of OreRon, County of Harney, mh: I. Leon M. Ilrown, Canhler of tho abovenamed bnnk, do Nolumnly wtar that the nbov.i utatemeut Ih true to the bent of my kuowledRe and bu lief. LKON M. I1ROWN, CaHltler Subncrlbed nud nworn to before me thU ISth day of September, 1920. J. J. PATTKUSON, Notary Public My Commhudon Kxplrea May li, 1924 Corrnct- iKrri:n i'.t hath vaihkh -Attcitl J. P. HKCTOK P. C PKTKHSF.N HHNHY IMLTON Dlrrctoro The man who overrateR hU ability Uenerally luarim when too late that hu hail none to overrate. Huttarrat icuteiil varleH from 3.8 pur oein to i A per riit In thu iro I il net Ion or r.vv-teHl ttR itMoclatlon cow for July. aceordliiR to the mil. elnl rmiort bv K. II. I'ltla. In eliurne for (). A. C. The high flRiiro from ' 0 ',," I'reventliiR you "Peiinle." the Rrade Jr8oy owned by I I.. A. McCormack or Tillamook, who' broku thi) iiHHHclatlou record for ttl;h prodtigtlon the mouth before. Pennlo Ih Hccniid (or July with 105 pounds of fat, and her herd mate, "Pal" Ik rirMl with 107.U! pounds. o In future, however, there will he Home coiiHolntlou left to the defeated candidate. In the absence of bnblei ho can kbit the voten. Keep your oym and earn open, and your bruin actlvu, and your banda moving, und some day you may be recorded an a aucrexa In Ufa. If we ever reach the point where nutowoblloH are ruu on wind some polltlclau.1 will toutdbitanc .oven themwclvcs. If you don't like the bad luck that Ih purmiliiR you, kick It Into the dlHcard nud hitch onto a better kind. The ability to upeak a number of laiiRiiaKOii Ih quite commendable, but to be able to upeak our own cor rectly Ih more dependable. Silence Ih roIiIcii, Home nny, but not when you are waltliiR for a bad bill to ho paid, EDU CATION PAYS Toil TIlH INDIVIDUAL AND I'OH THIS STATK A Pernon with No Hducntlon ban but One Chance In 160,000 to ' Render DlMliiRiilfthod Service to tho Public With Comhion School Kducntlon 4 ChnncuH With IIIrIi School Kducutlon 87 ChnnceM With CoIIcro Kducntluii 800 Chnncuu Arc You Giving Your Child His Chance? TIIOSK STATKS AHK WKALTH1E8T THAT 1IAVK INVESTED MOST IN EDUCATION Oregon Agricultural College ThroiiRh n "Liberal nnd Prnctlcal Education" pro parea the Younn Man nud Young Woman for Uvofut CltlzetiHhlp nnd Succosaful Careers In HOME ECONOMICS VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING MINING COMMERCE PHARMACY FORESTRY The TralnltiR Includim PHYSICAL EDUCATION. MUSIC, ENGLISH, MODEKN LA NO U AO E, ART nnd tho Other Esuutlahj of a Standard Technical College Courso FALL TKKM OI'KNH HEl'TRMIIKH UO, 1030. TUITION IS FREK KOK INFORMATION WRITE TO THE 'REGISTER, OrefM Api Jural Cliff, CtnalEs. OrefM. Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here It U human nature to udmlre men who "do thlUK," but there nro times when wa thluk more of thoe who don't. In Home future Reiteration, wo proNUtno, a violent nnu determined cnmpulRit will be launched In favor of equal opportunities for malaa. Dou't Klua yoamelf to one spot. Thn Rrutia can't grow under your fwt, aud the fellow who obstructa Its RrowLh Interferes wltb the law of nature. Keep moving. ' When you lonrn to dopond upon yourself In nil thlnRS you will not have to worry over what others may do. ... o A. W. Oowau, RouitHevelle IlldR. CnurtH, Estates, Surety Houda and Land Olllvo Pructlce. 1 1 ? 11 . FAIR PRICES - - - GOOD FOODS THIS IS A GENERAL STORE -but" WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD Ita always a fair weather price in our bargain department for groceries Come In out of the rain of profiteers. We have an umbrella with no lead in it. It l pocketbooe proof grocery buying, and is your oppor tualty for a jut return on your money. Sco our Maniple far made to order Null. You coHldn't Kt't better values Hityfulicre at unythlnK like the prices. Li? n i? i? n General Merchandise Some Specials Dress Goods Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves Shoes Belts Ties Groceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Vegtables. .n i N. Brown & Sons