The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 18, 1920, Image 1

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    Harney Comity' timber h,nn
asset for Immediate oxploitw
lion Mill should bo turning
It out to did In thetrocoHNtrHc
tlon work of the Ration, In
rcatlgato this virgin Held.
Ilarnoy county's resources art
attracting tlio attention of tli
c n tiro West. Irrigation, stock
Mixing, mines, till and iw pro
spect ami ajpictilturo till
awaiting development.
NO. 46
U. S. Biological Man Sees no
Occasion for any Friction;
Birds Big Attraction.
Chief Field Naturalist Vernon
Kailcy, of tho U. 8. Biological Sur
vey, with Mrs. Bailey, Iiiih boon
spending several weeks on Mnthour
Ukc b rd rofugo. Ho won In town
Thursi.i- und wan n caller lit thin
office Mr. Hulloy wns around the
lake far u sufficient length or time
to know coudltlonn and niako tioine
common tonne obiiurvnttoiiH. llu in
not prejudiced In his vlowa and
therefore sees that there arc other
thing to coitHldcr beuldes tho blrdn
in deullug with the situation In thin
tlcliilty. Wkllo he feoln that Mal
heur lake U a wonderful breeding
pound for water fowl, ho also roe
ognlziui the necessity of ulng tho
water of tho streams for irrigation
purposes to bunt advantage. Mr.
Bailey la confident there will bo no
friction when tho condition tiro onco
Tho gentleman Htatcd to n member
of thU paper that ho had observed
that tho birds do not cooflno tholr
nesting within tho boundaries of tho
roM-rvo but they una much of tho
meadow land nurrouudlni; tho lake
and even fur back front tho niurgfn
of tho lake. Ho nald ho had found
thick ncsta out in ih kk brum
l.Ywovor, ho observed that (no birds
were protected during t'ut per'nd
by everyone in thj country.
"I am quite nu re tho Department
dctdroj to work in harmony with tho
people of thin district In tho handling
of any differences that may arlso In
connection with tho bird rofugo und
It cffeclH upon tho development of
tho country," said Mr. Iiulluy. "From
my observations the. reserve doe not
need the hay lands surrounding tho
margin on tho south, weat and north,
but the stockmen do, therefore they
ihould bo given over to tho pooplo
for that purpose. There should be
restrictions aa to hunting within a
certain distance of tho refuge,
though, I think, because the migra
tory blrdn should be given a place
whoro they are undlnturbed and may
rest from tbetr long flights oven
during tho open season."
"Tho suggestion of u dyko ucromi
the western part of tho lako to con
trol tho depth of tbo wuter und
rrtHilHu It for tho benefit of tho
ttockmun who have huy lands bord
er f In oiio that nhould nppeal to
tho Depart men t; especially if it
ihould bo used na a road for thin la
oiio of tho fuuturos now lacking, If
tourlKtu know thoy could pans by
inu Mainour uird itefuge on a good
road and view that myriad bird life
you would have an uttructlon that
Gould not bo equaled in any part of
tho entire United States."
Mr. Balloy compares thin home of
bird life In Malheur Lako with tbo
Yellowntono I'nrk as a National at
traction. Ho further Htatod that ho
wan sure tho Dopartment would not
tolerate uny Intorferonco with tho
proponod Irrigation project. jiqvu DHUO HTOHH
Coororutlou coverod other phaHOflj' rro IJVKNS ltl.'ILDINO
of thb dovelopment of tho country .
ar I (ho mutter of . tho. Tubblt poat i'rho liomo Drug Co. Iiuh loaiioil
wai touched upon. Mr. Hulloy Htnt bo rnrnor In tho Lovonti building In
td ho wuh preparing u retort thu i jiich to house tho buslncfls recently
will go direct to tho Dopurtmen' urchnsnd from J. C Wolcomo. Tho
dealing with tho rabbit ultuntlon and inco In bolng romodlod and will bo
bu was going to moot with Iru N ' one of the neatest buslnosn places In
Uubrlelson chief of tbo Rodout Cor.- Burns. ' Tbey expect new fixtures to
trol work of tho Mqloglcul Survey rrlvo nt onco. Wo understand tho
as soon an ho reached Portland. Ho j Mulldlng formerly occupied by tho
hopes to put tha mattor up to tho ( Htoro will be niado a part of tho
Department in nuch strong terms Lampshlro garago since Mr. Lamp
(but it will bring Immediate help shlro owns tho othor part of tho
from thut source Ho Indlcatod thutj building.
lae situation was so prooslng that
tho lliological Survey would likely
find It necessary to givo a greater
Id than nt first considered. At any!
rate Mr. Dailey la going to use bis . '"R team defeated Htato champions
lulluonco toward that end, I frorn Washington, Idaho, and Mon-
The gentloman and Mrs. Dailoy' ''ina nt tho Interntate fair, Spokane,
took tnolr departure yostorday morn-' "optombor 9. Tho toam is made up
log by way of Bond for Portland1 of Mlllla Nelson, 15 Amy Oustafson,
whoro ho goes to confer with Mr., 14, and Etta Anderson, 14, of Mult
QabrlelHon und Stanley Jowott. nomah county.. Thoy won at tho
o state fair lost fall, and havo slnco
Honry Dalton und John Gombor- akon spoclal work nt tho O. A. C.
Hug havo roturned from tholr hunt- iummor school,. Tho club linn canned
1L' trip to tho mountains. John said 548 quarts of fruit this year, ns n
bo didn't havo very good luck us ho elub, and 27B each au Individual,
wan mirroring from an attack o Thoy woro coached by MIb'b Helen
whooping cough. I Cowglll, assistant stato loader,
Tho writer made a hurVlod trip
over to Silver Crook laut Saturday
ovonlng in company with County
Agent McDanlels. While over thoro
tho party paid n in Mr. and Mm.
W. 11. Johnson for an hour. Ml.
Johnnon and Carroll Cecil liad re
cently returned from a trip to Lake
view having gono over to Induco
Homo ntock buyers to vIhU that part
of tho country whoro there aro sov
orat head of cattle ready for tho
"Tho now Irrigation district re
cently formed over thoro coitHlntn of
10,000 aeroH on Drown crook," said
Mr. Johnnou. "I don't know what
It cont, but they have a million dollar
wheat crop off it thin ncaiion."
That's what hai been attracting
ho many people through thla part of
tho country during tho past rienaon
16,000 acres aa compared to 120,000
possible under tho presont plan of
irrigating Harney Valley. What's tho
matter with theae people who aro
holding back their support toward
such an Improvement? Can't they
seo what it weans to district
whuro'the project la being promoted?
Harney valley ta such a big coun
try compared to the districts that
aro attracting ho much attention that
ouo can hardly realize what It means
to develop tiuch a territory. Tho
Lake county project In on laud no
better It no good as (ho soli of this
valley and tbo altitude Is higher, yet
there In a million dollar grain crop
tha season. What could bo done In
Harney valley If It wan seeded to
grain undvr an Irrigation project?
Ask Shattuck at tho Experiment Sta
tion what his yields aro this season
under partial irrigation.
"They have acros of nuiillowern
over around Lakevlew," said Mr.
Johnnon, "but for tlio llfo of mo I
don't sen what they want to dnvoto
so much good ground to Hiinttowem
when thoy can rUo wheat and corn,"
but when it was exploited how valu
able sunflowers, wero for tmsllne Mr.
Johnson said It might bo ull right
but ho preferred corn.
Mr. JnhiiKon said tho nuntlowera
wore Hlx and wight reel tall and thick
which indlcaten that the Lake county
farmers aro going after tho forage
for silos.
Rev, John II. WichorBon of tho
CreHbyterlan church, Mr. Hlbbous
and L. VI. McDanlelS met wltlt a
number of boys of this city at tho
Commercial Club rooms Wednesday
nnd formed u Hoy Scout Troop. N'o
Scout master wan chosen at thin
meeting as no suitable person for the
poGlilon wuh nurgosted. Howovor,
It wuh decided that Raymond Voogtly
would bo Assistant Scout Mustor
Julian llyrd, Dr. L. H. Hlbburd nnd
It. K. McDantoIn wero cIiohoii as tho
Hoard of Commissioners for tho
troop and "Tonawama" waH chojon
la tho numo by which tho troop will
bo known.
For the benefit of thoso not fam
iliar with, tho name "Tonawama" wo
will Hlato It is tho I'lute Inldan nnmo
for Ifnrnny Lako. ' " '
Tho Oregon state champion cunn
U. S. Sonator tleo. E, Oliamborlnln will arrive In Burns this ovon
lng ami will spend tomorrow nnd possibly Monday In thin city renew
ing ttcuualutitnces and observing conditions, S
A telegram Thursday wan tha find iiunuuucomant rncolved hero of
hlu Intention to vliilt tliln part or tho country. Tho nonutor wan In
Valo j(Csterday whoro ho dollverud an address to tho; ploneern of that
section upon tholr Invitation. Ho wnu called on tho telephone by u
representative of thin paper to uncertain whether hi) wan accompan
ied by othero. Ho Htutod ho wuh alonu and would uijrlvo on tho train
at Crano this evening and would como on to llurijii. Tho Suuator
will bu mot by a delegation of citizens from Huriiiiinnd escorted up.
He In not scheduled for any speech during Ills stay In Burns but tho
citizens will tender htm a reception ul tho Commercial Club rooms
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock when all who denlro may meet him
Informally. j
Senator Chamberlain decided to como on ovor and seo hlu many
frleudn In Harney county after tho invitation was given him to como
to Valo and give an addrenn at tho pioneer meeting, He is Interested
In irrigation und during tho time he in in Oregon llu wishes to meet
as many of his constituents ao possible and visit different portions of
tho statu for the purposo of getting in touch with the people along
tho line of legislation. He has been a faithful representative in the
U. S. Souatu from Oregon for several years and jwlll continue to
represent (ho people In the name efficient manner.
Senator Chamberlain In plain
noy county to meet the people and give them what ver aid ho can In
his official capacity. He wants to meet tho citizens Kveryone should
take advantago of this opportunity to meet the Bei ator. Don't stand
on ceromony, come to tbo Commercial Club rooms tomorrow after
noon and meet him.
In addition to the county fair com
mltteen published lust week which
urn to look after the exhibits in tho
several communities, tha fair board
has selected tho committees for
IJurnn nnd vicinity, also thu super
intendent of live stock, tho pavilion
and tho ladles division. Thoy tiro
given below:
Hums Mm. W. M. Sutton, sup
erintendent womens division; decor
ating committee, Mrs. R. C. Iluerkl,
chairman. Mm. J. Shelley Saurmun,
Mrs. Archie McOowun, aislitantn;
Domestic nclnhco, Miss Trwrnef chair
man; Miss Martin of Crano, Miss
Lcoll Fisher, and Mm. Homer Reed,
assistants; Domestic art, Mrs. Sam
Mothershead, chairman, Mrs. Hen
Ilrown, Mm. Chas. M. Faulkner, as
sistants; school work, Mrs. Allen
Illggn, chairman, Miss Llbhln
Krlchenky. Minn Loin Sweok, assist
ants; Doll show. Mm. Wm, Farro,
chairman Mrs. Nate Franklin, Mm.
Waldo (leer, assistants; Amutour
photography and Flowers. Mrs.
CliurlOM W. Hills chairman, Mm.
Walter Huston, MIsh Helen Paring
ton. nsslhtantu; I'ntry clerks, Mrs.
L. 12 McDatilels, Mrs. Null Smith.
Mlsn Sara Howoll, supervisor Hot
ter Haby Contest; Mm. Leon M.
Ilrown, Mrs. J. S. Cook, assistants.
P. 0. Smith supervisor livestock
to select his own usilMantn; C. A.
Hyrd, superintendent of pavilion.
Others to assist In tho gathering and
general supervision of exhibits, aro
Obil Stattuok, Dan Varlon, Wm.
Farro, Hen Drown, Dr. L. R. iflb
bard, Ted Hayes.
! O I .
-t-i m"
' 'J. W. Noonchoiitcr, of tho Stolns'
Mountain Raw Fur company, was
painfully Injured last Sunday uftijr
iionn when a oar In which ho wns
Tiding struck an 'Irrigation dllchi
while driving on the Wont Side. 'He
was thrown violently against tho
top und, In descending, wan struck
by tho car on Its second rebound and
hlH uplno Hovoroly wronchod, Shortly
nrted tho accident ho received a tolo
grum from Wost Virginia stating
that hlu son hud boon killed thoro
in an automobile accldant nnd ask
ing him to como, Owing to bin con
dition Is was ImpoHslblo for him to
mako tho trip. Mr. Noonchoster bus
J lived In Lnkoviow only a short tlnio,
I having como hero from Hums, but
j han madu many friends who oxtend
their symputhy In his misfortune
und great loss. Lakovlew Examiner
. o
Through Lold Crandull of tho
Crnndall Supply Co. wo nro privileg
ed to announco that thoro will bo
oloctrlo lights at tho pavilion during
tho fair furnlshod by IiIh oqulpmont
Mr. Crandull 1h agent for FalrlmnkB
Morso onglnos, lighting plants and
other llko oqulpmont and ho Is going
to dcmonntruta at tbo fair,
e. Ho in In Har-
Ono of tho clevurest affairs of tho
season took placo Saturday evening
at tho homo of Mm. John Stoddard
in tho form of an engagement party
given for Mlna Oladys llluck, whoso
marriage to Klmer McMunus will
take placo somu time In November.
Tho house was very attractively
decorated with (lowers of rainbow
hues. Tho shower gifts wero placed
In u very largo box and oponed by
MIsh HIack at the closu of tho even
ing. A quaint reclpo book wan made
by tho guests,' tho reclpo wan writ
ten and pictured by tho guests und
then presented In booklet form to
tho brldo elect by Mrn. Stoddard.
Also each guest showed her original
talent for free verse when the host
ess banded small hearts to each
guest, with tholr full name printed
thereon lu Japanese fashion. Each
guent then wrote what sho would do
with her husband, had sho one, each
neutenco beginning with tho lettors
in tho unmo of tho guest. All thoso
thots wero later bound togother In
booklet form, nnd given to tho guest
of honor for future roferonco.
Attractive rerroshments, consist
ing of French pustry and. Icon wero
so'rved. Thoro wero' ovor thirty
guosts present. La Orundo Observ
For tho bonoflt of our readers tho
government rule for measuring hay
is given.
Placo tho end of tho tapo on tbo
ground near tho center. Measure
from tho ground over tho top or tho
stack to tho ground on 'tho, other
sldo. v '
Measure tho width, (If ono end Is
narrower than tho other muusuro
both ends, add and dlvldo by 2.)
McruHuro tho length along tho ground
subtract tho width from tho over
und divide tho remainder by 2 whloh
will glvo tho height of tho stuck
equurod off,
Multiply tho width by tho holght
by tho longth and dlvldo roHiilt by
512, which will glvo tho number of
tons nftor tho huy has aottlod 30
Thin rulo llko all others will vary
u llttlo according to tho condition
of tho hay ut tho tlmo it was stock
ed uh woll aa on tho climate, yet It
In a universal rulo und a perfectly
safe ono on which to either sell
or buy.
IRalph Poabody Is erecting the first
silo lu this part of tho country and
hopoH to havo HUfllclont material lo
fill It yot. Ho ban a quantity of sun
flowora on hla placo nnd has secured
thoso grown on tho Mxporlmont Sta
tion, In addition to thoso ho ox
pootH to got a lot of AnHtrullna salt
bush, somo lato awoot clover, alfalfa,
man of the peep
II. a. H. S.
News Hoard
I).' M. McDADE
Wo certainly do feel thut thoro Is
something In an auspicious start
With such, fair weuthor und an ou
rollnieiit of over sixty and more com
)ng and no sickness who wouldn't
bo happy,
Tho senior clnHH will havo Rex
Clark next week. Rollln Gowan
and Opal Downs accompanied Mrs.
Clark Friday when sho mot tho "corn
curing hero" at Huck Crock.
And Howard Mlllpr allpt domuroly
Into our midst Friday, adds ono
more to tho Juniors for which thoy.
aro duly grateful. Howard reports
his sister Evaltn In school at Boise.
The football squad la indulging In
light drill work and runs every af
ternoon. Most of the boys are train
Ing now In preparation for a stren
nous season.
Scrimmage at the Fair Grounds
commences sext week.
fiec. Loggan baa been the busy
man this week collecting dues for the
S. B. A.
Tbo Sophomore .nows budget is
sre presented in toto, by Itself for
various reasons.
Sophomore Notes
Hero wo nro again and Sophomlren
at last. It does seem queer not to
bo a groen little Freshman. Tho
Sophomore boys have Initiated the
Freshmen by Irrigating them. I'm
Hum thoy'll grow nicely all tho rest
of tbo year most of them need to
grow bo torn taking the place of we
dignified Sophs. Wo aro twolvo
strong now. Wo do mlsn draco Ulalr
and a few of our old students und
wo hope thoy will como In later.
There nro some now Sophomores tho'
Emit Cuonl, Retta Hunktns, and
Wesley Wolcomo and by the way tho
latter Is captain of tho footbnll tcaAn.
Elwood came In quite late this year
hut nevertheless we are very glad to
havo such a big person added to our
Wo are planning but no that's a
secret we mustn't tell that Just yet
because we want It to bo a surprise.
Wo hold a class mooting last weok
and olectod new officers and also us
class advisor, Mlsn Whealdon,
Just a word or two about our sub
Uonernl Sclanro In tho study of
nnrnaln such au tho boar, for, mon
key etc., wo haven't mime to mou
koyB yot but I know when wo do It
will ho easy If Miss Krlchosky will j
ask mirnu of tbo boys to get up in
front of tho class und act natural '
It always Is much caster when we
havo llvlug examples.
Tho pupils of English 3 chun are
fast becoming groat orators and
Btory tellers ask MIbh Anderson,
Poor Mr. McDadti bu has an
awful time teaching us geomotry be
cause our beads aro us solid as tho
The girl's Physical Training class
commences next weak and many nro
the deep ' nnd soulful aighs, Ye
nvelto dobutantCB ot y'q clinging vino
vurloty must perforce abandon tholr
sloping attitudes ut tho fimt com
mniid of 'Tlon und oh tho groann
and excuses.
Wo nro marklngitlmn now. awult
Ing post's from tho V. G. Smith snw
mlll. Our wlro fencing Is bore, so
wo nro hoping for quick action.
Tho "Household Munagomont"
glrla uro giving tbo Domoiitlo Sclonco
an overhauling. Thoy plan on a
Hitting room, dining-room and kit
chen. Tho sumo to bo used by thoso
girls who aro unfortunato onough as
to huvo noon lunches,
Beginning with tomorrow, Sopt.
19, there will be special mooting con
ducted under the auspices of tho
Prosbytorlan church of this city for
two weeks. Tho louder will bo Rov.
W. H. Amos, of Portland, Flold Supt,
of tho Board of Homo Missions of
tho Prosbytorlan church. Oponlng
uddross will bo at tho Prosbytorlan
church at 11 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing, nnd tho ovonlng mooting will bo
nt tho BaptlHt clinch at 7:30.
Rvoryhcdy cordially Invltod.
Thirty-five Cents per Acre to.
Defray Expense of Pre
liminary Surveys.
To tho Editor: :
Tbo board of Directors on Augunt
28lh, us provided by law made un
assessment upon tho Irrigable lands
within Harnoy Valloy Irrigation Dis
trict of thirty five cents (35c) per
acre to defray tho expense of thu
preliminary surveys and Investiga
tions. You will noto that thin assess
ment runs as to thu irrigable land
within, thu district.
It Is possible that in this, assess
ment some lands that will prove to
be non-lrrlgabl? will be assessed. It
Ih as yet Impossible to fix tho exact
irrigable acreage on each tract of
land as the distribution system and
topographical features of the dis
trict hare not been fixed by tbo
Engineers. In case errors aro mado
and non-irrigablo land In nsscsscii
such assessment will bo refunded to
tho land owner or he will Ih given
credit on a subsequent assessment.
Thu Hoard of Directors will sit on
an r;quailintion uonrd on octooor
nth. 1020, and will then mako such
cwrrocllonc as It In possiblo to make.
In the meantime the Secretary w'll
be pleased to giro exact Information
us far aa Is at hand, as to uny tract
of land.
This ansensmont of 3Co per aero Is
to bo collected by tbo Sheriff with
other taxes noxt spring, at that time
It will bu subject to all laws relating
to taxes und ono half may bo paid
In tho spring and thu remaining halt
by October 1921.
It Ih hoped that tho engineering
work of tha district will bo complet
ed within u month and within about
nix weeks a complete report will hi
made by the Engineers and submitt
ed to tho land owners of thu district
for their consideration. It Is not pot-
slblo to predict tho dato a bond elec
tion may bo had for tho plans must
go to tho Stato Engineer for his con
sideration nnd tbey may bo thor
somo time. However tho report ot
tho Rnglneom will bo avallablo with
in tho near future and many quo
lions can thou bo definitely decided.
Tho englncom ore now working
In Hie l.awon section laying out tho
'llHtr'butlon system and chocking up
on tho topography. Tho drilling rig
ih .xMnpttii', 'ho foundation at tho
dam site ut tho mouth of Dmlgrant
Creek und will raovo to tho lower
bite four miles below within the noxt
few days." Groat difficulty Iiuh been
experienced In getting help to build
a temporary roud to tho lower stto
ovor which tho drill rig win be moved
but wo bcllovo this problem Ih nbout
to bu uolvcd.
j Honry C. Bock, a puro bred cattlo
raider of 'Caldwoll,1 Idaho, will bo tho
Judgo of llvo stock ut tho county fair
hero. Tho Domostlc Sclonco und Art,
In fact tho ontlro WowonH D'IvIhIoii,
will bo Judgod by a lady from tho O.
A, O. This lady will also glvo porno
lectures during tho fair to tho ladluu
in nttpndanco. '
Grunt Reynolds will be placed an
night watchman nt thu pavilion dur
ing tho fnlr to look after tho exhibits
during tbo night.
A communication from tho Amor
lean Shorthorn Ilreedor's Association
unnouncoa it will glvo $1.00 per head
tor stock exhibited by tho Calf Club,
as a baslB for a prUe for winnom and
an additional 110,00 for champion
ship prize.
About n fourth of tho 10,000 acres
ot wboat oxamtned for certification
in Wasco county qualified, roporta
E. R. Jackman, county agont, in the
Wunco County Furm Buroau.NowB.
Inspection was raado by G. H. Hyslop
profossor of farm crops at O.. A, 0.,
and Mr. Juckroun, Tho certified
floldH had from ono-flftloth ot ono
por cont to two por cont mlxturoH.
Mlxturoa cut down yield nnd. price.
A Hat of growers of certified scod Ih
published In tho August number ot
tho Nowa, Tbo Dallas, Oregon,