September, It, lSO. THE II V It N H , II A ft N 1J Y (JOUNTY, O It ft CI ft ff Vuro Fit IlH.I. ALLOWKD IV COUNTY COU 11T AT THK SKPTKMHKR TKR.U High Sdiool Puntl Ohan Downs 1, 8. Geer Co. Harney Valley Lumber, (Jo., jHckcusou uiut Hon Ctilltlp CawMold 'hits Urlttlnghnm, ,tftriK'V Valley Lumber Co, f'onrl Downs t j. MoDonuld John W Griilnun Co-. Tlio Untes-Hornld "he National Geographic Co., The J K. Otll Co. 135.00 3.20 G.90 94. 50 10.00 12.00 9.35 8.00 tackuey Hron. John R Could ' It. 0 RoyuoldB .biaho Lnckmnn j. J Patterson j. J Patterson ' , w'm Fnrro r , H Vincent t ( iwlilcld. i riv Agricultural College 1200.00 r u Wles Mfg. Co. ra Clark. ,V o llurdwell rheitt r Dnlton j J Patterson , 8 Goer Co. Umprthlro Garuga Liu iwwua T.J. McDonald Ua. Drtttlngnum 1. B. G-rer Co. j 3. Taylor fjnon Lowla ' The Times-Herald The Tlraos-Ilorald lnlvrrsal Garage Co. 127.00 Labor nt, High School Hulldlng, 284.89 Supplies ;fo High School, 068.09 liiunlH-iplIkh School llulldlng, 29.04 Lumber orl($gn School Unlltllng. 4.20 Clcunlnfj'yariU. High School, 1GO.00 Labor on High School Ilulldln.K 105.08 Lumber for High School HulldliiK, 8.00 Cleaning out High School llulldlng. 70.00 Labor on High School HulldliiK. 204.27 RiippllpM for High School, 28. 80 Supplies for If IrU School. 3.50 Supplies for High School. 13.44 Supplies (or High. School. General Fund. 4. GO Hauling express to Court Houhu. 10,00 Jullora Fees for August. 3,00 RopnlrltiK Lawn Mower. Care of County Poor, JUHtlco Fees Stnto vh Hrndley. Justice Fees Stnto Vb Medio t ul. TrnvulliiK Kxpenscu to State High way mooting at Portland. Visiting Quarantine patleutH. HeturulitK Kallot Doxcs after Klcctlou Ilalauce due of extension work. Window Awning for Treasures' ollleo Stumps for HupurlntuudeutH olllce. 200.00 Stock Inspector one hair yearly salary 4.00 Witness Circuit Court. Stumps for Clerks Olllce. (EDEVIL TO FINISH LOCKLEAR CONTRACT C.G8 3.CG ,25 GG.05 Justice fees State vh SoruiiHon. Supplied for Court Houhu, J MckerH Wnlter You n ft. :.oy rurry )a- Culvert Fluinu Co. Mull, t, Finer Co. al TradliiK Co. Mullen Finer Co. lvl Corrugated Culvert Co., v i,r) Pease Kulli'it and Fitter Co. N A Dibble Kodfou Focnnughty Co., 1'arnoy Saw Mill t -egon State Highway Co. 0 W Wnddol 1 ul Luudlno . (. . ir.l t.'l.i.. . L O Wirrslnger f ufte Vouiik rilckeiirton ant Son Rut F. Slier Elba Turner Fame Valley Lumber Co. 1. upiihlreH Garage' I S Geer auiLtficv .V V Dodge S Y O DouglaH Kirney Valley Lumber Co. T M Short 'er II Voung UunnlloM for Court Houho. 24.00 Labor on Shed at Court HouneJ 8.00 Labor on 8hed at Court Houu( 32.00 Labor on Shed nt Court Hounv. 48.65 Supplied for Court Houae. 1.50 Iabor on Court IIoiho F.nglne. 7.50 Kent of building for polHoft Ingred lentM. 1.00 Printing for TrcaHurer' oftlce. , -67.35 Printing for CIcrkN omce. 49105 'SupplleH for Sheriffs Cur. i . Hoad Fund 15.00 Labor an road building bridge. .75 Hauling for road 76,80 Hauling for road 959.88 CulvorlM for WrlghtH point. 2.7G Freight uwl Forwarding vhargerf. 2.00 Huppllett for road work. ' 137..r:i Freight and forwarding culverlti K.97 Slgnx for Itoad. 52.50 Labor on Itoad. 17.84 Freight and Forwarding charges 5.00 Hond Viewer, C. R Parker rbnd. 15.50 SnpplleH ror road. 49.04 Lumber ror rendu 50.00 Dynumlte for Wrlghtt point grade 37.50 Labor on Itoadit 12.00 Labor on ItoudH 27.50 Labor on ItoudH 35.00 Labor on Head driving Trucks 25,00 Labor on ItoadH 35.84 Lumber for rondn. 13.50 Labor on ItoadH ' 30.00 Hauling CulvertH to Diamond Ore,. 13.96 Lumber for roadn. , 17.86 Supplle for ro"adH. 44.12 Suppllt'H for roudn. 159.00 County Surveyor. ( 205.00 Labor on ItoadH if)' Lumber for roadH. 7.75 ItepalrH on road mauhlmtry. 37.50 Huullug for road work. u m .. if ; torlnllzcd -that Iho Hron of hatred are burning inoro fiercely day y day that tho clnnh of war lit becoming more deafening hr tlmo goen en. You rond Iho dally paporn. You nro ' keeping In touch with tho foreign j nowfl tho oventn'or tho old world. In tjtlmatliiK your pay roll ror the eiiHUlug year don't forget that your wife h worth double that of your hlghent Ailarled employe, lluek up and whauh up. I. Chexter Daltou, County Clerk In and for Huruey County, do hereby Miry iliut the foregoing in a true Hut or all hillti.pad by the County Court ! ti i- September Term, 1920. ! S.'plember I, 1920. CIIKSTKIt- DALTON. County Clerk. Ily FLOltKNCK DALTON Deputy. ftarrjr McLaugblla Maa4i o top af aky-Mraar tw lmii4r4 faat alMV tha atrMt t afiaw ihat hk aerVM arc In cmh eeatnlaa t taka over tha nnflaiaKa4 eaa tract of tho ,,tnt" avIaUr Loek (oar. who roeantljr leal hla llf r't Im in nn alrnlino Wise and Otherwise The average American citizen runtH Reuurely lit the belief that HiIh coun try will never enter unother Kurop onu conlllfct. "jJut don't be too Hitre. o WANTIOD Cook on a ranch. Pnrtlen with children need not apply. Good wagon, Mrrt, CuhhIo Smyth, Diamond, Oregon. 10-11 Nick Klclmor iIcq. 160 acreii In Sec. 2, T. 23 8., It. 33 K Small houne 100 ucr'iH cleared and broken. All fenced. $1000.00, Came to PliMo Co, Hunch on Cow Creek. Two Muck one marked Hpllt In each ear one hole In onu ear, owner can have them on pay ing' con t to Sherman Long.. Send cotit or notice, WANTKD TO TUADK 3 and three iihflcr Ilnlu Wagon, Hornctf or Cattle for Ford. Dell Cryder, HurtiH. 910 HKWAHD Will bo paid for each, of thn followUlg dtWrlW-d anliaaUt'Ono rd nottlo fucn two year old heifer branded ravened A with ateai down on left hip, LX with quarter,. circle bar under on left nlde. One red toottlo face utuloT'two year old heifer with name brandit ah first described. One red while fnco two year old Htccrl with LX and quarter circle Imrl under. All marked with crop and! Hwallow fork In right ear and tin-' der hair crop In left I). L. Newell, Narrows, Oregon. IMl-lt. o--- XOTICK I'Olt Pl'ltLICATION OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM Sept 27 to Oct 2 A wealth of agricultural displays. Magnificent livestock exhibition. Splendid machinery and tractor exhibit Greatest horse show in the northwest. Excellent racing card and amusements. Special attractions both day and night. Ideal camping grounds. Excursion rates on all railroads. For particulars write A, H. LEA, Secretary, Salem, Oir; UNITI3D STATICS LAND OFFICF. Iltiniri, Oregon, September 10, 1920 NOTICK Ih hereby given that Arthur D SchwartJ!, of Nnrrown, Oregon, who, on May 29, 1917, made I lenient end Kiitry, No. 09787, for Lot 4, SWV.NWVi, W4BWU. Sec. 2; Lot 1, BKWNKH. KHKU. Section 3. Towmihlp 28 S Itunge 30 I-:., Willamette Meridian, Iiuh filed notice of Intention to mnke Final three year ProoL to cittiihllHh claim to the The wIho man spendn It Ih money, laud above denorlbed, berore Itegln- The man who npeakH with a bill ir lonuuo Ic tho llrnt to del Hh venom. Looking truth In the face Ih often mure profitable than pleasant. The tool blowH It In. We have a curious hankering to! know the sensation of a hnngel man j when the Jerk comes, Hut don't try 1 the, experiment In order, to satisfy an editorial wblm. 4 . ter and ItecelVer, at Hums, Oregon, on the 14th day of October, 1920. Claimant names as wltuesHes: James Henderson, William F. tlarrls, Hans Hang, nnd Frank Drown nil of Narrows, Oregon. - V. G. COAD, Heglster. NftTICK VM Pl'llLH'.VrlftS" Don't blow up a storm, when the wire nsks you ror ten bucks to spelid, brother. Like ours, H he had not ; married she.mlglit have money or her . If It Is true that "everybody's busi ness Is nobody's business," then the reverse should he equally true that nobody's htiHliieH Is everybody's busi ness. Onl the slender tie that binds I gland uud France prevents unother v jrlil conflict, and that tie Is peril ''.dy we.ik, Is otten ueur the break !' polut. They know that we are sltthig on the cratei or another volcano, and tho lid Ih uu'comrortably warm, Some duy It may blow off. And then who knows? Red Star Detroit Vapor Stoves a Costs less to operate Sanitary no odei or smoke , No wick Fastest - No excess kitchen heat Fries, boils, or bakes anything Will pay for itself in fuel saving in a few months A boon to the house keeper . S. Geer & Co. HARDWARE UNITKD 8TATK8 LAND OFFICK Hunts. Oregon, September 8, 1920. NOTICF. Is hereby given thut j George Toner, or Hums. Oregon. own, i who, on Kepleiuher 3, 1915, made I Homesii'nd F.ntrv, No. 08338, rori HH",SW.i. HWWRKM, Sec. 12; NU.', MWU, Section 13, Townrhlp 25 S, Itnnge -U) K. Willamette Mer-. Idlan. has filed notice of Inteutlon to. make Final three-veer 'Proof, to es tablish claim to the JaiHl. above do-' scribed, berore Iteglster and Itecelv- It Is hnrdly to fie expected that any, '. nt llurns. Ore.-on. on the 13th, ill . I.. I . u.wt I .. 1 . t , ,PI wmnirii I fMir. i """ "m""" " ' , Claimant names as witnesses! every little condition that needs) (,,0i nunsinore, K. N. Nelson, correct hAi In this community. That Cbarles Iluckus, and Arthur I). E D U CATION PAYS I'Olt THK INDIVIDUAL AND KOK THK 8TATK A Person with No Kducatlou has but Onu Chance In 150,000 to Iteuder Distinguished Scrvlco to tho Public With Common School Kducutlon 4 Chances With High School Kducatlou 87 Chances With College Kducatlou ,800 Chance Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? TIIOSK 8TATK8 AUK WKALTIIIK8T THAT HAVK INVKSTKD , MOST IN KDUCATION Oregon Agricultural College Through n "Liberal and Practical Kducatlou" pre pares the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship nnd Successful Careers In AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING . MINING HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE PHARMACY FORESTRY VOCATIONAL EMJCATMN The Training Includes PHYSICAL KDUCATION, MUSIC, KNOLISH, MODKHN LANGUAOK, ART and tho Other Kssontlals of a Standard Technical College Course VAVh TKHM OPKN8 HKITKMIU-:U 20, 1920. TUITION LS VHER FOU INFORMATION WIHTB TO THE REGISTER, OrefM AfrictKiral tlW, Cmils, Oreni. Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here would be asking too much of men who urn not pnld to give their whole time to such work. Put If John Smith noted a defect uiid madea noise to tho proper olUclnl and Tom Jones noted the same, thing and made another noise, and other people kept on noting and noising, It would not be long until ihere would be little left to rouke a noise about. ' Little noises coming from many sources are equal to a big rour, uud big roan generally produce prompt results. "t A little noting and noising here abouts would do no harm, It might do much good. Try It. ion nave noticed thut the much heralded peace has only partially ma- I f u li ii, nil of llurns. Oregon. V. 0. CO'.AD. Heglster. NOTIC'K V'OH PriH.HWTlOV I'NITKD BTATKS LAND OFFICH Mures. Oregon, September S. 1920. NOTICK Is hereby glvon that Kmery Lnnfoar. of Amberg. Wiscon sin, who on May 15, 1015. made Hnmvlond Rntrv. No. 07911, for StSRV.. BKMBWM. Lot 4, Sec. 7, NWNRK. NHMXWH, Lot I. Sec Hon 18, Townshln 33XS Itango 30 K Wlllnmottn Meridian,, has filed notice of Intention to mnke Final thre'vvear Proof, to establish claim to tho land nhovo described, thn test Imnnv of nntrvmnn to he tak,en bo forn John O. Miller, V. S. Court Com missioner, nt his offlce nt Marinette, Wisconsin, and the testimony of wlt nnsHCH to he taken before the Hegls ter and Receiver, nt llurns, Oregon, on the 15th day or October, 1920. Claimant names its witnesses: A, K, Smith, uud J. Ilerdugo of Hlltzen, Oregon and Aubrey Heheunr and J. L. Munition of Cat low, Oregon. V. G. CO.AD. Register. FAIR PRICES---GOOD FOODS J THIS IS A. GENERAL STORE -but-' WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD It always a fair weather price In our bargain department fqr groceries. Come In out of the raiH of profiteer, We have an umbrella with no lead in it. It I pocketbooe proof grocery buying, and I your oppor tunity for a juit return on your money. Sec our sample fur msae to order wults. Yeu couldn't get belter vuluea anywhere at anything like the prices. L. E. REED General Merchandise Some Specials Dress Goods Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves ! Shoes Belts ' Ties Groceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Vegtables?. N. Brown & Sons i