t I'nieo Two T II K TIM K H II K tt A Ij I II U H Jf H , II A K N K V 0 O t? N T V , O It F! fl O S Heplcmber, II, 1020, notlco of intention to rnnke kimiI 1 tbroo-yoar Proof, to OHtablli elull lo tho land nbovo dpucrlbed, tofoT. HoRlHtor and Itecolvor, at lluriiH, 0r4 Kon, on thn 51b day of October, 192$ Claimant niunoH nx wltncimoH t KMh IS ICK-OAKKt MA It 1 10 I.OHKH HKIltf 'llnplo Tom Without (ho Cabin1 Supplies Many Surprise Tlio otio-n)f;ht otnnd company rom ptwod of Hen Ttlrpln, Chnrloti I.ytm ninl Mario yruvont had a tough lluio pulling on tholr Undo Tom allow In ft (j'Ttiiln Hnmll town. Tho perform lince waa roIiir very well whim Mario uh Kllzu, whllo croHSltiR tlio lco, gets her Hlilrt caught on a nnil which thu property man had forgot tern to ro move from ono of tho falte cnkcH of lco, and leaven It behind with tho milt, noROtlatliiK thu real of her Jourhoy ncroHH tlio frozen titrcnm In a pair of black bloomcm. Mattorrt nreu't 1 tit -provnd much when Tuddy. playliu; tho hloodhonnd, trotn lit nnd begluN to playfully llclc Marlo'a race. Then thu whole show koch bud unit oihIm in a rlbt.of luui;liter. . lryVarl" i Pi ; RYANT WAS? W. IM k f tN Mai m 7 VENUS IM THE HASH by VALIjACJ? llViIN Tho rolo nffordud by Mr. WuhIi i A Cross-Eued Uncle Tom f Tim iwitnnilv lu milltliiil "Mm. In Tom Without tho Cabin.' and It In ' ur Hn,tl ,0 no 1,0 suited to lilm that Hulta him "down to tho ground." Miuik' BoiiiioU'h beat. It will tin shown I wh ' wind. ' 11 ? co,lo tor'' wherein Mr. , itay irt Boon nH n dreamy hookworm of a ntudont. Ho taken tho place of a lively fellow flludont und roIh Into n tangle wherein nru Involved an bolrcon and n chorus girl whono Idontles confuno blm, Tho flnlHh In u HurprlHO and tho whole story In typical of II fo on tho campus. TIiomi who hnvo loft thidrcpU UNCLE TOM WITHOUT THE CABIN' at the Liberty theatre next Vedne day. There uru IiiukIih aplenty In Ihln comedy, o TWO WOMi:.V HTAItS IX "VJ-JXUH IX Till: HAST" llryiint WatJibiirn i I'lnely Hnpwrt. ed In Picture Anna Q. NIIhoii and 'MirKery AVIl-1 son, both beautiful anjl' uccnmpllMlHMl iiciroKHerf and each a titar In her own rlvcbt, appear in Hiipporl of the ever popular Paramount Htar, liryant WiiHhbiiru. in liU iiowuhl plulure, "Venus In tho 'Kant." which lit from Die Hlory In th Saturday Kvuuliut lko.st by Wallace Irwin, and. which will bo Hhown at the Liberty theatre next WeduoHilay, Sept. in. j Onrdnor HuiitliiK adapted It to mtooii purpoKOH with Kreal nklll. Donald CrlHp directed tho picture with full xympalhy and appreciation of It purely typical American humor. A line nupportliu: cant throughout, fine cct'iicH, many of which wero mado In New York City, the utmoHt pnliiN to make It realistic und to em botfT' every HtrlklnK point lu tho nr liflnul atory, will combine to make thin probably the tnoHt popular and MUCci.'MHfiil of all tho Hryunt WiinIc burn Hcflf-H under the Paramount trademark. fl V art Ml. Ik I III A III N, oTMimen are attlie (bundalion Ofj'CX?tGUj-j,I)OW me Uie product or Human endeavor (n maRln ofvitilcli Uie voTKindman harlidd uoj-nafe avic T will .rliwwr. S& I I t V - www ijouomeuilng uiaijocieu can well dtpene YlUl. Jnmuei Campers Pnrkor, and Carllo Parker, all ui uuriiH, wrcinun. V. C. COZAf), HeglMer. NOTICK OF FIXAL ACCOP.VT In tho County Court of the Hlato ol Orogon, for Harnoy County In tho Matter of tho Kntato of Joshn T. Fry, docoawid. Notlco In horoby Riven that UV ttndonilRned admlnlntrator hint bin llnnl account in tlio nboyennm ed court and rotate and that th court ban not Tuesday the 28th dir of Heptcmbor, 1920, at the hoar of ton o'clock A. M. iih tho time a&4 tho county court room of mtld couotr iih the place for hearing objection to Huld uccrtunt nnd tho settlement thereof. All porsonn concerned are litreby notlflel, to file their objeo iioiiH, in writing, ir any mini ther 1 he, on or before mtld date, and to ap. pear on Hald duto and coiitcrst the imnm. Dated AUKlft 28th. 12)?0 CHAItMJH V KED, Adirii, ihirator. NOTICK OF KHKKII I 'S S,.1J n'i" vvu iui yVi li'Ke dayn behind will revel In tW memorlen It evokes, while the youth or maiden who U now enjoying that woilileiful period er life college dayi- will be delighted with the verlHlmllllnde of the 'picture. Tli college Hplrlt Ik evident In every enr tlioro Im uA limit lo thu humor It will make tha trpae' tatorrt lauKht to their heartfi' con tent, yet thure U oiioiikIi hoiIouh drama lo hold the attention and the love IntorcMt Im HtroiiR. CliarlcH liny U Hiipiorted by pretty DorrlN Lee and n fine cant. The proj iluctlon wax Mtipervhtcd by TliotiiiiH II. luce and directed by Jerome Ktorm. The utorly la by J. (I. lluwkH j Chester l.yniiH, who photoKraphed ' "The (llrl DodKcr" U youiiK etior.ch hluiNelf to enter Into the itplrll of a picture like thU and nN a reitull bin I camera work U characterized b) a I blKh Miiallty of reallNtu. Mr. Lyons' Im un ixpirt teclinlclnii and an tirtl.it ! oh well. I 4t Ityto permit our ItlliRWuyH to nlnk In to gradual decay. It Im not In keep Iiik with our proitrQMHlvoueHR lu other linen. ' i Vau may not aure with nil our Hlltorlnl oplnlonii. out you will turn , rlnht to t it fw iiruj(,ni;ttfl) nuxt wwrtcj lo nee what fu have to May. V NOTICK TO CIlKOITOItH (hunk you. -o i--u....-... AKU united AGAINST SPECULATORS AN KXPKNHIVK XKCKSSITV UAV IIAItl) KTI'DKNT IN XKW PIIOTOPIV "Tin: oiitL iioiKJi.'H" Latel luce-Paramoiiut I'll m In Ideal One for Fniiiiu Picture Star ThoHy who wKuiihh the premuta tion of "The (llrl Dodker" at the Llltcrty theatre Hiiuday, Hept. 1!) will! admit that CharlcH Kay, the Thomaril II. luce Htar lu Paramount picture, Iiiih been Hiippllod with u vehicle The co.it of road coiiMtructlou and ; maiuteuaiico Ih hlyb, we admit -ah-; normally hli;h. Hut that Ih no valid reiiMou for lettliiK nur hlKhwair toin theiiiMelver. In tho mud (IiIh wliitnr. 1 It coMtn Iomm to till up a fen holi.. or open a ilttch or-lwo, or drax a road now than It will to countruct prac tically a new one later on. Cood roada are highly iHsentlal to thu future pronporlly of thlH commuii lly, and noihliu; within reaHou Hhould be allowed to interfere with their proper malnlenaiico. There are too many braliiM itud too much Kood JudKiucnt In HiIm coiihiiuii- 1 Ah a result of the conference of thn American Farm nttronu Fed erntiou held at Chicago recently a rominltteo uf 17. rupriwentlng nil (he nation' food producing group. In mdenvotitiR to (ormu latn a standardlred cooporatlvo plan to knock the 11. C. of L. Anron ibtpfro. California coop erative expert. rIvoh n fow of the roMultH that hnvo been brought about through thn American Farm Ilureau Fodoratlnn. If mid dlemen are prnMoorliiK. Kaplro na'H Hint thn remody In legisla tion which California Cooperative Food Producers' Anaoclnt!on ta ndvocntliiB. Mr. Hnplro Is ft firm advocate of labeling arm pro duce with thn price It Hold for ua it loft tho farmer In tho Circuit Court of thu Slain of Oregon for Hartley County. William J. MnKlunlH, Plaintiff. V(1. Mott V. DedBO. Defijndiuit. NOTICK IS IIKItnilY OIVKN that thu iiiidnntlxni'd Iuih been duly ap pnluled Itecelver of tho partnernhlp state of DodKo ft MeKlnnln, and that all pornoiiH liavln datum iiMaliiHt the Mild jiartnerhlp oatnto aro hereby, notllled to present, them to tho un , derNlKiied within thirty dayn from thu date of the II nU publication hereof, which lit dated Aukum 28th, l!20;l and NOTICK 18 IIKIIKIIY Ft'HTHUK UIVKN that thu final ln-arlnK or nald receelverHhlp mnjler will bo had in above entitled court and cuuho on Monday, October I'h, 1920. ( TIiIm- notice Ih given by publlca-' Hon once each week for a period of four connccutlvo weekH pumuant lot an order of the lion. Dulton HIkm. 1 JuiIko of thn Circuit Court of tho State of OreKon for Harney Couu-' ty, mado und entered In above untitl ed null on Aukuh ISth. 1020. HULL IIOTCIIKISS, Itecelver, Firm publication Auk 28th. 1020. LnMt publication Sept. 2.th, 1020. XOTK'K l.'Ull IM'UMIMTIOV L'NITKl) STATE LAND OFFicK j lluriiH. Oiokoii. optemiier 2, 1920 NOTICK U I- nby p,von that O 'er"' J IMIIIiikh of lluriiH, OroRon, who on Oitobr 5. 1915, made MftniHtead ICiHr No 08.179. for Lota 2. a. 8K,W. NK4SWV,' Section 18, TowiiNhlp 21 S . RaiiKo 0 K. Willamette eridlnu. ban tlloil Notice Ih heroby rv lnt by virtue of un execution, dulv igjuel out of Hie Circuit Court of the Stale of Orefeon.'for Harney County, and to me directed on th6 21th day of Aug ust, 1920, upon a. Judgment and de cree in foreclosure duly rendered, ontured of record and 'docketed li nnd by nald rourt on the 2 1st, dtj of AuRunt, 1920, in a certain ni then In nald court pending wherein Wewtorn Ioan and Dulldlnr Cota pany, a corporation, wan plalntJfl, nnd Joitoph I. Cuvvbder. Jaraea E. Wenttn nnd Iluth A. Weton, hU wife. C. II. Leonard nnd Mndgo Lon. nard, bin wife, Charlea Kills and Mary K. Klllh, bin wife, Jarneo Young nnd John W. Davlen, were dufend nntH,' Ir favor of plaintiff and nun I nut anld defendants by which execution' I urn commu tided to Hell the real pro perly lu naPI execution and lnr-lnsf-ter diiHcrlliod, to pay tlx Minis du thu plalntirr of $1.17.02 w tli Inter et thoroou from May lfin, li;20, at the rate of tn per cent p r iiimura until paid, and $05 on attorney' fuuH and the further auiu of 11610 cohIh ii ii iL dUburiienieiit and tut further Mini of $510 09 wan inter eHt thereon from May lfifh. 1920. at the rate of ten per fn per annum- until paid, and f jO 00 ittor ney'n fees, and thu cost a and expen hoh on aald execution. I will on Eatur-. day the 2fith, day of Scptmlier. 1020 at the hour of ten o'clock A M at the front door or tho county rourt houHe, lu IJurmi, Harney County, Ore K'on. noil at public auction to the blgbeat bidder for caah in hund on tho dny of sale, all tho right, title. Intercut und erttute which hu aald defendants, or elth"r or any of then, und all persons claiming by, through or under thorn or any of them subse quent to ho 2Cth. day of April. 1917, bad, have Mince acquired, or now hnvo of. In and to xald rial property hereinbefore mentioned, und dctcrib od uh follow, towlt; LotH two (2), three (3) and four (4) In block twenty-one (21) of Morrlnon'H Addition to the town ot lluriiH, Harney County, Oregon, to gether with the t u. at, heredlu meiitH und appurtennnce thereuato belonging or In at wlie appertain ing. Said Hale being made xuhject to re demption in the manner pr aled by law. Dated thlo 2S'ii day if uruM, 1920. W A CODHMW. Sherlft' of Hnrn.'v Count) urcgon. IRRIGABLE and HAY LANDS in the heart of Harney Valley now offered at $30.00 to $110.00 an acre All Within the Harney Valley Irrigation District THE UNIVERSAL CAH Large acreage cutting hay. AH with water rights. PACIFIC LIVE STOCK COMPANY Sales Office at Burns. The Ford Sedan with electric starting and lighting system, with demountable rim with 3ii-inch tires all.around, is a family car of class and comfort, both in iummer and in winter. For touring it in a mo3t comfortable cr. The large plate glass windows make it an open cr when desired, while in case of rain and v 11 t J A . - . 1. . . .... mii iiicicuicnc wcnincr, ir. can oe macie n most delight ful closed car in a few, minutes. Rain-ptoof, dust proof, fine upholstering, broad, roomy scats. Simple in operation. Anybody can safely drive it. While tt has all the distinctive nnd economical merits of the Ford car in operation and majiucnance, Won't you coma in and look it over? rATE BANV BURNS GARAGE BURNS, OREGON 5K Irl'lll! vV