The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 11, 1920, Image 1

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jlixrnrY County's limner M hii
,et for Immediate cxploita
lion Mill" chowld b turning
K out to aid 1 recoantrac
lien work of the nation, la
loitlgutu thin virgin Skdd.
Harney countyjtj rcsconrccN lira
attracting Mho 'attention of life
entirli.-' Wrst, Irrigation, Mock
raising, mines, oil and P"N"
Mect and agriculture all,
awaiting development.
NO. 45
SEfTEMMER 11 120
McDaniels Gives Excellent
Account of Crops and
People of County.
I in L. E. McDanlelrt)
Tl . oiinty agent mado u awing
arou i inn I'ircio, inei wuok inning
In the utility from lhirtiH to Cattow,
Field Dcnlo, Wild Horao Valley,
Nnrrov and return.
Ho u i accompanied on tho trip by
Cbas UrJ, Editor of tbu Hnrnoy
Count) Nuwh, and cither proceeded
or followed by hnlf a ecouro of Bums
od Callow residents, mostly candi
dates for county offices, but who for-
.1.1 S H o 1. 1.
aJikAllfir Irk hnA.r th. nrv.n ut nit
.TJV 1 1 1 vr vwwtfvv mv w q ... .w.
WOlK UI iuu vuuuijr ntout nun utn-
cuk4 nu cltlsenH and business men the
seeds of tho various sections visited.
.... . ai
.... l.T .k rtjt4ti ilntt linn i it I 1tll
My went far toward cementing tho
feolltiK of harmony and cooperation
tfiat Is beginning to show In tho, re
lations between town, and country.
At nil places visited thoru wen a
itrong rcnlltnunt snouu to mix
pleasure with huMnoM thereby giv
ing thomsolven tin opportunity to re
lax from tho high tension of tho bur
Tt season.
With tho exceptions of Isolated In
rlancou i nd In tho cavi of rccotid
rtrps of nlfalfn ihe bay aw! grain
iroj.b were practically In the 1'a.h
Heavy yielding crops of both hay
and grain nro tho rulo through the
entire section vlRlted while stock or
all kind.- nro In splendid condition.
The Larson, Montgomery and
Schstfer crops on tho Utltzun river
are ample proof of what-the soil In
tiat portion will produce under pro
per bundling.
The Cutlow ValloT Brain cropif
bare been out of tho' way for hoiiio
time past learlng only tho chicken
crop to harvest.
Judging from the number disposed
of at ono pitting at tha chicken feed
given by Mr. and 'Mm. Wm. Butler,
by tho Burns bunch aided by half n
Kore of neighbor?, It should not take
long to clean up that crop. The
County Agent was off his food and
could not do Justice to himself, there
fore high honors went to Mrs. Cook.
Headed by Kelly of tho golden
smile, Cutlow Valley is coming to the
fair 100 per cent strong fully ox
peeii g to walk awuy with every dry
land i rlzo offered with a few otherx
for good measure. )
Of course wo tried to explain to
them that thoy were only part of
Harney County hut you simply can't I
tell that hunch you will have to I
how them, and - they are not all;
Mlcsourlans at that. .
The next morning after the rest of j
tho bunch dancod all night and had
Atun C'Iiuh. Buckley out of house and
home, wu beaded "Toddy Itoosovptt"
out across tho valloy for Fields by
tho way of Long Hollow. I
' Speaking of Long Hollow reminds ,
ui that the more w see of that route
.tho less wo understand why tho north
ami south market road tines not ox
' IcM through thin' exceptional low
-ivlr.r at Holds in time for a
r I 'drui'-r at the Fluids Hotel wo
toi i Jack McCnrty and IiIh fair
"art all "Hot up," over tho nn:i
orr I of the plnno ordbred for tl.c
ocf.i ion.
Contrary to tho roputatlon thu
hunih found Fields u dry placo which
caused them to break up In sourcli of
'(rings at tho foot hill ranches,'
whllo thu County Agent headed for
Trout creek ranche whero ho found
J M. McDade, with a 'boll on hhr
nork and a noro finger imitating Job
In every thing but xnooknoss but
never tho less making groat strides
toward gutting a bumper crop of hay
and gruln out of the way. A search of
the cupboard brought ho information
from Mrs. Luckey that the pfo supply
as inadequate to oven, meet the do
wands of tho flock of hungry candi
dates theroforo tho County Agent
contentod himself with playing with
the real hosa. of tho ranch, "Jlminlo
Dade," and tho pup until Huppur
Tho noxt day was Hpont Innpoctlng
on tho Trout Crook, Bathrlck and
McKulvey rauchoa and assisting In
disponing of tnolojis, whipped cream
.ul. nil. unit nllwir flilniru.
Mr. Bathrlck In Just getting IiIh Inst
crop of alfalfa In the fituclc, this SO
ncro crop In & splendid object Iorbou
to that section on tho posulbllltleH of
thu vulluy hinds iilnco With but little
water ho la, pulling up buy equal to
what would ordhmrlliy como from
7C to 100 nenffl.
On tho MoDndo untl MolColvuy
ranches up Mb canyon from Fluids
the gardena arii yot untouched hy
front, and (he variety and qtmltty of
fruit, berries' and vegetables grown
was hardly bollovablo.
Wo will not attempt to toll tlioi
size of tiling for four of being tie-'
eused of stretching thu fuels hut llko
tho Callow Valloy soctlnn thu Wild
Homo and Trout Creek and Pueblo
vaney routs uavo tneir eyes on a
bunch or prUcd offered at thu fair
and every one can see for themselves
what this section can grow.
Long beforo dark the cars began
to lino' up around tho Fiofds store
and hotel until It looekd an If It
would bo Recessary to extend t,hej
town limits to RccomfiBodate thorn..
.lltn Ka1trAliriJ rlvlvlna tnm Tntilutm
in one day. arrived with thu nlano:
in nme ia save aiico lurner irora1
nervous prostration and Jack Mc-1
Carty from drinking his owu well
The dhhcorH then hold the Jloor
until 11 P. M. when It wns turnol
over to the County Agent and tho ac
companying upcal'.cr
A temporary Farm Hurcau wa.i or
ganized with 27 mnmbers and K. li.
Oathrlck as chairman. Another
mooting for tho purpose of effecting n
portnanent organization will bo hold
at Fields during tho latter part of
tho month.
Tho County Agent and others af
fleeted wlth'VMelkbjfit f00f re
tired immediately following tho sup
per and slept undlsturbod, with the
exception of Huhe Hughol's snoring,
until brMkfat lime. Tho cthera
,,,,,., , ... k , ,,
Mtllllilltli-L.iUaipil Kill lit' V'niniP liiillou
; " --:"""' t
from Uurus) bed down tho boards
untl sun tip. After breakfast Teddy
was headed north with ono additional
pasuengor and by sloping only at tho
A I I fm .. .1 i, .... I it...
iHiiLituB hiiu iur nuiipur
With tho
Iloudersona at the Narrows wo were
able to pull into Hums In time to wit
ness ono of Julian Uyrd's unsuccess
ful attempt to corner enough electric
Julcu to give a show.
'ur!ov" I). Potter, pno of ih'
forvlco hoys who did his par', dur
ing the lato war, has been ordered
by his doctors to go to a lower alti
tude lor the wlntor month. "tSurleV
Iuik not hull good health tflnco holiig
inuuteri'd out of thascrylcu and when
ho first returned It was feureil ho
could not i.tand this high altitude,
because of heart trouble, but he watt
Ifliititlfttvl hnr, in a himlnniM WAV.
,(Hr) WRH hl formor honJn an(1 ,H
friends, and ho felt bo wanted to
."stick" Ifpowilble.
At tho primary olecton in May tha
members qf the republican rutrrtf
gavo him tho nomination for cbiruty
clerk. He accepted this tribute
with appreciation, but owing to his
declining health and tho urgent de
mand hy bin doctor, that hu lake Jils
dnparturo, ho flnds It nocoBaary -to
withdraw from tho rnco.
Mr. and Mrs. Potter are making
iirrangemontH to tuko their departuru
in a couplu of weuks but havo not
made up their minds where they will
upend the winter. It Is their Inten
tion to return hero In tho spring; in
fact to mako this homo so long as It
Is possible nnd tho condition of IiIh
health will permit,
Asldo from tho vacancy loft on
his ticket by this action thoro aro
reasons to regret tho necessity of
"Curloy" leaving this part of tho
country. Ho Is an agroeable boy and
ono you can depend upon.
Several paporu havo anuouncod
that tho duck season opens in this
district on Sept. id, but It Is a
mistake. Tho 1019 loglulaturo
amended tho law to conform to tho
Fodoral regulations and theso cull
for a closed scanon until Oct, 1.
V. Cawlflold and Tom Cleveland
woro over, from tho Calamity country
f durng tho wook on business,
' CTATI7 QTflPlf AQQilflA
Officers and McmbcifB of the
Organization Meet With
Local Stockmen.
Socretnry Corrull, Hurt Rnow,
Treasurur Duhy, Mr. IMorHon, n rep-1
roMontallvo of Iho Portlapd Slock '
Yards, a cattle breeder of (iraild I
Hondo, and a few others niiulo up a
party who arrived hero last Satur
day artornoon, Thoy comprised mom
bora of tho executive commltteo of
tho State Cattlo & Horso GroworH As
sociation and were hero for tho pur
poso of meeting with local morabcrs
and stockmcnt to boo If they could bo
of any assistance to tjiem.
The party wera en route to Lako
v(w where they took In tho Hound-
up and coRUaiied their tour to Klam-1
ath Falls, dver by Grater Lako to
Mcdford, back by way of Bend and
T mI at 1 1 wr nlilttM MMI
1'rlnevlllo, making IkjekSnnual pll
1 """
:, , , .,
tho state Ob hivn boon tho cuiitoirtV
President Pullman was unnbl
mako the tour owing to slcknesa in
his family calling him east. His as
sistant. Fred Phillips, started with
thorn but turned back from Canyon
A few of tho stockmon of thin
county wore present nt tho meeting
hold at tho Commercial Club rooms
and several matters of Interest wore
discussed. In tho absenco or tho
president and his assistant it was
necessary to chooso a temporary'
chairman and Judgo Grant Thompson j
wan named. Among other matters'
discussed was tho problem confront-'
lug tho ntockmon of Sllvor creek ,
where changes In tho ownership of,
largo tracts of land has upset former,
grating conditions on tho forest ro
orVo. W. U Hest was In fromllver
Wbw lho
Att,lona, ,mvo KOno on thu
, , .., .i.
rnilgu in untl bcciiuh hi niiuu iiuiiiuuia
I tfiat tho local homo cow and horsa
' tnun la Morlnllalv linnillcantind. IJUB
notice was taken of the sltuntlon and
tho executive committee promised to :
go Into Iho matter with tho Forest
Supervisor at Prlnevillo when thoyj
reach that placo. '
Owing to a misunderstanding In
dates suvcral stockmen of tho county
woro unable to meet with tho visit
or. However, tho local stockmen
aro prepnrlng to got togutlio rdurlng
tho county fair and perfect a county
The vMtlng party left early Sun
day morning for Lakovlew.
Hrad Mosh waa In town this week
looking nfter sornu business nffalrs.
It is
n wide nnd ricli farming country nnd it is fast
adding to its importance ns an industrial com
munity. Our stores, shops and business organizations are
equipped with all that is necessary to the best service
but telling you about the advantages that are here isn't
quite getting it across.
You'll never know how good this community of ours
is until you study its growth and development, week
after week ilfty-two weeks in the year.
There Is only one correct way to do that, ft is to
rend the news, editorial and advertisina columns of tlie
town's leading newspapers THIS NEWSPAPER.
Every week in the year this newspaper places at your
door interesting, instructive and profitable information
news both in editorial and advertising columns which
can mean DOLLARS AND CENTS to you.
And til! for less than 3 cents per week.
It's a HOME PAPER, for this town nnd community
of ours.
It is a purt of YOU.
If we haven't your name
Enrollment up to Expectation I
With More Students to
Come in Later.
n "
't "
School opened for enrollment
Tuesday morning and a goodly num
ber entered. To date we have fifty
seven wltb prospects of .an additional
Classen have been promptly signed
up for, so that by next week the
reeulnr school program will be In
f ujj BWng, The achool spirit Is ram-
pant; the Instructors are eathuslastlo
and prospecu were never brighter
o:it aucceMtMl year.
library force will consist of
rlngtoa la charge with tho
tyarjerle Ilyrd, Frances Done-
Hazel lllbbaril, June Dalton,
MapeL, Skeins, Jessie Bhepard and
Mr. holltn Oowaa as tabnltors.
Class elections were hold Thurs
day with iaVfsllowIng results:
Honlorn IWtSBond Voogtly, Pres.,
Hox Clark", jNfe Pres., Milton 0.
Brown Bec.-Treas.
Juniors Harloy Hotchkiss, Pros.,
Mabel Skeins, Vice Pres., Jesslo
Shepard, St'C.Treas.
Sophomoresp-Jeau Monroe, Pres.,
Gladys Byrd,1 Vice Pres., B.ancho
floodman, 8ec,-.Treas.
Freshman-tllal Hlbbard, Pre-.,
Arthur Tliorniurg, Vice PrcB., Madi
son HlchurdsoVi, Seo.-Trcas.
Friday morjilng tho Student Body
Association ntit for tho first llmu,
nnd adopted a new constitution and
set of by-laws. Pros. Hollln Oowan
presided and Sec.-Treas. Frank Log-
gan road Ihu minutes.
Frank Holnoman wns elected foot
ball manager and Wesley Welcome
captain. Tho first practice will bo
called next week by Mr. McDado
who will coarh tho squad.
Ah this Is tho Initial offering of
tho News Board wo cravo tho read
ers Indulgonco and promlso to do
better as tho weeks progross.
- o
A report from Inn puhllo school
of this city brlngti tho Information
that tho enrollment Ih ton short of
Inst year at tho pronont but sovornl
havo not ontorod yot hecnuso of field
We're proud of our
town nnd county.
It is a humming busi
ror.a m
I 1B.
i, .....
ness center nnd n natural trad
ing spot for a very much Larger
the normnl nerve center for
subscribe today.
work and others havo not gotton In
to town and nettled for the winter
Tho Indications nro tho enrollment
will bo larger for thu yenr than fust
Thoro are 23 In Iho first grndo;
.11 In Iho second, 18 In the third,
YWfW'onrolled In tho so
onth and 2G in tho olghth.
All tho touchers were on hnnd and
aro taking up the work In a manner
that ln(llrfttoKNanotliur excellent year
of unhools In HurtiH.
Ij. K. McDanlel.H County Agent
Fair time.
Frlondly rivalry.
All compotlng for honor.) on tho
products of tho homo farm and ranh.
Evorybody out to win not for tho
money there Is In It but Juit for
the sake of excelling tho other fellow
at his own game.
Hemombur when you were a lot
younger than you aro today that your
favorite "taw" cleaned up the bunch
nt marbles? It wasn't the marbles
was HT Just the feeling that no
matter how good the othors were Just
glvo you "olo whlley" and you could
boat them overy time.
After all life Is Just anothor game
and while tho playthings nro different
thoro still remains with every normal
grown up boy or girl tho fooling that
at tholr favorite occupation they can
excell all others.
Harnoy county is full of normal
mon aiA women who havo not out
grown this fooling while In uddltion
thoro aro a few In each community
who through unusual skill or for
tunnto circumstances feel, that while
thu community product as u whole
cannot bo dofeated, yot thu products
of their Individual labors havu out
stundlng merit .sulllclout to clean up
on the rust of the county .
This feeling makes for live Individ
ual compotetlou in addition to tho
compototlon hutwuen communities
theroforo when thu products of tla
town and farm gardens nnd homes
nnd" tho farms und ranches of tho
I North, South, East and West aro
brought togethor under ono spf and
tho residents of tho town and coun
try sou that thullr Interests aru Iden
tical then thu future of thu Harney
County Livestock and Agricultural
fair Is assured for all time.
Thu fair board assisted hy thu
live wire business men havu made It ,
possible to begin anew by providing
tho grounds mid funds for prizes
thoroforo If Is l)ow entirely In the
hahuH t the producers as to the
uxvteut of this yearn suceesi,
Thu board luu provided iptible
men and woinun'to assist in arrang
ing and caring for thu different In
dividual and community exhibits as
they urrlvu and In addition has
chilly appointed committees of pro
gressive men nnd womeu In each
community to select nnd suu to tho
transportation to Burns of all ex
hibits. Upon thu energy and'nblllty of the
following depo'n'diilho.sMccesB of your
.community always wltli thu under
standing of course that YOU aro In
terested In lho welfare of your own
miction to render thorn every assist
ance possible,
Crano Mra. J. O. Cady, Mr. L.'A.
Lauudlgiui, Geo. Cartor, A. 13. Brown.
Narrows Mrs. Junius Henderson,
Joo Morris, Mrs. Orirfln, J. K.8lzo
inoro. CntlowV. W. Stolon, Jesso Brad
en, Mrs. Ohms, Mrs. F. G. IColly,
Chas, Buckley.
FleldB Mrs. J. M. McDado, Alice
Tumor, Jack McCarty, M. Mt Donn.
Donlo Mrs. Doll Defonbaugh, K.
H. Bathrlck, Mrs. Williams, M. J.
Trout Creo J. M. Beatty, Mrs.
Bert Hamilton, V. Dofonbnugh.
Androws aoo. A. Smyth, Mrs.
Blnlr CIiub. Turner, W. D. Huffman,
Albortson Mrs. Nick Voogtly,
Mrs, Clark, Mrs. Tudor, Nick Voogtly,
Princeton Mr. Jamos Paul, Mrs.
QoQ: Hatt, J. K, JoukliiH, Mrs. James
Lawon Mrs. Lyod Culp, Mrs, Sltz,
I. WelnBloln, H. Kooch, Mra. L. John
son. ilarnoyMr. .TIiob. Bain, Frod
Halnos, TIiob. Ilowaor, Mm. Thus.
Bain. '
Huolmnnu J. W. Buchnnan, Mrn.
Buchanan, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Mc-
(Continued pn page- four)
The Public Spirited Citizens
And Friends of Fair do
Valuable Service.
Two hundred dollars with hired
help could not havo accomplished
what was done by volunteer workers
ut the fair grounds last Monday.
Thnt Is a conservative esllmata
placed upon it by Mr. McDonnld who
wan In rhargo. Lawyers, doctors,,
pronchors, school teachers, news
pnper mon, surveyors, carpenters,
store koepcrs, bankers and the ladlei
all workod togothcr with most
gratfylug' results. It has been sug
gested that Tbo Tlmcs-Hcrald give
a Hat of thoao who took part In this
work, but not having madu notntloa
of those present and, In fact, not
knowing positively who were down
thero, wo refrain form giving names,
because it Is almost auro somo one
would bo overlooked. Wo will say
that many who wero down and gave'
such oxcollont help would not ro
cuivo ono bit of bonofit from holding
a county fair other than in a general
way somo having absolutely no In
terest In tho town or country, but
merely did It becauso of their inter
est In public spirited movements.
Thoro wero soma who should, havu
been thero who, wero not represent
ed business concerns that will renp
n direct benefit from holding the
fair. Theno people should not let
such a circumstance occur again at
It rullectrt upon thum and may cauro
them to Iono patronago and friend
ships. Tho writer knows of ono In
stance whero a professional man.
who could not possibly get down to
help becauso of urgent buslnes.i de-,
niainllng his Immediate attention,
having hired an exporlenced work
man to roprcsont him. Th's man
ran derive no possible boneflt from
a pecuniary standpoint from holding
a fair 'but It shows his spirit. This .
Is to the shame of business ennenrnt
that will derive benefit who dirt not
respond at all.
During tho pnsl recent years thera
has uover been such u spirit shown
toward a public onterprlno n was
manifested In tho work donu last
Monday. It shows that tho (ttlzen
of Burns can got tof,5thur nnd di
li'iuri an I.-It lends oiieournuHiiont
to those public splrits who tnk th
Initiative ni d push siu'h onttrprlsefc.
Mr. Olnm of tho P. L. J Co
who Is active In tho promotion of. thu
engineering work of tho Haruny Vs.
ley. Irrigation District, nskud thu
surveyor to glvo tholr aid on that
duy as it was Labor Day land no
netlvu fluid work would bo donu on.
the project. Tho boys responded
with a will and devoted a greater
portion of ho day to aiding In build
ing fences, digging post holes, doing
carpenter work In tho pavilion, on
tho stand, grubbed sagebrush or
whatovor wuh nocossary, using tholr
car to.haul,roatorlal from ono part or
tho . grounds to another, otc. No
less public spirited wero others who
hud no direct Intoreat In thu town or
community, but who worked hard
harder than they would for monoy.
ToauiB wero donated to work on thu
i track and to bring material from
stores, lumber yard, ute.
Tho ladles In charge or tho lunch
eon woro certainly equal to tho oc
casion and povldcd well nnd served
those at the noon hour and again at
4:30 In tho afternoon. Tho sand
wiches wero In plenty, good arid
nicely served, Tho coffuo could not
ho Improved upon nor could the
appetite of tho men at least that
waa tho Impression glvon. There
waa 3G mon served at tho noon lunch,
and tho wrltor knowB of at least two
who worked both In tho foronooa
and tho afternoon who did not re
main' for lunch. Tho food wbb pro
vided by tho ladJ8 of tho town ana;
tho stores contributed, also. The
ladles In chnrgo proparod tho follow
ing for publication:
Mm. W. M. Sutton, Mrs. Esther
Schwartz, and Mrs. Archlo McGowan,
wish to thank tho ladles of Burns,
also tho Farmers Exchange, Burn
(Jnsh Store, N. Brown & Sous, 1. S
Goor & Son, Lunaburg Dalton & 0.
nnd Mr. Hngoy for tholr generous
donations to thu lunuhoon, for tha
(Contlnuod on pngo four)