The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 04, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    T h T I M M H II l'i It A ti 1) It r It V H , H A H !? K T ' O V NTT, O U K O N
Thro WHghl
Voimtor in lit tlio city on bunt-
i School Today
! but Tomorrow?
What nbout tomorrow for thoito boya- you mother and
fathcrn? Aro you preparing TODAY to glvu them h
rollugo education when TOMORROW arrive?
There in only one miro way. That In to Htart saving to
day. A dollar put in a navingH uccotint today will
double itnolf in 18 yearn Ht our rato qf 4 purceninUirtvit.
Just when the boya uru ready for college.
Opti un account TODAY I
First National Bank
It, NniiR wait u vliillor to our city
If your neighbor In full of fuultii
lot othorn toll thorn to you.
Horn Tuesday, Aug, 31, to Mr,
and Mm. August Huffman, nt the
IJurnn Matofhlty hospital, a son.
W. T. Vandorveer wan ovor from
hlu homo on Pino crook durliiR tlio
Hnnry Pulton and John Comber
ling loft tlio other duy for tlio moun
tain where thoy will camp and Hull
for a whllo and iiIho liopo to got a
iloor. Thoy wont up In tho Myrtle
Crook country. ,
Principal Button of tho Huron pub
lic Hchool recjucrttH that teacherx and
pupils of tho dlHtrlct report at tho
ncaool houHo from 9 to 10:30 only on
Monday, Sept. 6, for onrollmont nnd
rncolvo tho lint of books necovHury
for tho Hchool year.
Adam Ooorgo wan In town during
tho wook.
K. 11. Connor of tho First Natlonnl
Dank ban gono ovor to Liiko county
on n Tiicatlon trip and to look after
ho mo buolnoHH affalrn.
Hen Drown and Waldo Oeer return
cd Wodnondny from their outing trip
to tlio Ktuluii Mountain They pot
plenty of flHli out appuronily were not
nitcccunful for deer.
Mm. 12. Karon was over from
Prlnovlllo for a short visit during
tho puHt wook, looking after her pro
perly Interests. Mm. Koron Htntod
to a representative of thlH paper that
tholr placed were not for huIo as they
contemplate returning hero nt sotnn
futuro tlmn to again make tholr
homo. At present sho finds It neces
Hary to remain In Prlnovlllo with her
aged mother.
or moats, poultry and pnnlelono
iiiakoH It only n question of choosing
which you would perfor llrst. Thoy
aro all of cholco grade and thn tuopt
Inoxporloncod houHokcopor can pur
chiiHii In perfect confldoiico that no
ono could mako u wlHur holectlon or
buy hor moata cheaper.
Set Riap v
ThiH will ho
' IIuadquartoi'H for
School Supplies
Why wuifc until tlio hint minute tho open
ing day of Hohool to buy all of tho iiecdori
HupplioH. Buy now whilo stocks aro frcHh
and Horvico not reuhod.
Tablets Rulers Pencils
Pastes Crayons Pens Inks
Wo (inn givo . on a complofo list of
Ofiicial Hooks For All (iradon.
The Rcxall Drug Store
, Horn Tuesday, Auk. 31, to Mr.
nnd Mm. Joniio Haiti, nt tho family
homo near ltnrnoy, a dnURhtor.
Frank Welcome Ih confined to It Ih
homo with an attack of rluiumatlHtn
and n hIIkIiI cold.
Vlo 0, Cozud In back from ti short
vacation visit over nt Canyon and tho
llluo Mountain Springs. Ho In np.uln
on duty In tlio land olllco.
Mm. Holla Volmnr took her de
parture Sunday morning for Vaughn,
Washington, where iiho will visit for
an Indollnito thnu with her sister.
Tho chlldrnn of Mr. and Mm.
Frank linker took tholr duparturo
tho Unit of tli Id wook for Lnkovlow
where tho go to attend tho Hound
up. They oxpoc.1 to be homo In time
to 1mkIh nchool.
MIiih (lono Bchwartt took her de
parture yesterday morning for Port
land whnro hIio will visit for a few
weeks before roIiik to Henttlo whoro
Hho will outer thn Htato Unlvomlty
for the com I n r nchool year.
There will bo a meotliiR of thoio
Interested In tho orgnnUntlon of a
band at tho Commercial Club room it
on Monday nvonlnic, flopt. l'.l, at 7:30
o'clock. Homer Heod will take an
Intnreflt In tho ornanliatlon In tho
way of loading until auch tlmn an
other arranicamenta can bo made.
Mm. C. V. Hood and tho children
left thin morning for Portland whnro
they will upend tho winter, relatlven
ImvlfiR liinlntod thoy come down for
tho nchool year. Charlen wont back
down to tho hay ranch to flnUh track
ing the hay and lookn forward to a
lonoMoino winter of batching.
MIkh Francln Will, granddaughtor
of Mr. and Mm. T. H. Hhort, arrived
from Portland ono duy thin week to
vlnlt with them for an Indollnito time.
Tho young lady will bo remembered
by many of tho younger glrlH and
hoy of thin city an who wax hero fur
novoral months during her public
reboot dayn and attended nchool.
Mr. and Mm. Jerome Davln are lato
arrival In our city, coming from Hun
FranclMco to mako tholr homo In
Ilurim. Mr. Davit nt onco anHumud a
position with tho Farmera Kxchaugo
and ho and Mm. DuvIh have begun
houHokoepIng In tho Pruitbyterlan
manio, !(iv. Wlcherpon retaining hlu
rooinn ou tho Hocoud tloor only.
Tho now plato rIiihh display win
(Iowh for' tho front of tho Hums
Cash More have arrived and aro now
In place. Thin makes a decided Im
provement In tho place and will per
mit a greater dlHplay of goods. ThlH
modern (stabtlshment Is adding now
foaturon for the houollt of tho store
and Itn cubtomoru thut aro appreciat
ed, M. M, Doan and wife nnd llttlo
con were up from tho Doan ranch ou
Trout crook for u few days during
tho wook. They ntnrtcd on their re
turn yesterday afternoon aa they de
al rod to bo at Fields tonight when
the neighbors gather for a big dance
nnd to moot aovoral speakers In con
nection with tho organization of a
Farm Iluroau.
Albert Swain of this olllco ban boon
confined to hi homo for tho week
from a fovor of Homo chhrnctor, "Wo
aro working abort handed all tho
time but with this additional vacan
cy and cotnililrablo ruah Job work
tho hbop Ih mora or Iohh "uwnmpod,"
A good country printer Ih needed hero
nbout n h bad iiH ono could realize
hut none Hot ,n available at a Halary
that tho buHluesH jiiHtllles.
Mm. K. F, Hchwnrtz haa arranged
with a wholeHitlo Iiouho In Portland to
huvo a representative at her atoro for
next TiieHday and Woduondny with
a dliiplay of ladlen and mlHuoa wear
ing apparel conHtutlng of couta, huHh,
droHH ullk and wool, wiiIhIh, chlldrona
coatu nnd a complete lino of nklrtn.
' Adv
Mm. Millar Ih agalng at her placo
of bunlnoHH whoro hIio Ih prepared to
furnliih tho trado with suitable inll
Inary. Sho ban a nice lot of thlngn
appropriate for tho Hchool children.
Adv. ,
Now goods arriving froquontly nt
Mm. 15. F. Bchwnrtz. Adv. 8-21
. J u in en J, Douegali haa returned
frdm'a bunlnoHH trip to Portland anil
Boutllorn Orogon. v
Horn-Ttlosday, Augunt HI, to Mr.
nnd Mm, Kd. Price, at thn II urns
Maternity hospital, a daughter.
Mr. and Mm. Joo Williams woro
ovor from tholr home on Calamity
crook during tho wook, guontH of re
latlvofl nnd frlondn.
Joo Llllard and a friend worn over
from tho "Valley of Tho Moon" ranch
during tho wook, Joo hurried back
n j In It ii I m rmn n nirnul ln In tin
Dr. lliierkl removed tho appendix
of llttlo Kvolyn ChrlHtenHou on lost
Baturray afternoon, Tho patient
recovering nicely at the fit. Joiieph,
Minn Agnen Htlrllng left yoHterday
for Portland after a Hhort visit with
her paroiitu, Mr. and Mm. William,
Stirling, at tho Hell A much. Minn'
.Stirling returns to resume her library
H. N. Mathews Ih preparing to !ouo
tor Premier, Washington, whor'i ho li
0ll'l Ll-. MIl.M of tho HorlouH IPtl.J.
of a brothei. TVi latter ban not boon,
well since bdt t tlin liurged from the
Tho IlurnH Chnptor O, H. vlll
roHiimu regular mooting ou Monday,
Boptotnbor 13, All momberri are urg
ed to bo presoiit on ill's ovnlng. A
program In being arranged nnd re
freshments will bo served.
Dr. J. W. Ooary and family loft
Th irsday morning lor Portland drl
Ing through In tholr car. It Ih :ho In
tention to remain In tho mutropolut
for thn coming school year, nt least
thn family will remain there but Dr.
Ooary may return to Durns.
Louisa IiwIh, llttlo daughter of
Mr. and Mm. C. W. howls, arrived
homo this week from Klamath whoro
she had boon visiting with rn!nllven
for a fow weekH. The llttlo lady
made tho return trip alone, coming
by wny of Horn! where sho visited
L'lw "K" U' al Utti U aJ Mril Uc2j UriUuU UiJ U2J VrJlluZI Ucii Well Ui3X 03i Uiiil U2J U2J UUJ Ih 'H
ruvruAL nr.:tavB
Thin bank nmintaiiiH i NATIONAL
HavingH Dopartmonl;, undor United
StafctJH (jovorniiKMit Suporvisiou,
Harney County
National Bank
Flvo cents etch will Im paid for
lUbbila klllixl within tho boundaries
ofvour farm north of Uuras. Thin
offer utandn for 30 days, and cotint
will bo mudu on our placo. Adv
July 8, 1020.
Fine lino of Kakal and Corduroy
trouncM. N Brown & Bonn. Adr.
Btotaon Hata JC.00. K. Brown 4
Bona. -Adv.
iv.:i ixwaIaS.
Btotson hat IG.OO. N. Ilrown &
with Mr. and hr. Tbos, Bpraguo for, Bonn.
Try Klrctono
Adv. tf.
FOH BAI.B 140 foct G Inch caning.
Universal Oarugo Co. 8-14.
a fow dayH.
Miss Pearl Kills Is enrolled In n
Household A'rtn CroiiHO at tho Htato
Normal, nrhnol nt Han Dolgo, Callfor-
..I.. 1 . . ..... I I
.. ULuruu.K ... ,i ,m,..r rcw.Tc.. Mrj A n jQnM , nQW ,n c,,arK0
at Mils olllco last wook. Tho young .., , a.. . .ui...
i i,1, p v mm m viv m m n m w w m
Bho will bo
many frlondn
,auy .n ueasan .y jocaic. ami enjoya , 10 C(jo jotol
tho study Hho Ih engaged In but ahn , tQ Infl0l hfjr
wauia io near irowi nor nomo poopig
and asks Tho Tlmon-Horald be sent
to her.
The Herman Martz
Wood Saw
It prepared to work
Phone No. G104
Tho community spirit manifested
at thn Commercial Club luncheon
yesterday In worthy of tho town. Let's
keep thn good work up. Lot's movo
along with our enthusiasm. and nhow
an Interest In public affairs. Tho
fair Ih golng to bo tho nuccesH wo all
mako It Just an was shown ycstor-
day. If tho uutlro bunch who were
nt lunch together yanterdny turn out
at thn fair grouudn Monday It will
bo a different looking placo by that
evening. Come out
PntloutH rerolvn tho bent of rnro
at tho IlurnH Maternity Hospital, Mm.
LoHtor Williams, Prop. Adv.
Piano In Kxcollont nhapo for ront.
J imt tuned. Inquire at this olllco
LOST Lndy'a gray nwoator, on
iitroet loading In front of C O.
Pago rcoldoncn, missed after enter
ing town on tho north and muni
havo dropped off on that ntroot
before reaching tho lano at tho
gate luadlng Into Arthur Turnor'4
farm. Finder will hn Hultahly re
warded by returning to Mm. Carlo
Parker or thin ofllco 8-21.
Kenneth Crozler
can deliver
Cheaper I hast later.
When he LKetMt aupp'y
la xhaMte4 the price
will rafac Phenc G89F.
Win. Farre
Practice fcefere V. K. Land
licaartmeat and
Real Estate
IntllctftlotiN arc thut the
lurv of tlio land will
Mltract many Inventor to
llHMMy County the com
ing taoaaOR. lilstiBiCM now
will bo kept before (itoh
Mcttvo invnutoni Um en
tlrn. wumiii.
Bend & Burns Auto Stage
II. It. St'llANNO, Wl-S HILL, O. S PiriKllON, Jtropn,
All Touring Car
Ia'occh JluniH everu Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, hiday
Special attention given passengers
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in our care given prompt attention
Wo will mhhi liavo a number of
buyorn for hoiuo llrst cIiihh Mock
ranchcH roanoiinbly priced,. Como In
and list your property -Harney
County Abstract Co.
aaaaaaaW', AyaflaaBaaaaaL
1 laaaaaaaaaaa
Have your watch ovorliauled. Hlart
thn old clock to ticking, get that old
pleco of Jewelry in woarlnp order,
Havo your eyes fitted In Heading
glasses, .(too O. M. KAL1HIIUHY
Jeweler, optician.
Aii-f rWUiW .4-aaam
when yuu ordor n glass of our p ti Ml
eoda. Undo Juat right, mixed J J"'
right and itorvod just right H ' a
dr,nk lit for tho gods or thlr to
HftmduntH. Soomn llko high prn'ao
Not u bit of It. Como In any u
ni.d put tho mattor to n Vial
llrtton, It taaton ovon bottor If partak
en In company.
I Come To Us
and we will ve you money on your general needs I
Our itore buys in quantities consequently we are able t
to secure prices for you that lesser buyers can't touch
We are specialists in a general way.
Our counters offer daily bargains in women's wear,
kitchen accessories, fancy work and so on through
the list of popular articles for the home.
Every t hilt y
Lunaburg-, Dalton & Co.