Knttmlny, September 4 tWM. T II K T I M 13 H . II M It A I. li it it ir v u n A it v v. v v , .. Phro Burtm si Classified Advertising and Legal Notices Professional CardsMiscellaneous News i " - " " " " v w u x l , U l( 1'J U II IM - . , . ' 1 '"" ' - ' - - - - - - - 1 - . 1 - - jktt-t -1 .-. . ': (Kb iNOVW OONrVOU THINK TWnfjll (TAME PblNSrANcIl tfSL- (ffl (HV 0ONT YOU KISS m II itflZ AVOVOT"" jTr A FINE BEACH? NONE OP J3 THIS DEVOTCD MM n T 1 YOO HftNP30M6 MAN TSWftUOWJ IT HOME eLEe Aw Voi r PROFESSIONAL CARDS UK. B. F. SMITH Physician untl Surgeon Burns, Oregon residence, Dr. (iriHUh'n for mer hoim. I'honc No. 14 FOR REJT it. ii i' i: u k i m . u Hr Saurmnn & Itruuot'H I'ortner Otllco llulldlug ft I I'httuu No. -0 Hurai, Orvgun J. W. G 12 A 11 If 1'hyalclao. and Surgeon llura, rrRa Telephone R13! PKN'MAN A BKNMAM Pli)lciit mbU HMTgnoa CalW answered promptly tluy or night 'Phone Crauu now opkn Rooming lioumi lit mnry Caldwell building. Nlco Clonu bodH. Mru. M. 0. WtHdotu. r.-s-tr. TO HUNT OIIIuoh nnd utore rnmi. Farmer Uxchnugo. G-o. FOR SALE AttbiUlon Woolgrowerii 7 0 0 0 ucrt'H rungo' liind, 400 aorc under ditch 6000 uwch and 3000 lam oh for mMe-Idoal Locution. WM. KAHRK. VOW. 8AI.K 7 room Uouxo. large Htono cellar, windmill tank. 2 loin, nlieplng porch. Cheap, rany tcrinn. Hmall cah payaaciit, bril uuco llko runt. Inland Kmplro Realty Co. 6-6-tf. TWO STORY, hovoh room rvMldonco.J platored. hat ii nd cold water, bath nnd modern convenience, collur und gnrugo, In Illock GG, 3rd nddl WANTED SUMMONS FOIl I'UIILIOATIOSf WILL THADK 40 ncroH Irrigated otio mllo cant of Puyotto Idaho, 28 ucrun In Alfalfa, for dcHlrnblo Hor my County land In vicinity of llurnii, Thin 40 In In tho boMt npplo producing dliitrlct In Mm U. H. I Price $1100 pornuro. C. A. Kortun !To "BI'l'B INOKHSOLL, tho tibovo 1005 N. 4 Avo. Mnywood, III IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB 8TATK OF ORKOON FOR TUB COUNTY OF HARNEY. J. J. INQBRBOLL, Plaintiff, VB. VRUM rNOtfllBOLL, Dofoudnnt. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS 8-14-4 BARBER SHOPS PROMPT Horvlco and courtuouH truatmont will ulwuya bo accord ed patronn of tho llurnx Hotol llurbor Hhop. Ilnthn at way hour of tho day. C. V. BIbihioiih. Prot. LEGAL NOTICES NoncK TO CRl-J)rrOKM nuiiicd dofondnnt: IN TUB .NAM 10 OF TUB BTATB OF ORKOON. yoli ar horoby hiiiii monod and rouulrod to apponr and utiHwor thn coinptalnt fllud ugaliuit you In thn above untlllod nult with in hIx w'o1(h from tho datu of tho flrnt publication of thin Hiirunionn iiKalnut you, and ir you fall to annwor, plnad or othorwlw) appour In nald cauno within xui'h tlmo tho Plaintiff for wunt thoroof, will tako Judgomnnt and dcrm agalnRt you an prayed for In tto Complaint heroin, to-wlt: That tho bontfn of auitrlmony hereto foro cxlntlnK betweon plalntlfT and dorendant bo forovor dltutolvod and, hold for naught. Thin xumwnnH In publtxhed for n period of onco wach wek for hIx iiuu- ojhiiIvo wvokH, iH'Rlnnlng with tho la NAZAUKNK CHUIICH CHItlBTIAN HCIKNCE HOCIETT Hunday flchool 10 a. m. ProachliiR aorvlco, 11 a. in. Youiir PooploH'.MootliiR 7:30 p. in, Preaching worvlco R p. in, I Prayor mooting ovory Wcdnonday ovoulng 7:30 . J Mlimlonary mooting Hccond and fourth Friday In uavh month 8, L. fl. TRACY, Puntor. PRKHllYTKHIAN CHURCH Crn., JJn'gon IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF ifffK oTATri Or OUKOON IIARNBY f'nttMTV IN TUB MATTBR OF TUB B8TATB ?,uo "'Aiiguat 7tlt. 1920, In tho Times OF JAM KB IIICK8. DoceaHod. . ' ' V, a. ' . 1 , i,u,,,,B" NOTICB IB IIBHKI1Y C1IVBN That " " "u,"; WVY" 1 1 1 1 u in 1.. K. I1IIMIAK1 1) i: N T I S T OlHui 1rt door oant photo gullery Uurim, Oregon CII.Mtl.F Y. BLUM i, a v v i: it llura.1. - - - Orugon I'ra' tlcoH In tho Stato Court.t nnd koforo tho l S. Lund Oltlto al... . t a . . M ' III lll'l III I I 111 111 ril III II ii..,, a. i . ii.. . I i ii ii i ii ii ii rut tf lint i in. a f 1 1 i r 1 ic vi iau - KHther F. chwart. Tor aulu -' '" "V nppolnted by thn County 0"" '., SilSl Z ufSl WM. FA RUB ''"fl r "nrnoy County. Oregon, Ad- J" J"'1' "''i "", "f rwtord mlnlMtratrlx of tho Katnto of Janien ,,in,n " ' "" HL'. '"'L.-f,... Tin? Robert (Jlen n.i.el. In Hertlon I h. DeeeaMul; and Iihh duly wa "X Ion Jy for Plaintiff il. r. ".i M- n.!ii! ii.. t i lllled a Much Admlnhitratrlx All por- .. . . ".. ." laiuim 1 IUOO.00 liihli. W.M. I'AURK. J. r Mcf'ulloch Robt. M. Duucnn .MMU.tMJH A DUNCAN IjiMjirn Oflko abovf tho U. S. Uinil Olllci HUltNS. ORKOON j It K R ,M A .N V ON SO II M A I. , .ltK'rur) ut lMVt W'tei- and uracllcH heron? i;. a. LjoiI 0"icu u Mpculatty For Bale 12 horne-powur RuhkoI) , traction onglnn and hay baler. A j bargain. W. A. Goodman. 1-3. I FOR BALK Tin? Jamea McMuiiuh ranch In See. 13, 14, lfi, T. 25 B., I It. 24 B., 320 ntruH, reduced to j 1000.00. TcrmH. j WM. FA RUB. FOR BALK Todd Check Proctoctor. ' hIho practically now No. 10 Itum Ingtou Btnudard Typewriter. Fred WIIIIuuih, IluniH. Oregon, j 3-Ctf. WK 11UV, rulxo and null fur-bcarlng rahbltti, und other fur-beiirlug an imal. Llrft what you have with j um, Htutlng your lowent prlcon on lurgo lot HhlpmontM. Tho Fur & muni having clalniH agalimt nald extnto aro hereby .notified to prcnent the! Hume, duly vorllled. together with I proper voiipliern therefor, at tho olllre. of F K. Bwope, Voeglly Hulldlng. j IluniH, Oregon, attorney for nald Ad inlnlhtratrlx, within hIx moutliH from ditto hereof, IDA C. IIICKB AdmluUtratrlx. Dated thU 24th day of July, 1920. NOTICB TO CRBDITORH IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF TUB BTATB OF ORKOON. FOR 1IAR NKY COUNTY. In the Mnttir of KHtate of Pe'er (MemeiiM DeeeaHe'l. Notice In hereby given that tho uu LAND NOTICES NOT1CK FOR PritLKUTlON UNITBD BTATB 8 LAND OFFICK IluniH, Oregon, AugiiHt 20, 11120 NOTICB Ih heryby given that Ral ph B. Peabody. of IluniH, Oregon, who, on June 12. 1015. nnd Jan. 12, 1017, made lloiueritead BnlrloH, No. 082I4-0U203, for 8V4N16, N&SI-, BWU8BV4. 8KU8WM, Bee. 5. BBVi NB Vi . NB'.BBVi, Section C, Town ftlilp 21 8 Range 31 B., Willamette Meridian, ban filed notice of Inton tlon to make Final three-year Proof, d rulgned hax beei duly uppoluted , to eHtabllHh claim to tho laud above Sunday School 10 a.' w. Preaching Horvlco 11 a, m. Other nervlccH will bo announced an soon ah thn now pantor gota ac quainted and arrangcH with tho cob grogatlon. ' JOHN II. WICIIKnSON., Pantor executrix of the In i will und t ..! u iiiont and oKtato of Peter Cten.enH, deeeiiHed, by order n the above-named Court, and ban nullified iih hihIi Speclulty Farming Co.. 515-517 N I executrix. All pornoim having clalmM Claimant iiameH uh wltiieMOH: P Ave Farxo N Dak 'iiKali.Ht the nald .lecead or I.Ih (jonf0 Whtlng. Ida Wliltlng i. Ae., i argo, a. jiuk. leMtato aro hereby not led to pror.ont .im.i.i.. .. i l. i .i, k? . . , HalIU)( ,y drilled iih by law r-! hra,,k Krlck N. Math. described, before Reglnter and Re ceiver, at Uurim, Oregon, on tho 2nd lny of October, 1020. Tyeho Bedlu Ranch See' 10 & 30, !iiilred, to the underMtgned ut her re Oil! hry HMg lliirn-. next door til P. Oregon O. (ho . II. L i o ii it r il j Mioriirt -al-Iiw : Caret i utt. itlon given to Collection, .tad Peal Ktato mutter t Ire lii-iii-ame ( Noting Public lliirn. Oregon T. 24 B., It. 32 Vi B., 1 GO ncron of fered for 11300.00. Ouy W. Coeklln Placo In Bee'n 23 & 24. T. 2 8.. R. 32 B.. South of Lake, 100 arrou $3200.00. ' FOR BALB Sehuffer piano In good! j condition. Mm. A, K. Rlchardnon, , i C-2 0 I Ideiice In IIumh, Or- gnn, or to her attorney Charles W Blllii, at IiIh of fice In liuriiM. Oregon, within hIx month of the. date of thin notice; which Ih datod July 31nt, 1920. JBNNIB CLBMBNB Bxecutrlx lt. Pub. July 31mI. 5th Pub. Aug. 2Sth. own, all of 1 1 ii run. Oregon, I V.,0. CO.AD, ReglHter. NOTICB OF PI'HLIC VIIOV HC.M.MONS ItRl'CB It. KF4Ti:it Attorney at Iw bftitd Oilli u Practice Lund Scrip for sain' M. A. Illggu FOR BALB OR TRADl-80 nereH land In the fanioun San LouIh Val ley near AlamoHu. Colo, Has How- ill arleHlun wnll uIho oiio Hhnroj uominuuwijuiiii irriKiitiuit niuun, Largo dralnago ditch on south end of thlH 80. Price $75. per aero. Will coiiHlder trade for laud near IluniH. C. A.Korton, 1005 N. 4 Avo. May wood .' lit. 8-14-4 I i g a h x h i a h ljiwerM Hurma, Oregon FOR 8ALB-Dont. -Fine JerHoy cow Q. J. 8-21 a M c O Ii K fi l A N TANKII IN. TUB CIRCFIT (?t)URT OF TUB BTATB OF OH BOON COUNTY OF HARNBY KLI'AHBTH THORN, PlalntlfT. VH. RY PRUITT and PBARL N. PRU- ITT, DofondnntH. To MARY PRC ITT and PBARL N. PRUITT. DefonduntH, IN TUB NAMB OF TUB 8TATB OF ORBQON You ro hereby re quired to appear and anuwer tho Complnlut tiled ngulnrit you In tho ubovn'Oiititloil null on or before tho 18th day of September, 1920; and If you fall to ho appear nnd annwer, for want thereof, tho Plaintiff will apply I to tho Court for tho relief prayed for I in tho Complaint, namely; a Decree that a certain quit-claim deed, ro- PululettH Kxtractioiii Modem Duntlutry No. li.ere.iHeB giiHollne 23 per cent, pre- 'rdd on Pago 142 of Hook "V" of , . ' 't.l)eedH for Hamoy (bounty, Orogou, bo tl.'llin liUIIJlJII, I1IWIU liuni: moro reformed and corrected so iih to con-. mlloH per gullon. Guaranteed 50 tnb-(frlu t u,u agreement of the partlea IntH CO coiiIh. Agent J. A. IIoIIIh. 1 thereto by convoying to PlulutllT oil 035 Field, Oregon, 7-17-10-2 i r,",,t: tu.ltt w"!"1 "VJI"?!1 f! .5V t ' iiii viiuiiiiin uu uui) v, in yum UNITICI) STATKB LAND OFFICK llurnri, Oregon, AugiiHt 19, 1920 NOTICB Ih hereby given that Leo nard C. SprlggH, of Suplee, Oregon, who, on March 18, HUti, and Novem ber 17, 191!). made JlomcHteail en tries No. 08572-09773. for SBVt. Bee. 1 4 ; NB Vt . N SB Vt . BBVi SB V4 . See. 23; WV&WV. Bee. 24 and NB Vt NB Vi Section 20. TowiiHhlp 18 h Range 20 B.. Willamette Meridian,1 him filed notice of Intention to make Final threo-year Proof, to Hotubllnh claim to tho laud above demirlbed, before L. M. Miller, U. S, CommU Hloner. at her ofllco, ut Paulina, Ore gon, on tho 25th duy of September, 1920, Claimant nainen an wltnotuieH: Henry K. Wooloy, Roy L. Chaso, Fonton W. ChaHe, und Molvln Wo- berg, nil of Bupleo, Oregon. V. O. C07.AD. Register. NOTICK VOW PUHUCATION UNITBD STATKB LAND OFFICK Hums, Oregon, Auguttt 6, 1920 NOTICB Ih heroby given that William F. Foster, whose poHt-otttco uddroHH Ih Rlloy, Oregon, did, on thoi 30th day of July, 1910, file In thlRl nttti'.i Hworn Btatemont and Annll-I cation, No, 010551, to purchitHo the1 BB'.4BBVi, Bee. 31, T, 25 B and Lot' 1. Section C, Towuwhlp 20 B., Range I 24 I).. Willamette Meridian, and the: ESTRAY FOUND Bilto opon faced watch I to tho SW't, and tho BVi of tho timber thereon, under the provls-1 IBB VI, or Section 14, In Twp. 23 S. Ioiih of the net of Juno 3, 1878, nnd R 20, K. W. M., Harney County. (netH anienduton . known iih tho "Tim-1 KKUtAYKD ttittlo I .ded -Villi 2 )fur on lort hlp.iu . Ujd aplit In oft and crop off flgbi: uIho cattle I'randed S7 with bar dr top on Hght rlbn, marked Ht' U In right and crop off left. Hor : one Bor il work mure branded 7L on titlflo und Youted on HliouJdor; one bay Huddlo mare wlthi xtar In face branded TK connected on loft . Hhouldor; two throo-your-old coltH 1 " bay gelding and brown ninro branded S7 with bur over on stipe. - R. J McKinnon, f)rowoy, Oro. ' win. Hau.uo ion, ui mo i reai.yiur- . , , Huu , w ,, , HUpll va,uo Owner provo property -...,.7, nH to ,lu.(;ouri Iimv a0oin ooult-, might bo tlxod by apprulHemont, and inn church, and pay f orthln nd. 8-21 .lOlfN UKMHtiKMNfi, WVND Hinnlt limtlmr imrMii mi ' 'root, containing money. Owner -ity havo by proving proporty ifiiilro ut Colo Hotel. It. Jovvolor. tincl Optician MriirPuvQi'. Fluo Watch Repairing a Specialty. able, und for thu coh(h and d Inhume 111011 tH Of HUCl. Hlllt. TIiIh publication Ih made pursuant to mi Order of. Hon., Wm. Farro, Judge of tho County Court for Hur ney County, Oregon; made und on terod in tho above-entitled uult 011 thu 2nd duy of August, 1920. IliaGB & DIOOB AttoruoyH for Plaintiff RoHldlug at and having tholr poHt olTco addroHseH at IluniH, Oregon. Date of first publication August 7, 1020, Datu of lust publication Septomber 18 1920, FOUND Tho Hums Onrago Is In possession of throo gas books issu ed by tho firm numbered 274, 275 nnd 277, respectively. Owner may havo thorn by proving property. that, nursuant to audi application, tho laud and timber thereon have been appraised, the timber cHtimut od at 1050 fence ponts, 8c each, und tho lund $112.00; that said applicant will offer final proor In Hiipport of his application and sworn statement on tho 9th duy of October, 1920, be fore Register and Recolver, at Hums, Orogon, Any person Ih nt.llborty to protest huh purcuaso oeroro omry, or iniuuiu a contest at any tlmo before patont issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit In this ofllco, alleging factH which would dofoat tho entry. . V. O. COZAD, Roglstor, Tho mnn with, money has troubles of his own. Ho has to ho forever Hldosteoplng to prevent hoiuo othor follow from ouchrelng him out of it, Service nt 11:00 o'clock. Tho reading room in tho church Kdifico, It? opon on Tuesday and Fri day from 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. Sunday School moots on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Pupils may bo admitted to 1U clnflHOii up to tho ago of 20 years. Tho public is cordially Invited tn tho Church Soviet's and to thu Read ing Room. , 11APTIST CHUIICH Bible School ut 19 A, M. Preaching at 21 o'clock. Bvealng Benrlce at 7:0. Prayer nectlug Thursday, 7:3 P. M. Rftr. J. J, Tlckav, Paator. Raal denco north of Court House, Phono W121. Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TKAUGOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE LOANS BLUEPRINTS I Phene;30jor:ia5 B 4 r.11. O.-oc CAR REPAIR RILLS Are Never Excessive At This Shop THAT Ih bocauMo wo know our buslnosn, work quickly, and with no lost motion or tltnu wasted In puzzling over what to do. Thut is 11 good reiiHon why OUR shop should be YOUR shop. Try as. Our specialty Klectrlcal and Ignition work und Oxyacetylens welding.' All work Cuaruntced. At the Jack McGuier former shop J, S. Taylor, Prop. Tho scientific blondinir of reliable vegetable romedies of benefit to persona who suffer fi-om NcrvoHaacM SlccBlcttsacH BcprenalM Loss of AppcUle rain Faa Dlgcatlvc TrewBlra Slow Recovery frata lallacaza aaU Klaarea1 Allmcata Are you run down! Are you Irritable? Are you overworked? Then try this approved remedy and aatify yourself of its beneficial ingredients. LaXacl aWAJoaaJaajatacaaai B" WtWtfwfa'BWBTPfa IIUCEA Mtliti COMPANY Itriafta 1.1 told in oriyiiuU iff-oz. bottlti only, J(fjH4 Oil tUOBlHUUt. "You Save Money" says the Good Judge And get more genuine chew ing satisfaction, when you use this class of tobacco. This is because the full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. And a small chew gives more real satisfaction than a big chew of the ordinary kind ever did. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. ' up in two styles W-B CUT is n long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco