The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 04, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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CanJtntatbn hi
S T.L.IMaflU'YitJUnlwntk, 0
fliiirlnht- llriinlr,
MmIi-i of Uiidlv
nml Aunt- llrutilt''
win Imril April
SI. 1MHI, nml illril
.Mnrili M. I 'nn.
I'lu-lr f n Hut virei
Iiii IrMtluiiti (
liiMir li-nllli ii nil
iMTiMilrh' i ii y .
'I'hrlr iniitlnT illi'il
wlii-u lln i'lillili-iii
itii jiiiiiiKt nml
llilv MrVi- ti CI I"
brltijr iliPlilHi-h I'M
ill In it lili'dli nml
xiilllnr Ii ii ii h ,
i I II m i i II I ll P
I'lnm'tiyiirit, Ihrlr
nl) Hlnri nil In
Irnar nijuy iihmi(
of llir wurlil 11C
tHakr-tmllrvr, Ilt-nthw In (! fnttillr.
nnrrutv ft ml trlhiiliillttn of nil' klailx,
tli NlriiKUlr In iitukr n rny la llir
Tiorld by rn'hlnK,nnl arrtlnit tin kiiv
r mr", tkt- nrrfnnlty of nrllnit i
Matkrr In tkr. funilly, all $rr n pur J
f tkr InlrRHP llfr uf (liarliittr.
la 1H4 the larrr akrtrra laaurtl. a
rntall vanNM of anrma aaarr ttir
antra af Carrrr. Kllla aail AHnn Hrll.
IV kaak waa hardly autlrvd nt lk
ha Tkr Ifcrr alalara rark kraaa a
vet. I!mllra "WatkarlaaT llrMHa"
a Ml Aaae "A Kara firry" faaad al
Makvra, kal -Tha IVafraaor C Ckar
lnH rratalartf aaarrratril Mailt hi
mM naar krr in faaaaaa wllh othrr
warfca. Bfcr Ikrrw krrarlf lata (ha rtim
paaltlaa af MJaaa Kyir," wklrk iinn
paklbibra la 1H4T. II taak ih rraalnir
aJkWe ky alormi Iko IHrrarjr araaatlnn
f kr 4my rraa Wko la Carrrr llrllf
Tw naanrr ilM ant romp tilt M.thlrlry"
ka4 krra r"iliflrirt la IHtfl, whra IkP
uatltor hviamr a warl nf tkr Krrnt
rM nC Irllrra. "VllliHc-," fcrr lal
I, ranir la ln.1. TTir ant yrar ahc
marrlrtt In lap Hrv, Mr. lrhnll
4lra Ihp rrar aCtpr, kPH
kapalaraa ahuala kavr rrnnard hr
ItralnnlnR rrllh tka II fp br Chnr
atlr'a Crlrnd, Mr, fiaakrll. Ihp tbrpr
atalrrn kavr brrn Ikr aubirrl ol la
aatrrnhlr book aatl arllrlra.
AT mill wry lilrlh .Tnnn Uvro
MHK left In tin mlil lap of
rlmrlty. Hit iiimt lit-liivv, Mru
Itriil of (Jntcslicnil Hull, ktpt Iho ir
Itinit ten yonrH, ilnrluK wlilcli h wax
KubJocU'tl to hiii'Ii Imril, HximI Imlnil
Unit hhu wiih Kind oiioiikIi In he jmckiMl
OfT (O LOV(M)ll M'lllHll, It Hi'llll-Cllttrltllllll'
liiKtltutlon for KlrN.
Hor oun'or tlif ro wn viry lioimr
atilo; from n pupil ti lifctmip n lencli
rr. Hhn left It to Itcrmnn Kovi'rtu'HM of
Adclit Viirvns, lh wiinl of Mr. I'M
wan! Kochi'MiT, ut Thoriillrlil Mniior.
Thcr nlio t)inmiiKly ltl:ctl Iht hHuu
tloa: The gnind old lioum; tin quint
library; her llttli chntnber; the canlen
with Its hiiKR eheHtiiut treo; and the
Krent meadow with Hh nrrny of knotty
thorn tret'M, Hlronc ns oakn.
If Mr. Him'Iii'.sIit hud heen n Jininl
r.onie, hemlc-looklnt; yntiii;: uenlleiiinn.
Jane rotild never have felt uL en.e
silli him. lint he wiih a noiiilire,
moody innn, with liroad and Jelly eyo
liniwH, ik'clilvo iioxe. and Krlin, Hijunre
month and Jaw; and In IiIh iirnHi'iirc
Ihe ilaln lldte irvernes felt Noini hinv
happy. Yet hl ehiirmier was hoyoiul
Jior penetnillon; xhu felt a vajjue M'Dw
of liiNK'urlty.
Hit nmllilcil to hor tlii Adela Va
rens wiih not his child, hut Ihe daugh
ter of a Parisian dancer, who had de
ceived him, and desnrted the little
iciri. So much ho told hc-r; hut or tin
idronKO ulittdowK that paNKed iver hi
hnpploKt inotncntH, of IiIh apparent uf
foctlon for June Kyro hIoiik with liU
wlllilioldlriR from her koiuo Heoret
Krlef, ulut could mako nnthlnic.
Then there cmiiiii moHt myHtcrlouK
ImppOnliiKM to Thornlleld., Ono nlnht
jHnoi'Jyro'fomld the door of Mr. Uoch
fKter'H room open, and hN hed on lire
Khe munaKed wllh uroat dlljleulty to
quench the iltime, and rous him fro'e
tin) Htupor Into which the amoke had
pliuiKiil him, IT uiJvIm-iJ her in re
main client 115 to lie affair. ?
Lak'r n' Mr. Maoti, fronl; RpaulMi
Town,J In .lAmat'n, arrived at Thorn
field while Mr. Jtochchtor was .eider
talnljifr a lariro party, 'I'liMf nlht
Jane wiih awakened hy a cry for help.
When Khe rcnclicd the hall, the huchU
w'cro urouaed.
Mr, TlochcHter, candle In hand, wiih
dcftcendlni; the Ktulrx from I ho third
lloor, "A servant lias had a night
mare," he fald.
ThiiH he peraunded the pueHts back
Into their rootiiH. Hut all night Jane
waa ohllKed to attend Mr. Miihoii, who
lay In n hed on the third lloor, hadly
wounded In the arm and hhoulder.
Krom acnttered hlntM Jane gathered
that a woman had Inflicted the wounds.
A doctor was Hummoned, and befenv
morning Mr. Rochester had spirited the
wounded man nway In 11 coach, with
tho doctor to watch over him.
Then Jane wiih suddenly aumninucd
to OathcHhead, to her aunt, lira. Itccd,
who luy dylUK. Mrs, Iteed khvo her a
letter. It wan from John Kyre, In Ma
deira, taking that IiIh niece, June llyre,
come to him, that ho mli;ht adopt her,
uh ho wiih unmnrrloi and chlldlcHH. It
viik dated threo year haclf, Mrs, ItiK'd
had never nttemptcd to deliver It to
.In w Hyre, heeause alio dlfdtlced hv
too ihoroiiKhly to lend a liund In llfthti,'
hf:i' to proHperlty, '
When Juno returned to Thomfluld,
Jfr. ItochcHter proponed' to her; and liu
cuuhu alio loved hlru und holloved tu
him, Hhe accented.
Hi 111 l Ulil', il.e "diVl.tfi
tit. i ! riyniilli'M lljin were unelwed to
link, "Will thou have Ihla woiiiiiii for
thy wedded wife?" In Ihe Kruy old
Iiouho of l.od, a dlMluet nnd Heat4 voice
Hpoko In tho alloncu of tho empty
church ;
"The mnirlHRO ennnot go on : I dt
claro tho axlntonc of nn Impediment."
Awked by the clerityMian for tho
fnclR. the Hpeaker nhowed a docuraont
to tirovo that Mr. Itochestrr had mar
ried llerlha Miihoii, flftin ycnrn be
fore, In HpanlHh Town, Jamaica; nnd
produced Mr. MaHon to wltne.-iH tlutt
Ihe woman wni iiHvd und nl Thorn
(laid. Kdwnrd ltocheHter confcHHed hardily
and reckleHHly that he had married, ns
ihe lawyer iiKHerled; Mint IiIh wife wan
Mill l'vlnu; ami that he Imd kept her
secretly at Tliornlleld for yearx. Hh'
wan mad; and xhe came of a mud
family ; Idlols and inaiilaeH for throe
irononitlotiH. Ho hud been Itivelttled.
Into the inatrlauo hy her family, with
Mi connivance of his falhor and broth
who bud desired him to marry a
ri'iii'iic. ll.i Invited the cleiyyinan. Die
irwyer. nnd Mr. Mamu to come up to
Tliornneld and nee what norl of 11 ho
lm: ho hail been cheal"d Into espou
Inu', and Judiro whether or nnl he had
11 i-IkIiI In breatc tho compact.
At Thornlleld ho look them ti Iho
third Hlory. In a room without a win
dow, (hero burnt a lire, unaided by 11
lilli and xtrniiK fender, and a lamp
suspended from the celllue hy 11 chain.
A trusty maid servanl bent over tho
lire, apparently coolilni; fomethlair. In
the deep shade, at Ihe further end of
the room, nfltniru run biickwanlH and
forwanlH. what ItwiiH. at HrHt wit.
one could not tell ; rt provelled, neeni
Itmly, on all fours; It rtuilched nnd
crawled llko omo rtranico wild ani
mal; but It wuh covered with clolhlnir;
and 11 nuuntlty of dark, jcrlxxled hnlr,
wild na n mano, hid Uh bend nnd fact.
"That Ih my wife," nnld Mr. Itoches
tor. Then all withdrew.
That nlcht Jnne Mole nway from
Thnrnflpld, Tho few nhllllnjrc that fhe
pOKjienjied nho jrnvo to tho driver of the
llmt coach Nhe nnw, to take her nM far
as he would for the money, Thirty
hIx linurs Inter ho let her off at a
croKsrondn In tho moorlands. Into the
heather M10 walked. That iilnht rho
ntn bilberries, and Mejrt under a crm;.
Two day later, famlHlied ami
drenched, (die wirs taken' Into Marnh
Knd, Iho house nf Hev. Kt. John ItlvriH.
11 oum; nnd ambitious clergyman In
tho uolKhhnrlm; vllhii;e of Morton. Ills
two Mister. Mary and Dlnun, were
more than kind to Jane. They were
noon to return to their work as pv
crnesHOH In a lare Mmth'Of.Hnuhuid
St. John secured emplo.vini'iit for
Jane ns mistress of the new iritis'
M'bool In Morton, Ills plan was to bo
mine a mNhlouiiry In India. Ho linked
Jane to hceouio Ids wife and tro wltji
htm. Mut fometliliit; kept her from
cotpeutlnir; ho did not really love her;
he fed tho cull to mlMonary work, but
she did not.
Tin-it ho dlienvorod for her Mint her
uncV r.nd died, leavlnc her 20.000.
This was confirmed by Mr. Ilrlirirs, tho
Millcllor In Imdon. Hhe dlscovend.
too, that tho mother of St. John and
Mary and IHaiia had been her fnlher's
lhter. so that they too should have
been heirs to her nncjo In Miplelni. She
IiinMciI on 11 dlvlNlon of tho li'ary
with llieiu.
One ultrht SI. John was prosnru; her
for her final deelslon. The one cainllo
was ilylni; out: the room was full of
iiinonlklit. She heard a robo from
Kotiirwhrro cry
"Jane! Janol Jane!"
Next duv she was on her way to
Thornlleld. In thlrly-slx hours nhe nr
rived al "The Itochesier Arms." two
miles away. Wllh much mlsidvlnuHho
walked up In Tliornneld to find only
a blackened ruin.
Hack at the Inn "lie teamed that
Thornlleld Hall had burned down about
harvest time In Iho previous year. The
lire had broken out In the dead of
night . Mr. Hocljester- hud t,rled to res
cue his wife. Sho h'nd climbed onto
the .roof, where Mm had Mood, 'waylnt;
her arniH, 'and Hlinutlnir out till Ihov
could hoar her a mile oft. Mr Itoches
ier had incended tljrouirh the Hkyllpht.
The crowd had heard' him call. "Mer
lin '" They had seen hlni approach
Iter; nnd fhen'Khe hud yelled, and irlv
eu n spring, and the next minute she
had lain dead on tho pnyemeiit.
Mr. ltocheHter had been taken from
the ruins, alive, but Hiidly hurl: one
eye had been knocked out. and ono
hand ho crtihhcd that lb." Huorcnu bad
had to amputate It directly. Tho other
eyo lutlaiued ; he IohI the nlf-lit of that
lie waa now nt rerndenn, n manor
ImiiKo on 11 farm he had, about thirty
rnllcH off; quite a desolile spot. There
Jane found hhu, sad, n'olpless nnd crip.
pled. She married him. Evcntiinlly
the hIkIiI returned to his eyo ho that
when IiIh DrHt-born wiih put Into hh
arniH he could sen Mint the hoy had
inherited IiIh own eyes, iih fhoy onco
wore lnrco, brilliant nnd black. On
that occaHlou, with a full heart, ho
acknowledK'od Mint (2nd had tempered
JudfOnent wllh mercy.
Dlnnn nnd Mary ItlverH wero both
married hooii after, and alternately,
once a year, canio to visit Janu und
Mr, ltocheHter. St. John Itlverfl left
for India, to labor until called at length
Into the Joy of hl Lord,
CopyrlKld, 10J9. by tho Tout I'atillsliliuj Co.
(Ttio IioHtqa l'out).
' Wireless Telephone,
A new wireless f.dephdnn nppnrntUH,
employiiiK a hiiiiiII aerial, 11 wave
lontflli of l1f nwteni nml ouo-thlrd
kilowatt of power, can ho ucd lo talk
to points within a radlua of DOU
U V It V R 1
CttUtnuiUn ht Aim C, Cntkt
(I p i r K p l.onli
I'lilinrlbi llimNfin
On .llmnli'r uim
Imril In Parts to
IH.1I, nml tllrd In
r.tiulnnil In ISIMI.
1 1 In f tier. 11 tinl
11 nil Inc.! llrlllfdi
niiIiJpi'I. urtN llir
Mill 11C oniUcrrn
Ii c Ii 11 it lrf(
I' run CP lurle
Ihe Hcluu of Ter
ror unit kpIIIpiI In
I ,n nil nn .
In "I'Plrr llilirl
xii 11," I tie nrnl nf
Hip I litre ImiiiUm
IiIpIi XI iiii IIii
tniirlf, lnp In
llfr, 11 rPiHilnlliin
iih ihivpIIhI. 11I
tnnmt uh wrrnl nn
kr linil rnjiiyrii as
arllnl anil hnmor
lal for nmrr Iban a KPnrrnlliin, Ike
anther ilrplrla kta onn aluHlllarlr
kappr rblMhnoil.,
lp itaa liinnukl In l.oadna vikra
thrrp nr four yrnra nlil, lull taaur
kiiriiinrlra nf lhl arrloil tptp naililrulr
psrknaaPil. "MP bpnullCNl 4ny In Jaap,
Cur tkr rkarailair rrallllra nf a f rrark
Karara, aaa aa lil rrlltm kouar fllk
crrva akallrra aaa wtaaanra mnla af
alalr." Ilrrr al I'aaay, flfk kla "ay
aa4 Jarlal falkar aaa kla yaaait Ka
llak Malkpr," tkr kar aaral aavra yrara
af awrrt, arlrrlraa kaair llfr.
The rrar IMia fnaad him la' Parti,
la Ikr l.alla 4unrfrr, a aludral al "Ikr
rarr of tkr art wurlA" af nblrk la
Trilby" kr arnaucra' a faarlaallna
MrNllnlle plrturr, nllk balk n sail
CIlAltMINO studio, In Mm I.nt-
In ipiartcr of Paris, sheltered
"Three Miiskoleers of the
MriiNh'," Talbot Wynne, or Taffy, n
IiIk, fair, bliio-eyed yoiun; Yorkshire
innn, who had been a soldier, but was
at lust following his wUh to ho an art
ist; then Sandy McAllister, or the
l.nlrd, us his friends cnlled hltn, In
teiuhsl by his parents for a solicitor,
but who wan In Paris palatini: Torea
dors and fdiii,'lnu Krcnrh ballads, with
a decided Scotch accent.
"The third ho wns Utile Millie." or
William Itasot, 11 plenslm; yui"i 'mk
llHlmian from Loudon. To live and
work In Paris hud b"en Millie's dream,
nml at lnl It was a reality, ho and IiIh
two friends havlm; lakeii Iho studio
Imrclhcr. Ho often looked lit Ihese
friends nnd wondered If nnyone. llv
Iiir nr dead, ever had two such ulorl
ou rliimis IIIh absolute belief In all
they said nml did tourhod tbem ox
ceedlncly, nml they In turn loved him
for his afTectlonato dlsHisMnn and
lively ways; and recoi;nlr.liiir his
quickness keenness and delicacy In nil
mutters of form and color, they hud
iiIko a great admiration for him.
On n showery April dny tho thn-o
friends were In (be studio, cadi' occu
pied to his taste, Taffy vigorously
swlnirlui: 11 pair of Indian clubs, the
Lnlrd sitting bifnro his r i"el wntlntr,
and Millie kneellni; on the broad dlvnti
before tho jtrcnl uliidln window wns
KiixIuk out over the roofs of Paris
spoculntlni; upon the future of himself
and his friends.
Those speculations were rudely In
terrupted In a loud knocklui; at the
jloor und two men entered; first a lull,
bony Individual of any mm between
thirty and forly-flvo, of Jewish aspect,
well-featured, but sinister. Ho bail
hold, brilliant black eyes, with loin;,
heavy lldH. Ho went. by the name of
SvctiKall, hpokit fluent French, but
wllh a Herman accent. Ills companion
wns 11 little, Hwurthy yonn man, pos
ilbly a K'P-y; pndor IiIh nrm ho cur
ried n Uddle nml how.
SvciikiiII nt oqco miKKOHled Mint they
bnvo Home music nnd. feul'liiK himself
at Ihe plntio, ran IiIh fliifrers up und
down Iho keyK with the easy power of
11 miixler. Then he fell to playtm'
Chopin's Impromptu In A Hal, ho
beautifully that Lltl'o Millie's heart
wiih nlirh to burstlii',' with eiuotlou find
delluhf Ho never forfjot (lint Im
pro'inptii. which bo was dCHllned to
Jienr nuuin one day in very Mruni;o
Then the two, Svenirall and IiIh com
panion Oecko, made music together ho
divinely, Indeed, that oven TafTy nnd
tho Laird wore almost iih wild In their
cntliiiHliifm iih Millie, but with tin en
MiuhIuhiii too deep for words.
Suddenly thryo cnmo'nnolher Inter
ruption, n loud knucklo-rnppliiK ut tho
outer door, and 11 voice, of Krent vol
ume, that mlKht IicIoiib to nny sex, or
even uu unirul, uttered tho Ilrltluh
mllkmnn'H yodel, "milk below," nnd
before nnynno could any "entrex," a
ftrmiKO llRiirn nppeared framed In the
Kloom of tho nntechamher; tho flKUro
of n very tnll and fully developed
youiiR Rlrl, clad In tho gray overcout of
u French Infnntry sotdlor; bolow thlu
there showed u Hhort Htrlped petticoat,
nnd beneath It wero vlHlblo her buro
white ankles, tho toea loblng them
iolveK In u hUKo pair of tncn'H lint
While not Hlrletly bcntitlful, the lrl
hud Kieat charm; ho wuh really much
like a henlthy young KukIIhIi boy.
CIohIiik Iho door behind her hIio said.
VvlHifully: "Yo'ro all Wiijjllsh, now,
aren't ye? I heard tho music und
MiouKht I'd Just come In for a bit und
push tho time of tiny; you don't mlndT
Tr'lhy, that'll my iiiiiko. Vnf y O ; er
Yi'H MiIh wiin. Trilby of Mm Mludlos,
artlHtH' model, tukliiK her niwiniliiy
j-csl. She sat down upon the model
throne lo eat her luncheon and Union
to the imiHlci
When KvenRull had brought tho mu
hIc to 11 cIoho, Trilby remarked It waa
rlut very gay, and offered to alnk a
Hotift which she know, and In Knp,Hsb,
whereat ahe ma "Hon IIoll," and fin
ished amid an ombHrrassInx silence;
for her lienmrn did not know vhelhor
It wna Intended aorlouHly or In fun;
such 11 volume of Hound onmicd that It
flooded tho studio, hut without melody
or music of any kind, In fuel us If the
sinner wero lone-deaf na Indeed nhe
Wllh hor cliiirm nml ".oodfollnwshlp,
Trilby won the lieurtH of Ihe Three
Miisketeei-M, Millie's most of nil, nml It
wiih Millie for whom alio felt Iho deep
est alTeciloii, She cool ed for Miom it
times mended Ibelr clolhlnir, listened
lo tiiclr music and fho wonderful talks
of "the glory that uas U recce and Iho
M'lindeur Mint wuh Uoiiio." Al other
Milieu she crlllclcd Ihelr work; in
Hicl, wns (ulte "0110 of them."
A climax came one day when Millie,
vMthiK another hIiiiIIo. dNcovereil
Trilby polim for Iho "nllnueMn'i'." Ho
was ho shocked llatl ho wim awakened
to the fad of hbt ireat love for Tril
by, and rushing homo to his friends,
declared that ho waa koIiik lo llarld
r.ou to pnlnt the forest nnd Mint he
wauled to bo iilono.
Trilby, too, nnw mnttera In n differ
ent llirhl, and nfler much self-exam-Inatlon
nnd strucKle, decided thnT tdie
would tose no more, hut would earn
her living na a flnn liMindnwN, with nn
old friend who bad a laundry and wiih
doing- well. Poor Trilby waa certainly
ono of the frail ones tfat Mimucli Ik
nornnce, rnlhrr thnn whiiik Intent;
now fho nnw her mistake anil with her
love for Millie there canir n new feel
Inir, a dawning self-resK-ct.
Nineteen times Millie asked Trilby
to marry him, but sho nlwnys refused,
feellmr herself unworthy, Then ono
Christmas nhrhl be asked her tho
twentieth Mine, "Will you marry mc7
If not I leave Paris In the imirriltiK
never lo return," nnd Trilby, fearing
10 lone It I via out of her life, finally an
swered Yea."
Millie's mother, hearing' of the In
tended iiiHrrluge, Journeyed to Purls
to mnke Inquiries ribout Trilby, finally
deciding Mint sho wuh not the wife for
hor hoik nil of which sho said to Tril
by, who In her treat love for Millie,
and thinking It bent for him, promised
to go uwify ami not see him again.
Trilby kept her promise and Millie
became very III; when he had siilll
"lently recovered ho went back to
Kiiglaud wjth his mother, his heart, iih
11 seemed, quite dead
This was 11 Mirrowftil time for Taffy
nml tho Laird, ns they missed both
Trilby and Millie.
Years went by nnd Mllllo berumo 11
famous pointer, with 11 beautiful homo
In Imdnti and many friends.
Then M10 throe Musketeers were to
gether ngiilii In Purls, whew Ihey vis
lied the scenes of former times, ut least
going to the old studio, now rented to
other tenants, hut having still upon Its
wall Millie's fnmoiiH drawing of Tril
by's foot, protected by 11 covering of
'jIuks; nml beneath If some slunrtis to
"Pauvre Trilby. In belle el bonne et
chore I"
One night Ihey nttemled 11 concert
in 11 Inrge hull on the Ituc St. Ilonorc.
Tin first violin had scarcely taken his
seat before they their old
friend Oecko. Jut uh the clock
si nick, Svengall appeared -the con
ductor. Then 11 moment of silence,
ami two Utile pagc-hoyx each drew u
silken rope, I he curtains purled, ami 11
full figure wnlked slowly down to tho
front' of tho Hlngo. The house rose to
meet her as Hhe advanced, bowing to
right and left "It wus.Trllby."
The Utter Y
Wc Do
All kinqlfl
Of Printing
Her o.ves on Hveiurall, ill. n Hl,rnul
from him, hIio Hung wllhoutnccompiiiii'
nienl, In 11 voice ho Immense In Hh
Kol'tmsH, rlchnesH nml freshiieav, Mint
It Beamed to he pouring llHolf, from all
nrotinfl; nnd Mien her dove-like uyon
looked punt Hvengull. straight at Mllllo,
und nil his long-lost wrm of loving
came hack with 11 rush,
At InntMio flnnt performance of Iho
ovenlng. Trilby vocnllr-cd, without
words, Chopln'a Impromptu In A flat;
iiNloundlng, no plnno had ever given
out. Htioh noloH an these I Amid Mm
wild iipphniKo und enthusiasm of nn
Immeni'o nudlenco Trilby hud mado
her debut Id Paris.
Her debut In London wiih a differ
ent mutter Hvengull III, and unable
to conduct, had taken his place In 11
box ojiuclly opposite Trilby, but bin
presence had no effect upon her; When
It mile time fur her lo sing hIio start
ed "Men Moll," but sung only 11 fow
burn when the house wiih In on uproar
of laughler, hools and hisses. Trilby
had lost Ihe power of "singing I rim."
Who seemed to bo awakiiniig from
sleep, not I nowlng where she wuh. Her
old-tlimi friends rescued her nnd tonic
her homo to Millie's mother. Svengall
eolh'i'xod from shock aiijl died very
The friends learned from Hi cko that
"Micro wero two .Trllbys," Svengall
hud but to any "dor" and alio auddenly
llecnme an unconscious Trilby ol
rmirblo to do Ids t.lddlng. So they
traveled giving concerts, Hvengull.
Oecko, Trilby, nttemled by Mnrta, an
old Hcrvnnt of Hvrngnll.
The long strain had Ita effect upon
poor Trilby, nnd alio drooped and
died, Hurrnunded by tho old-time
friends nnd Mllllo'i mother. Not long
after, little Millie, ..roaen-rjearted, fol-'
lowrd her.
ropyrlKlit, Ulfi, t,y Ilia Iot ruMlalilnit Co.
(Tto llesinn Pott). 1'rlntad by iK-rmti-slop
of. nnd arrsnarmint with, Hanr
A llron, oplliorlxfMl publUhrrm.
Tho foolish man makes a big nolno
over a little thought. That la tho rea
son ho Ih foollnh.
Mnny men prnto loudly of tho vnl-.
uo of thulr convictions, hut tho rnar-j
Wet price uf convictions often fluctu
ates, j
Consider the egotism we adjective our heading with.
is something you seldom find because usually a patch
isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new
we know that it is the best service we can give you.
We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair it
Radiator repairing a speciality
I MAY go astray because of
some error in addre&sing,
or .it may ran or delivery
for some reason or other.
If you use envelopes with
your name and address
neatly printed in the
corner it will be returned
to you and you will n&t
be puzzling oyer why your,
correspondent does not
The Times-Herald
f- r I . 1 p' :! - 1
fu V, llTaKaf ,tm aami r t r" lf .f
l.i"Vtn of tho follow w 1 1 nowii
f'l. Kc I.'iiowh nothliig n.d (Ioc-sq'i
know it.
When n man bogluu to feel IiIh owr
greatnes: It In tinio for tho public l
look up another Ics groat.
Bvery elector votes kla own rn-
vlctionn or aomobody Im'h.
' wtexti 4 tm Innn Iha tkrka 1 t
nroaldont. Ja to lie known na the
who put him thero.
ir nuiiiWfitned byllirsfnlp
in (inter Mini (he yorn. , ro.
jil ol Orefion may rr nvr,
trillion! ooHl.lhn lioncittH nf
m liberal cdlienliou.
TKo Unlrllr lrtludtlieCciiro
U'rrnlurt, .Vclne and thr Al lb
Ur!ui( Stliool, tM Shijol of I? ;t
kI F.!iKiitlon, anil Ihr proCKint
t hcoU of U w. M CkUtt (t PutlUtii,,
ArcMlfdurr, Commercr, Jcm;r)iim,
&uttloa and Mulc.
Hlh tUndard of tdioUrtklp ore
B4 ioltU by anabU fKulti.fll
rqulprrii UtoratorUa and a tltrir; tA
Mtlr IO0,OM volum.
Surrrld alVUUta ar rotti
aftd ery llcnflop. (Irm tl KttliK
aJ vrtfarrof iidn(a,
Wkk a krUblanp.1 tonlUar
lata by Iba rtrrat aaprrla
I aaAUa xapaurf, b DaUaralty
la n alPrlaa naaa an rra al
)a airTalapmaal and HnJ4
for a tloiir hi for any lnloirht,
DnUvrallr at Orraaa
Knaaar, Or4a