f II 14 T I M K H II 15 II A li T) 11 U It N , II A It Tf 15 Y OOVNTT, 'ortlSdON J'ngo Tliny MSGHUH lift HARNEY COUNTY 4 Ji' ' I SEPT. 30, OCT. 1-2 BURNS, OREGON Livestock exhibit, pa ades, display of field and garden products Trials of speed, aeroplane flights, sports, barbecue r 8 TIIK FUNDAMKSTAIj INDUBTKV Reports from tho fluid nhow Hint tho farm bureau movement contin ues to Hprvml mlKlitlly. Tho farm m nru Joining by tho thousands all over tho land. ' Tho room wo hoar of thin move niont tho more wo uro convinced that It In going to do grout things In and for this nation. Tho troubln baa boon tbnt In our cltlos and In high placos there hdH been a wooful lack of un derstanding about tho country's fun damental Induntry agriculture. Mon hare boon unduly attractod to tho big proflui and high wagoH In manufact uring and In Hervlng tho big and crowded communltloH that manufact uring ha.i built up. When fortunes could bo mado In a lay, llttlo Intoroat could bo worked up In n business that roqulrod n com bing ion of IntoIIIgonco, induntry and I - tho bunlnosn of producing food. Men forgot that It wns basic and that, bolng basic, It should bo fostered for tholr mtko as -well ns ltd own. It naturally followed that tho city workman mid also tho financier and merchant, fult that city work, city business, city wngcti, city profits, woro tho really. Important things In this country. Thoy are not. Men overywboro wjll have to'como to tho realization that food producing U tho fuiiduraontal industry and tbnt nil othuru depend on It lu the last analysis. When thoy do como to thin realization, economics politic, and life In general, will begin to look up lu thin country. In tho cltloH an woll ah in tho quieter pluces. The farm bureau movement will, wo think, lead the way to this great national cbango of viewpoint, o A llttlo child Rpeaks iih It tlilnkn. Wlion It grown lo mnturlt ylt o'ftcn spunks without thinking. Wise and Otherwise Rut a thief to catch a thlof nnd you have two of them to watch; Had to Live On Milk For Weeks paramount If you aro ablo to name tho wlso mun of tlilu town It Is nn indication that you are ono of tho number. Opportunity grootM you, bosltates, nnd turns to the man who beckons. Your procrastination In your loss, Flu Left Her Weak and Nor vous; Gains Fifteen Pounds by Taking Tanlac, MACK SENNETT COMEDY "BACK TO THE KITCHEN Do not Judgo tho worth of a man his ability to talk. Drains seldom wug. May prompt huccuah nttotid your ovtiry tioblo impulso, brothur espec ially whon you roach Into your pocket for that tfulfucrlptlon rouuwal. the Olympic J? j III L9 me - The Proof Of The Pudding jgU Qnce you have used ($XE2Kt?IFS Flour you'll never rj content without it. Cooks appreciate ;ts firmness and ilavpr. But the "Proof of the Pudding" is the way 'the folks enjk y the splendid breads and pastries mace vilh it. "The Meat of the Wheat", dffizaars Wheat Hearts make the Ideal breakfast food. Even wufllca arc t, nlly mnilc with (flEJEJTUS Pancake Flour. If your poultry Ji,t hoards wllh you Instead of TX. producing, QmZliUZ Poultry Feeds will pul them to work. Um OLVMI'IC k lock Feeds, too. FLOUT ,fc FEED CEREALS "I can truthfully say thnt I bo- ' llevo Tanlac has saved my life," wus tho remarkable statement mado ro- contly by Mrs. Mary Schultz, of ICR Houth Blxtoonlh Rtroot, I'ortlaud, Oregon. ( "It was about n your ago that I mirrored an awful attack of the Inllti ' onstu," aha contlnjioil, ''and It luft niu ', i!o wi'iik 1 could hardly walk. I full j off twonty-ninu pouudH lu fourwtk j tlmu mid hocamu so alarmed I I thought I wiih going to die. 1 had rheumatic paliiH In my xldo, mid my i kldueya wcro so badly disordered Unit i I had pains In my back all tho wuy down W spine. Constipation troubl ed mu nearly all tho tlmu and I had huadacheii ho bad I thought thoy would drive mo frantic I wnn fev erish all tho time and foil so 'weak nnd tulsorablo that I couldn't oven Btrnlghton up my own room. My np potlto was poor, Just tho atnoll of food mado mo deathly sick at my stomach and for weeks tho only thing I could tako was cold milk. I was,so norvoun I novor know whut it was to got u good nlght'a rest nnd many timed I could not get over ono hours sloop. "I had hoard so much about Tan lac that I know I couldn't ninko a mistake by trying it, ho I started tak ing It and right awuy I began to Im prove, My utrongth cumo buck fast ami I bavo now gained llfteon pounds in weight and It Is no troublo at all for mo to do my housowork all V. myself. My kidneys aro in splondld condition and tho pains In my sldo and back havo all dlsuppoarod. 1 am no longor constipated, and am never troubled with hoadnchca and my nervcH uro bo steady I can sleep Bound all night long. My apputlto is Just wonderful and everything I eat di gests porfectly, I am slxty-threo years old, but I bollovo I can do as much work as I could when I waa a girl, and I Just fool bo gratoful to Tunluc that I think it my duty to (oil othorB what It baH dono for mo." Tanlac is nold In Burns, by Rood and In Crano by Crano Morcamlla Co. Adv. FAZE NO A M&Ji 1 mum uno mi YWptm ''' L1BLRTY THEATER, WEDNESDAY, Sbr. t. i If you simply must let off Htoatn by finding fault with somo one. begin on yoursolf, You may convince your selt that It Is true. Don't kick too strenuously it an ncqu'ulu'tnnco Is not ovorly courtoous to you. Ho may bo giving you tbo s.ii uo brand you handed him. Ladies Monogram Stationery Here Tho follow who bollovoa In town improvomont should first Improve that which ho owns or controls. 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale ou Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance - easy terms, six per cent in-, terest. crane Conipany okegow