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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1920)
Iho Might. i n v, T X m ic h.iii: tt ll i) tt r it N H II A 11 N K V (' O 1 X 1 V o n f, i o n Hit tcIip.. A ,,:if( I Ml- i; School Today but Tomorrow? Whnt about tomorrow for those boyit- you mother ntul father? Are you preparing TODAY to give Uicm h college education when TOMORROW arrive:' There in only ono nuro way. That Ib to ntart hhvIiii; to day. A dollar put in n aavingn arcounl today will double itaclf in 1H yearn nt our ntto of 4 percent interest. Just when the boys are ready for college. Open an account TODAY I First National Bank BURNS, OREGON IHHHtMtllMMIMMIIHf MMU MMMM MMfT r LOCAL 5j Lontor William weok. 1h in town this Ohan. Miller and two of hln child ren woro in town thu other day from Crow Camp. 'Vernon Morton nc conipanlcd thorn out to thu ranch on their return whoro hu will itjtond n few dayii before nchool opntiH. Judge Grant Thnmpnon wan In tho city for a few dnyn during tho week to meet with tho other dlructorn of tfce Harney Vultoy Irrlguton Dlntrlct. Mr. Olnon was abnent from town up nn tho day of tho rcKulur meeting and it waa pontponed ponding bin re tarn. John Cury mul liln lltllo boii wuru in town ono day thin week, Mr. and Mrti. Will Cummlnn havo boon vlHllug In thin vicinity during tho paHt wook. M. H. Davlua and wlfu woro guontn of frlendn in thin city during tho wook, t Mm. Loland Fry and llttlo daugh ter havo gono to Oklahoma on. a vlitlt to her father and Hlntur for n few woukH, Karl llngny and wlfo are Lomo from tholr outing. During tholr ab tt ' pout a portion of tholr tlmo camping but also vaulted I'ort land whoro thoy remained for ton (layH. llary '., Huilth and wlfu and llttlo1 daughter aro homo from an oxluudeil camping trip In tho CniicucU'i and touring portlouii of that part of tho; country. Thoy woro nlmwt nevoral wookH. V. A. Kohortnon and liln daugh tur, Mlitrt Arllo, woro ovor froih thu ranch on Otla ureok for u Hhort vln it during tho wuek. They woro tho K u oh tii of Mm. Huulco ThompHon while in town. Mrn. 10. Mualck arrived homo hint ovuiilug from an oxtonded vlnlt to Portland. Hho wan accompanied on her return by her nlnlcr, Mm. Louln Uchwarti, who cxpectn to ruinnln in thin cly fur aovoral wuokn. W. I Davldnon nppnt a portion of thu wook In thin city looking after Homo bunlnonn itffalm In connection with tho oxtonnro land holdlngn of hln concern, tho Oregon ft Western Colonization Co. Ho wont from hero to 1'rlnovllla In company with hln local agent, Frank Johnnon. MrH, Millar Ih homo from a buying trip to uutiildo jiolntu. llomor Hood and family huvu ro turuod from Portland and other out iddo poiiitn whoro thoy woro on hunl noHii and plcaauro, J. K. Loggan of tho nurna Oarago took his departure Sunday for a bunl nonn ntul pleanuro trip to tho south ern part of thu county. Mrn. May V, Kgglonton and her noil Kvorott urrivud hero from their homo at 1'ayotto thu foru part of thin , wook and will remain for a few I . wuokn. ' Mrn. Nuto Franklin wan hontonn to u ii in u 1 1 gathering of frlendn at her ' homo yoHtdrilay afternoon. Cardu were played, Among tho out of town KUohIh woro Mm. Harry of IjakovtQW mid Mm, Kauriuau of Suleni, Mr. and Mm, J. II. Cameron ar rival homo Bittunlay from Kugono whoro thoy had gone following hay harvoHl to take hln nlator and her liUHbaud homo and to vIhII for u few dnyn, Dr. 11. F. Huilth loft yonturday for I'ayolo, Idaho, where ho Jolnn Mm. Hmlth for a day or two, bringing nor hot;io on bin return. The doctor hau boon kopt very buny during tho num mur and ban hnd no chanco for a rent or recreation, theroforo Ih go ing to remain out until Monday. J. L. Lowe, (ho Harney nawmlll man, wiih In town tho other day. Thoy aro Mill at tho mill and ha and bin wllo may remain there for itotno tlmo during thu full, but they denlro to get their non nut for nchool. Hhould thoy decide to havo no nchool at Harney the Lowen wilt movo to IluriiH, I.loyd Culp and U. F. Auninun woro up from their homes bolow Lawon Kd Mooro has purchuned tho Thou. Btophenn tract ti short distance up tin. rlv.ip Thin lu it 'nptll.. IIMt.. I .v ...v.. . ..... . u . . v. . . .1. i... place and producon woll, A. Dorgoron and wlfo and llttlo son aro vlHltlng with Mrn. Morgor on'n purontn.Mr. and Mrn.' Ooo. 8. Hlzemoro. They drove up from Now Moxlco In tholr car. Mm. J. (I. Harvey underwent an operation lant Haturday at tho Hi. JoHoph honpltal, Dr. Hmlth perform ing tho oporatlon. Hho In recovering nicely. Willi Harbor tnd fuml'y woru In f uin tho Cit ow country for n Miorr vlult thin w.mIi Mm. Ilnrler Ih a rSter to Mr. CoraboSlo Hulley, who in vlnltlng at tho homo of Mr. and ir. Albert walii, and came in to nrc her. Mf! Unit INVITI.WJ DISPLAY of meatn, poultry and provlslonn miiken It only a question of choonlng which you would porfer flmt. Thoy aro all of cliolco grade anil thn mont Inoxporloncod houaokoopor can pur chase lu perfect confldoneo that no ono could iiiako a wlHer Mvloctloii or buy her ineatti chonpur, O. - W. CASH MARKE3 MIhh Helen I'urlngton arrived homo Haturday. Hho npont soma tlmu In Niiininnr Hfhnol nt thn Ifnlvomltv of tho other day. Tho boyn nlatod to. WMh,ngloll (lurlnf ,ho VftCfttlon and huvurai irieuus inai inoy navo a prac tical demonstration of what n por tion of thu lake innl will produce in thu way of a fine crop of grain grown this Honnnon, woll within thu meandor lino of tho lake. Bam Ilurgutn wan In town tho oth later visited with relatives and some frlendn. Tho young lady In now at home making preparatlonn to begin her dutloH as ono of the Instructors lu tho Harney County High Hcbool. Principal D. M. McDndo of thu Itirtinv fittintv llli'li Hclinnt l,ift nn or day. Ho ban boon living over ntj lon inorill)R for 0lttr0 whoro Hedntond for several monthn ond , ,, ,,, , MMt .... will ho married. Mr. McDado re iliieHtod thin paper to refrain from giving Ii'h event any publicly, no wo hope no one will tAll him they saw it in Tho Timcn-Horald. Tho gentle man will receive whul'H coming to him lu our next Inhuo, however. nmio over hero to seo how tho ranch and thlngn worn In Callow Valley. Ham miy.i after making the Inspec tion that ho thinks more of Har ney county than hu did befor'f and bulluves he'll comu back and n-rtunio his runldonco. W, U. Purkor and wlfo and their youngost son and daughter woro the guests of rulativuH and frlendn la thin vicinity for several duyn during tho wpok. .t. il rv if ..H.H I I I.,J,(Ihu I NiuwiPuiusiiiHiwii .. nnd ,,unry chrlntensen. Tho in inn wugoniiro couniry, connisii Hum lllckley him boon foraging around tho farms of somo of his friends lately and haa brought to I hln nfflnt two namnliM of wheat. on Mr. I'arkr has recently pur-1 t,ttch fron tho fRrmH of J H CaBflr. wheat Is of thn lllun Htnm variety ing of some I COO acres. Mr. Parker t um Hrw H,,nply f)0 T,u,ro , KolnK expectH to run bin stock in that vl and thoru will bo u lively competi tion -at tho fair for the special 125 merchandise prize given by N. Drown & Boiih for thu bout milling wheat. o JET KEfi4-. Y for CHOOjt AGAIN THIS YEAR expectH to run clnlty for a part of ouch seauoii, Mm. H. II. Maco ban gonu to Cal ifornia whoro Hhu will visit tur a tlmu. Hhe accompunled C. M. Faulk ner out nn far an I.nkovlow ond from hat point she proceeded by train to llono. Ntiviidu. whr ht Joined n Hlutur. Iiilwndlng to continue lior ! Journey Inter to California. Mm. Maco bun been In poor health for sumo wixikn and It in hoped the change will bo huncllclul. C. M. Foulknor wont to Lakevlow last Hunday to bring back his llttlo daughter, "IHIHo," who had boon vlHltlng her grandparents for a few weokH. Mm. Harry, a HlHter ofMm. Faulkner, also uccompanlod him on hln return and in Hpendlng thu wook lu llurnii. The lady has nxonjly ro turned from un extended vIhIl to Kuropo, covorlng u period of nine inontha. 1,. M. Dalton and family havo re turned homo 'after an uxlondod. tour Patients rucoivo thu bent of care at thu Hums Maternity Hospital, Mm. l.onter Wllllaius, Prop. Adv. Piano lu Hxctllleut Hhnpo for rent. Jiint tiiusil. Iiuiulre at thin olllnu 828 I,08T -hiidy's gray nwoater, on street loading lu front of 0. 0. Pugo rcHldonco, missed nftor enter ing town on tho north and munt huvu dropped off on that street before ranching tho lane at tho gate leading Into Arthur' Turner'; farm. Finder will bo imltably re warded by returning to Mm. Carlo Parker or thin oillro 8-2 U rriiiH Storn will bo IIoiidquarlt'rH for School Supplies Why wait until thn lant iimiutti tho open ing day of Hchool to buy all of tho ncodod HiipplieB. Jtuy now whilo Btockn aro frenh and Horvico not rsuhod. Tablets Rulers Pencils Pastes Crayons Pens Inks Wo fan givo on a ooniploto liHt of Oflicial IJookH For All (Jradt'H. REED BROTHERS The Kexall Drug Store of Ctillfoi'iilu and partn of Oiegou. They left homo In J unit for fall fornia whoro thoy visited for a whilo with Mr. and Mm. Ludwlg Johnson at Itlchluud. Thoy ulso vlHltud Bun Francisco and othor placon of Inter out lu that region, coming back by auto to Portland nnd from thero homo ovor ho Columbia Highway. Thoy had a delightful vacation hut uru glac to bo at homo again. o Mm. Millar Ih agalng nt lior place of bunlnosn whoro she la proparod to furnish tho trado with aultablo mll inary. Hho haa a nlco lot of thlngu appropriate for tho nchool children. -Adv. Now goods arriving frequently nt Mm. K. V, Bchwartz. Adv. -31 Btotsou hat Boiih. tC.OO. N, Hrowit & PI.WASW U10TUHN -Tho juirty who borrowed tho Hlx-lnch centrifugal Hy( , pump from H. 0. Lovona la ro- i quate to return It to Mrs. Lovena. .Qm ovUclm Havo your watch overhauled. Htnrt tlio old clock to ticking, got that old pleco of Jewelry in woarlpjj order. h flMcd to Itoadlng Klas0H, hmj O, 51, SAMtmUJlY m For a Greater Harney County WHY? a Harney County National Bank CERTIFICATE of DEPOSIT? It never falls below par in value. It represents YOUR money, safely invested at an assured rate, in a strong, conserva- tively managod bank. It begins to earn interest immediately on deposit. It is negotiable, making your money avail able in case of need. Issued in any convenient sum. Harney County National Bank "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" And member of the Federal Reserve System For a Greater Harney County WANTKI) Thn atone aona on St. Joseph Jlonpltal. Mf'ko appli cation to Foreman Beufort at the building. t'tU itAimiT mr?m' Five centn each will bo pntd for HabbltM killed within tho boundaries of our furm north of Hurim. Thin offer htandn for 30 dayn, and count will bo tnudo on our placo. -Adv N. IIHOWN & 80NS July 8, 1920. o V.Xlli IOCA14. Mm. Star Duckland wan In the city Wednesday. TltHHTAHH NOTICH Olrl wants work. Phone 11141. CortR Try Firestone Garage, Unlrrmal Ailv. tf. No trespanlng upon Riy prcrnlvx. Keep your Block out of toy flold un Ions by my pennlnnlon. A reraM for conviction nf tho violation of thin notice. J a in en H.Btewnrt HTOOK ItANCHF WANTED Wp will ftoof -Jiiito, a numbrr vt buyora for Hoino flrnt clam Mock ranrbcw roitaonubly priced. Come in and llt yoar property IIai-mji County Ahntrnct Co. FOR BALK 140 feet C Inch casing. Univomul Garage Co. 814. Kino lino of Kakhl and Corduroy trounem. N. lirowu & Sons. Adv. BteUon Hatu fG.OO. N. lirown & Bonn. Adv. Mm. A. D. Jonoa la now In charge i of tbe Bmth rooming hauae adjoin- i ing tbe Coin Jiotol. Bhe will bo( pleanort to meet her many friends there. C12tf. Wm. Farre Practice Inhere V. S, Land Department and Real Estate adlcatlorift aro that the urc of tho land will attract many iiivcfttorn to ILurney (unty the com tng MNnon. htmiintci now will be kept lx4&i! pro pcUvn liivctttdftf tho en tiro MViMou. Bend & Burns A uto Stage II. It. SCIIANNO. Vi;S IUI.I,, O. S. Fin KKSO.N, 1'ioj k All Tourinu Corn iVOIf MAKING REGULAR SCI1IWI i I Leaves Hum every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, f riday Special attention given passengers Quickest and cheapest route out Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped via Bend in our care given prompt attention HEADQUARTERS, REED BROS. DRUG STORE J ItKJlIi PJiEASDllR OOM1NO who a yon ordor a glnss-'of our porfort nodii. Mad'o juat right, mixed just right and nerved juat right it is a drink fit tor tho gbdn or thflr a acuminata. Sooma llko high rralso! Not u bit of it. Como In any tlmo and put tho muttor to a tost. And Hat on, tt tuat08 oven bettor if partak en in company. PAGE'S SWEET SHOP Come To Us and we will we you money on your general needs Our store buys in quantities consequently we are able to secure prices for you that lesser buyers can't touch We are specialists in a general way. Our counters offer daily bargains in women's wear, Icitchen accessories, fancy work and so on through the list of papular articles for the home. Everything far Everybody Anything for Anybody Lunaburg-, Dalton & Co.