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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1920)
T II K TIM IlH-HFiltAl, 1) HI) It N H , II A It N H Y (i O V N T Y , OIIRIION Fngw Vtrm UifVU'K OF PUIM0TlON UN'ITISD STATE? LAND OFFIQF. v HurnH, Oregon, AUruhI 19, ltle miitii K Ih liorohv alvon thAt'ln. Hlonoi. atshor offloo, ut Paulina, Oro Ron, on tho 25th day ot September,' 1920, Clitlmnnt fnmtm rh wllntiBHOH! , Henry K, Wooluy, Hoy 1. tMtnuo, Foiitou; W. Chuni't and Molvln Wo bbrg,' all of Suploo, Oregon. V. O, COZA1). Regbttor. - - ' . - ...r- MARY,. i It I V V I N Republican Candidate For School Superintendent i TIME PAUSES NOT FOR NO MAN'. imrd C. Sprlggs, or Suploo, Oregon, WhO, OU Olliruu AO, AiLO, iiiiu nuYUIU- tor 17. 1919 luiulti Ilonientoad on rlM. No 08G72-09773, for SKM, foe Mi NM Vi . NttBH'K. 8HUBHVI. Sec 23, W4WU, Sou. 24 and NI3K NKU Section 2C, TowiiBhlp 1R b., lluKo 2(5 H, Willamette Meridian, han 11 lfl iiottco of Intention to mako Final throo-yonr Proof, to fiolabllnh tcfuro I. M. Mtllur, U, 8. Cotmuln- jj tt: : 1 ' " 'a Saturday, AuKtwt 28, lOUO, SAVE YOUR SUGAR Mil'! kinVd FAIR PRICES - - - GOOD FOODS THIS IS A GENERAL STORE -bat WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD Iti lway n filr weather price In our bargain drpnrtmnt for aroceriri, Come In oul of the rain of profltaer. We have an umbrella wild no trull in It. It U pnckclbooo proof grocery buying, and I your oppor tunity for a Jiut return on your money. Kcc our nampleM fnr made to order nulla. Yoh couldn't KCt butter values anywhere at anything like the prices. L. E. REED General Merchandise; 4MHIMMIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIHmilMMMMIIIIIM Red Star Detroit Vapor Stoves JL t Costs less to operate Sanitary-no oder or smoke , No wick Fastest No excess kitchen heat Fries, boils, or bakes anything Will pay for itself in fuel saving in a few months A boon to the house keeper I. S. Geer & Co. HARDWARE Lakeview Round-Up SEPTEMBER v 4, 5, 6, 1920' GRAND STAND ACCOMODATIONS LIMITED Mail Orders for Tickets will receive first atten -lion. ISlnil remittances to Lakeview Round. Up, Lakeview, Oregon. ADULTS: SeasonGate Admission SeasonGrand bUnd Additional . , CHILDREN: ' ! ' Season Gate Admission . Season Grand Stand Additional . Lakeview, . . $3.00 $1.50 $1.50 .75 Oregon 1 -Sh ThU drM wm mud at a cos' ef CO cQMta by MIm Dorlf Pater e et BalllRiaan. Waah., a alx) ohool fclrl, who atama to hhv aolracl tha woaan'a elothna arob laai Ir part at laait, Tha matn rial (a augar aaeka, aoaifl colored eottaa alua two houra of labor and prontol an itttractlvt droit Ml Peteraoa geta tint mmtal NOTIUK T) CKKIHTOUH In tho Circuit Court of tho Htntu or Op.'Mon for Ilurii'jy County. U' J. AIcKlnnlH, I'litlntlrr. VH. .Molt V. DodKU. Di'fiinilanl. ' NOTICK IB IIKIIKIIY U1VBN that the uiidorHlKinid Iuih boon duly up polutud Itucelvur or tho purtuumhlp trntatf of DIcIk & MuKIiiuIm, and that nil piTHoiiH havlr.K claliiiH mkiiIiihI t liu nulil partnurithlp untato aru hereby liollllod to iruHuut thniu to thti it ti durnlKiind wlhln hlrty duyn from the dattt of tho llrHt publication liorcof, which Ih dalod AukuuI 28th, ,1'JSO; and NOTICK IB HlOltKIIY KUIITIIBU (3IVHN that thu Until ItimrliiK of mild rot'oulvomhlp matter will bo hud In nltovn untitled com t and ctitiHe on Moinluy, Oc ober l!t, 1920. Thiri not lie Ih kIvoii by publica tion otuo eat It week for a poriod of four coiiHucutlvo wuukH pumuanl to an order of tho Hon. Dnlton IIIkh, JuiIro of tho Circuit Court of tho Btuto of Oregon lor Harney Coun ty, Hindu and enterti' In above entitl ed Hit It on Auk U4 IS th, 1920. HULL 1IOTCIIKIHS, Itecolver. Klrnt publication Aur." 28th. 1920. LiihI publication Hept. L'Cth, 1920. The largest and greatest as sembly of Vacqiieros and Bucking Horses, Mules, and Steers ever gathered togeth e r in Southern Oregon. Forty-five minute Aeroplane Stunt Exhibition Each Day. $3000.00 IN CASH PRIZES Hotel accommodation will be short, so bring your camp outfit and enjoy u well filled three days of good, clean sp6it with an opportunity to investigate the possibilities of Lake County. Plenty of good pasture available for horses. GOOD CAMPING FACIL ITIES & CONVENIENCES Lakeview is located in the center of a vast stock coun try an empire in itself and her citizens will give you a royal welcome. LAKEVIEW ROUND-UP INCORPORATED There are, however, Homo people who are in no dinner of unterliiK hell. Th door would bo Hlamtned In their faccri. notict: ok boahd of i:qualiz.v- HON MEfm.VO. Notlco, U hereby given tkat tho Hoard pf KqiuIUatlon of Harney Couty, will Burnt at the court koiuo oaitho Hccond Monday In Heptoaaber, holng tho 13th day of tho Month, 1920, for tho purpoiio of oquallilnR tho nMMi'HHmont roll of 1920. Totl. HonH for the' reduction or n partlcu, Inr aMHeHNnjent tnunt be filed with tho Hoard durliiR the firm, week It h re n ii I rod by law to bo In muhhIoii, and verllled by thu oath of tho applicant. otherwlHo It will not bo oonnldored or acted upon by the Hoard."--(Lu w 1907, puKMfi9.) I ' JOHN L. CALDWHLL, ' County AH(fHHor. noth'i: ok sni;itii'i"H h.i,i: K. Notice Ih lieruby kIvou, that by virtue uf an execution, dulv buiimi out o the Circuit Court or thu State or Oregon, ror Harney County, and to me directed on tho 21th day or Auk- iiMt. 110, upon u JudKmiinf dhd de cree ii roreuloHuru, duly rendered, eutoreji or record and dorknlod lu and by wild court on the 2 Int. day or AtiKUHt, 1920, lu a certain null then Id aald court pending wherein VoHtn Loan and IIuIIiIIiik Com-! pHtiy.'n coriKiratlon, wau plaintltl. ami Joxeph I. Cavendor. Jatiiqri K. ! Wentou and lluth A. WoHtou. 'hU ' wire, C. II. Leonard and MiuIko Lett nurd, bin wife. Chariot KIIU tuid Mary K. KIIIh, IiIh wife. Jamo Ydung .....I Ink., II' f....l. Muiiii ... tJiiTiL-n, went ueienu iiutH, lu ravor or plaintiff ainVpKaltiHt nald defeiidautM, by which execution I tun cotiimanded to Hell the real pro perty In ald execution and hereinaf ter described, to pay I lie hiihih due the plnlutirr of C:i7 02 with Inter- OHt thereon from May liith, 11)20, at tho ruto of (en pur cent, per annum until paid, and Cf 00 uttornoy'A feuK and the further Ktttn of f 15.10 eoHtM and dlHbtiremeutH. mid the further Hum or K10 09 with inter oHt thereon from May lilth., 1020, at tho rate or ten per cent, per an num until paid, and $50.00 attor uuy'H reea, and the coh(h and expou-, Him on Hiittl uxecutlou, I will on Satur day the LTith, day of September, 1020 ut the hour of ten (clock A. M. at tho front door or tho county court Iiouho, In HuniK, Harney County, Ore roii, Hell at public auction to tho highest bidder ror ciihIi lu hand on thu day or Hale, all thu right, tltln. Interest and estate which tho Hold defendants, or either or uny of them, und all persona claiming by, through or uuder thorn or uny of thou Hubuo quont to tho 20th. day of April. 1017, had, have ulnce acquired, or now huvo of, In and to nald real property hereinbefore mentioned, und describ ed an follows, towlt; Lota two (2), threo (3) and four (4) in block twenty-ono (21) of MorrlHon'a Addition to tho towa oC Uurna, Hurney County, Oregon, to gether with tho tenomonta, heredltu- mentx and appurtonnnenri thereunto beloiiKing.or In any wluo appertain Iiik. 1 Suld Hale being made Htibject to re demption lu tho manner provided by' law. Dated IIiIh 28th. day or AtiKUHt, 1920. ; W. A. (JOOI)MAN, 1 Sheriff of Unriioy County, Oregon. NOTH'L' ()!-' FINAL ACCOl'N'l' . In tho County Court or the State of Oregon, for Hurney County, I In thu Mutter or the Kritato or JohIiiui !l Fry, iieceiiHOd, K'aIIihi lu liitnitiv irlvnii Hint tint undersigned admlulHtrator Iuih tiled IiIh Html account lu tho above-nam- wl Knurl mill itutlitit nllll Hint tint court ban not Tuomlay tho 28th day It r A t tlAt ... .1... I.HIIM oi aeinuiiiuer, ivv, ui iuu uuui ui ton O'ClOCK A. At. UH tllO UIUO umi tho county court room of mild county tiH tho pltico for hoarliiB obJectlotiH to nald account and tho Hettlomout thereof. Ail porHoitH coucorueu iiru horuby notlllod, to lllo tholr objoc tlonH, In writing, ir any Hitch thoro lu in or linfnri until lllltl). 111(1 to all- pour on said date and couteoHt tho utuno. Dated August 28th, 1920. CHARLES V. REED, . AdmlulHtrator. HCHOOL WAItltANT CALL Notlco In hereby Riven that thero aro fundM In tho trcanury to pay off warranto No, 149, 24 and 27 In School DUUrlct No. 48; abo warrant No. Ln School DUtrtct No. C2. Inter est ceancir on Auguat 23, 1920. , W. Y. KINO. County Treasurer. E D U CATION PAYS FOK TIIK INDIVIDUAL AND FOIl THE HTATK A I'erHon with No Kducatlon han but One Chance in 1C0, 000 to (tender DlHtlngulHhcd Servlco to tho l'ubllo With Common School Kducatlon 4 ChahccH With High School Educutlon.. 8Y Chnncen With College Kducatlon 800 ChancoM Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOSK STATUS AUK WKALTHIK8T THAT HAVE INVESTED MOST IN EDUCATION Oregon Agricultural College Through a "Liberal and Practical Education" pro- pureH the Voting Man and Young Woman for Useful CltUottHhlp und Successful Curoera In AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING MINING HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE PHARMACY FORESTRY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION The Training InrludoH PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MUSIC, ENGLISH. MODERN LANGUAGE, AUT and tho Other EHHontlala of a Standard Technical College Courso FALL TKIt.M OPENS HEITE.MHEH IMi, 1W90. TUITION IB FRKK FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGISTER, Oregti Agricaltiira Ctlfefe, CmaQIs, Oft. Ladies' Monogram ju - - , Some Specials Dress Goods Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves Shoes Belts Ties Gvoceries We sell everything to eat, Produce Fruit and Vegtables. N. Brown & Sons J. Full lino Kakhl and Corduroy TrotiKum. N. Drown As Sons. KAtmiT UOUNTT Flvo cab tit etc will be al far RaMU kllle4 wltala tka fcMaiarlM ot mt faxat.MrtH f Bttraa. Tibia oKer ataxia far H days, sad ettfaft will be aiade oa amr alaoe. A4 N, SHOWN ft SONS July' I, l2f. I Stationery Here - -".I