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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1920)
l'nftt Four T II K T I M to 8 II 13 It A Ii ! H U It N H , II A It N 13 Y' f OBKTV, 0 11 K O O N ' HatunLiy, Augum ufl, l(;o, uhe Times-JIeralcL AeDentisf Haying Supplies Ha The Lrgct ClrcuUtlon Of Any Newspaper in Harrioy County. JUUAN UYRD Manager We are prepared to take tare of your I SUBSCRIPTION KATES wants during the haying season. Our grocery stock covers every requirement Special attention given all large orders One Yr Month. ........ i Chr. Month . ... .. 92,00 . . 1.00 .78 Hittunlii)', AtigiiNt 1!H, 1IKM). -St. -.rsrr- - MHWT PllOFIT 11Y HKADINO AI).H M Soma of our homo pooplo might jtrollt by rouillng tho mln In tlio local jmpor moro cIohoI)'. If thoy would . look ovor tho win In (ho homo pnpor hoforo HcamiliiK tho tuiill ordor houno cutaloK thoy inlnlit llnd IIiIiirh cIohlt at homo. ThlH npplluH to Homo ml vortlforH who huvo Homothlni; to hoII t woll iih tho huyorrt. Tho complaint ItUH huou niudu to HiIh ollloo moro than onoo that thu people don't rend tho uds n h thoy Hhould or thoy would tulto udvitiitiiKo of opportuiiltloH of lorotl. l.iwt woolt Tho Tlnu'H-Hornlil oar r'oel oiio want ad In ItH oIuhhIIIimI col umns tliat lirotiKht tlvo rctiponnoH and r.U of thoui from outflldo polutn with tho exception of oiio and In that In- htutico tho pnrtlori had Juot arrived horo from Caldwell. Tho ud wan for ti tpaB and wife on a farm whore thry 'could ncouro n porBinnont ponltlon If 'iter tilled tho roqUlromimtH. Throo otbor Inquiries en mo from Idaho, Nninpa. Holo and I'ayntto, whllo tho ilfth wiih from Colorado. Tho chancen :ro there are people right hero nt : Jiao that would hnvo boon Kind for that poHltlou and thuy would have gotton It lintl thoy rend the pnpor. Tho homo merchant that will uko tho coliinum of hlri local paper con Mitontly and with live mlvortlHliiK will prollt by It. The home merehant . on Id profit If ho would read hiiiik' f the uiIk In bin homo papur bo i-idiM tin? one he piitrt In. There are Im every week In Tho Tlmt'Hllerald that are of Importance to the homo me'rehaut but If th'V read thorn horu 1 'ho evidence of It coiiioh to tho at 'iHion uf the olllco. .' o Stock Association Meeting Last Day of County Fair M I 1-frVllllllvWllllrt : ii i ra a IlllllUllI'lit Gpitnimwiit- LIBERTL THEATER, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1. At thi ritienl of u.number of local fMockmen who havi'1 dlHCuii'd tho Harney County Htock AHsoclntlon with the County AKont, It ban hoen decided to hold a meetliiK of tho Mockmou on tho hint day of the coun ty fair on .Saturday. Oct. 2. .More I'enulto Information In respect to tho proKram of the mootliiK will bo pub lished later. CHUltCH SOCIAL HKITKMIIKH 10. Tho public will bo Invited to a nodal at tho Frcflbytorlan church on Friday owning, Hopt. 10 when It In hoped to huvo tho congreKatlon and a)l friends and supporter of the church present for n social Qvonlnic. Refreshments will bo served and a nice program of music and readltiKs Is beiiK arranged. This will servo tho purpose of a reception to school stu dents and give the now pastor nn op portunity to meet and become tie pualued with more people l.YCKUM COUH8K DATKH NAMKD. J- ThlH weok tho conmlttcn received tho announcement of daWd for tho Iceura nuuibem to bo i given In Hums during tho coming achvol yoar. The first number wlU bo given oa October 19. Tho second, on' Novem ber 27, another on December b; tho next olt February 4, whllo tlntfknniii mouth will see another numbeer on tho 2fith, aiuf tho last Is scheduled for March 10. Hlx numbers In all. , Home rain storm. m Gents Furnishings Lg. , mm ti Ortk WIvma Dry Goods, Produce Pi Levena Hotel Eidg JUUIJ. HO mJLjm.M,,Jm. Groceries, old standi Mrs, M. A. Illi;"' Mrs. Julian Dynl arrived homo U'oduesdny oven Iiik from a visit with relatives at Wallowa. They also stopped at Dalinr and Ontario on their return. Mr. and Mrs. Arclile Mcdowau ar rived home this week from nil ex tended outing In tho Cascades. Thoy hud eoutemplnted going elsewhere for the whiter but upon considering tho matter and discussing tho ad vantages of schools for their son out side, thoy decided to . ramaln In Hums, This spenkfl well for our school. Mr. McOowan stated to a re presentative of this paper upon. hU rnturu that the cltlxona of LoIMna and Crtiitotit foel confident tho rail loud will Cunt Inuo on from both ends fast and west during tho coming year unu rot.iiect Crane with tho Natron cut on. -o- - Mm.NH 5IA.N WKDH l. CAMFOHMA 1 (IU1NCV, Cnl.. Aug. 21 -(Special) With the bridegroom wearing his army .uniform and tho bride a suit of kakhl, the marriage of William (7. Young of Hums, Or., and Miss Carlolta llowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (leorge 12. llowden, took place nt the community church hero. Mr. Young entered the army from this county, but has since been re siding at flurns, which will be the home of tho couple. Tho bride has Im'imi assistant postmaster at Taylors vllle. Oregonluu, A. H. Dewey and family were hero Hon Hrown and Waldo Goer took for a few days during the week look- their departure Hunduy for an out ing after no m business affairs and lug In tho Htelus Mountain sertion. visiting with former neighbors In tho Thoy wont out for fish and expect to Hunset section. The Deweya are now remain until tho deor season opctu resiling In the vicinity of Portland, with tho hope of noting a buck fji:1. . Sentiment Exists In Business Htep lively, or the other fellow nitty step on you. Dntwuonwuwes--; ADDITIONAL LOCAI.H Mrs. Henry Dalton bad a slight operation on Thursday to relievo a painful Jaw. The root of a decayed tooth was responsible for the trouble. Dr. Smith took care of the case. ' Thou. Ylekors was looking for a house Hie otlierday in which to move ' for tho school year. We should see that our old time neighbors are ac commodated In that respect as the oducatlou of the children Is most Im portant nt this tine and wuMiave schools we can recommend. ll.'Orton Wiloy, I). 1)., president of the Na 7it re no College at Numpa, Idaho, and Uov. K. Itudmuchor nnd wife, outgoing inlsslonnrlea to Peru, . will HjieuJt nt thu local Nazarene church tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock and again n thu evening at eight. Kveryono lx cordlully In vited to tlieso services, Urick Wells, at one time connected Willi tho William Ilunley Hell A. ranch, being a cousin to Mrs. Ilanlny, was visiting the latter at her homo for a few days during the past week. Mr. Wells hud been away for eigh teen yearn resldldg in Colorado, Ho found, many old time acquaintances in Oils community. Allen lllggs. Piatt ltandall and James ltavcraft, the two latter talc ing their boys with them, made up a party of hunters and fishermen to hike lor tho higher ranges of thn Htolus Mountain last Holiday to spend a few days camping whoro tho fish bite well, Thoy expect to remain until they can lawfully gut a buck before returning to civilization. Mrs. Fowler wns In town yestorday from the farm out on Prather crook doing Nome shopping. Hint remarked that shu had Just read In her Kansas City paper whoro tho ladles of that: ' state wero bulplug to harvest tho crops. Klio said wo didn't have to go I to Missouri to wttnoHH such onorgyf us wo have It displayed right horu ut homo, four of thorn are aiding on tho Fowler farm, Lila Lee Save Your Eyes in . "The Secret Garden XHV TYI'K OF HTOttY , Hi:i.i:tn:i) kok m:w j i.ii.a 1.1:1: i'kti'hk Admirable Vehicle Clio-en for Dalnly J'aijiiiioiiut Stat ill "The Seciet (inrden." An entirely now typo of story has been chosen for Lllu In "The .Secret Garden," which presents the charming little Paramount star ut the Liberty theatre next Wednesday In a role uullko unythlng she has previously essayed. Hhe uppcurs In this picture us a little girl in fur off The Price Of Health Often it Is only n few cents spout for some slmplu but effective remedy that keeps sickness away, ' Wo sell thorn, many kinds .and for iiiituy purposes. A dish of cream. A box of stationery,. A plpo or cigars, A comb or brush. Toilet articles. -o- The Welcome Pharmacy Nyal Htoio India who Inter Is sent til Kuglnnd where, at an old-time homo of wealth, she Is involved In a despic able plot for the estate. An invalid lad stand in the way but through the ministrations of the little girl he recovers and Is saved. , Tho Indian scenes, It Is said, have1 been charmingly presented, even toj the line of tropical unlmals such as a leopard cub, which is one of the principal pets of the youthful hero ine. MIju Lou Is dire I a red to have given a wonderfully pleasing per formance in this charming photoplay, n ' Stetson hut J6.00. N. llrbwu ft Sons. Remember The Utility of Electricity. Also t Remember that the Price has Not Raised in spite of doubled operating costs. E. L. & P. Co. Kyt Htrain causes lu-ndacIifH, iicrvotiNiu'HM and other trou bles. I (it kIushcs accurately antl scientifically. All Work (ftiuranteed. MAUKirrc SCHWARTZ Oploinchlitt Oflirr with Dr. II. F. Smith In the lush of the busy busi ncm day the ood principle of courtesy is easily overlooked. . Sometimes a business institu tion appears to be a cold machine instead of an organization of warm-hearted, human, regular fellows most business people .really are. Every courtesy, every order, no matter how large or small, is , 4 worthy an expression , of appri ciation. 1 Our wish is that this may ex tend our sincere thanks for the , business you entrust to us and to make you feel that we are always at your' service. FIRESTONE n Tires & Tube . DODGE BROTHERS cars CLETRAC TRACTORS We nre Experts in the Scientific Adjust ment of Everything Connected with a Car. UNIVERSAL GARAGE CO. 4& M7 we r k . 4 h V Carry Everything In Groceries Farmers Exchange Burns, Oregon A. OTTINGER, Proprietor I NATE FRANKLIN, Manager 2E 3 A