r r a i i n t- t n s , u a n n jo i: ooun t i" , ok t; o o v "wM wi. itMig w.'jsa'jrgr;"'' . m to rev owving 'em i&diible C7s - ? r. n. i I- o,uuw ' "ywmiffiWP'Z $C3 ' ' ' if NOTICK X)K PPBLIUATIO.Y jJNITKD 8TATBS LAND OFKICK h JJurnn. Oregon, AugUHl 26, 1920 NOTICK 1h hereby given that Hal ph K, I'enbody, of Uurnn, Oroiron, who, on Juno 12, 1915, nnd Jut). 12, 1917, tnhdn Homoetend Kntrlea, No. 0S2H-002O3, for S4Nfc. N8, SWU8BU. SBUBWKi Bee. 5. BKK NKM, NBUHB4, Bectlon C, Town uhlp 21 S, Uun&o 31 K., WUlamolto Meridian, boa filed notice ot Inten tion to make Final throo-yoar Proof, to ostablltih claim to the land above deHcrlbed, before IlCRlHtor and Ho . co Ivor, at Uurnn, Oregon, on the 2nd day of October, 1020. Claimant names nn wUmjmoii: GoorRO Whiting, Ida Whiting, Frank WhltinR, and Brick N. Math own, nil of Uurnn, Oregon, V. 0, COKAD, RoRlBter Ladies' MonogramSt ationery Here eh: lid! OURBIGSPECIALFOR THIS WEEK McCORMICK'S BINDING TWINE. MANILA, at . STANDARD, at 23c. 111. 21c. Ik. At Remember You Can Do Better For Less Weinstein Merc. Co. LAWEN, OREGON. 33 OUR PLUMBING ' 1 ; "ff -fi Consider the egotism we ;u' jective our heading with. REAL SERVICEABLE PLUMBING is something you seldom f ir.d because usually a patch isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new part. WE WILL NOT FATCH UNLESS we know that it is the best service we can give you. We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair it accordingly. CALL ON US WHEN YOU NEED WORK IN OUR DIRECTION DONE QUIGKLY AND PERMANENTLY. Radiator repair! a speciality IT7tfC HAIR lit WATCH Couldn't Raise Hand to Head Farmed N1m Sufferm! Year From RheuMatitm Fecli Fin, Now. "Yen, air, I can recommend Tun luc, for any one would not nay a Rood word fur a medicine that hnd done for thorn wlint Tantnc linn for mo would bo ungrateful, to nay the loant of It," mild (luntof NolMon, a farmer. Who live nt Gertrude, Wunh,, Mc Neil Inland, twenty in II en from Tnco inn, wbllu In tlio Kronoh Drug ntoru In Tncoina, recently. Continuing, ho' nuldr ' "For the nnnt ten yearn 1 have mif fered with rhnuinatliun In my left hip ami right iirm all tho line, nnd at tltni'H in different purta of my body. My hip pained mo no 1 could hardly walk and I Jimt had to drnR tnynolf nroulnl, and tuy nnn would very of ten hurt me no badly I could not rnino my hand to my head. Tho rhou inatlnin would movo from ouo Ick to the other and thou to my back again hip or right arm. Tho palnn in my to my loKtf, but never left thy ten back wero no bad I eould ncarcoly bend ovor and whon I did I could hardly Btntlghton up again. My kid neyti bothered mo a groat deal also, nnd I would have the wqrnt sort of dlczy Hpells. My nerves woro Ip (inch bad condition I could got but little sleep and lots of nights I would lie awake all night, nnd In the mornlnf; I foil worno than whon I wont to bed. My appotlto was vory poor, and I had bocomo no weak and run down I could not do nny heavy work nt all, nnd oven when I did tho lightest kind of work I would bocomo tired and exhausted vory kulckly. "I saw so much Kood snld about Tunl'ac In tho neWnpnporH I decided to try It, and It was only u short whllu beforo I bonau to gain in weight and strength and my appe tite Improved wonderfully, Now, I can eat anything 1 want niul every thing agrees with me. The rhnuinn Usui has left me entirely and 1 can gel about all right and do hard work with the greatest ease again. I nev er have those pains In my buck nny morn and novor havo those dUzy spells, nnd enn sloop all night long as peaceful as a child. In fact, 1 fool Just fine all tho time, and I owo It all to Tanlac." Tanlao Is sold In Uurns, by hood and In Crano by Cro.no Mercantile Co. Adv. If your neighbor calls you a fdol, don't bo too hasty about punching him. Ho may havo blundered' onto tho truth. 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices-.-one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per ceilt in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane r.nmnanv Oregon Now the whole family can gp out on a Summer evening, Secf your tiro o coiding fp ti romd they huvo ro travel: In tandy or hilly coun try, wherever tho Kolng is opt to be hcavy-flTho U.S. Nobby. Por ordinary couatry roadt The U. S. Chain or Utco. For front wheels The U. S, Plnn, ! For brit rctulti ovtrywlivru S. Royal Cord. (DMLGOflO-NOfiBy-OIAiN-USOO-PlAilt THE women should cer tainly be thankful for the automobile. It has given them a chance to see a lot more of their husbands. ' But it has done a great deal more than that. It has brought people closer together, given them new interests, swept away old prejudices. What affects one man now generally affects a good many "of'his neighbors in! the same way. And they have a better chance to get together. and talk things over. It's had its effect on the tire business. When automobiles were new people were willing to buy any kind of a tire. Now they're beginning to insist on knowing what they are ' getting. And the more they insist, the better it will be for us. IV We want oi:r customers to know what they are getting. That's why we represent ., U. S, Tiresso there will be no doubt: about it." Whatevpr the size of your car, you know that the U, S. Tire you put on it is the 6esr land of tire its makers know how to make. U, S. Tires are guaranteed for life, without any limi tation of mileage. That ought to mean some thing to the man who has thought about tires. L United States Tires BURNS GARAGE