The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 28, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Pnjo Two
T II R T I M 10 H 11 It) It A h I III It N fi , II A II N 10 Y COUNTY, O 11 KfiOff
Hnlun..iy, AufftiM. 28, Ifiyo,
Getting Rid of the Rodent Pests
Jlolow Ih a continuation of tho
atory written ly 10. V. Wilcox und or
iginally publlahed In tho Country
Oontlomun. Tho first Inntnlltnunt of
thla article uppourud Inat Ibhuo nnd
this Inntnltmont completes It, Tho
nrllolo Ih publlahed hoonuno of tho
widespread Internal tnkun lu tho er
adication of rodofit puatk lu thla
When theao mothoda of extnrmlnn
t Ion woro Intelligently applied, tho
farmer auw thut control of tho rod
out plague wua possible, provided
everybody did hln part. Hut It wan
painfully ovldont that after a farm
hud lieou completely freed from rod
enta It would not long rotimlu no, It
one uolghbnr'n farm wero a prairie
dog hatchery and If another neighbor
maintained an uHylum for Kround
aqulrrola and pocket gophcra. Then,
too, wo muat remember thut tho pub
lic lands seemed to ho held ua a vast
l'tffiorvc- for tho enjoyment and multi
plication of all HortH of pcataT
At thla atugo of tho campalKU tho
etatod took up tho problem. Pcrhapa
tho llrat move of the Htate tcglaluturo
wna to try tho bounty ayatom. A
prlco wan put on tho head or ncalp,
of nil theao uoxIouh rodonta, Tho
achemo w8 tried in near'rit0'yy,
tYosiern aiaie. mo am ju jn
every caao wua mo ra
mlng about IH, 000, 000 acres of land unlly drlvliiK Into a wing corral nil
woro Injured by rodonta last yonr to tlie;rnlibltf on & certain tract which
tho ox tout of two dollars an acre, can bo covorod by tho noddle horaea
Noodloua to Hay tho fartuora nro gofng and autoa of tho neighborhood. Hun
an tho wurpnth. 1'orhnpa tho bout
work was dono In Woaton County,
Tho farmerH had nearly clonnod out
tho rodonta on their farnin, but' a
retnfoHtntton took placo from govcrn
ijiont land, Thua tho people aro got-
, ttiiK tired of killing prnlrlu doga on
their fartna until tho big rnnchea and od In two gallons o(,
itovernmont landH are treated at tho
annto tlmo. Ah Mr. L. P. Jteed ro
portH: "Tho doKH havo almply moved
In from tho Htate aud government
lnnda (ikrIii, and nro Juat( aa bad na
During 1010 Montana made grout
progroaa In rodent extermination. In
Illalno County 2000 fnrmora aproad
polaonod bait on 7:10,000 nerea. th
Teton County tho farm bureau had
a ijoplier committeeman in each cnl
mutilly. nud 2R00 farmern klllou 2,
1 1 8,000. gopheri! -with 'imladrttfil bhtt.
, In reel, practically till eouUllen III
.Montana; rltport corresponding ' fig
urea iln thla .'oh'nip.Ugn''. Porli'iipa
'lioloMnuillyVfdib'rtfd -'U.W lftTt eo
operation1 dfii'ibfrh' awd" county Wn-
elola form bureHtW, Hchool nnd In'J
dividual It Wna MlmiilccCthat there
worouitlwiM twitophVri"fi ucVo hit'
pld oxfiwua on, cloan.Uia.irdlHaMtooVW A
I Vo nor lWl coatrM rhU tHVWMa''M"Mlt
of tho fund provldet
bounty. Then tho hV'of dfmlulafy, Akkerwu'll gxiphT In'hhbrldan flouto
ing return rnirff?1iiWVi ftwS WirtwUivotf ttWUUUitHV kMUiiHk.1
era found tlmf fhoy Viftllif un( niafiis, wlnpt7;00l'.MilMltf of -'paiaonrtt
peal hail-bffetl UoiftliJiVahly riMlmpd,.! uh through the whole lint of
Thoy,- lheVofrerteeTd'ed To4'r;it and HiiilleM of tho aovynteou 'nr Wva
MiiiiB rodri(a.,jiiptVr;)ivS ti,HwSoJ vkliuoclSli,
Thltf VasJtfio inLxfiri'f1tlAr,rfonnivj 'iwlng tlio tnua of bait naod. (lu-
(V.iltonria.'lMM'IJor Vfllirti. MitiTi e-; "rWV'(rtfllt1 WVi'i'd
sottt; wmiArew"rt' f,o(ill-Swr3iVmr.ul YlttthV WltlM of "r'entaHailed
:nrtrrtilir nidf iiucl!,'oitcr"rt,fr. ITIpbIhb the uur-togrihf r for the
ninoum oi ii.tjo(7 in uv nifri; n, ""V-v xlH1 J ikMi,vv crH
HiVtWfiefoVni. ,,i)t?-,iyaei,j ( lr:ujf! thnUulOj'j SvOOO.qp.Q,
waa idilVj'd'ui fho(ojriAiI,iiVo,',iMl In- tirtve)y 'yvjl '"rp;V.ird
ellfclonV oreovdV."fl t'hef i)' j wan ; "H",,'"'!'' . alid 'tpfioy laorejoj'
biindanl" onSiouhllVJ7or VrauS hi idililfc lutlda Mro. tn-aledHMh tlio
claltnlnr boHtftle. 'Vpt, examine, In
Kun'hilS ' : iho 'houui jVviia"'" jtu (d for
phckVt 'gdilffora peAeii tali Ion.' of
the Hcalp' with th'A 'earn. Hut Jio
gopher hna a I in oh t no eititrtialCarn.
anil county clerka are not' all trained
tuumiiiuloglNta. It wna moii found.
iih' well wordjd by T. II. Sohe.lfer,
that "uny Ingeuloua' boy will; a
ticket punch could 'cu'ally inanufac
I nro a half dozen legal hciilpj of a
hlngle -'gopher." :
'ffuf tlid prorfom campaign,
diint extermination In which the Hlol
ogleaPHun'ey I'rf plaVllig'.,a..'leai)ijg
liitrt'r'rhta on a hbllll Iniala. It la un
der tho I in mod late' dfr'eetloti of l)r.'
H;t IioII. hiiHlHtanr to Dr.. .
I'Miier.-'Twe'lVe ine'h in'i've been plau-
oic hi chArgo of aft many dlmrlelH In
ho "'vfeStirii plfrt df the .Nmn'try..
Tkoru Vre iiNo "Honn' aMsNtant ilia
trlaigent8. bringing the erjw of the
Mlolotjlorfl Survey In the redout f 1 r, 1 i't
up to about thirty. In thla work a
Kwdorjrl fund of .5107.000 win uaed
lu 101!f. Now thirty men. working
alone, would not make much Impros-
alon on tho dog towtia, ai(ulrrel col
Ulologlcal Survey reconuae
ounce of atrychnlno aulphutn dlaadlv-
VUtlir and
, 'in i rii "
aprlnklcd over ton poVnAit oMiifalfa-
buy louvoa. Thla . bait la dlatrlbuted
in hiuidruta lu llolda from whlcji,
atock Ib oxclmledl Jl "joI Vuil
lu winter one ounce of atrychuluo
may bo rJtilthiloiit rbr'rurlt'(c'il ilMluda
of nlrullu JpatreH, pr thu,hv)utln or ryo
or ommer'iuuy bo aubaiiluted tor iti
I'alla. If polrtoiied oata are perierred
the bull may pe propurnij i lollowu.
"Mix one tuoluHpooii ol Htuign in ihhj
hall piip o,ci(iu wnter .ujid.xur u.lp
ohe, pint ui ticiiling witer to make, u
tiiliit tiear paat-N . Mix one ouuu tu
powdered airJt'Mhuluo wth oni (
of baking Honii und-Mtir. WlJi tho
Mtii icl t n H!jiooi r.creuiuy; iiiih
Ht.r lu otii..',fui,tiiiyXttal)lu,,NlU Ay-
ply to twujyo iuirtM. o goud vlw
wnla uuti mis thproyghly to. iat-eavh
Kernel fi'ii.l; WhU (a flvntrlbmud H
buut a Ubtuitpooaritl at a,plu,(r In
tweiityf uy.o Mr,y doHwa, .nrwferv
ub.y ou U;Cld,loorjlgkt'jn wlatvn
vkal,uio run JfWuiiu of tho.fau
blla kMed, I w ho-drlvur ,l)yNJlH(m.?
ICvun mm early aa 1886 uCImihi I,
b00,p0V inatlvorabblt- akJflnJwnr lit ttioUnllvd tetatea tor iuaklui,
IwlL bwldes- tliaihugu. liuportatidtm
in nwja aliliK 1uc Uii.H)ttrjloind
H.4.v.i;juuuttimllUon,cithiu l froln :.Nuw
oaland lu iiut:yi!iir. : 1 1 .d .
VluHH wyr I'diidHKma u-al btt ibKl
foiuslen jtupp'ir ot khIuk, SDr. Nodi
bcui'Jior; cf.(ne iIolui;u iIl Hiirvuy iv
piici, in uiiHwcr to my iti.Htitn4 uml
K-it jiiHkcra.ioOuUMu, Lulntd' HmtUH
tuniOd.-up uuilr jioImu. las-Jiielt ntb-j
lum; iiut now your foil luiu U vurln I
ably .dmdtt iif jueK-rtUlldtidiiili'. W
tho. roliblf jiklu, clipped mid. dyed,
beuoniui 'Hearlc luuI.1.."- .. .
.The Jark'xabbU iiicaLvinay bti uiieil
foriteedlng hoga and chicken. Hvnii.
tho liixllcji ot rabblta polaoued with
Hut how nro wo to got at tho pock
ot gophem In their ttinnelt7
7 A Hohw- I'or ground aiiulrrela the-Utmt, tlmo
what different ImiIdYh nit!Hlr1sdr .f lirth to uao polaonod fik)tsf;April iVrJf to
out awoet
plocei) oi;
incfl jAu
ciuarfl of
HI .HI Mk 1
ftorw OOTcti or nniiiiMt
und one-tenth of thla fitiiiutlty or
cahurln, atlrrlng to dlatrlbut -tho
Jl'VHrr I'uflRWyW.irSHJ-'tMfi1 to
droda of tliottimndu of Jack rabblta
havo Ihun boon corralled nnd killed.
Ilocontly etlll lamer tiumbera hOe.
boon polaonod. Au poisoned balt.tha IrtrMmihwrrfrrjrxnrr rtnrnrarapinpr:
ued to
Mldwliitr IAie
On tho .loVnda Uiiiuui lu-
Mexico an attempt waa made in 1017
tiexteriulimtu tho prulrlo dog. Oata
and mllo maize were treated with
ul IH th fAUu.ul.
it. 1 I .1.. . 11 .
utfJfrmvJ"!'0!(,W yfnAWti'V.w" .mii5yjw wh ninety;
One orlHJMMU iArr.lJairk ulBiiAiUlu llqfiif?rtflIlF 'i 9n'AruWAVnt
tho runway nud the probe hole cloa-i 9M 'lH rH"K P8l? Oh.Wfc -Wot.a
Tho Illologlciil Survey begun In 1 W HW& Wh .HUPrfW.i..WA8
rri... n-inr. ......... ii,.. ,.n.l . n
InKruodonterjAt fjJraUth'u iwor,lcyvW
ojCHYjoualy, (it no uao, or) thut pralrl
c)i)f(a .a to, al ,,ho, gr.a... Af tor tho
conducted In thy .Htl""iilj Koreda Ini atilniaJH nro killed nlj, evidence or
coopoVnIlohtt l-'oreat 'fiervlco. ' th.o( provjqua. d.oK tcjwna ,oon dlaap-
Tho N'atlotull.Kor,e:.H.had bqcfme ex-J peari. The holea become flllcd up by
cellont breodlug grounda for rodent the wind , anil the trampllni; ()t unlr
poala. The tictunl c'tiUpalgu ot exter-l mala. i, .,,. .
initiation, begnu lu North Dultota In Jt cont hx CfiiHa an on unv
HU1d wail, rapidly i txbinded to' extur,inJmlo .,pra,lrlo tlpgM
Tho louiioa cauaed by noxloua ro
(lnutH had coino to bo tittle ! thnn
,..j..ilUK. paift roiijfo rea .wj,,.
thorn) nU;prairltr(Jow mldfgroBWI
ariulrrniiiMt'teMriillpliri tli yj
and oChMr t6YUlrHil tyiMWJM
: ratt'y'Ve!,.'
the pocket gopliir tun-
oitlutln, Idubu. tind Orcf.oiii aud lat
er to .nil the. Wctitnrn Ftaton, All
kl;ula of.iixtrrmlnntloii, mot hoda worn
uurni iho. iaa two your,, with n
rnpgo pf three to , ten vM'tn in Uf-t
epnt. JoqatJea(, .Qil'hftni jrnfr.ede.
..... ...... !Wiv . " ri" '
iuu jacn raouim may ciiuii up tli
reat of tho forage, while the knuei.
roo Ml carrleu nway Into hln bur.
row tho e
grnaHca, and
'iIjlHTtVr Iho roots of tho rang. plfuitgj
In cultivate VSmi m mt
ovon moro VonbVrclffilftTlfrtl in rirod
IWrtVjtN farwondbyi after day.
uktViiUrrtly'confliyHng all ih
churgca which bud been fully proved
nguluat pralrlo dogs und their rodent
relatives tba Jury off farmerH brought
In n unanlmoua verdict of guilty
ugultiHt the wholo tribe nud have or
ganized a. campaign of extermination
agaltiHt "tho teeth that bite, the
ulawa thut acratch."
rtorno .People aro foredoom' 1 lo go
through lfo without greut wealth.
TJiey Jiayg honor Inatead.
tried.. -Hut .nlifi from' comiiitiiilty to o.thjey. kHd. qf,(prl.n.,f,pr, f fpr
drlvo.i ;indi organized hluili for Jucl;-; tni rpuflyti hlrHdWI l"Uf"A)w-H
rabWtMk,"tho;.onlyt )uetllod whloli her. ly ip. eat ioatHi,nH.1wJitta;( JAotl'Ift or,(i
Ulologlral iSurveynrnconllnhiHUiiJitn ujllp ,tmz. ;uy, b,tt,7)r
lariufHcal furAiaiir5o'ihet rodent ! oata. alrvy.Jndlcotdftfinilhn
podtajtK atrychnluKlu a bnltiof nrnlml ntrychnjnjs JjurrHge, C9i)ft1tlm,nipp'n
prtrbly, ot.iorwMy;i atfaita JiytungWiiJcarJtqniWjiqtt t.m
Iftavoa or awnet .poUlocir; idapeadlng'' wh.oJU.., roeffl of, HijmltloRjnla
U9oa tkuiteol prof!rnne;.'ofUhe.rr Ipcjod, u ,h c,a.lqjilMipa ,pf,(tj,
tloMlar Wad of.-iroleBt ioitw rfcatroy-. coijt jit nix qMiB,RSrd) la iitiu.i.i
(",T)p,' 'luwaof th(n country wcrtf
, ' "it'll a?rnpfo' matter to ice ho f rttllt'
of,,AtlierttJ,in'o'' quite n -'a'ny for oth-
era to eo oura.
Whenover we1'' teilow
lhg nbtiut hU fbralBH Wo' wdddr J'ait
bow tKlly" fc&aabU'it 'lUhf iVe.
reauji of je5'lrpylng.eyi.tib-,"
v -". j;vi ,vi oi jiui iiuga.,on,
th'uT iirea. flfo"unif a(juirrtila'..wero;
pracllcully extomlnuted on J, ,204,-
000 acrea or public domain mid U.-l lUrychnlno may be fed to chlekeua,
.uuu nerea or prlvnto Iifnd. No if the liud and IntuMtluea are re-
complete atatlatlca aro available on
the number or gophora, kangnroo
rata and Jack rabblta deatroyod. In
Union County. New Mexico, kangaroo
rata were cleaned out of 1 1,000 acrea
of crop laud, and aeven community
rabbit drlvea HMted more lliaii 100,
000 Jiftk rnUlt. : "l "
by the Ulologlcal SdrVey Ih :ro"dent
oxtrVmlnntldn tho tiaeH foi.trlbbtiSl
7H.8ir, to
111 llllli of'tllO IK
iilwaya 4 cih-i lu Mich nliittfra, wiaj.
done v.'lthoul iiioimy and
price. Tho rodent expert furulalieil
(tunlance and dlreetloua and helped
In mixing and distributing the halt.
The larinorH and ralichmen did the
The wide oxperlenee of farmera
and govern motif eXpurta with InJiir-
moved. Jack rabblta havo boon mar-
Koieu ror meat hiiico isuu or, per
hapa earlier. Itelall italU wanted
them hog druvaed.or with the akin
on, while the puekem preferred them
fully dreaaed, and paid thlrtyflvu to
llfty i:oiiliu rabbit.
lltit auppoavyou nrn troubled with
ground aiiulrrelH, ndt rnbblta. In
Hiu't;rt!V thii odlrlarilreacrlptlon ror
lh' nlolortrcal-urve)-;dliVJ"r from
The HcoiirgP-fintiihbljN
n'B"dfitibVl't6 th'IVi br.doo Sin
ill,, iiWu ! i J ' ' '"' ' ror Vr rnblHW lay uifufe- one
no ?i r 1 t3 'Hther tliair onV plnt of
. MfcMii rd work, ifn la . T rf in, m,ft
eaohea and Jack-rabbit omplrea or ! ,01U rodonta hua brought out certain
oulea, gopher auhwaya, kauiaroo-ra(
Hovonleen atatea. Theao men, how
ever, under the direction or the lllol
ogleal' Survey, havo enlisted the u"
tlvo Intereat and cooperation rtf var-'
loila Htate," county and local agenclea.
and, through them, hundroda ot
thouhanda of fannera'haVo beon' In
duced to go Into thla cimpulgn Tor n
fight to' tho ttnlah. r
Aa In ho many other 'agricultural
movomeata tho county agent la tho
king pin in each county. He hnlda
meetlnga In nil communltlea to awuk
en Intereat In tho campaign, outlines
tho plana ueceaaary for aucceaa, tella
of aucceaarul work along thla lino
olaowhero, auggeata lendera who can
work up local organizations nud an
upeelllu melhoda which urn moat eff
ective In exterminating ilieno peals.
In atudylng theao melhbda wo" may'
uh well begin .'wltli thoao which aro
applicable to jack, rabblta. Rabblta'
of any kind it allowed to multiply!
without reatrnlnt bv'como. aerloua
peata. Tako the Vdll-knowii caie of
Auatralla, Tho common rabbit waa
Introduci'd Into that country in
During the twonly-flvo yenra follow
ing thut ditto thn AURtrnlllau Gov
ernment expanded moro than
000.000 trying to deitroy them. In
New Bouth Wnloa alono 10,000,000
rabblta wero deatrroyed In a alnglu
yeur. That litiito onco offered a re
ward or iar,000 ror an effective
rabbit remedy but no one over quail
vmi ft'SWttft It, i. fi,,i4rlnt'SrftilX ,.tr I.)... v.
WltllOIlt T I ....... I ....
i win nn iih iiiiu iiiiin'niui)illlll ill
glyceron. nnd rtnn'lly one scant ten
( iipiioiiful of imt'chtipln Apply to
twenty qunrta of oatn and mix thor
. oughly." lOarh uuiirt or thla mix-:
I turn la enough for forty to alxty1
halta lo be actltered along aqulrrol
Iralla or on the clean hard aurfnee
near the hole. Follow-up work fori
, ground aqutrrela und-prarlo doga-ar"
ter polHonlng couaUta In treating
with carbon blaulphldo the few deua
which atlll auem to bu Inhabited.
Thu.4 lu Contra Caata County, Cal
ifornia. laL year 2 CO eallnnu of. rur-
U )d "I M T" I.
lliWV) ui, O- I' L I f
i.. .! i ?: smC .'no .
'..!-) ' d: ) .
. 1 1 .13 Ut'tti ftl fl'. -
H f - - -d I'
. ... . ' 1 :
t ta a.
. 'O d.,doi
i7il) Iftia
1 ,jM
flit It "I
lw tit
; jivt ' . .
r hi i.'f. t
tihti'tx bn ni.
ii-i j;nTliCiFord,Couic is essentially the motor ,earior physicinna cvefy
:i .day of.tin- ycor because of its up-to-dateness in every 'detail'Wrge
sliding windows, it is n"Dreeiy,6pWcmJ hi fi'ritl'w'fc'rithlT and iii rainy,
tormy, cold wcathcr'it is clbscd- dust-prooi and water-proof - with
broad scat heavily upholstered,, it is n rnpst cpmfortablc car. Equipped
with electric starting and lighting system, and demountable rims with
335-inch tires, and carrying all Ford merits in economy, in operation
and upkeep. Not only ideal for physicikns but for salesmen, real
estate JTierl and everyone Who
wants a dependable; (wo-scated1 cor.
Won't you come iiV4m4 .look ovr'
tlicJFftrti; Coupe,?
y 1 if
- i
euro plodgoa of coopuraflpu from ' "etl or
farmora and ranchmen, makea ar-j Auatralla tried varloua InfcctloiiH
rangeme ita ror the proper mixing ' dlaealies lu a campaign to' oxUtrmln-
mou blauph.ifl wero uaed toaatur
alo l6,000 Vaato bulla wMclt wera
rolled) down Info tho aq'ulrre dug
outa. '
For pralrlo doga Juat mix n heap
l lug tnbleupoonfu! of atarch In cold
water and atlr It In thrco-quartera or
u pint of hot water. Then add the
atrychnlno, baking aodn, corn alrup
and glycerin, aa for ground aqulrrala.
Make tho Ioho of aaccharin one
teenth of an onuce, nnd apply Iho
, whole formula to thirteen quurta of
' the beat grade, heavy, thoroughly
cleaned oata. A big prulrlo-dog cam
aud diatrlbutlou of the polaOu halt,
"v.. ... . ...... iiii,i, III UMTllllll- , ..... ... I
ale rabblta. Koverul world-famoua .W,,H :uducted lu Colorado In
j, ! baeteiloluglfcta .worked on' thla d'roW , JnS ''riior County uaed 10.000
'loin, hut-fill to1iopurpoao.-116untlda'-',l,,,r,'l l' ,,,,m",,;" l,lH (; .
od t be no good. "The' nil.: 'vvm 'r luwted lund. Morrm.
organlzea concerted drlvea and
lu every ?ay tho' leading figure. The
',iiititv nlnl niiminnnltv .Iri'Miilii tin ! alHo proved
for rodioit n-xthnnimitiiiif i on.,.. ' bits lucreiiaod tihileh -u boiirtfv mv. f,t)f Ulo nnd u halt. Ioi.h of
olahorato aiid detallbd oVoh dftWil to The Atiatra'lhlnrf' dae'd larKO"lJ),,,K 'V"1 lW um;oa nt atrychno
tho dutlea of the vtirloua llullvlcltirilrt " iuaiitltf.i df phoihdru'a- inlxWlit'- ,llJ"Ktlo iiuhIh. J
ooiicorued aa In a military oporutlon. ia-nrn mif.. Phoaphorua la com--
Thua 'In Juckfcon 'County, Klulaua. : monly. rohalflltroiP loo" dangenAirf Vor '
April 7-12, 1919, Varf mrfllo Qo)herj "ho- under our iloifdltlona.' v l
Week, and It wont liu'rd with i:orgo-T Homebody once plantifd a,'few'fnr)'-''"
phera. In uirulfu flehfa If eppeared ,;f'U"on ;Cyaali lalmid.aoHo of Ihtf
that one quart or polaonod grain waa Wri; rhfirvelln- the aMfTc. Wlllilrt 1"
ouough ror ten acrea or gophera " foW'Veara 'lhe''Hrogiriy(!r thta6"ra'b-
Tho extermluatlou or prarlo doga ,'u nt "rythlhg xoept the 'coral '
la a very popular project lu Now Mex
ico, Thevo aro ubout 1R, 000,000'
uoroa or dog Iowiib In the atule, with
u population or at leaat five doga an '
ncro. Tho ownora of eighty per
cuul of the private lund nro willing
to cooperate In thin-work. In 1919 I
tho uluto loglalnturo provided $2C,- drlvea huVo been cnVrled' out for'lho' nuip mo campaign
ijand, ' U boeahid i necoaaary ' lo put" '
wlro-'protootrini "round 'tho truhka of
coconut trooal Hut 'no "oho who Ima
hud exporlonco with rabblta ieoila to
bo reminded' of rthelf doatr'uctlvo-noa'a.
I'or many yeara big organized i
,1 in the heart of Harney Valley
now offered at
$30.00 to $110.00 an acre
; i'
v All Within tle Harney Valley irrigation District i
in Wyo-1 purjioao of. aurroXlndln ahd rjd;nB wlMll"'-' Speclt
nnd Ontloiatj III
. ' III
K'-.- i
JLargfi acreage citjiftg; ha Ajl,jji tfajk'tt
. -MT -V.M -Vtt tV. I ns....!, ,4-1 ......
mi m
."I ,MU
.. . . '. v . it
Sales Office at Burns. '
Mimntiit i '