The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 28, 1920, Image 1

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    . ...... i .
Jliirnoy county's resource nro
attracting tlio attention of tlio
entire Went. Irrigation,- Ktorkv
mixing, tnlncH, oil and gas pro
spoct and agriculture all
awaiting development, s ..-
it 'for Immediate ;exp!oitai
yon MIIIm should tHjtrniHK
u out to aid In tke rectmirtrwc
don wnk of the nation, la
esfUgufcM tM vlritia teld.
NO. 4
"" 1
Aavnntagea in Burns Brings
Many Here; The Library,
Unurcnes, i.iuus.
llnr i-y County High School
T ill prospoctlvo Htudoutn and
rn' tho fnll term on Tuesday
7 V larRo nttPadaiH'o Is oon-
fldcntln 1 expuctod thla couiIiik your
as orl Ight grnduatod last spring
and vr fow of last yoara Htudont
body hrivo signified tholr Intentions
of going elsewhere. With Principal
I), M McDado will bo nimoclutod tho
mnjc faculty an laiit yonr, tho MIssoh.
Whoaldon. Anderson, Krlchvsky,
Frvasu and Purlngton.
It uugors well for the auccesa ot
tbo niitltutlon "when capable tench-
en Huh us thHw cluivw o riturn
to a field whore thoy have previously
Extensive preparations lmvo beea
'rondu to make tho school building
and surroundUigH as habitable and
attractive as prosont conditions war
rant. A new roof, feuclng, flag polo,
sanitary tollotn, modern hoatcr and
wash rooms will add to the many
other features and rondcr this school
Worthy of comparison with ony oth
er ot Its size In tho state. It Is to
bo hop'd that patrons and frlondB
will not neglect tho opportunity to
orldonco tholr gonulno Interest In
this homo Institution by an occasion
al visit.
If tho present prospects material
lio II C II. R. will bo fittingly rop
resnnted on tho gridiron this full. A
utrong eleven is In sight If thu many
"hUBkk'H" who arn. In sight, ontor,
Mr McDado Is busy now arrunglng
for equipment nnd gamos.
Other tentative plana for tho year
omhraro n track team, dramatic por
formanceu, a debating toam, basket
ball, tennis, basoball and goneral
gymnastic work In conformance with
tho state program of physical train
lag. Tho weekly "school notea" will
be prouonted In tho local papera of
fordlng overyono an opportunity to
gain some indication of Just what
li Hchool in doing.
A scarcity of houaon for ront In
ixYlously handicapping tho school
situation In Hums. Thla woolt sov
tral havo vlaltod this ofllco Inquir
ing ff r suitable bouses In wheh to
ti l f r tho coming Hchool yoar.
T r . .fit.. It III. I niintv rocnmilzo.
" ,ii u.r iidvuntngea of this place j
t'lwitlor. of tholr children,
1. , Id Mi n to having tho best schooln 1 disorder In Oregon as part of Its
of 'hi entlro territory, tho larger Htudlos In montnl defect," said Dr,
attuidanco of children and tho ud-i Carlisle, director of th' survey,
vuntageoui' equipment coupled with! "Having no Htato appropriations, tho
modern rchool bulldlngH with heat-., survey in being curried forward on
inc, vfcntilating, lighting' add gym-! tlroly by citizen cooporation. This
tmifium, together with tho teaching! actlvo coojKiratlon of Oregonlans in
frre which Includes aomo of thoi tj,H pioneer movement In roonUil
beetit Instrnctora to Imi had In tho' hygiono Indicates that overy ono s
fltatt .til tend to bring favorable at-( interested in pushing forward b pro
tcntion to Uurua. - f Ject which haw for its ultlmnto and
In addition to tuosf advantngewfj ilH(, imrea'd l)Mlplnw. through bet
r.o rcust not overlook tho further tor earn, treatment and training, of
a lv.!nt.iKi'K ot tho only public library , t,u huiidlrapped," contlnuod the
n n'i r.g over throo thousnnd vol-
i r. i,r boat HolovtQd books; flvo
t tx h i rhurchos; muslcul orgaiir,
.' ... the Ladies Library UluhjJ
. . .
' n r''ogniz"d foileraiod ciunr
.,uto whor tho ladles of th"
iiRwuly moot nl stated interval
ifd hudy tho bbst in art, music
lttLraturo. history, etc; tho Mother..
Club, another organization of women
of Jlurns, which i Incorporated am.
has acquired valuublo proporty ln
torocts on which it Is tho ambition to
erect Bultublo bulldlngn for recrea
tion and Instruction of tho younger
people. Tho object of tho Mothers
Club organization la to provldo boat
thful recreation and propor super-
vision and surroundings of tho ,
younger generation that it may bo
molded under right Influences.
Tho new modern hospital with tho people, nnd for tho peoplo h benefit,
capublo physicians and Burgoonn lo-! Any of the special voluntary assist
catod in Durna aro othor foaturoflj until who havo data cards in their
that attract tho family man to prefer i uoiisoaslon which havo not yot boon
iwh to othor places in iuo cuumj
.. i . . i i.. f n.. ilin uitmnl i
to bring his family for tho school
year or tho pormanont homo. j
Tho signing up of a nix numbor .
T.ufr.n... ..mirtii, tr,r Ilin unlinol VOIIF I
J1 a tnaUor of consldorutlon and
ono that should Irt) recognized. Thla
brings some of thu host tulont avail-
nblo to tlio very homo of. tho student u
during tho ROhbol your, Tlio Klllson
Whlta Bureau has bcuii successful
for yours and tho muno class of talunt
In liunil nil Mm I.Vmillu ftntriici mi Ilin durliiK tho summer mon-
Tho objotet of tho orifiuilwtloii
bringing thlo course to IlurtiB Ih not
to muko money but to givo tho ctt-
lniui, especially tho younger people,
tho right kind of onturtntiuuont
that will hitrmonlzo with (holr school
work ami taIho tho standard.
Tho social H(o of IluniM may not
bo on a par with larger cunturn but
a pur wuu turgor comers nut
II lu iwiiimI tn nnv in tin fmnul In
L L o ho U Tho dr, Ilea
o ffo rod by taw tint not o X re '
o li glicl.!
a v ew ot SrucU
obioct tiromnts the selection of tho
object prompts the selectlo of the
motion picture programs mat aro ,
nroBontod In tho local plcturu then
ire. In many Instances apodal pro
grams are selected and presented
Holcly for tho bonoflt of tho school
children of the city and theso aro ul
wuya with the active cooperation of
tho Instructor-.
New regulations havo been made;
by ho city nutnormea tn respect to ;
public dances- for tho coming .season j
hmj! ikAMk. &i ill hA ri 1 1 r r it j i iiiiiiiit
proper aupurvislon and consorshlp.
One nattor that should bo given
sontu consideration by tho citlxens
somu consideration by tho citlxens
. , ,, 1,1-1,
of Hums in connection with tho high
' mi
living quarters for ",.. ho tar
wioso vuuuiiitjim ,..yu u... - ,
In '".V TJZnTS ISSns Jo"
Hies but from prosont Indications tbo
demand will llkoly to como within a,
uiinri limn, nnrhnns buforo the ores ,
out torni Is fairly Htartcd.
hikciai krvmr
Citizen 'CoeperafloR anvnluablo
Miss Moiolte Ilulr, secretary ot
Kxtenslon Teaching In tho Extension
umsion oi uio umvcriiijr ...
gon, Uugene. ha Just compoleted tho
gawioring oi uuiu wmW..i..R .. ...-.
sane both In and out of Institutions
in tho western part of the state.
Mlsa Hair haa boon acting aa one of,
the special field Jnvestlgatora of
" !
nui'.u ihu u....f. i jn rungo on tno aajacom iu wnu-
Health Scrvico Is directing for tho (mt trHpai,8i tho lack of former For
Unlvorslty of Oregon ut tho request TRnf,0 ,g j,!eny f0n, thoreforo
of tho legislature. The facts con-! tJi(jy Rf(J at(nn,ptng to recover some
corning tho li.sano In tho caster.. cqmMw ftr.
part of tho state wore contributed
I ..k..-.. L bltrarilv nllolled to nonresldont
9tj - - - - v B
tendent of tho Eastern Oregon Btato
Hospital nt Pendleton.
"iMi. nr.nrnii Htuto Burvev rnn
tamplntna making n olny n to tho
number and typo of caaoa of mental
loctor. "Horrnw, failure and Inoffl
lonoy touch un nil no clOHoly in our
,vurday Hie thatiiiiclpUtinc nnulyih
of' Wtf and moiuia ta. avoid.1" dUrii'i
, . . . . . ...... ,
iirlof. and dl3Hiipoliitninnt In- ot vital
uteroHt iv vlllagu, town, fitatft fitnl i
iiition. '1 ho cooporation of hundrodn
r your citfzoiiH In this groat refer
endum on mattorn rolutlng to mun
al, child and social hyglono haa boon
vondorful. Every ono who hns tak
n an uctlo pnrt in It may woll fool
hut ho haa contributed a distinct
urvlco to his state. Thoro nro over
19,000 squaro miles of torrltory to
io covered. Much work has been
iccompllflhod but ub dlroctor of tho
survey I wish to Invito all who havo.
0t so far taken part In tho work ot
tjio nurvoy to do ho, TIiIh Ih a noti-!
partisan projoct of tho people, by tho !
returned nro roquoslnoa to nu mora
out and Bond thorn in to tbo hoad-
lunrtorn at Eugono, at tholr onrllcnt
oonvonlunco, Every cltlzon of Oro
sou nu woll ns ovory public ofllccr.
Institution and hospital head Is
urgod to activoly pnrtlclputo,"
Changes Hundn Four Times
First Day But Later It
Gets '-Pigeonholed."
Whether In was from Indlfforonce
nr limit nf iiiuliirntiinilltllr nf Mil) oil-
y. . " ........'
.Juul 111 1 " " ,
tho "Homo Hpont Dollar" on u lour dortnklng.i on Labor Day when It h
of two wookn, It wan relumed yeslor-j planned to soo what voluntoor help
wllhout "YlnK nccompllshod will do toward getting tho fair
it should In the time It was grounds, buildings, fences, track and
object s to A?1" f0f
w,"u onu lo,,r wou,,, 1,0 ,f "nont ntl l,IM con,,n ""nunlty fair.
hantl,A t,n.i.. four times Thin was decided upon at a mool-
... .
IC1U lirHV UUi uhu ui iuJ iiuiuuid uw- "n w" " ' r "
ing an out of town man, but ho ovl- cial Club-rooras on last Monday ovon
inntiv imitnmtnoit tlin Intent for ho Ing when the proposition Was put up
spent It with a local firm but later It
was given out to a farmnr, tho second fair go, up to mat umo more or icnn
day, In fact, and kopt It for sovoral Indifference had been displayed to
daya and whon It waa returned to ward the coming fair and noyornl of
lntrtd asked tho business
,0" ",,u "fc - ".m' r- "
kni.i i horn for a mubIm af dsvs and
' , ' bur ed for
The T.e.-Herald
In ashamed of Its record, for It does
not redound to tho credit of tho atom
..nni.. r iii.m tiirrnrn it win not
" "- ---
enumerate but had It boon usod an
i,,,,ii,. wlih tli it hnmn merchant that
,lRVw pon llovlBOtl, However
another case of .lack of
o o -7ohatrman,fo,t::uofro.
',,' ,n Uurns
Countv Anont McDanlels accom-
i panted a party of Bltver creek mnn
to Prlnovllle yesterday to prosont a
grlovunco to the Forest Buporvlsor
In conuctlon with tho range out In
ml torr,try. Thoy claim that local
,an), ovmn nw Bt0ckmcu Imvo boon
that territory. Thoy claim that local
,crlmlnated against be tlio Forest
()fncon, Qr t0 pMl fow yuflrB an,i
MnCfl ,ho bJ holll,nKf) ot rftnK0 land
roconUy ,4CUrcd by the Stanlleld In-
terlH nRV0 btm, UHVoted exclusively
nd ".UHa.ted.lh'a 'l
n,B10st ,B.W f. "
sheep men. It Is hoped they will bo
BiicoeitMful nB many of them have rn
wlded thoro for yearrt nnd pay n big
tax, for that roauon thoy nro entitled
to consideration.
Did you; ever stop to think Mint tlio advertisements
df the home merchnnts i" ttits newspaper make it u
BOT'ICH newspaper?
Well, it does. AdverlishiR tcnclicn PnonitESS,
II tenchtn process in keeping yon nhrenst of the
times, of nil that i: new mid desirable in fonlu, chlh
ln, homejj, sppplics. unl comforta of all kinds.
It teaches economy through infornihin yon wlier.o
the best prices may he bad because economy is not
only in the mere saving of money but also in tho in
telligent spending of it.
It teaches confidence through the knowledge Rained
in knowing you live as other folks live; enjoy the'
tilings they, enjoythat you have the some odvantnges.
The text book of our worldly comforts is written
in the terse lines of our mcrchandisintf advertisement!
If we read the advertisements we soon rcal-
Ue that incy can worn to our huyuiuu juoi
as much as to the merchant with something
to sell.
Then t h o HOME-SPENT
DOLLAR starts its pcpful jour
ney amongst we home folks
every one of whom hns the .de
velopment and growth of this
community at heart.
Holiday For Business Houses
But Everybody Works to
Get Grounds Ready.
lSvory cilzon of Hums will havo an
opportunity to his or hor public
i i.. rn,,,,,..,iv i...
ln nf hltalnaM mnn al lha commor-
to thorn to tako hold and mako tho,
- . . ... i - I
" n . " " ,n tind ,,....,.
men of the town to moot una iiisciisb
tho 8omtt of ,ho old time
enthusiasm, waa manifested at this
meeting and a disposition shown to
tako nom or tilings anu hjhko mom
ko. If that spirit continues tho fair
, will nrovn
Bopt. 30 and Oct. 1 unu i, win rwovu
. th t wl ,)0 a crc(llt
Three of the old tlrao business non.l
Harry C. Smith, Hon Drown and M.
II. "ronton, wore placed on tho
fitt,,f committee to rulso funds
with which to provldo sullablu purses
for amusements and entertainment
for tho three tluys. Thoy havo circu
lated a subscription puper and suffi
cient sum is In sight to Insure somu
good sports. Thei.0 will consist of
horso racea, Indlun pony races, nnd
other trials of speed nnd It Is also
(he Intention to have nu nroplanu
here for tha period of tbo fair to do
f Vaiunts: and also to tako
.iaHaonruri, or (Rn(H, .
T, r0Krttm cnlttce conslsta
ThotnUHOII, c, C. VhKe, C. M.
K ,ktier Tt j, McDonald, D. M. He
, (JU Htirdwo.
fl ; , fottlurM wlU ua brought
out in connection with the fair au
soon as tU. Program committee haa
mado Its report. The events of each
day will bo made to conform to con
ditions. For Instance, Friday should
bo designated ns chlldruns day and a
program nultublo should bo pulled
off on that day. It has boon suggest
od that the last day bo mado friino
. I ...lulltlllM I.IVOIl ft
ll..U fill ! I'lvn niir iidlehbur tuwu u
speclnl invitation.
Another committee consisting of
Julian llyrd, W. Y. King aud.T. J
MoDonuld was appointed as a
groundii committee. This latter bunch
looked over the grounds and build
ings during tho wook and found It
will bo uocimtmry to do considerable
work In ttbo way of repairing build
ings, mending fonccs, cleaning thu
grounds and working tho rnco cnurso
before tho fair, thoroforo hopes to
havo material on hand for tho pro-!
poiuid volunteer help of tho cltlzomt
on Labor Day, Bopt. (I. A lot of lum
iiur Is tiocummry us It was found that
tlib'.wltulowH of tho pavilion had not
only boon broken out and taken but
also the framoH. Doom are missing,
floor torn tips display tables and
racks doiitroyed, foncoH, pons nnd
barns torn down.
Tho business men of nurns havo
said thoy would turn out on Labor
Day nnd help in putting tho place In
shape. It Is oxpected that tho ladlea
will provldo a noon lunchoon on tho
grounds whero coffco can bo mndo.
and sandwlcjies and other good
thtnga served that working men en
joy. This occasion wilt provldo a
means of getting at the real Interest
shown in Uie fair by the business
men arid whether they really will pull
togothor In such an enterprise for Its
success. Let'n havo no slackers,
Enjiwer Ready to Report
Water and Sewer Systems
Mayor Leonard this morning ro
celvod a lotcr from Mr. Kolsay, thu
man In chargo of tho Investigation
nnd preliminary survey for n water,
sewer and electric light systom In
llurns, stating ho would bo hero on
next Thursday with his report. Tho
letter Is dated Aug. 20 from Numpa
and rends;
"I shall bo In llurns Thursday.
Bopt. " nnd expect to lenvo Into Fri
day night.
"I shall hnvo my ronorts on tho
Waterworks, Kloctrlc Lights and
Sower Systems ready to submit to
you and tho city council at this Umo.
ttl 1 11' UAV
14. V.. IkUliU., a.
LI K. McIhIo1h, County. Agrnt
Web foot weather.
Hard on down hay but good for
third crop alfalfa
Tho cold snap demonstrated that
sunflowers uro Harney County's com
Ing crop
t-1.1 lit., rtiif ,'ntit nf tint lllir
- -
noy County Farm
don't bu nfrald to say so
Constructive criticism Is wolcom
, r ,.. A..nin
ml nnd Is good for County. Agents
" ...
us won as oiiiith.
A word of uiicounigiiiiiont Is also
good occasionally. A single bower to j
tho living is worth doxon nownr
designs after you lmvo gono west.
Along tho same lino you are again
going to hav a fair Sept. HO (nu. 1
nnd 2. that will inflect nlthor crod
Itubly br othorwlau on you as a clt
iun of th. county.
A credltnblu fulr will moan now
lelntlonu oxtstlnh letwevn town and
touhtry, fresh omouragoment to
farmors nnd stonkumn to carry on.
Attraction of new people to .iu and
hoar and later invest lu Harney coun
ty lauds and last but not leust now
busluoss and greater protHrt lo tho
morchants.tinO huslnesa.mon who aro
giving so "liberally of tholr tlmo and
money to malco It u hiiccohs.
Do not forgot that while, the farm
er nnd stockmen with tholr uxhlhlta
aro largo contributors to tho huccoss
of a llvo fair tho part played by tho
morchant and professional mon in
tho towns is oquully Important slnco
timv furnish tho bIiiowb of wnr in
tho wny of money and tlmo.
Tho business men of Hums hnvo
takon pvor tho work in a manner
that speaks for auccess uh far an thoy
can go In tho lino of Bports, racing
and thu entertainment lino. All that
Is now required is exhibits from tho
farm and ranch.
Mon and womon will bo oppolntod
In each community to collect exhib
its thoroforo please save your boat
products for them, not forgetting
that all grains and grnssos must bo
In bundles 4 jnchoB In dlamotor. Try
nnd bring your own Individual ex
hibits If .poBBlblo, but If you ennnot
bo Burp anu0ovo thorn for tho com
mlttoo, Honest toil is u crodlt to any mnn,
but many poopjo object to tho crodlt
Moves Toward Improvement
In Light Plant; Interest
In City Charter.
'Jhf club lunchoons in this lty on
each Frldny noon continue to bring
out n representative crowd and
thlugii lu gonorul are dlscusscil. Yes
terday wuB no exception. Mr. Trau-
gott was In chargo of tho discussion
on yesterday and several itublcctn.
woro brought boforo thono present,
tho most Important being tho irri
gation projoot. Judgo Orant Thomp
son, ono of tho directors of the dis
trict, was present but could give no
additional information as to prbgresa
than had been told before. However,
others discussed Irrigation in a gen
eral way, among them being Chas;.
M. Faulkner who had visited Lake
view earlier In the week where tho
Qooso Lake project has rccontly bean
Inntallod. Mr. Faulkner was Inform
ed by people over ther that tho cropa
under tho projoct thla season would
bo sufficient to pay tho cost of con
struction. Thfit'o tho report wo havo
from practically every project that
has boon Installed, yot wo have peo
ple who do not give such undertak
ings tholr nctivo support.
Tho fair was also given nomo con
sideration during tho luncheon.
A business session of the club was,
hold at tho club rooms last night at
8 o'clock. Tho attendance was not
what It should have bean.' However,
those who did attend showed a lively
Interest In the affairs under discus
sion nnd some dollnlto action wan
taken upon subjects of particular Im
portance. Tho 11 rat matter to consider nt tho
evening meeting wus the advliabll
Ity of employing n paid secretary. It
was thought prosont conditions did
not warrant it high salaried man to
tako euro of tho club nnd that a tem
porary secretary would answor tho
purposu until things developed moro.
Charles W. Ellis was elected to act aa
secretary for the present.
It was necessary to hunt up somu
lamps before tho meeting could bo
called to order and thin naturally
brought' up tho subject of the light
service. Tho unreliability of tho
prosont Hor Mpo was dlticusacd uud
' umiLituMnHM If, no I n IM.trttltJ f,r
improving iu
It neoiiM thuro Is no
prospect of bettering conditions tin-
' ! drnsl o stops nro taken and It
. wan the sense of thu muutlng t int u
protest Hhould go up to the publlo
service eouiuiisslon in uu often to get
some action.
Tho city chartor was given con
sideration. Tho prosont charter is
admitted to Iks antiquated' and If
mudo workablo will require numer
ous amendments, Tho charter hux
been printed in pamphlet form'nnd.
haa been distributed, among Interest
ed citizens for tholr perusal nnd com-.
ment. Committees havo boon .up
pointed by tho council nnd tho club
to tnko tho matter up and from tho
expression of thono who took part in
tho disrusBjon J.itU night It is nlmoiit
assilred a now chartor will bo mudo
for llurns. At tuiN ratu tho, mutter
was put to a vqtu at. tho m.edtlug-nud
ovory ono Vho exprossud thoihselven
worn favorable to u now ohnrttir.
Some did not voto olthor way i thoy
did not fool compotout to oxprosa an
A apodal mooting of tho city coun
cil will llkoly bo called to discuss tbo
proposition of water and sowor nnd
It is tho intontlou to hnvo all tho
cltlzonu who doHlro bo present nt this
mooting in order that u bettor under
standing may bo had. That's tho
wny to get results, Qo to tho coun
cil mooting and show tho oillcora our
Intorost in tlio mutter and glvo thorn
our Biipport in furthorlng matters
that will Improve our towu.
II. D. Stahl and family took tholr
doparturo hut Monday for Brighton,
Colorado whoro thoy Intend to mnko
tholr homo. Thoy havo not disposed
of tholr farm in thla county, thoro
foro may. como back lator. They
drovo through In tholr car. Mlsa. Bor
nlco Harkoy accompanied thorn out
as fur an Nnmpa, Idaho, whoro Bhu
will visit with tho A.L. Hackney fnin
lly for a fow daya boforo tho opening
of school,