OP II K T I M K H II K II A h I II U It N H II A It N IJ y ijtO UJS TV, () It K O N Hattirduy, August JM, loijo Pihjv Four Jhe 'Times-J-Ierald , Hn The UirttMt Circulation Of Any NrwtpAper In tlnrney County. Manttr . SUBSCWimON RATES ,f.-pt..,Yur .'. . 2.00 l o ,M.wth .,....., ... . i 100 ne oiunint ... .... a . V4- , Hitturdiiy, AiiKiua 111, 1020 TKAM WOIIK ' Wn hear much thoao ilnyn about "temn-work." , Moutly It Ix uuud In connoctlon with nthlotlc nffnlru. Wo tiro told uf won derful vIctorloH whon ovory momher of n tuiun puIIh toKuthur whon huiuo ono dooan't ko off trying to nmko'n ntur piny, at the oxpontio of tho oth oth. Trouhlo Ih that wo limit tho word to our recreation nport nthlutlcH. Wo .should follow through; think, uao, llvo tcum-work In ovorythhiK wo d-j. If loam-work Ih a winner In oportn, thou toum-work In koihI In family attaint and wo all know how tho ltouHuhold thriven wherolu ovory momhor Iiuh a shoulder to tho wheel. If team-work Ih Rood In tho fuuilly I haa.lt la cood la aur work the ennrclal orcaalzattonu or unit whora wo earn our dally bread. If team-work Is good la aur wark .(r-then teuia-work. U good for our . celchborliood arfulrn our commun ity our towu. And right Inure, frlondn, In whore wS cuu male tho KrouloHl hIiowIiir Yvhon wo all practice team-work In the development and it ro wilt of our towu and county. When thu merchautN of thin town &tieiid money for nilvorllitliiK apiico to iMml you a mosmiKo of economy tutv lft hnrpiliw that iiu'hkoko mIkiuIiI lid rend. They've InvoHted thnuwitmlrt of dollarii In nooiln to Hupply you afid without one i;uarautee that you will buy. To earn your money here, thun take It to tho Mk city ntoro or muni It to the mall order houno neither of which contributes one cent to tho upbuilding of thin community It not team-work. Head the advertlfementri In IIiIh paper today, then patronize our homo merchantH. IIotne-rticiU dollar mean team work. . Wo alno (alk, and wo llHton to oth- 'orn"'(hll for tho mora wo all talk tho. more everybody lonrnn, Homotttnoti our talk union tho "lnadorn," for It unonrthx fnetii which they would prefer to keep iibcrot. Hut wo talk JttHt tho name, and wo have a dlxconcortiliK hnblt ot unking our "loadorH.' why tlioy did, dr thoy didn't. SomotlmoH'lheHn tuoHtlontt are om bari'hiiHlnft. and difficult to aiiHwer, nnd tho "loador" bocomen llttntorod and conruitod, and attempt to cam outlngo. Then wo do Hdmo more talking, and thin tlmo tho "loader" doeii tho HhIoiiIuk or wo find another lender. Yen, talking Ih a good thing, and It Ih Holdom cheap, for oven tho mont trlval of eonvorwitloiiH hIioUh JIrIiI upon Homo Httbject, or bthor. Lot thu peoplo talk, o J.OOAIi AND I'KUHONAIi. ,Alr. and Mm. Dick Hmlth were In town from their homo at Diamond yoHtorday. 0. W. Clevenger and wife came In I from outnldo points tho fore part of j thlrt week but Mm. Olovenger Iiuh ro , ttiriiod to Vale, 1 Mr. and Mr. Jerry Dillon wero up from Lawon for o day or two thin week, having nccompnnlud Albert Hwnln and hln family up. Mr, and Mr;'Cha. johuaon accaia panlH by Mm. Kred WUIIaBH a ad her children, left yesterday morula for the head ot RaalfTant creek to cata p for a few daya before Kchool BtnrtJi. V ... ... . , : A ll m rcpunnu iruw nincr that It In necpHWiry that grain be Htacked Immediately upon being cut oh If left lying on the ground over night the rabblta devour every kornal of tho grain. Dr. II. 8. Urowuton and family, of I .a flrande, wero In thin city during tho week. They are out on a vara tlon tour nnd wero en route to Crater hake. Dr. llrownton formerly renldetl In thlH city nnd wan mandated with Dr. I.. K. Hlbbard In tho practice of deutlHtry. JRISH MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE IN U. S. NOT I.MI'ItKHHKD ' Thlrty-lhreo yearH. In the Arctic, trapping and hunting, Iiuh been the life ot V. 'D'. CIork, who iame recent ly to Vancouver for the llrnt tlmo In that period. Ho Haw upon tit h arrival IiIh lint automobile, tlrxt utroi't car, llrHt Hying marhlue, and II rut moving lecture, and h wan not ImpreMxed Hfmple nature, oven with the north urn rigora, U more attrallvo to tit lit than civilization with It hundred ami one varlttex of burning energy. Mr. (Hark eamu out. with It Ih hint hi'hmoii'h eiituli, Which brought htm )90UU. He returned to vhU bin 12-year-old (laughter, whom he hoiii "outnldo" a few yoarit ago to be educated in the vavK of modern civilisation. Mr. ('lark'rf trapping rluigo Ih In the Kagle Itlver rountry on tho Yukon. Whon you get down to the real bottom of thlngn do you wouder Mr. tilark waft not Improved with modern civilization an viewed in thu cIIIch? Wbnt doctf a rutin got out ot life In tho roar and rampant energy of city existence? Coopod up all day In ntuffy oMco or a smelly factory aud 'at 'night restricted to-four waljn at .bcft,wlh a tiny yard behind. Think of going thrpughi. a 80. of tfO-year II fu that w.ayj It Ih any aurprlno j tli at, It brcoda dlHcqntout,, Mra. William WatHon wait over from her homo In Diamond yentorday In company with frlondw. Mm. IMatt Itandall arrived homo yonlerday ovonlng from Portland where nho had been visiting for uov onil wookii. County Agont McDanloln loft yen torday afternoon for Wagontlro whom ho will moot with tho ntock mon and farmnrn of tjmt region to night. Tomorrow ho will moot with tho Htock Annoclatlon on Hllvor Crook. JauiOH TollowH, tho mttalcnl Inntrii mont man who roproHonttt tho Wiley II. Allen Co. In thin territory. Ik In town nccompnnlod by Howard Hottlo, tho piano tunor. Thoy have boon touring thin county and vlnltliig par tlonn of Mnlhour. Mm. Corabollo llalloy arrived hero from Anhlnnd ynHterday evening nnd In it uncut at thu Uomo or her nlntor, Mm. Albert Hwnln. Mm. llalloy wan formerly Corabollo ThlmmoM ami In remembered by many former Hchool mate In tho Harney county high Hchooi. Mm. 0. J. Dnrnt oxpectn lo lako her departure tomorrow for Kaunaii where hIio will vIhII with relatlven lor a time and will go later to Ari zona to vbdt her Hlnler. Alio will not return to her homo hero until about tho ChrlHttnaii holldaya according to her prnnoot pinna. Mm, Nolllo Keed waH a panne ager la on the Dend ntage yesterday even ing returning freaa Portland where nho had beon far aereral wk, dur ing which tlaie nho uaderwent o operation and apcat coruUderablo time la tho hoitpltah Mm. Reed ban about recovered her health. Mr. and Mm. Chan, Itphn left Thursday morning for Horn! whore they expected to meet hl.t fnthor nnd IiIh ntiter, but tho vlnltom changed their route aud came In lant night by way of Crane. The Kohim are Ht 111 In lleiid. or at leant they had not returned Ihlit morning. THREE GENERATIONS OF COX FAMILY Haying Supplies We are prepared to take care of your wants during the haying season. Our grocery stock covers every requirement Special attention given all large orders (ri&GenU Furnishing D. 1ilvlo O 1 Qf-rii Dry Good' Produce i SPLevens Hotel Bids OUlI 15 VClIllJ'tiil C Groceries old stand Poison Cheapest. Way To Get The Rabbits (Contliiuttl from page ntio) without either a direct or Indirect cont to tho land owuom. The extent of tho cont will depend upon tho thoroughnnna of tho work of oxter-1 mlnatlon, but rngardleno of bow great) It nay be In tho aggregate it cannot begin to equal the benefltn to bo de rived from lacreand acreage of bar veated crope or greater carrying ca pacity of the raatna. We are going to get the rabbit I, Tho choapeftl method la through the uho of polRo'n. fllrychnlne can bo pur chnnod at Cont Ihrough tho office of tho County A k (Hit 'In any quantity do wired. If tho land Owner (loon not do tho work It wtl bo done by men cm- vd ho will render nflBlntatice nn unual ployed by the County Agent and tho to thono deHlrlng It an long an the; cohI will become a lieu agalnnt tho got the rnbhltn. Moanwhlte ho property. directing every effort to Becuro fed- Tho County Agont In neither for or oral aid In tho work of extertnlna- agaliiHl a bounty but If one In adopt- tlon with fair prospect of huccoik. NOTICK OK I'l'lH.K' VIION Uturonco (llmiell member ol Parllatiio.it for NMrtb Wctunutb aiuI inlnlntor ot jgrlcuttur" In th 'rlh t'.eimbMe:'!! govertiuiint I i n Itm from Hie llmeivl'l 1 ! L'nttt'd Htute.t oi "Vti ' j.ao. " Tin- n-i-um ..,.;i lu uullj In not nu-. - o SCHOOh V.ltlL.r C.XI.I, N'otlco In hereby given that thorn are fumlH In the trvnnury to pay off wnrrantn No, MH, "i and 27 In Kchool District No, 48; also warrant. No. C In Hchool Dlntrlct No. c:i. Inter CHt ccanea on August 23, 1920. W. Y. KINO. County Troanurer.1 I PNITKD BTATKJ LAND OP1MCH Ilurnn, Oregon, Attgunt 19, 1020 NOTICK In hereby given that Leo nard C. Rnrhrtrn. of Uunleo. Oreiron. who, on Mnrch IS, 1 01 G, and Novem ber 17, 1010, made Ilomontead on trlen. No. 08r72-0077.'l, for HH U , Hoc. 1 4 ; NB . N Vt 8K , HB BB V. , Hec 23; W'W'j, flee. 2-1 anil NB Vi NB'4 Hectlon 20, Townnhlp 18 ji., Itauge 21 B., Wlllamotto Morldlan, ban lllod notice of Intention to make Klnal thrco-year Proof, to Hotabllnh claim to the laud above doncrlhod, before L. M. Miller, U. K. CommU nloner, at her olllce, at Paulina, Ore gon, oip the 2Gth day of Heptember. 1020, Claimant namon an wltneetien! Henry K. Wooloy, Hoy L. Cltane, Kenton W. Chane, nnd Molvln We berg, all of Huplee, Oregon. V. (I. COZAD, HcglBter. Sentiment Exists In Business ave Your Eyes ' . 'lKT TIII- I'KOPLK TALk, Hoiiio peoplo object to hearing oth er people talk. Ponnlbly they prefer ro do all of tho talking thomnolvcn. Then again, when peoplo talk oth er people loam thlngii. And it In to tho iuteroot of uomo people that other peoplo be not overly verned In tho nnalrri of the nation. It dlmn tho radiance of their own Intellectual ro llectorn. When men pull off a crooked deal In political or commercial life uomo onu invariably known nomothlng about It. And when koiucoiio known, , J hero in danger of othern hooii learn ing If noma ono talkn. Kor many yearn It wan tho cuntoin for our nolf-appoliitod "loadem" to lall"whllo tho rent of tho people' llHteued. That wan good for tho ' "loadorH," for thoy gonorally told only that which wan to their lutoront io toll. nut now It Ih different. Wo have our "loadem," alno nolf appointed, but wo Unten when wo fee) like It aud lator wo do an wo JOlOHflO. The Price Of Health Often It In only a few contn npout for Homo Hlmpjo but effective remedy that keopn nlckuens away, Wo sol) tliem, many kltuln aud for many purponen. A dlnli of cream, A box of stationery,-'" A plpo or clgam. A comb or brunh. Toilet artlclon. rlfie Welcome Pharmacy Nyal Htoro Hero they are. from little daughter Anna to (Irandpa Oil lort Cox, father of tho Democratic . eandtdate for Brealdont. Mr Cox 3r exptewai great conHdeuce In hln aoa'a etetaa aad uaya. "hope , It? will be a g094'a arealdont aa ok Una awa a soa." . Htetnon .Soon, hut I6.09. N. Brown I Remember The Utility of Electricity. Also Remember that the Price has Not Raised in spite of doubled operating costs. E. L. & P. Co. TTTaTTM Eye strain niust'slti'tttlnches, ncrvotisucKH nnd olhrr trim lilos. I fit tflusfU'.s arcuratoly and KCitMitifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAl'RICK SniWAKTZ Optoiai'triil Olliro willt Dr. II. F. Smith In the rush of the busy busi ness day the good principle of courtesy Ih easily overlooked. Sometimes a business institu tion 'appears to be a cold machine instead of an organization of warm-hearted, human, regular fellows most business people really are. Eveiy courtesy, every order, no matter how large or small, is worthy an expression of appre ciation. Our wish is that this may ex tend our sincere thanks for the business you entrust to us and to rnakp you feel that we are always at your service. FIRESTONE Tires & Tubes . DODGE BROTHERS cars CLETRAC TRACTORS We are Experts in the Scientific Adjust ment of Everything Connected wiih a Car. UNIVERSAL GARAGE CO. 3Eg Carry Everything In Groceries i Farmers Exchange Burns,, Oregon A. OTTINGKR, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager . u I 11 M" 11 1 3Ej