The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 21, 1920, Image 1

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P r ? ..TC."'.,.'."'-1- -, .
... , I" i ' ". t
f J'1 i
llnrncy Coaiityto thnbrr
jiRM't for IwMMidliiin cxptolUt
ilon 3lltM'1iiHMvlK)' tttrkinf;
H oat to BJd1i1tto?to6eiMtrtic
itop wwh '"' luftUo. Im
vratlftuto thta TirnU' Bold.
-. Harney county's- reacoiu-ctvt nro
attracting tho attention of Ilia
; cntlru Wct. Irrigation, Mock
ruining, mlHCH, oil and rfa pro
.u pect4 and tHpricaltarrt nil
awaiting; development.
NO. 43
' ' I 1.111 M.....i..l. , ,
Light and Power Plant Been
Ordered; Luclcof Masons
Hampers Work.
The ftono work on tho now H1.juii
jo;, tu-piii'.i is progressing mill
uio wain are now urouuu mo window
frames '.t tint ilrU ntory. Lark of
oxporlo aid Htono nuuiona Ih bumper
ing tin work at th.'tt Unto and the
building association In advertising for
more masons. There nro aovornl
within thin county who can secure
good wugos by applying at this tltno.
Following tbo harvest tltno It Ih
likely thu vrork will progress moro
rApldly au several tooal mea who are
-ilntcrested In thU poml-publlc un
dertaking havo signified tholr doslro
tb donato some of their tlmo to lt
A representative of a roputablo
'Hght and power concern Ih now on
tho ground making tbo noeotwary ob-M-rratlonn
and taking tneasuromonta
for tho purpono of instatllng tho Unlit
and powor plant. It U to Ih; itdoquato
for all thing necessary In tho build
ing including tho powor for tho ole
vntors, X-Ilay upparatUH, laundry,
light, etc.
( Tho pooplo of this county who lmvo
gotton behind this institution nro
certainly elUUcd to much credit. It
In a worthy uadortakltg that mean
much to humanity and ono that wo
wilt nuvor rcgrot having aldod.. It
rhould have further consideration
from tho pooplo and tbo moral b up
port of the ontlro country, for it wilt
bolong to tho pooplo of Harney coun
ty wbon It Ih completed.
John Tcrwllllgor, formorly a runl
dont of thin county and who hau land
near Harney, arrived horo thu fore
part of tho weok. Ho ban been In
Kan Han and other middle weutem
Htatort for HnvoraJ ywrn nlnco leaving
here but having recently boon In
charge of a pumping plant for Irri
gation In Colorado, he conceived the
IdeA that nuch a method would bo
Bucceseful In title volley on tho lands
that could not be covured by gravity
nystcms and In now InvnHtlgating tho
nrmifixlt Inn lln urni tnti thnt Mr.
Wilson in pumping wator for Irrlga
tlon purpouon and that nevcrnl otbor
ilooji welln aro bolng put down in
different partn of tho valley for tho
uamo purpoHO. Mr. Torwllllger haa
gore over to tho Harney vicinity to
?oc': afttr bin landH. He loft hla
family back wboro ho hau boon re
siding but uhould ho docldo to re
main ho will send for them. MIhh
Ollbert, a niece of Mm. W. H. Morrl
pon and James Gilbert, accompanied
Mr Terwllllgor in. Tbo youpg lady
Ilrca In Michigan and cornea to visit
her relatives for a tinio. flho la a
Klter to Mrs. Terwllllgor.
Prof Goo. li. ilyslop arrived
ti.l.. . - - a i . !
r'it'on with Supt. Shattuck.
Prof. I
I' ''ip In well known 1
" l "" "'M "
is vlnltod hen
of tbo country aa ho has
v tmir-ti during JiIh connection
with tbo Oregon Agricultural col
lego. Prof. HyHlop baa boon In the
''f hates section for ovor.;l dayf '
I' oliing over eomo potato flold'i. Mr'
h-d expocted to bo hero oarrrr In
the week and bo able to remain long
er but clrcuraHtancon proventod. Ho Is
well pleased with tho report from tho
Ilurnn station and Rayrlt Is up to the
people of this Boctlon to got behind
ouur roprcsontatlvo In tbo loglnlaiut o
and necuro a larger appropriation lor j
uio station as it snouia navo moro
support in acoordanco with tho im
portance and magnitude of tho work
accomplished. Prof. Hyslop considers
this a big field for domonntratlon
work that is yet in its Infancy ho far
oe agriculture Is concerned, thoroforo
tbo ntaUon Is going to be an Import
ant adjunct to tho dovolopmont of
Harney county.
........ 0
H. F. Johnson came over from
Prlnovlllo TburBday und In looking
for W. P. Davidson of tho Oregon &
Western Colonization Co. In at once.
Thoy lmvo nomo land deals ponding
In this vicinity.
uiu. ouy yosuiruuy .y..m..H .. ; ng to tho world tho fact that for Irrl
spenillng tbo day nt tbo Kxporlmotit ,,..,., ,..,. ..., ttraun croi)H. Tlarnov
In dlncuiftlrfjjlHo . jproiioajjd north
and Houth Yoo an Wllluod In Tlni
TlmoB-IIorald last wooit, ono goutlo
man atatod It wo.UId hri a good movo
but, that a portion of tho roulo wuh
Biibjoct to drlftlnj; hhow durfng tho
wiittof. llo ndmitlod thin tmiim dru'w-
lmck in connection with nthor routoH,
thoroforo It In Jllnt an foiiHlblo in that
ncctlou au any othor. nonldon.
ow Vnlloy will curtalnly mittlo
up It nrtoalan wntor In found for Irri
gation purpoan and rogardlosti of
thnt, tho pooplo who rcnldu In that
torrltory and Houth of it nro oiultlod
to an outlot. Tho mont direct routo
HOrvIng the greater numbor of poo
plo la tho logical road to build. Why
koop up fiovernl when ono will ano-
wer the purpose. Should tho Ulltion
country be opened to colonisation It
will require road and thin would
eerve that M-well as Ui-irritorv baWj"0"1 in Uur,1B on that date but later
i that m well aa Uift-iwrltory bWT"0"1 ,n Uun,B
xv a .Y"P' "MOt Ih found thu
I nf II... . I .
Ky 1. K.McftotUeU Cymty, Aicvut
Some change in the weather.
A few gardeau reported frosted
Tuesday nlgbt.
ibo county Agont han JUst com-Mi nure (hero will bo no objection to fore need no education aa to the bono
ploted a weeks trip to Umatilla Coun-' holding tblH mooting at tho Commor- nt of irrigation. They don't havo
ty via Ontario.
Ho was" greatly ImpresHcd by two,
things ou the trlpOnothn super-1
lorlly of Harnoy County ovor nil nee-:
lions visited In crop production with
tbo oxcoptlon of wheat. Second
tbo lack of knowledge on tho part of
tho "outalde" concerning Harney
County and Its reacourcca. WhutH tho
answer T In the oplnjon of tho Coun-
ty AgftHtJhe auswervwn bo given In1
throo wora, .;-'Lck of Coopor-
atlon." .. W
Thin mwinB lack of eooprratlon be
tween Individuals., between town and
country, and laat but mpst Import
ant, between tovvna. It aeema that
whole communities, and towns havo, cach Individual engaged In tho bunl- tuul wook- ,n Monday tbo thnrmotn
fallen asleep and "Let tho rest of tho msn. r uler rOglstwrwl 100 and upon Invoitl-
world go by," Thoy lmvo seemingly
lost sight of tho fact that conditions
have changed, while petty politics
and Inalguiflcuut factional strife are
claiming tholr attention, tho rout of
tho country bun outstripped them In
tho race for prosperity and advance
ment. IJnea thin rub you the wrong' way?
Too bad Isn't It? Out of tfcorea of
tourluts, lionicHoekorti and hualuosn
men und coloulzem conversed with
during thu trip, nil knew of tho Uiko
vlow, IJrowBtcr, Okanoga, Twin Kails,
StinnyHlda and other Irrigation din
trlcts, but not one had heeard of tlio
Harnoy Vnlloy. Information given
was mot with such , statements uh
"Thatn queer! Mr. Ho and So, a per
xounl friend of mine llvcu tliero uid
bo novor mentioned It." Borne boout
IngI Isn't It?
When all bauds fare tbo fact that
tblH la nut a dry farming country und
that tho conservation of tlio waters
of tbo county' for Irrigation purposes
In vitally essential to tho welfaro of
overy Inhabitant within ita bounder,
Ion Just ho soon and no sooner, will
petty bickerings over nou-ossenUala
ceano und all Intorentq, center ou the
proper development of tbo irrigation
ltitorostH of tbo country and liorald-
...... I.n T( I. ..II
'Jsht to boost "my" town, follow
(JHt wh0 l0n HQ ot U9 ot ,0B)
dght of tbo fact that It in "our
ountry, and regurdloesn of which
toctlnn of tho country tho Irrigation
irojret in located, its development
dentin prosperity fpr all.
A now high-water mark In produc
lon by testing association cowa In
Oregon bos boon 80t by "Ponnlo," a
frudo Jprsoy in tho dairy hord of L.
A, McCormac of Tillamook. Pennio
ifavo 189C pounds of milk, 115.66
pounds of fat, in tho mouth of June,
Vbout $70 worth of fat alono in a
alnglo month. D. A. Wilbur, tester for
the Tillamook association, reports an
average yield of 40 pounds of fat.
Til, II. Kltts, In charge of association
testing for O. A. C. roporta ICG honor
!0vb in all associations for Juno,
. ' o-
Ml hb AugUHta Moullflti, d plater
to ltoy Moullou, arrived fioro rocontly
from San FranclBCO and lu a guoat ut
tbo homo of hor brother. Tho young
lady oxpoctn to remain horo for tho
State Executives Will Meet
Local Growers in Barns;
Form Organization.
Tbo pucrotary of tho Oregon Htato
Catllo & llorsu tirowora Aiiuactatlou
luiti Hunt out circular luttoru giving
"fttu" ror ,noo"B of tho oxocutlvo
commlttoo at Bovoral Interior townu
within a abort tlmo. It had boon un-
derntood that thin commlttoo would
bo In UuriiH on Beptembor 2D and
County Agont McUanlelH had diHCUHH-
"u tno nie.t-'UnB w,ln l0CHl Btock ,,lon
a" ovcr 1,10 coumy anJ lmtl worked
0,1 11 nrPd county organlratlon to
committee, and ofUcora
of tho ntato organisation will bo
through Uurn iicarller and will liold
a meeting hero on Saturday evening,
Hept. 4, at 7 o'clock.
Tho Timo-HeraW la acting with-
out aatherlty ho fhV-aa nuggestlng tbo
place of mooting la concerned but
cut Club rooms. ;
u la Important that local growera
should bo In Duma on that date and
tako up tho proposition of tho county
organisation. Tho bencflta of organ-
Irallon Ih no longer questioned and
with tbo aid of tho county agent a
j0cal couuty atock association can
bo mudo of much assistance to tho
Uion ongnged In tbo business. A largo
number of atock men have been np-j
preached upon this aubject and aro'
. . . . -.,.., n i.
likTdi niiiu iu lie iuu; niiuuiu m i wi f , tsw v"u w.ntuis utiun
present and tako part In tho kind of 'oro part of thU month, warmer than moro convtinlont, as well as agrco
organization thoy feel will bo mont ror. "ovornl yeurH, but at primonl It ul,j0f t0 HOj j0 tt mnn wUl whom ho
beneficial. Don't loavo it to tho otbor
follow. IU tho particular busliuHH of
J. H, Anderson brought John
Whlto over from hla placo Thursday
for medical aid. While raising u
derrick polo It fell on tbo unfortuuato
man and broke his Jnw, his none and
knocked one eye out. Dr. Smith found
It necessary to removo -tho eyo au
tbo optlcnl nerve wna sovorod.
Mr. Whlto Ih at the King hospital
and bis physician oxpoctn to operate
further upon him na noon na hls con
dition will warrant. Ho will recover
but Is badly hurt und It will roqulro
I'. J. Connolly, tbo sheep man, In in
town on business.
111 Mkrk
our neighbors, the big city mer
chants und mail order houses.
The city merchants nnd muil order folks are prov
ing every day that it is profitable to invite OUB DOL
LARS ovcr. They do it through advertising.
But the merchants of this community can over
come that they con establish a more lasting friend
whip with the communitv's monev in fuct, moke
regular STAY-AT-HOMK DOLLARS overv qne.
FIRST By INVITING the DOLLARS within shop-
Bing distance of this center to TRADE IN THIS COM
ll'NITY. SECOND By renewing that invitation through ad
vertising, week after week, month after month, ycur
after year. That's the way the city mcrchunts and
mail order folks do it,
THIRD The invitation is to tell the dollars about
the worth-while things that are in your store for them.
FOURTH When the dollars come, remember they
will onlv come back again when well treated.
And there is nolliinu more invigorating to
the activities of nnv community than pepful
Visitor Farmers Ready
To Invest Where Water
Can be Furnished.
A. Murphy, who clalmii to bo a
Froncliiimn and In euro to bo takou
for otiu wliou onu bourn him talk
with tbo map of Ireland Htampod on
lain faco, wan a caller at thin office
yoHterday. Mr. Murphy halln from
Nampa, Idaho, alid in In tltlu vicinity
Invontlgnting condltlonH and obnorv -
lug roal eatato mattern. llo naya
l,loro ' no quentlon about gottlng
tho right kind of people to invoat In
the Harney vnlloy If we got the water
for Irrigation.
"Dry farmers adjoining Irrigated
tract over 1b our aelghborhood ah
wanting Just nuch a proposition aa
you have In this country," aald Mr,
Murphy. "They a what their nelgh
boru a half A mile or mile away do
with water whlk they have a crop
once in two er three years, and thero-
tho raoana to Invest In the older re-, delivery to tho local alaughtor-houso
clalmcMl sctlonn where land valuosor atock yards, much depending on
aro high but do havo sufficient to the demand of tho markot for tho
make a substantial payment on tracta class of stock sold. Some feeders soil
in new projects where the values rather regularly to tho namo buyor,
are not ho high because of lack of, a plan which baa cortaln advantages
development of tho lands." for both buyor and seller. If tho
o buyor feels quite cortaln of obtaln-
QUICK CHANGE If lug well-flnlBhed anlraala which ho
TKMl'EIlATUIUi can use to advantage, ho will bo
I likely to mako liberal concessions In
This torrltory has experienced regard to tbo deposition of. tho atock
snmn vorv hot weather during thu
,a Io,nt One of tho froak chnngos
" Jomperaiura occurrou wio nrai. 01
i a ... . a t m
, gating tho aamo Instruments on Wt'd-
l nehday morning It wan found that the
coldest point registered during tho
previous night and early that morn-
ing wan 3D degrees, making a differ
ence of G6 degrees. A light frost on
tho lower land nipped potato Ylrioa
but on the upper.Unda tho tomatoes,
squash, cucumbers and string boann
wero not touched,
Frank 8. Miller, who owns ono of
tho valuable farms In thlu vicinity,
In up from bin homo nt Modford. llo
mado tho trip In blu car accompan
ied by hla mother-in-law, who ro
niiHid nt Redmond to vlnlt with two
of hor daughtorn. Krnnk In hero for
only n short tlmo and has boon kopt
protty buay greeting bin mauy
ONEY TnlUs" nc-
cordlnfi to an old
u (I a n c, indicating
that our cash 1ms
luinian trnitH,
If II is ko, vc may hove learned
thu reason for the strayinq habit
or pinny dollars from this com
munitythey've succumbed to
the courtesy und friendliness of
Thri nlmploBt,mothod of dlapoalrig
of llvo utpek prepared for markot In
that In which tho buyor vliiltn tho
producer, oxamlium tbo ntock, and
given tlio protlucor an opportunity
to makb u salo. In tho moro doiiHoIy
populatnd farming Huctloim local
butcliorM itud ntuck buyora travol
through tho country looking for
ntock, ThcHo buyoru, aa n rulo, pur-
cbaHo ntock at prlccw which aro bo
u murnoi quoiauonu, in
' HrIor t0 ",,ow for rlnkngo and ox
pennon connected with loIlvery. Tlioy
' ay nlno endeavor to drive hard bnr-
galnn with produccm who aro at n
uiHadvantago In any roopect, aH, for
Inatanco, in knowlodgo of markot
, conditions or In tbo quality and quBn-
i my of tho Btock thoy may have to
1,0,1 UnderfocI or low-grado etock In
"no"t uro to Ami a purchimor who
will ralao obJectlotiH to Ita quality and
fitness for markot or slaughter, say
llvo stock exportn of tho United
Htatea Department df Agriculture,
and will demand a maximum of ac
commodation in tho handling and do
ll very of tho stock.
Tho buyer may or may not roqulro
S acquainted, In whom ho has con-
mlonco, whoso methods ho under
stands, and on whom ho can cull
whenever 'be Is ready to sell.
Work of oxcoptlonal value to farm
ers' has been done by various couuty
agents In connection with the organ
isation of Uvo-Btock shipping associa
tions und live-stock auction sules.
Tho shipping asnoclatlonn lmvo boon
uspoclully successful In .Minnesota,
l MIchlgun. Wisconsin, and Oregon, an
well as In several States lu tbo South.
Tho llvu-ntock auction sales havo
boon developed In California on an
Australian modal which wan Intro
duced by a 'county agent who bad
been engaged In agricultural ex
tuniilon work in Now South Wnlea.
Thu valuo of tho stock marketed
through these yiucllon salon In Cal
Ifoanla amounted to $1,700,330 and
lucroasod returns to the furmers by
9 1 GG.04G ovor prices which thu stock
would havo brought bad tbo uuctlou
nulos not been bold.
"Aa Interesting as a Ghaut ur,na
numlfbr" la thu oxprosalon of those
who hoard tbo lecture on India glvon
by Hov. L. S. Tracy at tho NUzarono
church last weok. Mr. Tracy will
contlnuo this nodus at addressoa next
Fr:duy evening, August :17th, at olght
o'clock, nt which tlmo bo will apeak
principally upon tbo subject of Ho
"iuiirctu nnd CuBtoum of India. Mr.
1 rttey long, rosldonco In that strange
vountry enables htm to tell many
iblngB never found lu print, and the
curios exhibited at tbeso mootlugu
nro seldom soon n this laud, A cor
dial invitation In extended to tho pub
lic to attend this meeting, aa It la in
no way confined to denomination. No
admission lu charged.
Four business men of Burns to
gether with throo other cltlzona woro
present at a mooting callod lust night
to arrango for tho ontortalnmont pro
gram for tho county fair and to dla
susa tho ilnuuclul end of It, Those
proaont took no action. Thoy doclded
to annouueo anothor mooting for
Monday night at tbo Commercial
Club at 8 o'cloolc. Tho IntoroBt
Bhowh by tbo actual business con
corna of Iluma Monday night will do
tormluo tho deatlny of this undertak
ing, No hair dozen "faithful" aro
going to aBHumo tho ronponBlblllty, It
la up to ALL tho business men.
The Life of Farming and Live
Stock Industry Depends
Upon Prompt Action.
(L. 13. McDanleln, County Agent)
Owing to tho ngltatlou for a bounty
on Jack rabbits coupled with tho pub
lished Htatomontn thnt thu work of
destruction could not bo accomplish
ed by poison, It mlgho bo woll at this
tlmp to dlscusn tho bounty question
Bololy on Ita merits.
Everyone la awuro that thoy aro
hard and propagato with astonish
ing rapidity and owing to heir ability
to travel long distances, thoy aro tho
most destructive pent with which wo
must contend. Thoy are equally des
tructive to all clasaesa of vegotatbn,
destroying grain, grasa or root crops
wherever found.
Ten adult rabbits will devour
ran go or forago equal to a row. Aa
long as tbo grata and weoda aro soft
and green they scatter out over thu
hlilii and grating lands but as Boon
as thu range dries up thoy return to
tho meadows and cultivated crops for
food. When tho anow covers tho
grass, thoy congregato In countless
thousands around the hay stacks.
Thin fact makes their destruction
by poison p a large degree a mattor
only of desire and persevoranco on
tho part of thee Interested In tholr
destruction., Alty claims thnt poison
Is not effective under such conditions,
are unfounded an has been proven
times Innumerable asldo from drives
no system of extermination then haa
boon dovised when tbo grass Ih grcou
und soft.
Thu cost of poison Is not oxcosslvo
and even thu leant of caution dis
played In the distribution of tbo poi
son will pruvunt Iohs of stock. Thu
polHon method Is tho leant nxpouslvo
method known slnco one ounco of
strychnine dissolved In two gallons
of warm wator and poured ovor H
to 1G pounds of alfalfa loaves at a
coHt of not to exceed $2.50 will ac
count for moro rnhbltn in ono night
than any mothod of trapping or
shooting will for ton limes that sum.
How, or by whom or for what pur
pono tho poison Is distributed in im
material. Tbo solo question now be
fore the pooplo of Harney County Is
tbo (xtermluatlnn of tbo rodent and
otlif-r pests within Its borders.
The olllco of the Couuty Asant In
tends to'uufnrco tbo state law regard
ing the extermination of such pests
to the letter, bulloves, and with good
riHiunll Hint llilu wnrlr nn iI.uwI.mI
lands ran best bo done by qrguulz
Ing communities ulong tbo Much fol
lowed In tho ground squirrel work
thin Hummer wbon each laud owner
stood hla proportionate uharo of tho
cost nnd assisted In thu dostrlbutlon
of tho poison.
In tho event of a mild winter and
light snowfall whoro tho rnbbltn aro .
not forcod by hunger to tho cultivat
ed lands, tbo community plan will not
give satisfaction for tho ronson thnt
tbo acreage of government rango
lamln and ttnllllod holdings of non
rosldont owners far oxcoods tho cul
tivated areas and tho espouse at
tached to tho relatively sm?ill num
ber of settlors would bo entirely
out of reason, especially when tbo
fedornl govornmonta and non renl
donta should stand their proportion
ate sharo of tbo epanso.
Tho only method loft In tbo ovont
of a light biiow fall would bo tho em
ployment of professional polsonera
nnd trappora undor propor anparvla.
Ion or thu offering of n bounty. As
a rulo tbo prlnclplo of tho bounty
system Is absolutely wrong but thoro
aro exceptions to nil ruloa..
Tbo vory llfo of tho farming and
livestock Industry of tho county do
ponds upon tbo prompt extermination
of tho rabblta at tbo earliest possi
ble moment. Tbo quostlon of moanu
or cost la of Becondary consldoratiou.
With favorablo bijow conditions and
rogardlosa of tbo adoption of a boun
ty systom, tho County Agont, through
tho enforcement of tho Btato law, In
tends to rid tbo county of rabbits
as quickly as poB9lblo, bolng tntor-
ostod In results nnd uot In tho mothod
of accomplishment, ,
This work cannot bo accomplished
(Contlnuod on pago four)