The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 14, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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'I II ,1 T J M 10 H II 13 It A L 1) II U It N H , II A It N 13 Y 0 O U N T Y , O It K AON
KiWilMtny, AiiiimI II I too
rBO Kllht
instantly Recognized
The man who does all his business through
his bank is instantly recognized as a systematic
business man whose chances for success are ex
cellent. The man who does not use a bank is not
making the most of his opportunities.
A cordial welcome awaits you at this Bank.
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
i First National Bank
Frank King Is III at his homo north
of HurriH suffering trout it u nttnck of
spotted fovor.
Kldon JohiiHon arrived thin weak
front Hcattlo, Wash., and hnn gono to
hln Steins Mountain homestead to
pond tho summer.
J. W, McCulloch, of tho law firm
of Duncan & McCulloch, hnn boon
buru from Ontario for tho pant wook
looking after logal business and con-
tjultlng with Capt. Duncan.
Mrs. U. F. Hmlth han gono to
Narapa, Idaho, to visit for n couplo
of wookn with her nlcco, Mrs. Orovor
... . .- 1 . it... II, tt.i .1 .1 I.
cvuruiv. nnu iuhk him iimti uuuk"-
torn of MrH. Asnl Walkup with hor.
-Dr. Hmlth Ih IiivvIiik to tdtlft for him
Htilf during thti absence of tho family.
Tom Oteplions lit homo for n short
tlmo, Ho has boon down In Mlxlco
and other pnrtn following tho moos.
Tom In now Interested In a string of
lino gallopers and says ho has some
world hontora. Ho nan a pnrtnor In
tho airing and tho horiioH urn now Jit
tlit caro of thlH man at Unno. Thoy
Intend to ship four of tho bom horses
mst In tho nuar futuro and race thorn
ovor tho big cttrcttltH in that part of
tho country. Tom confidentially ox-'
pecta to mako n "cleanup" hack thoro
no tho sporting pages will ho watch-;
cd with Interest by IiIh Ilurnn frlonds
during tho Umo of tho big racon In
Now York and op tho Atlantic coast.)
ThoM. Van Standi wan In front tho
Junlpor ranch of tho P. L. B. Co. dur
ing tho wook.
Charley Mllttr, P. L. 8. Co. rattlo
fortiman, wan ovor from bin head
quarters In tho Drownoy country
Wednesday, '
Hov. Wm. llnlrd, Presbyterian Hun
day Huhool Missionary, Hponl a day or
two In thin city during tho wook cull
ing upon frloudH and advising with
tho local paHtor, Hov. John II. Wlch
orson. Htir. Ilalnl wont from horn
to tho southern part of this county
visiting several placcn on routo.
Georgo Marsdoii and Ooorgo Hy
ram woro horo tho llrst of tho wook
un business in connection with tho
adjudication testimony in tho water
right of Silvio Hlvtir. Thin I tho
first trip Mr. Marsdon han mndo to
thin vicinity for somo tlmo. Hj wan
agreeably surprised at somo cf tho
Improvements, Mrn. Oeorgo .Mars
don and llttlo datighlor, who had
been visiting In thin vicinity for sev
eral dityn previous, ncconipaulod
(Joorgo homo.
Mr. and Mrn. Herb Mattlsou wero
discovered on tho Mrn. K, F. Schwartr.
lawn litNt Sunday morning upon tho
family rising- Th'i visitors had arrlv
id unexpectedly during tho night in
their car and having it hod and com
plete ramp equipment with thorn,
camped on tho lawn. Tho Motllnous
woro on tholr way to tho Atlantic
ten it, making tho tour in their car.
Thoy oxpect to wlnlor In Florida
and return to Portland at tholr lel
mp next year.
out for
Come to us for fishing tackle
See our Hiipply of Rods, Lines
Flies, Hooks, Leaders, etc.
The Rexall Drug Store
of moats, poultry and provision!)
makes it only a question of choosing
which you would porfor first, Thoy
uro all of choice grado and tho most
Inoxporloncod houjiokcopor can pur
clmso In porfuct confldonco that no
ono could mako a wlaor Boloctloit or
buy hor moats cheapor.
Pork Nutter In ovor front hln hnnto
lit Diamond. .
II, II. Olut'k wan a business vlHltor
(o our city tho other day.
Joo Morris wan up from Narrow
on a rdiort business trip tho other
Judgo Wm. Fnrre left hint Sunday
for Portland to moot with tho Htato
Highway Commission In connection
with tho furthering of tho highway
hotwuoii Lawoft and Crnno,
II. F, Steele, ono of tho prosperous
Yiinehoni of tho Princeton -suction,
wan lit town tho oilier day. Frank
Hays ho had a good crop tlilii season,
tlfo hest for several yours.
Joo Thompson, a mouther of tho
IJurim Cash flloro llrm, lort last Fri
day for Portland to (alio In buyers
wook. Ho will lay In a supply of
gonth during bin trip and take In tho
Mrs. John Seothoff and daughter,
Mlsn Mnrgueroto, who had been visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Hchtnitl.,
took tholr dopnrtttro for tholr hnmu
ntt tho Deschutes Wednesday morn
ing. James McKoe, who owns a valu
able stock ranch In Diamond, wan In
town yesterday. Ho had Jtiht come
over from. Plush, In Lake county, on
hlh way to Diamond to look after hln
business affairs there.
Tho family of Dr. W. C, llrown
arrived hotnu Tuesday evening Irom
nit extended visit with relatives and
friends In tho eastern part of this
state and In Idaho, They report a
delightful lime. Lester Cawlflold
drovo them over in tholr car.
O. L. James, father of Mrs. Joo
Krumholr, arrived from his Routhern
California homo tho other day arid In
again Installed an chief companion to
tho youngsters nt the KrumhoU
home. Mr. James Is happy in his,
now poslttott.
Tho family of Hoy Dwyor arrived
hero Inst Sunday from Southern Cal
ifornia where they had been visiting
for u time. They aro domiciled lit
tho brick adjoining Mr. Trougott'n
real estuto office at present hut ex
pect to move (o ntoro convenient
quarters. ,
Mrs. Henry Caldwell has been over
from Iter Lake county homo for tho
past several days vUlllug wit!) re
lative and frluudH lit this vicinity.
She was a guest at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. M, 11. IlnHton for a tlmo
and she has also visited ut tho homo
of her brother, Henry Jennings.
Charley Lutton was ! towti.Thurs
day. Hu has recently iuntullvd a mo
tion picture apparatus In his Ford
and Is preparing to give exhibitions
in tho neighboring towns. Ho witH
hero to confer with tho local produc
er in the hopes of lining up on service
to tho advantage of both.
Mr. and Mrn. Joe Cameron look
their departure Tuesday morning for
Ktigono where they acompaulud somu
relatives who had boon visiting with
then) for a few weeks. Tho Pftrty
expected to mako I ho trip across tho
Cascades to their destination In ono
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oliver woro
over from their homu on tho John
Day tho foro part of this week, hav
ing como because of tho hearing of
additional testimony In tho adjudica
tion proceedings of tho "water of flll
vlos River, Whlio hero the Ollvorn
woro guests at tho home pf .Mr. and
Mrs. llodney Corad..
Judgo Wm. Farro arrived homu
irom Portland last night where ho
had booh before-tho State Highway
Conniilailon on road matters. His
success is Hiovu in another eolumii.
Judgo Farm nays there were largo
delegations thoro from different eoun-tlo-
and. organizations but. tho Com
iitlsnlou dealt with matters In a prac
tical way, therefore iiiimliern didn't
J. W. Duchanatt was In town
Thursday looking after somo huslnoBH
affairs. Hu came lit tho day boforo
with Hov. Wm. Ilaird and after at
tending to his business affairs had n
llttlo tlmo to visit boforo roturniug
in company with his neighbor, Lett
n !u Vickors. Mr. lluchaiian haii had
tho best crops this year that ho has
harvested for savoral yearn, His
socond crop of Alfalfa will yield
heavy, that lu what tho rablta didn't
get. Tho pests havo takon a big lot
of tho second crop but ho uuyn they
woro not soon in his vicinity during
tho early part of tho spring,
Stetson hat $6.00, N. Drown ft
ntn Rrwlitrliiirir lu III Mm etlv. Kllfrill rMJtJlUMIfP'uJn? TirPfiia.-
" ' nera&oousniou
Alien Hit was In town Wednesday, am ifl
Havo you takon it Mky rldo" y6i7 iRp For a Greater Harney County $
Will Cattorson wan In town yesterday.
Fred Otley was among our visitors!
from Lawon during tho wook.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Banders woro ro
glntered at tho Lovomi yesterduy.
H. J. Williams, wan over from bin
Silver Creek homo during tho week.
M, H. llrenton has purchased tho
In'torosts of tho J a men Hicks estate in
tho partnership luminous of tho llrm,
Archie Welunlelu of tho Wolnnlolii
Mercantile Co. wan up from Lawon
Hunch Foreman Taylor of tho P.
L. S. Co, was In town yesterday con
sulting with Mr. Olson.
J. I-'. Johnson was horo yesterday.
Ho loft today for Prliiovillo where he
will visit for a few weokfl.
Mrn. 41111a Ilalnen has been III at
the homu of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C,
Leonard. Sho Is Improving at this
Kdward F. Treadwell, tho San
Francisco attorney, wan hero during
tho wook looking after tho interest of
cllontn lu tho water adjudication mat
ters. Ho canto up by auto and loft
Immediately after thu close of tho
testimony for hln home.
Several of tho young friends of
Mrs. J. Shelley Saurnnin dropped In
at the Holland homo Thursday night
and enjoyed an Informal danco and
a social good time, tho occasion be
ing the birthday of Mrn. Saurman.
No caudles appeared on thu cako no
hro age wan not disclosed.
There Isn't enough excitement
nbcut being county Judgo in Harney
county to tempt Wltlliun Farro to
neek votos for It. Judge Farro wan
recently appointed as county judgo
to (III tho unoxplrod term of hln pro
dicossor. but tho Judgo Isn't making
any effort to hold tho place. For 14
yenrn Judge Farro was In tho laud
olllco at Burns. The judgo wan in
Portland yeeterday to sew about hav
ing thu highway commission let a
contract for Improving tho road ho
tweett Crane and I.awon. He got ac
tion, too -Oregoulatt.
Principal D. M. McDado of the Har
ney County High School arrived homo
Wednnsday night from Kugeno where
ho had spent tiro nix weeks preceding
in summer school preparing hlraieif
for hln school tasks during tho com
ing yoar. Mr. McDado returns full of
eiicourngomonl and confldonco of ac
complishing good rofttilt during tho
coming school year. Ho will devote
a portion of tho time betweon now
and tho opening date of school on
September 7, to consulting with stud
ents, preparing his reboot work, sup
ervising further Improvements on the
building and grounds, etc.
This bank performs all the functions
of a commercial and savings bank.
Care of funds on checking or savings
account, loans upon good security, dis
counts, collections everywhere, transmiss
ion of funds by draft, telegram or cable
these are a few of the services which it
places at the disposal of patrons.
Your business, personal or savings ac
count is invited.
Harney County
National Bank
And member of the Federal Reserve System
For a Greater Harney County
The Tinies-Herald is lit rocnolpt of
Information to tho effect that Karl
0. Olson, 11 resident of Callow Valley,
died nt tho homo of his daughter,
Mrs. W. V. Snydor, at Ontario on
July 30, of hiytrt falluro following
Inlluenrn. Deceased is survived by
his widow, three soiih and tvso daugh
ters. Karl O." Olson, Walla Walla;
Austin Olson, Raymond Olson, Mrs.
W, V. Snyder all of Ontario, and Mrs
H. II. Wllllama. of Towoll Hutto.
PLKASI3 ItHTUHN Tho party who,
horrowod tho Hlx-ineh centrifugal
pump from II. O. Lovonn In ro-.
quested to ratum it to Mrs. Lovous.
Have your watch overhauled. Start
tho old clock to t Ink 1 11 k, get that old
piece of Jewelry in woarlcu order.
Havo your oyotf fittwl to Heading
glasses, soo O. M. HALlSItUHY
Jeweler, optician.
... mm mL Mi 4 1 tl I. I . u -
roitniy Agent nicuantoin ion wcu- aits, mar jiuckiruu was in iDf my
ncsday morning for Wallu Wft"a i Wednesday.
where ho had nomo business demand
ing hln immedlntn attention. Ho will
bo ahsont 6nly a few days.
Flvo cents each will bo paid for
HubbitH klllod within tho boundaries
of our farm north of Hums. Thin
offer stands for 30 days, and count
will be madu on our place. Adv
July 8, 1920.
fllrl wants work. Phono Hill.
Try Flrontono Cords. Unlvrrsal
(Jnrage. Adv. tf.
FOU SALP2 HO foot 6 Inch casing.
Universal Oarage Co, 8-1-1.
Fluo lino of Kakhl and Corduroy
trousers. N. Drown & Sons. -Adv.
Stetson Hats G.00. N. Drown &
Sons. Adv.
Mrn. A. D. Jones In now In chargo
of tho Smth rooming houso nil Join
ing tho Colo hotel. Sho will bo
plfasod to moot hor many friondn
thoro. C-12tf.
No trcspasninir upon my proh.
Keep your stock out of my field m
less by my permission. A rcwjnl
for conviction of tho violation of
thin notice. James H. Stewart.
G-1C. ,
Wo will hbon havo a uumbrr of
huycrtt for nomo flrnt clai Mak
raticlir roMMinnMy prirtnl. Onmr In
and list your property Harney
County Abstract Co.
Wm. Farre
Practice before U. S. Ltm4
Department and
Real Estate
Indications aro that the
litre of tho land will
nttrurt many Investor to
Ilnrnry County tho coin
ing scuiiOMyLUtiiiKs now
will bi .wpJ'foro pnts
pctlve InvofJjHf tho en
tlrt hUMsmfr '
Bend & Burns Auto Stage
All Tourinp Cars
Leaven Ihtrnn every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Special attention given passengeis
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in our care given prompt attention
when you ordor n glaRs of our perfect
podn. Mndo Just right, mixid just
right and sorted Just right it is &
drink lit for tho godB or thHr do
fiteiidantB. Sooms Uko high pralsa?
Not u bit of it. Como In any tlmo
mid put tho mattor to a tost. AihI
listen, it taBtea ovon bettor if l-artak-cn
in company.
I Come To Us
and we will save you money on your genera! needs
Our store buys in quantities consequently'we are able t
to secure prices to you that lesser buyers can't touch
We are specialists in a general way.
Our counters offer, daily bargains in women's wear,
kitchen accessories, fancy work and so on through
the list of popular articles for the home.
Everyb dy
Anyb dy
Limaburg, Dalton & Co.