V r. E it tiff Phkc Four CONDENSED I CLASSICS THE AWAKENING OF i it cogens mnud Hr UM MARQARKT DKLAND V OmtenMMmi ttf AlM 5ra (fun )! .Itnt-KurHtn Wnflc V it in t boll mm Imhh lit Allegheny, I'l-nii! until, Keli. .1, IKt7. When wjly III Uf wi'itt In INriv 11rU a I 11 it y ilriitvluir mill trli;ii Hud lulrr (mi;tli( llieni. in IhMI (ilii itnir rlril l.orlii Drtiliiil. (lllllllllM UN 1IIIUP- lliui r ii I Imi 1 1 NtriitFttlnl nirnliiHt Hie rncinlrn nf Uurtiii-it. tn 1KK0 n!i,nr,rt Tli Olil liiti'ilen " a rnltrcttitti of vrrnr. II In t'luirni' terlntlc tlllrl fur many jfiirn Mr. le IiimiI Iiiim fiieli Mliiler nrpiiii In her with tiiniMr In llnliin greiil itiimlielw of llwlrb hnltiN, which ah aelli n nn aauunl funi'finn In her frlrniU unit llir pabllr, for fhr lirnrMt uf her fionrlte rhnrlltrn. An hr iloea nil (hp liihnr krnipir, II In i alngularly iieravaal form f good work. ' Only li year luler ci.nir "Jolm Want, Preacher." a bunk uhleh wiib he anthor wlite rertiKittllnn. There hare area naay ataara Wtnr hat mm "The Awakening of llelenn Urate" In IMO, tnclaa'lag "Old fhealrr Talea" U I MM, In malra , eae mnrfp fawa aer tMMaaa kcrap. "The Waataa" aaprarr la 1H. IN 1000 Margaret Deload, lifter finv. Idr 'written "cvcrnl other ImokH. RKve to thA imlttlc the fruit nf hrr tniiturer Kkffl lu "The AwHkonliitf f llvlonn Illclilf." Tlio Ktory Ih nlmi'le. StrlpjK.il of the charm of Its Hstttnu. .wl tin; ciilith1 tlcllriicy of Hi Irt'iit ment, we Iiuvii n tide tirwuntitiR Tow rharnctiTS, ittul with no vi-ry uxtcmlcd cope for action. Tlio H.tno of tho novnl Ih the muiii nmll rtniiNjlviinlii town In which Mrx. Dclarnl Iuih jthiccil two jirovlniiH IwokH: "Old ClicHter Talon" mid "Doctor Lnvcmliir," tAt tho oponlnic of tho Htnry Mr. Itlclilo Iuih cdino to Old ClicHlcr and tnken up ri'Miloncij In tin "SlnfTcd Animal IIoum?," ho called hwatim' ItH fanner owner wan u taxidermist. She la llttlo known to the villagers, llvliu: a iMolnted exlHtence. and hhtiuiilni: ay Intimacy with the lownxfolk ; nev ertheli'HH hlie Ih iinlviTKiiily respected. There Ih. to he mire, an iitinosjiheie of inyMcry enhhroudlUR thin lieiiiitlfu' trniiKcr who Im poHsessed of u culiiire and poIku thut place her n Mnituni abovo the Hlinply bred iuhnhllaulH of tlie dlccpy. little Mcttlemont, hut nIiico he koch to church, In quiet and dec eroiiH, find kIvch hernelf no ulru, nhe funilxhcH no cnuio for crltlclHin. . Her only visitor Ih Mr. Lloyd Prior, .known to Old Cheater hh her brother. Am the utory proceedH, however wr it ii made aware (hat i'rlor Ih not her brother, hut Ih a IMilliidelphln widower with one duiiKhtcr whom he Idolizes; Jtiid thut lir .mil Mrs. Itlchle have for thirteen yi-nrn heen llvliic together nwnltlut; tl.e death of I'lcdcrlr, Jkl i'iiu'h huMiiiml. whoxc iIi'IiiImi will lintve them free to mnrry. KredeWe Iuih I urn n illwlpatcd man who. when not himself, Iuih heen re.ijiutil!)e fur the death of the Itlchle l.ahy; and he Ih now Ilvlnu n dlHMiltito life In I'nrlH. The iraKedy of the Imhy'H deall' lui" hoeji the culmlnntliiK factor In turnlmr IiIh wlfe'n hatred and contempt for Mm Into revulsion, mid determining her to deert him and j;o to I'rlor. To her lover rhe ulven all tho affection which the Iocs of her 'child and the de nt ruction of her hopes have turned hack Into her nature. !ror. on the other hatul, hnn loved her in (hu pant, lint now, after thir teen years of deferred hnpplneH', IiIh jmsdnn la hiirued out. lie Ih tired ot her. Alfce. ls daughter, l' .ri)wjie; up, ii ml he reollxei the IndHcreJIon, of iho etitniiKlemenl : furriiriniJii'lilH liuxjue iliMiintelH liU tl.ite It' lH ''" iiihJ lew oim-iiicnl to eomef' f jOld C'hiiitcr;, and he Ih no longer ytniuc- lie JH a hyllUh, KeHHuel bclnjfywlth;lhe typical mieiculliie dlHta-te forevery HiIiik that rendyra him uneouiforltihle either In miml or hody. While he Ih willing, li, an Indolent Horf of way, to continue his relation with Mr.s. Itlchle; Ih even honorable cnniie.li to marry her If he mind, it Ih oIivIoiih that he would Kindly he Ud of the whole affair. Hut to Helena Itlchle thin Incident Ih not an "uffalr." It Is her life. She Iiivch I'rlor with a devotion engen dered by her lonely, henrt-Hlnrved ex igence, and she lookn forward to tho moment when Frederick death Hint 1 1 release hor from her present precarl ouh position, and allow her to confront 1he world with n clear name. That un ultlniuto inurrltiKo between tliein will wipe out tho blot on their pant idle doeH not imetdlon. In tho ineuntlme fho ran only pohhckh her kouI of pa tience, and make the he.it of her, en forced seclusion. No one known hor xecrot. No one can know It, There fore Mho foolB quite Kccuru Mint Ih, oh tfooiiro us s posnlhle In the fuco of tho ovcr-preHeiit danger, of exposure. Into this fevered life of hers three Important dim adorn project them xoIvoh: Doctor Lnvendnr, tho iiiIiiIh ier jf Old OhoMer; Dr. WJIIbim Klnc. tie yilluKe pliyhli.'lun ; anil David, an 0 Ytt, T H Jfl ' K 1 M V- kitajwliajyaaiikiwiaaliiamtW t nmlinn rlillil W'hntn f tin VrlAi4 llHH TliV frl6ndoi), unci for whom ho 1b doMroun of Uncling h homo, or nil Mrs, Dcinno's crotitlonti nono, pnrhapH, In more ho loved Hum In Doctor l-avondnr. Wine, benign, liiimoroti"; yet. JiihI at nil tlmeH a man who Im never to bo turned aside fram n principle by lril neiitlinontnllty. DoeJor King Ih not un like him lu thin unlllnchlitR fenlly to duty and to honor. Thoho two peruana fitit their liendn together to deoldo that Nlueo Mm. Itlchle lends hiicIi h solltiuy life and In ahtihdantly able, hho l, the one to take tho houieloHs David. Tlie oouvplratorH jintceod with extreme cittton. Tho child Ih hroui;hl lo Doctor f.uveiidai'H Iiouho, ami MiH, llldile h kIvoii the im portunity to wo him. Ho Ik a (plaint, wlnomc nptirallnK lltllo folbnv n decided tietionailty. and olio or the mo.it tlollrltlfnl nnd eotiMlMteut child portnill h lu modem tlollon. 111m lrreatext attraoMon Heji In the fact that one can nevr be Ht'ire a hut he will wiy tiiwf, (fi-e. when I motor Uvvenihir Is telllnij lilin n mury be l ectin IiIh oyi'5 llited m lntnily op 'lie 1'ianV face Hint the old uontlomim Is much Ihitlcrcd "Well, Well, you are a cf'-nt boy for itorles, areii I you?" remiu kH the do IlKhlod mlnlMtor. "You've talked seven minutes." .ald David thouuhtfully, "and you haven't moved your upper Jaw once." Ah c:in be Imactnod the child makes Innhint ooii'iuent of Mrn Itlchle, who IiihIhIm on llttlni; him out with tiny pir mentH. and brltiKs him In triumph to the "Htuffed Animal tleuce." Day tiy day the tie that bind hor to David HtronulhiMiK until we see thlx nf feci Ion the dominant motif of her life. Ii-rvon ovrrjdindown.hor love for I'rlor, nlthoiiKh It Ih noma tlmr before . i . .i . . . i. . . . . . Mill- in conuiiiiH inni u unrn ni, fit the meanwhile, quite by chance, tin Hccurllv of her miniature world Ih Hhnkcn to Itn foundatloiiH, Then' liven lu Old Chester a youth much Mr. Itlchlo'fl Junior, Rnm Wrlpbt, who bun drifted Into the hnblt of cnllln on her. nnd who full In love with her. It Ih tlio blind worship of one who hn never known pimMnn, nnd In an at tempt to break up the Imij-'h Infntiin Hon his dotlnc Kmndfnther romcs to Mm. Itlchle, and hnlf In Irritation ac oiiMos her of not rndin; a Komi woman. The hot Is a random one, bit the In- Htant the charco Ih mnde the sppnker reallr.es he Iuih hit upon the truth Ilelena'H niiKor at IiIh Kibes and Mir raxm Ih like the whirlwind. Hut the Lonl wan not In the wind. It Is Ham Wrhthl'H Milehlo that II rM brines home to her the Knivlty of defy Inc hocIiiI reiinslblllty. What ihe has hitherto renirded iih a fcorn for con vention Hhe now noon to ln a crime apiliiHt humanity. All her bflm; Ih rocked with Hiir-rcproach, Hut the Lord wiih not lu the earth i)iinl;e. It Is not until Doctor Klnir forces her to confess hor unlit, and tells hor -lie rniiHl i:lve up David, that we ronch the climax of the drama. Then nil tho wild mother liiKtluct of the woman leaps Into being. Hhe Ih n lloticcd llcht ln for her ynima. Sho will irlvo up I'rlor: In foot nIio does Ive him up. Hut Mie will not part with David. Hhe bees, hrlhcx, piny.s; but Willy KIiik'i coiifeleiice will not penult him to Un ion to her entreaties. Hhe must Hcmt the ohlld back to Doctor l.arndar, or he must iictpuilnt tin Kood Milliliter with the entire Htory. lu on i lTort to forestall iIiIh action Mrs. Itlchle hcrHcIf jioes to the rectory and before hhe leave It she lookK Into i he face nf her own no ill unci pro mnmces her doom. "The whirlwind of nnircr hail died nit : the Hhoek of rcHpoiiHlhlllty batl siihrtldod : the IiIhh of thoxo tlulnes of sliiiiiie had roiiHod. She wiih In the en I re or all Hie lumiiltH, where IIoh the iillel nil in I or Hod." When Dr. Laveudar iikI;h hor If hic thinks horself worthy to keep the child hint humbly whlHpors: "No," And after the lire, the mill Small Voice. At bint tho womnn'H coiixclonrn Ih iiioumhI, hor rojiontiince Ih Klucero, and we havu the truo "AwakenltiK ol Helena Itlchle." How wNelj Dr. Laveudar meets thlH irlrt in me shuttered life, allowlm; 'icr i tnHle to the full the dress or ronio' -e and MilTerlm;; ami yet how men fully and pnily ho leads her ti-' ;irn toward hope and a desire for roa Utiiilon cmiHtltutu. tho. rviii;ltnlor ol Hie Mury. , r The kind old man HUostH thut he make her future home In i) tjlHtnnt city where her piiHt will not follow her and where hIio may Mart .anew, and he iihIch that on the mornlnK of her departuro hIio coiiio to htm for n package which he wIhIich hor to tako with her on her Journey, Tho n'tidor HhnrcH her wliook of Joyouw mirprlflo when David emerKeH from tho cornor of the HtiiKH'onch crylni;: "I'm tho pnekiiKoJ" "Dr. I.avendar took both hor hands. . , , 'Helena,' ho Hald, 'your Minder camu Into thu world an it llttlo child. Jtecolvo him In your heart by faith, with thallkHKlvlnK.," So emlH thu novel. To tear tho nkuleton of tho plot from ItH e.MiilHlto Hutting Ih nlmoHt a NiierlleKo. It Ih llko drairirlnu tho nor fiimo from u llower, Ono nitiHt read Iho book to Kln a truu ceiojo of Itfl exceptional beauty and llncnosH. It Iuih boon HuccoHKfully dramatlml nnd tho title role ably and arllHtleiilly portrayed by Marmret Aiiullu; therw Ih iiImv an "An:lln IMItlon" of tho Blory attracvlvoly IHuHlralod by pic tures taken front tho piny. UopyrlKht, IrtIS, by vtlto Pout I'ubllMilnff Co. CTl'ha HoHtoa I'oat). l'rlntod by ponnli fieri of, and niranufcinunt with, Iturpw ' A IlroM,, iiudiorlned publlnhiro. UH-n V, U A li 1 It N H i i CONDENSED CLASSICS BEN HUR: A TALE OF THE CHRIST Br LEW WALI.ACR i. l.pvifM WmIIiipp. BPlipriillr hiKiivii li- iIip Hliurlrr IIIIIIIP I,l IT, WtiH Imrn In I'CT hi llriinUvlltf, Inill iiiiii, mill ir rlniiiH llllil, iiiiIIp iiiiimhi- ni'IiiiinI). iiii (I'll I In hprpitilluK: tlie lilrii. In mint., Iluil tu Mini mImIp Ih to piilcil Hip lllprnry i) c ii 1 1' r nf Hit run n I r;. Up iIIpiI lu nun. i.IIip iiiv mii- iIpiiIn nf Iniluy In I lie urpnl NlriM hIp, Iip left ll ImiiliM fur IIip .llpilciin nnr, Hp nrrtpil nan In In IIip Mill Wnr nil it Mi up lo tip major' Kcnrral In IIip Vftliiulrrr nriur- A nflrr (hp MpiIcnh rpUuih-, l.r rvluniril nicaln In 'hp lavl hp tna llnvrrnur of t'lah frniii IWH n ISS, un, mlnlalrr tn Tnrkpr from I Ml In l.sn, vhrn mm n arnml rilpliininl hp m Hip plppn nf IIip InlP iinlaiiipali'il Aliiliil-lliiiiiltl anil rniiM rrallr lint llirnuah liimlnpna vtllh Ikat aMvatiarallr dllalnrr fxraul. Ha la kaawa . hr kla htPP hooka, Thr fair (lnN (IN7.1), "flra-llur" (IMW). aa 'Tka lrlnp of laafa" (INNS), Tfcn a rut la a rrry rlrpr r- pnaatraptlah nf th alarr f Ihr rna larat af MpiIpw hr Ika Haaalaritw. Thp rradrr frpla a arraf aymaalhx tlk Ikp klaklr Pplae4 nallvpa who fpll kplp Inn kpfarr Ikp attarlnr arma nf (fcp latarfpra. Th alarr, kafvpr, la hr aa mrana to hp pal la Ihp aarna rlnaa wllh "HPB-Har." Thp ak.HI. Ihp kaowl rdar, Ihp rctrraarp rlh kph ' Ihp alarr nf (,'hrUt l.i Into1 llamrlr Ihriinak thr lllra af nlhrra) havp aaap "IIpb llar" aap af Ihp knohn la Ink a acrtirr hehl m Ihp auhllp, halk aa knak ami nn Ihp alNHP, vthprr thr famnua rharlul rare haa niiii a rlaaalr plarr. 4(1 workmen put Hielr hands I I to the erojis and curried It, burden and all, lo Hie place of planting. At a word, they dropped tho tree Into the hole; ami the body of the Na rare no also dropped heavily, and hum; by the hleodliiK hands, Still no cry of pain only the exclamation dlvlnc.it of all recorded excliiinutlons: "rather, forgive them, for they know not what they do.' "Tho cross, reared now above nil otjior object, and Maudlin; Mndy nut asabiHt th hky, was creeled with it burst of ildlKlit ; and nil who could hoo and rend the writing upon the board over the Nauin'tie'n head made haute to decipher It. Boon nn read, the legend wan adopted by them and communion! ed, and prcM-ntly tho whole mighty roneoure wan ringing ih riOutntlou fmm side to Hide, nnd repeating It with laughter nnd grosnn- '"King of tho .limn I Hall king or the .lewsl "The Min wiih rising rapidly to noon'; the hills bared their brown breuntH lov ingly to it ; the more distant mouiitaliiH rejoiced In the purple with which It so regally dressed them n . city tlie temples, palaccii. t"vci.s, pinnacles, and all points of beauty nnd promi nence H'Oiiicd to lift themselves Into the unrivaled brilliance, as If they knew the pride they were giving the mat.y who from time to time turned to look at them. .Suddenly a dimness be gan to till the Hky at'd cover the earth nt first no more than u rcaree per ceptllile fading of the day, u twilight out of time; un evening gliding lu up on the HplcndnrK of noon. Hut It deep enisl, and directly drew utlcMHiin; whereat tho noise of tho shouting and laughter foil oiT, and men, doubting their hoiih'H, gazed at each other curi ously; then they looked to the sun ngalii; then at. the mountains, getting farther away; at the tdty and the near landscape, winking In nhtidow; at the hill upon which tho tragedy wits enacting; and from all those. they gnr.ed at each other again, dud turned pale and held their peace. "'It Ih only it mist or panalng, cloud," SJinonldeH nald sootbbigly to Timber, who wuh alnrmed. 'It will brighten presently.' "Hun-Hur did not think so. " 'It Ih not a mlht or a cloud,' he hiiIiI. Tho nplrltH who II vet In the nil the prophets and nalnts nro tit work (n mercy to themselvett nnd nature. I nay to you, oh, KlmoriblcH, truly iih Ood lives, lie who hiingH yonder Is tho Hon of find.' "And leaving filmonldOH loHt In won der at Hitch a Hpcech from him ho went where Piiltha.ar was kneeling nearby, nnd laid bin hand upon tho good man'H Hhouldcr. , " 'Oh. wIho ICgyjdlnn, hearken I Thou nlono wert right tho Niizarctio Ih In deed tho Hon of Clod.' "Ihilthazur drew him down to him mid replied, feebly, 'I hiiw him u child in tho manger where ho wan llrst laid ; It Ih not Htrongo that I knew him Homi er than thou ; but oh that I should live to hco this day I Would that I hud died with my brethren I Happy M'ei chlorl Happy OnpparJ' '"Comfort thonP wild Ilen-Hur. 'DouhtloHH they too aro bore,' Within the frame of tho utory of C'hrlHt Ih told tho tale of Hen-llur, be ginning with thu tipiicnrnuco of (ho thron wbio men, IIalthui:ar, Moldiloc nnd fiaspur, nnd ending with tho Huhllinn tragedy on (iolgothn. From the days of tho hcouoh at tho manger I mrs 1 H A l X H V 0 O V V T V , O araWiaaaakiawaaiaattaTa ltnlll tho dltlmlnntlon of tlio ureal Nlory, tho tlguro of ChrlHt itppenrH but once, and then for n moment, but over all tiittt hnppotiH In Hid Intervening jroarH hovcrrt the son! to Iltlt. ; thrlllltiK ns tho vplnodcH nro In thcniHcivcH, tdrongly iih tlio cbttrnclerH nro por trayed, thoy nro but h prciiarntlon for what Ih to follow, n mere worldy sot ting for him who wkh too great for nil wive h fow to understand at that time. Homo twenty-one year lifter tho mcoiioh at tho manger, n young .Tow, Hoti-lfur, u prince of Jerusalem, rich, happy, ambitious, was standing by n parapet of bin pabico, watching the iirogrosH of VtilcrltiH (IratiiH. Imporlnl governor or Juileii. Ah the Itomaii passed hononih (ho wall amid thejourn and InsittlH of Hie .lews tho young prince loaned far out lo won the new governor j a Hie wiih displaced and, iih bitter fale would luivo It, fell full upon Hut governor. Thov accident wiih not ; filial; hut It wuh an opp.'ilunlly for exemplary Jiislloe. especially as the nu tates of the .few won verv ilonlinble lo the governor and his friend Mohan In. Iilllu'i'lo aluiiml 'hnnher (o Iteii-Iliir llioiidi the hitler had boon. The un happy .low wan sent im a rower lo the gnl leys, where the limit of life wan at most but a your, Ills mother mid sis ter wore immured In u hooioI cell lu the Tower of Ant on In, where they were doomed to the fale or the lep ers. The ot, ty not or k Induces Hen llur could remember during Hie yearn Hint rollotvcil was on tho clay he wiih drugged to tho gulloyB. "Tim hand laid kindly upon IiIh Hhoulder nwoke the unfortunate man, nnd looking up, he now n fnee he never fnrgot--tho face of a hoy about IiIh own nge, dialled by looks, of yellowish brlght fhestnut lutlr; it face lighted by durk hlite eyes, at the time ho soft, ho ap pealing, no full of love nnd holy pur pose, that they had nil the power of commntid nnd will," That was in Nnraretb, How Hi'iidlur In time been mo a rower on the tlogshlp of Alrrns. duum vir and admiral, how tho ilngchln wan dentroyed in n great nea fight, how Hen-llur rescued tho ndmlnil, becntne his adopted son and heir, learned nl Home the manner of Itoinnn wnr nnd llomnn hpoils, returned to tho Hunt n Kotmiu ollloor In the train of n con sul setting forth on n groat campaign against Hie I'nrtlilnns; how he dis covered that his father's old steward Mlmouldcs had Micccodod In saving from coiillsentlou tho vast Intangible wealth or the 1 1 ins and had multiplied It ninny times, till the young Itomittt Jew was the richest private citizen In the world; (lie discovery that Men Hilii was entered for the highest stake In the groiti sporting event of the orient; how Hen-llur won the affection of llderlm, the Aral Nliolk. who hud entered his Meeds of the deport for the fral event nil this lends up to tho drumulle encounter of the fumous chariot nice. The nitlhor drew bis dcHcrlptl'iu of the race fiom one writ ten over twenty-three hundred y-ars ago by the tnigle poet .Sophocles. It In oim) or the curhodtlcH of lltonilure that thu gnht scene, through the pages of Lew -Wallace's novel, has become nn famous on our ntage us It was so long ago on that of Orccrc. Hy his victory In the nrenn Hon Iftir exacted ancient .lewlch Justice on his hated ddvcrMiry, who was erushed In body nnd Impoverished In fortune, he had wagered on his suc cess all the wealth he had stolen from his former friend. Tho victorutmost fell prey, however, to the vampire daughter of Ugypl who was rival for his love with the gentle Jewish lather. Hut henceforth bin thoughts wore eon eotitnitod on him who mis atinicHng nil eyes. Wiih he Messiah or king? Iten-Ilir. In bin haired of Homo, lu IiIh pride of race, dreamed only of n king of this world, who should right un clout wroiiRs and exalt his chosen peo ple. And so ho throw himself with nil his force, with nil his wealth, with nit the knowledge gained at Home, Into making secure and strong the way of the king whom he would follow. Hut It wiih for one supremo lu things spiritual rather than material that the wd, was being made n'ady. And Hott-llnr'H mother, rescued with her daughter from hor long Imprisonment hy u ohauco change of Jailers, but hojieless lepers both, saw the truth Kooner than her Pen. ' "'Oh Master, MiiHterl' Mia cried iih ho passed upon t(iu road, Thou seest our need; thou ennst ininke us clean Have mi ivy upon us mercy l' , " tteli'est thou I um able to do tills?' he, ,nNkeib "'Thou ilrt ho of whom the prophet! pake 1 1 mo nit the Messiah!' she re plied. Ills eyes grow nidlnnt, hlk man lier confident. "Woman,' ho said, 'groat Is thy faith! ho It unto thee even iih thou wilt.' " And ho, In tho ond, Hen-Hur recog nised whet Hiilthar.itr had known from tho lieglmili'.T. "Oh wIho Kgyptluu, hearken! Thou nlono were right the Na.areno Is Indeed tho mm of Oodl" Coiiyilulit, 1910. by tho Pont l'obllBhtng Co (Tho iiunton Post). 1'uiillMiril liy pernor, ulna of, ami urnuiKointuit with, Harper at Ilron., authorized publishers. ' An Adventure. Miss Yellowleaf A muu I never how bc(nro spoke to mo today on tho street car. MIhh reachblow You don't toll mo? What did ho wiyV ' MIh Vellowloaf Ho told mo to utop lively, j lonso. , Naturally, "f hear tho young woman designer In Madnmo l'nree'H drcHsmnktng e.s- tabllshmont Is u very estlniiible per- Hon." "She him to bo. It Ih hor business to lead a nnttern Ufe." ( H K O O N iiii,niiaiaaaajaiaaa COUNTV ArjIONTH AH) ' ' "COOl"' CONCUHNH Cooporatlvo farmorH' ansoclatlonn lu tho Northern and Wentorn BlntCH, whoso orgnnlsHtlon wnn promoted by county ngentH, lust year effoctod a Having to tho members of f 6,4.14,000, according to reporta made to the Stated Relations Hervlco, Uiilccl HtutoH Department of Agrlculturo, Tho governing principle In all activi ties on tho part or county ngonto HharliiK In cooperative movomentn has been not to act nn thu direct buiilncim Hgont of' tho farmer or an organized group, but to assist farm ers In determining what form of local TRY FEEDING h f ."i' "VJTV i m m r - . arw I VJTV I.' .1 SS, 20,000 Acres . - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. - Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent interest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock I crane Company oregon RANGE HORSE MARKET Campbell & Reid & Western' Sales Stnbles Co. St. Louis Nut hum! Stock YunlH, 111. 25,128 Head Sold inl919 To Itaiichmon who have ItntiKo Horses nnd MuIch to ship, wo wish to tuy tjiut our nmrUot wlH'ofter tho beat outlet this tumsou of any market in tho country. Our facllltlos for hundlliiR Hanc HorHea aro tho host nnd moat extomdvo to bo found nnywhoro. Tho vury largo number sold by uh luHt year is coucIuhIvo ovldunco thnt we havo tho buyorn. Ship us any kind, but bo careful und not ship anything but oiiob that nro fat. Mil. I. C. GALLUP, of Omaha, Nebraska, Is now connected with thlH company, ho havIuK roalleod that our market offers tho bout opportunities In tho United States for rango business and that it wan to his lhtoroat nnd that of his shippers to transfor bin business hero. t Ilelow uro tho dates of our Special Sales for tho coming neasou. Consign your homes and ntules to Campbell & Rold & Westorn Sales StabloB Co. Arrange your ahipinont to sturt 12 duya boforo udvortlhod auction. Hh Sale, Tuesday, Aug. 10 nth Sale, TueHdity, Aug. 24 Cth Halo, Tuosday, Sept. 7 Wrlto or wire for any special information. I. C. Gallup, Nairpa, Idaho. Western Uoprcst'iitMtlvo for Cauiibdl & Held it rd y, An?ist It ' " i orKiinlzAUon Ih desirable in to euro export iiHBlfltnnco, whou avail- able, lit orgiinlr.iillon methods, The county agent also helps r,ua.n! thu community agulnst over-organlzutlun and wherever practicable advocaten tho lino of axlHtlng agencies. Tin, caoporutlvo , asBOcIatlonn 'which tho county Bgenta have helped form have had to do both with production and distribution and Include eooperatlro grain olovutorn, creameries, and live ntock nolllng associations, Fow people ovor roach tie goal of their ambition. Thoro Ih always romo thing, higher tliut they want WHY DON T YOU GIVE MOQC MILK ? - EH 1 A II.. - I 7th Salo, Tuosday, 8th Salo, Tuoaduy, 9th Sale, Tuosday, Sopt. 21 Oct. 5 Oct. ID l jllSU Mt it"' ' " I