The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 14, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Pour
, R ' TIM B ft ' II K It A f.)l) II IT It N H , t A H Jf W Y CO V X T Y , O U 11 O N
Hnturriny, Aiitw1 1 1 1 tlio
The Times-JIerald.
Ha The Largett Circulation Of Any
NnwipufMir In llarqey County.
On Yr
Month. ........
Cbtv. Month
1. 00
. .75
Hat unlay, August I t. U20
thnt prevented tlio county HKont and
n B'coro of-iOthorH from foundOrltiK
wan thu RHtno nn nlvoil by tho littlo
pickaninny wlion nuked If ho lind too
mucii waiormuion ami no oxpiiuuiHr . ... .
' thorn couldn't t, too - 1Iom0 Doll.r" on ft tour of
i Tho TlmoH-Horald ptartod tho
lucreiiBod production certainly Ih ynnrt
tho niotivo Unit promptd tho commit
too mlvoeutliiK tho rabbit bounty law;
thoso'tuim sincerely detilru tho rabbit
pOHt removed and bco no other oltcet
Ive inothod nf oxtormltiiitlui; thorn.
The canipalKH waged this HnaHfttt
ukuIiihI tho h!iko rats under the huj
t'rvlrtlon of thu county iiKunt haa boon
an entire huccchh and hIiowh what ,
mil be done with proper organization ,
liiid H.VHtematle poIhouIuk but can
lhln name niotliod be HucrogHfiilly car
ried out agalUHt (ho rabbit pent un
der existing condltloUH? The grout
Mea covered by the rabbit, their
ability to migrate with Hpeed over a
long distance, make tliom a dlfloront
problem from the sage rat that Ik
confined by nature to a amallor urea
around tho breeding placen.
Tho bounty method Ih very expen-j
five, wo must all admit; and It In at-
raotit certain that if tho people who
aro tuoHt affected wero niiaurcd of a
way to rid tho country In some other!
way cheaper, the bounty would not
likely bo uhJuhI. Hut tho ravagon of
tho rnbbltH have boon ho groat and
covored nuch an area thnt producera
Uirettten to quit planting uiiIohh loutu
relief Ih given. They are dlHcourag
ed. HtallHtlcH hIiow that 41) e. poisoning
method ban been tnoHt ftucrcHHful and
tho U. 8. Illologlcnl Survey and tho
Kxtennlon Service favor thU inothod,
t'L no relief ban been obtained (nun
Mich a Houree In the pant. It bat not
watermelon, J tint not enough nlggor."
Taking It all n all It wan a, highly
Hiiccomiful nlentlng and too groat cre
dit cannot bo given aupt ShattUck and
bin layal itHHlHttantH for thp manner
In which everything wnn handled con
Hldorlng tho known iihorlago ot Help
and other dlffictiltloH under which
they labored. Moron looking to a
greater nhd bettor Flold Day next
(J(M)I) Foft AliKALFA
That fertilizer la ti profilablo lu
vealment for alfalfa growers wiih
demoiiHtrated recently by W. II.
I'lilltpH. wIiqho ranch Ih a mile and
n half caHt of Walla Walla, WuhIi,,
Mr. riilllpH, early in the tieaiion, put
100 pounds of Htilphur fertilizer on
one acre and I 00 poitndii of land
planter on another. Friday ho weigh
od the cropi obtained from the two
ncroH and compared thoKC with cropH
obtained from two untreated ucrcH.
Tho roMttltH Hhow that li Ih InveMt
ni'tiit of about $H an acre In Uicmo
two weokn In Ilurnii at tho Commbr
clul Chili luncheon yontorday at noon,
TIiIh "Iluck".hnd a utrlng to It. John
Uemborllng had aoldorod a ring to It
nut' thin wan ntttichod to n nmnll book
by a ntrlng with InntructloiiH that It
bo panned along an fiiHt as regular
bunltiOHH traiiHactloiiH would warrant
to tho next firm or Individual, where
each citizen who gotn tho coin Is to
note tho date and tho natno. At
the end or two weokH It Ih to bo
brought by tho holder to tho club
luncheon and bo rodooined by Tho
Tlmert-Herald and Ita hlntory publliih-
1 ed.
"The Homo Hpent Dollar" Ih to bo
a practical domoiiHtratlon of what It.
will do It Hpent at home. CltlzeiiH
Hliould tako an InturcHl In that dollar
and watch ttn travoln.
1 UeaderH are hIho iiHked to road the
HerlcH of IlluHtrated HtorlcH In con
nection with the "Home Hpent Dol
lar" uh they appear on tho llrnt page
of The TlnicH-llornhl during the com-
, lug weekn. ItH up to each citizen to
Have you over noticed the nuiu-
III 11H 11I1II1HH 1 1 IH MllllirJIUlULI L I , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ULJULJ VJW. UlniMtnllJ In UMUWilWlnlU W.IUI.IUhBlUalMilM!tt.lWiilU ,LHV.Iifttf)'lfbrAWI4MnlMIMrriLVHtMIirMZmU lHUlSnUSrtUkf .
Maying supplies
We are prepared to take care of your
wants during the haying season. Our
grocery stock covers every requirement
Special attention given all large, orders
Vjenw r urnunings m a mm r w t,niM vjuuui, iuuucc
Levcnc Hotel Bids JLU1 1 lO VCI;Ol A KJ .VJA Groceries, old stand
ii irni ir-ii iiii it u ir - in r nr tin n.r i ir i ii i ir 11 it uniiiiiiiLii iliui ilii u u ilji iiji iijliuliljiilji iuiiljliljl iuiiuujuijiiljuijiiiuli ii
rJVn.f WlUraUrilVrininil II. Jj Ucil Veil Uall Ual) UtxU UeU UaU tkdl UcU UoU Ute!J UcU Ucjl Vail Utdl Utii UtrU Uail UdJ Veil UcJ Uaii IbU Van Ilea Mali Udl Ucil UtU
frrtillzern wan returned more than
three tlmcH. Thu weighings wero uh her of oxeoptfbnally bright children
IoIIowh: there are In thin town?
hand plnHtcr, ncro .'nnso IbH. Tho tonchom of our public school
Hulphur, ncre . ..543 lbs. could tell many ntorlnn of the out
KlrBt untreated, ncre 4G80 lbs. cropphign of keen intollncta that aro
Hecond untreated acre . . . ;t 7 n 0 lbs. obnerved from day to day. Hut they
Mr. riillips further explained that of cnurno aro iincommunlcatltro. an
tho fertilizer had been UHod on tho teachorH Hhould bo thfiy nover mako
poorest corner of his field and fur- comparlnonn,
bo made a unit of a north and HOittli
road that would Hervu the people
from the Diamond country, P. Itanoh, j
.county. Tho l. Itaueh hill haa Iohi
Uh terrors ns It ban been reduced to
a reasonable grade and can bo made
even better at miiall expeiiHe. The(
road through Callow Ih an easy prop-j
oHttlou and Long Hollow can bo put
led on "high" with a Ford car right
now with tho exception of a nbort
pitch near tho summit which Ih ani
eaay matter to overcome It fur-(
nlshun tho best routo for a road run-
nlng north una houiii in narney
county and wilt serve tho people
better an a whole than any other
route. It entails but comparatively
small expense compared to keeping
up several other routes that aro now
a source of annoyance. It is a
move toward permanent road build
ing which in desirable at this time,
narney county nas wn m a man
thousands of dullani In the past on
ronds and It Ih time that h1d begin ft
systematic method of permai nit road
building and .get somen hi re Tbti
Ih a place to begin.
U.' j 11
LJ.J -1 . '.. JW
titer, that tho so-called "untreated"
laud had been fertilized with manure.
The laud planter and sulphur treated
acres appeared to produce approxi
mately tho same crop, there being u
difference of only HT. pounds In fav
or of the land plaster. Other factors
may havn entered In, however. Thu
combined yli'hl of tho two acres ex
ceeded that of the two untrcnted
been entirely tho fault of tho?e who i acres by I'fiSfi pounds.
would demonstrate", however, as
weather condltionn have been unfa
arable In the recent attempts along
thin line.' If the county, agent were
glvpn proper eucouragment and sup
port and the Illologlcnl Survey take
en re of thu vacant lands, Including
thu forest reserves, It may be posHlhlu
to get results from the poisoning
methods, but unless the big unoc
cupied territory Ih cared for the cul
tivated crops aro going to nuffcr.
There Is a disposition upon the, County Agent I). I,. Jameson of
jrt of some to not put tho bounty 1 D,.HehnteH county, and Fred N. Wnl
Into effect until thin method h tried ,.Hi n,Hdenl of the Oreiron Irrlim.
According to liniulrlcH made among
WaltHburg (Wash) farmers tho av
erage price of alfalfa In the Held Is
now around llif. a ton. Homo was
sold a few days ago at $20 and iiouio
farmers are holding out for. a price
of $.10 a ton. Western Hrecdcr'H
It Ih really worth your while to
study your children, and your neigh-
hers children, and all of tho children
In town.
Clean lives, heathy environment
and JtidlclotiH training are accom
plishing wonderful results.
Open your eyes and look around.
Progress of Irrigation
Project Told
out. Tliey point out thai the county ,,, c(,KrttM- whose home Ih
would no jtistiried in appropriating Tumalo, wvre among the visitors at
several thousand dollar to funhvr i Mio Kxperlment Station Field Day.
a .poisoning campaign and save ) ltoili took a lively Interext In tin.
money over ih bounty, and thai
(Continued from page
The Commlsslonem are an added ad
visory bonrd that works with the dl
i rectors and thus given the act tin I
I laud owners.of the territory a grei I
er representation.
Mrs. Dotha I.ynd, n sister of Mrs,
Obll Hlmttuck, wan over from her
home at Payette for several days
visiting her sister and mother at the
Kxperlment .Station. HlnT left for
home laid evening,
FROM lira
Sentiment Exists In Business
.--" If-
. . . . '
Kant yroduMd tka bmi "alJ
reuad" atklt (or Anarte'
OHalo UttB to tka KimM la B4
Clan ihla year. Hla aaaM la
vwrett BraaMay, tnm Wichita.
Kaa. Ha aeerai klgk la aSra Ha
Jr arMU tka aaaUtklM (a
tka iaal Ulala kK at
Save Your Eyes
fun. provided the polsnt.lni- cam. , t lftalifl;. Mr. Wallace expressed his
paign covereu ine enure i. rmoi v
We 'nusl biar In mind the .Iomi-up-
i on of not o.' " '.r ctiltlvaMd crop,
'.but also the range in dealing with
thece posts. Karly In the season tln
rabbits were not noted In nil" imiiii
born around tho farms, but lad-r nli
mrvatlops show that tliey were out
In tho foot hills eating up the range
and as fooii as this become dry they
came to the grain Holds.
The way to dispose of thin uiioh
I ton is for the citizens to get together
and work out a plan that will best
suit. The Farm Bureaus that the
eountv aceut Is organizing can tnko
tho matter up in the respective corn-
Judge Will It. King returned from
Ontario the other day to ijiok after'
Home leKitl business before, going on
to Washington 1). C. as had been bin
Intention, lie expects to lav hi Hums
for several days.
Hlelsou hat $(i 00. N. II row n &
surprise after vIowIiik what had been
done at the station with a small
pumping p.-hnt that Irrigation had not
humi given more consideration and
the country more fully developed, lie
knows what water will do for hind.,H( H
as there Ih a scarcity In his neigh
borhood and they usu it In thu most
economical manner posslblu. lie wiih JSfor anJ South Hiffh'way
... , I "
i fin i:'cu hi M-u mi ill (T Kiinii
laud lying Idle when It could be
brought under Irrigation at so rea
sonable outlay.
Serve Double Purpose
WATKit ti:hti.monv
tnunltlcfl nnd the commercial clubs la Court Hteuog
the towiiH,
Counly Agent Ii. K. McDanlols
rapher Win. Walker
:ih over from Ontario Monday and
Tuenday to tako additional testimony
In the adjudication of the wator of
Sllvlen river. Tho casu was asked
to be opened by Interested partloH
last Hprlng and Judge Illggs appoint-'
(Continued from pagu one)
grade nuisance and give the citizens
of the Kouthcrn part of tho county a
more direct route to the county scut,
the laud btllcu and tho railroad.
One day last week tho writer drovo
over an excellent grudo running
north and south on tho Illltteu side
of Malheur lake. It wan along the
bunk of either a canal for Irrigation
ICye tit ruin causes lu'ittlnchcx,
nervousni'ss and other trou
bles. I fit KliuweH accurately
and Hciuntilically.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office with Dr. II. F. .Smith
Did you attend tho Field Day oxor-t , 1 " "h" V, V 7, purposes or a drainage ditch, at any
ut tho Kxperlment Station Sun-! "a,knr ,, th taallmony.l rH( R wn (, Htrttght road alJ(J could
yur nuiu wiih iiimiu in hum iiiuu anil
oIhh ut this Kxporimeut
day? j
If you didn't you missed a trent, if
you am or protend to be a farmer.
Tho talks by Director of Kxperl
' ment Stations, J, F. Jardlnu, and j
Chief of Soils, W. I. Powers nnd
Honorable Will It. King, were in-'
titriictive, encouraging and Inspiring. 1
The best treat of all however, wan
tho tour of the station with ItH won-,
derful lessons on the value of culti
vation, water and fertilizer as applied
to Harney County soils.
Field peas and oats that will yield
f to C ton per aero, barley and oata
00 bushel and better ulfalfa 3J( ton'
per acre for llrst cutting, hundredd of
Varltles Of Wlinnt. Iinil rffiirnu nl" nttinr1
Tho attendance Hhame to nay,
could have been greater but any lack
In numbers wiih more than offHOt by
enthusiasm, Many living at the ex-
li 8
was had to September TTt
liOld Craudnll, who is taking over
the agency or tho Falrbunks-Mors.)
engines In thin county, Ih also going
to sell silos if ho can convince the
people they should have them, Ho
has recently secured a small model,
a miniature silo, and placed It In
the window at the Commercial Club
rooms. This shows how a silo Ih
built and there will be a uantlty
of literature avallablu giving Infor
mation about them.
tromu ends or tho county and to
whom tho cost In time and money wiih
an Important ltom, wero thoro. Oth
era living in tho Immediate vicinity
and In need or thu Information ho
freely Imparted, wore consplcous by
Uioir nbsouco, Such Ih Ufa,
Katal Suro thoro wero oata,
oodloii and doodles of 'em and lom
ouado, say man! Tho ouly (hlng
Ah a result of Judge Furro going
i boforo tho Stato Highway Commis
sion tho foro part of thin weok at Uh
mooting In Portland, bids aro to hoi
advertised asking for tho completion j
of tho highway from Lawou to Crnno i
iho work to he completed thin win
ter. Thin In n move In tho right di
rection, Judgo Farro romarkod In
tho presence of a representative of
this paper boforo going down to Port
land that tho highway whb of no use
TheVitility of
Remember that
the Price has Not
Raised in spite of
doubled operating
E. L. & P. Co.
Jii the rush of the busy busi
ness day the ood principle of
courtesy is easily overlooked.
Sometimes a business institu
tion appears to be a cold machine
instead of an organization of
warm-hearted, human, regular
fellows most business people
really are.
Every courtesy, every order,
no matter how large or small, is
.worthy an expression of appri
Our wish is that this may ex
tend our sincere thanks for the
business you entrust to us and to
make you feel that we are always
at your service.
Tiret & Tubes cars
We are Experts in the Scientific Adjust
ment of Everything Connected with a Car.
Albers Rolled Oats
40c. a Package
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon .
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor