Jliu-nr.v County's limber- Ih nil imvt for linmotllato vxploltu- (Ion Mills should bo turning K nut to aid In tho. rocoitNtruc Hon work of tho nation. In ' Twtlgutc thla virglB ftaldt llnrncy cotinty'rt i-oscources urn nttrncthiK UioHttcnMon of II10 entire West. Irrigation, stocle raising, mine, oil ami rm pro spects and ' 'affrlealturo nil awaiting development. VOL. XXXIII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON AUGUST 14, 1920 NO. 42 memo. PROGRESS OF IRRIGA TION PROJECT TOLD Engineers Now on Distribut ing System; Investigating Drainage; Dam Site. U Olu n, ono of tho directors Of Hi ii rm Yulloy Irrigation Dliili let, uiv usou the progress of tho work toward ) stalling tho Irrigation hys tom tin i 'utr day nt thu weekly Com mercial t tub luncheon. Tho subject was r i-uiul from tho tlnio of tho orgnni-utlon down to tho present und tho speaker showed how tho director wore proceeding with tho work and what had boon accomplished. Kuglnccrlng forced have been In the tU'ld ever since early sprinc on portions of tho work. Tho find part to luve consideration was tho pro pocd reservoir sites and thono huvo been thoroughly Investigated the low er data slto data wm purchased from C. H MeConnoll and thU3 consider able time wua gained; later more data huh been secured from Mr. Mc ronnell covering tho greater portion nf tho distributing system In tho val ley, but thin wuh not ho complete an tho dam ulto and Engineer Cunning ham now has bin forces doing work In tho northern pnrt of tho valley leading down to tho portion Mr. Mc Connell'H data covers. Tcbls nro being mado at tho res crvolr sited to ascertain thu nature of tho formations and thua got Homo Idea of what will have to bo done to get a proper foundation for tho damn. It U tho hopes of tho directors that a greater forco may ho put on thin important work a larger equipment for drilling, In order to hurry that work n tho present equlpmont Ih not adequate. Mr. Olson pointed out In bin din cuhmIou of tho bubject before tho bufiliH'M men, that complications had to bo overcome in tho preliminary work and that it really taken moro time than ono would at first suppose; covtiral comlBfllons, both stato and federal, have something to say before a project may proceed and under such circumstances It Is necossary that tho work comply with tho requirements of tht-Ho commissions, otherwise It would bo held up until these require ments worn complied with. With this in mind tho steps all along tho lino huvo been carefully taken In or der that thcro bo no delay In ac reptunce of tho plans when onco sub mitted, For Instnnco, tho plans must ho put up to tho Stato Knglneor for approval; tho Stnto Knglneor, tho Riuto Treasurer anil the Btnlo nnnk Kxamlni-r constituto n committee to pass upon tho project boforo tho Mate wll) allow tho district to Yofo and Issue bonds. The federal govern ment alio has certain requlremonts to raeot before tbo matter can be voted and tho project authorized. Chief Hurveyor Cunningham has his men Working on tho prouont syHtom of distribution In tbo upper part of tho valloy Jusl as tho water emerges from tho canyon, as thus It may bo possible to use some of tho preeont Natural canals so fnr an it w.U ronform to tbo general distribu tion uytlcm. C II Smith, a drainage ongineor, nrr vi recently nnd hns takou up wrrl' f,n tho project. Mr. Smith l' an expert in Ills lino and Is making Investigations from tho lowest point on tho project and working up. I: Ih hoped to huvo this phase worked out togothor with other features in order that tho ontiro projoct may bo coraploto In ovory dotail boforo any estimates aro mado or tho subject submitted to tho water users for tholr approval. So far thero Booms nothing to pro vont an oarly consideration of tho project and ita Installation, oxcopt monoy conditions which It Is hoped will bo in better shape 'oro tho tlmo comes to soil bonds. This -week a commlttoo composed of members of tbo Commissioners of tho Harney Valloy Irrigation District, consisting of P. 0. Smith, Sam Motli orshoad, Jake Welcomo and Ted Hayo.s, has been going over certain I'roporty within tho district which It will bo necoBsary to purchaso, ap praising it. This is anothor demo cratic feattiro of tho methods used by tho denlrlct In bringing about results. (Continued on pago four) Mil. OI.MKN IH MIGHT Tho remarks of Mr. Olson nt n re cent Commercial Club luncheon In connect Ion with tho dlscuslon of boosting our opportunities and talk ing our own country to tourists worn certainly tltnoly und should bo given hoed.. Wo ttoli'l glvo our own com munity credit for wfint It is worth nor do wo prnutlco tho custom of hu man klmluoBH in dealing with, tho prahlomB of tho other fellow. Wo hick enthusiasm. Wu don't rub el bows enough und got in touch with tho progress of our community. It Is tlmo wo tako n greater interest in our neighbors and glvo a helping hand. The towns nnd communities that nro attracting attention nnd nro going ahead nro those that boost tho other fellows gatna Just tho sumo as tholr own. Kor Instance tho' other day when tho wrltor was in Narrows ho was told by Joe Morris thst (horn were hundreds, of tourists going through that part of tlo. county on routu to Lukovlew, huvlng bon told of tho Irrigation projoct under way down thero. How many of theco people have heard of the, prospects hero, or have bceh toU of the land now rendy for tho market that aro Just as good, or perhaps better, than whero thoy aro going? It may bo that tho Lake county project has had morn publicity from anothor than lo cal source, If so it Is up to those hav ing lands for sale to glvo tho samo publicity. However, wo aro told that many former residents of tho Twin Falls country aro going to Lake coun ty to Invent In lands. Wo must get In lino with tho pro gress of tho times nnd keep our end of tho string up. o AEROPLANE Iff BURNS TAKES UP PASSENGERS Popular Diversion With Biff Thrills; Safe, Exnerienced Pilot, Good Ship. An aeroplane arrived In this city last Thursday morning unheralded. It cumo from a southwesterly direction and upon lighting in the Sweek Held and tho men In charge being consult ed It was found they had spent tho night boforo In tho I'etor Toterson field over near tho 00 ranch whero thoy wore forced to light on tholr way In becauso of shortage of fuel. Tho piano hnd started to thin city from ltodmond but hnd gotten off Its courso and was too far south. In Its wanderings moro fuel was consumed than had boon expected, hence tho necessity of lighting and securing additional quantity. Tho piano Is tho property of a com pany of young mon who are using It for exhibition und passenger service. It is in charge of It. It. Trask, ono of tho owners, and Llout, W, D. Can non, tho pilot. Those young men aro remaining in this city for n tovr days in order to gvo cltizons an opportuni ty to make flights; Tho..mabljno is ono of tho best and tho pilot ah e'x porlonced flyer, therefore pooplo have no hesltoncy In going up. Tho Sweek Hold Just nt tho edgn of own is being usod as n landing place and fiovorul.of our pooplo havo nl roiidy given it a trial. Tho atmos phere is wonderful for flights Just it this season of tho year nnd n look it the valley and surrounding IiIIJb iro Inspiring from tho.holght to whlch'ono Is taken on a rdo. Tho Tlmos-Horald bolloves oncour agomont should bo given mon In mch enterprises, as It is going to bo ono of tho most attractive mothods of travol ovor this big counh-y In tho noar futuro. While this may seom far In tho futuro It Is noaror than ono would suspoct. At any rate It Is un opportunity for tho young people to got exporloijco nnd tho unusual thrill of a now uonsatlon. Thoso who havo taken- rides aro enthusiastic in tholr oxprosslonu and say It is worth moro than tho price paid. o Mrs. Julian Ilyrd and Bllllo accom panied by Mrs. M. A. niggs, loft' VVodnosday morning for Wallowa whoro they oxpoot to visit with ro latlvou for a couple of wookB or so. County Agoitf h. E. MoDnnloln took tho party In Ifls car ob far as Ontario ho being on his way to Walla Walla on business NORTH-SOUTH HIGHWAY SERVE TWO PURPOSES Provide Better Road South Eliminating Bad Hills; Serve Bifd Reserve. At a Commercial Club luuuhuou tho other day Capl. Ilobt. M. Dun- 1 can suggested that a dike ho placed accrosH tho western pnrt of Malheur lake to hold tho witter to a level, thus serving tho purpose which laud owners in that vicinity havo desired In order to Insure crops along tho broder. and also advocated by tho bird roservu people as n moans of holding thu water to a proper depth to Insure the convenience nnd com fort of bird lfo. This was brought out by a discus sion of tho effect of thu proposed Huosevult lllrd, Hcfugo bill upon the Irrigation system now under consid eration. A dlsscusslou of tho bird bill will not bo given here. Tho suggestion of a dtku across tho lake Is along tho lino of progression nnd ono that could bo mado to servo a double purpose. Thu proposition of a north and south highway has been considered not only locally but by (lie Htato Highway Commission, and was ono of tho roads considered at tho time tho speclul election for road bonding was hold. Hlnco then It has boon discus xod by Individuals and olllcers of this county but no definite action taken. Judge Wm. Farro recently rocom mendvd a permanent road north and f,outh to leave thu highway at a suit able point east of Burns to go directly Houth by way of tho Islnnd Hunch, mining Wright's I'olnt and crossing tho Inku bed, on south up tho Hlit xeti vnlloy. Judge Farro and some other county olllclals uvun wont bo fur as to muku a recounolssanco tour ovr a portion of tho proposed road before letting a contract for tho Im provement of tho Wright's Point grade. They discussed thu mutter with different property owner that would bo elYoctod, and while It was considered feasible, It was thought tho tlmo was not right for such an undertaking. As a matter of fact, It would bo an economical move right now to build such a road. It would travorsn r.onut of tho bout part of tho entire county nnd now Is thu tlmo to so- cure right of way ut u nominal Ilguro i rather than wait until tho laud In cropped morn liiteusuly; It would cost uu moro than later and would fur uMi uu oxcellcut roud for tho north and south travol through this county. A roud of this character Would ellin Inutu Wright's Point and thu Juniper (Continued on pago fourj g Home Spent Dollar bLi; Consider flic; wisdom und judgment W U JT of I he MOMIC-SIMCNT DOLLAIt. Pi U7 In its pcpltil community-inspiring career it nlwny splnys stife. Its busi ness transactions arc backed by guar antees. Advertised goods arc guaranteed goods. Tlie merchants of this com munity do not advertise their wares unless they are good goods. It doesn't pay td advertise merchandise, that is not good, And it is the home merchant who advertises his goods that attracts the DOLLAR makes it the HOME SPENT DOLLAR. He in turn directs the dollar back to guaranteed ilrms the advertising firm. Follow the trail of the HOME, SPENT DOLLAR for two weeks and you will learn that it enters the doors of the advertised firms. The jingle of HOME-SPENT DOT- LARS is a merry play it together HUM to that tune, 1 WHmM WILSON DEMONSTRATES MS TUMPING PLANT Successful Irrigation From Wells in Harney Valley Practically Assured. Following tho Field Day program at tho Hxpurlmont Station tho writer, In company with County Agent Mc Daniels, Mrs. McDanlelH, Mrs. Ilyrd and 11111 lo. visited tho Chan. Wilson ranch at Dog Mountain on Inst Mon day afternoon nnd saw his irrigation plant, Mr. Wilson has a big pro position und It was demonstrated for thu bonoflt of thu visitors to tho en tiro satisfaction. . It is adequate. It will suroly dolivor thu goods and bring success. Tho well Is down a considerable depth but yet the water rises near enough to the surface to iniiko It a feasible proposition to pump it. Thu big engine brings, u stream out porhups twice the ilow of tho Experi ment Station plant and thu soil is such that it can bo curried a long dis tance as tho sand will not sub-Irrigate as the soil on the stallou. It wilt bu necessary to flood Irrigate but Mr. Wilson 'k placing his land in proper shnpo for that purposo und confidently expects a large area ready for seeding in tho spring. He is getting the plant equipped for a one man concern Just us rapidly at possible, as ho has boon delayed thltf season becauso of luck of help. He has a tractor which Is put to ovory conceivable use und the farm mach inery and tools nre being modoled to hitch on to this llttlu mnchluo that does tho work of several horses. Mr. Wilson Hays he does not want to bo huudlrapped any longer by unreliable holp or thu Jack of it, theroforu will bo proparcdito do without 't, Ilo dsorvH success. Tho big work ho has done and tho prospects for the' future portends succors. Ho Is prepared to add to his water supply at a nominal cost and with tho equip ment now Installed und tho work demonstrated ho is going to mako t go. The soil on his place will raise ulfalfa without question. It may re qulro Inoculation but that Is a small matter. The Wilson plant Is ttio forerunnor of many similar ones '.hut are sure to be Installed In Hartley Valloy In tho near futuro. Tho oil well prospects will glvu Impotus to tho lustullutloln of these plants, hut oven without the cheap fuo! that would certainly fol low tho striking of oil, It Is a pay ing proposition. o ' An aeroplane ride Is tho thrill of today. Hotter get ono while It Is In town. tunc if we ALL and business will too! DON'T KICK YOUH TOWN Thoro Is no hotter ovldonco of a commondablu community spirit than that of loyalty lo u town In which a person lives. If n town In worth living In it Is worth defending nnd supporting In Us orforts to advance with tho rest of thu world. Yot l almost ovory community you will fludpnoplo who can boo nothing good In tholr surroundings. Thoy can not recognize tho fact that though It may ho humble, It yet hi homo that It has clothed thorn, and red thorn, and cared for thorn In sickness and In health, and hits fur nished them friends who havo boon steadfast and true. Thoy magnify Its Imperfections nnd sprond clouds wherever thoy go. Thoy often mako Ufa mlsorablo for othors nnd Invariably mako It a ropraoch to thomnolvcs. Hut thoro Is a brlghtor side to this story, The abuso thoso short sighted peo pla heap upon tholr plitco of abodee generally falls upon unsympathetic ears. Tholr nolghbors and frlonds know them as thoy are as pooplo who might havo boon vgluablo citizens capable of constructive work, but whoso dispositions havo been warped In younger days, possibly through no particular fault of tholr own. Their criticisms aro listened to with good nntured pntlonco, but aro forgotton about as soon as utterod. Tho views of the chronic klckor and fault flndor have less weight than thoBO of any other adult olomont of tho human rnco. When he thinks ho Id kicking his town he gonornlly finds that he Is kicking himself Instead. o OIL WELL PROSPECTS STILL ENCOURAGING Water Bailed Out First of Week, Come Under the Casing; Stopped. The wrltor was one of a party to visit tho Dog Mountain oil well last Monday. Thu workmen had shut down for tho day boforo tho party arrived but thoy .were shown over tho works by Mr. Arthur Huhn, ono of tho faithful men who has boon at tho well for several years. Thu workman ha1 boon bailing out thu water tho day wo wero thoro. Tho prwssuro.on thu drilling apparatus was such as to Indicate thoro was too much resistance nnd they wero cur ious to know what tho result would bo should tho several hundred feet of wutur ho balled Qui. This had not boon done li many month; in fact tho water "huM boon u source of do lay forj'u long time up until rocontly when thoy succoodod' In shutting It Off. Following this process a lnrgo quantity was, allowed to romuln In the well and drilling resumed. Tho casing was allowed to follow tho drill down for soma depth but just a short tlmo boforo our visit tho cas ing has boon anchored and tho drill hnd penetrated a depth of uomo 12 foot below, Later Information Ib to tho offoct that thoy balled out wll but about CO foot of tho water and wero proceed ing to drill but Wednesday night tho wator rushed in again and It was nocossary to again put down casing nnd shut If off. This was successfully done and tho workmen will again re sumo drilling. Consldorablo eoncouragomont Is given from tho fact that tho gas es caping from tho well is gnmtor at this . tlmo than ovor boforo. Each buckot that 1b brought from tho bot tom of tho woll contains sutllclont to light and burn, It Is boliovod from this demonstration that thoy havo not pttBsad tho flow thoy aro Booking and Indicates It 1b doopor. They're going aftor It. $ o Ooo. Itaycraft was In town tho foro pnrt of tho wook attending to Bomo ropalr workout tho Dr, J. W. Geary homo, Mr. Itaycraft Informs U3 hlB mother has boon visiting him but loavos tlila wook for hor homo In Tncoma, taking MIsb Edna Raycraft, his oldest daughtor, back with hor whoro tho young lady will a,ttond school tho coming winter. PEOPLE VIEW CROPS AT EXPERIMENT STATION Field Day Observations Give Favorable Impression of Important Work. "A llttlo hit of wator makes a hlg difference," wua tho romurk mado by J. T. Jardlno, director of Experiment Stations of this statu whllo viewing tho result of thu pumping plant used for irrigation nt tho brunch Experi ment Station hero last Sunday. Mr. Jardlno said a lot in that sentoncu und It should be heeded. Thoso who havo nut viewed thu results of the work on the' Experiment Station th'lu season have something to boo In tho line of what "llttlo bit of water" will do. Dy way of comparison thero Is tbo most effective placo In Harney count v to demonstrate tho boncfttn to he derived from n system of Irriga tion thut will cniiftutvo tho water ct our streams and placo it on tho cropj nt the most profltalbo time. Field Day at the Experiment Sta tion last Sunday was the usual cue ecus nnd then nomo. Tho fact that more has boon accomplished In the wny of actual demonstration this sea son than for several years provloux Is responsible for this romarknblo showing, And this In the faco of shortage of help and discouraging circumstances under which Supt. Shuttuck and his assistant. Mr. Illchtc, worked. They put in long hours each day becauso help could not bo had. The stutlon is handi capped for lack of funds to properly function and this fact has boon brought to tho attention of tho men under whoso direction tho work Is prosecuted, yot thoy point out thut they nro pvwnrloss to glvo any usHlst nnce, but that It must como from tho state und federal govortlmont. Thu Hums Commercial Club should oo to It thut prcssuro bo brought to bear upon our congressional delegation and tho stato legislature to bring about relluf In this respect. It 1 pointed out by ono of tho candidate for president of tho United States In a recent speech that we have too long neglected the farm production of America and it Is tlmo that we take due notice of It. Cltlrcns of Hums should mako It their partic ular business to suo hut this Mutton bo properly financed and given the aid necessnry to tho Importance of its work. Tho Inspection or tho growing crops in tho field was tho most Inter esting part of tho Field Day pro gram, oven though oxcollunt talk were mado by mon versed In tho lino, of work thoy discussed. Tho contrast between tho dry farming and Irrlgut ed crops wero such ub to glvo the Irrigation systom such Impetus that ono would not expoct a dissenting vote when It como to tho final decis ion. To bo sure there wore somo very good dry farm crops, ospoclally of ryo, alfalfa aud somo of tho gralnB, yet tho ylold Is so much greater under tho Irrigation systom that ono can not help hut wondor why wo havo delayed so long lu dovoloplng our wator supply d putting it to tho very best nnd most economical use. Thoso who followed tho route over tho Hold and listened to tho dis cussion and explanation given by Supt. Shattuek c.ovorlng each plut know when It was planted, under what conditions and ti history of it development, really got valuablo in formation. Tho sovoral plots dovotod to grain, Including bouio 175 vnrltlea of whoat, oats, barloy, ryo; tho field peas, ulfalfa. hdmp, Hun, root crops. Bunllow.ors, etc. each had a story In connection with it that 1b of valuo to tho farmora or this county and therefore to tho ontiro citizenry. Tho fact that tho Station Is do voloplng a spring wheat that 1b bet tor than tho Early Uaart, maturing oarllor by eovoral dayB than tho lat tor varloty, moans much to grower? In this county. Tho autuo iu connec tion with othor cropB. Tho Tlmos-Horald roprosontattvo did not attompt to koop in Jouch with Mr. Shattuek during his discussion of thoso vnrlotlos, as thoro woro many nolghbors in tho lino of march and tho gonoral tak confused tho main dlscuBBlon. It Is togrottod that tho particular points could not hav6 boon (Continued on pago fllvo)