The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 07, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    r ii jo t i m id h - ir n u a h d d u it s s , 11 a it n n v u o o ntv, o h h a o n
Mxfurdiv, AllKHffl 7, fly,,
ii rwi t
How lo Live
Worry less and Work more
Ride less and Walk moro
Frown less and Smile more
Drink less and Breathe moro
Eat less and Chew more
Preach less and Do moro
Spend less and Save more
amlun to clear things up a llttlu.
Xlnorn July 29, to Mr. and Mrs.
Clarcnco Young, a daughter.
O. O. Jotloy was 111 town thin wook. thoURt of pUBlltlr (l Kord t(,Mt ftp. bg
Dr. II. Donmnn wan up from Orano Wo Htoppcd at Mm. Mahon'H Jft
yostorduy on business. Anderson Vulloy ranch but found uho'
j wuh viuiiiiig iiur uuuKiuur iu im-,
I A ..t a . I 1
f a wiowor oi run wouiu noi coma mmdt iftrvoy Murku Ih looking or
M. B. Hall wait In town Ibis wuok.
unco, for It wan mighty hot and tin
negotiated" llio hill without uohIhI- MlllfflUrMM r.jpn,
I UeJ UaU Ua!l Utdi Ucdi UiM Ucll Utdl UrJl UeU U.iiJ Mtii UeJ) J.-! U..JI I, J 1 1I.JJ II,i'J II JI II. Jill. mrnrntStl
AhdorHon Vulloy ranch hut found uho 1
The "Save" came Inst but that doesn't indicate J
it is the least important.
SAVING doesn't mean saving money alone.
We can and should save in many ways.
They are all worth while, but the Saving of I
Money is of great importance. It is the Visible Proof
of our Ability to Save.
The raan who Cannot Save is Beaten from the
J beginning.
Success is not in him.
tor tho ranch and wan out iti tho
fioldH helping with tho hay. Tho
grain looked lino on thin ranch but;
was not glvon clorto inspection. Com-,
.Lester Wllllamii wan over from log on down tho Cloorgo and Nln j
Hllvnr Crook durlntr tho week vlfllt-. Uni t fnnttN wnrn tmxunil. Tim hitVMt
Ing his family. aro cutting a good crop und being
1 ... 'short handed thoy woro working
r finwM .ttl.l lull. "I'll., lliitlit iilim lltivit
I hot but tho alfalfa lit growing lino ' ,"u ' " "
and tho grain Ih ripening. " 7" , , ",' ,
" Wo decided to go ncroHit tho coun-
Mrn. I. S. Onor arrived' homo liiKt try by way of "Coontown" und tho
evening. Hhu hart boon iittondlug Hlddlu ranch to Diamond to try our
WE can help YOU save by keeping
your Savings in the bank and paying
you interest thereon, at 4 per cent
compounded twice each year.
I First National Bank . j
summer m!hool at Monmouth.
bund with tho rod on tho Klger. Wo
Touched Diamond at noon und after
Wm. Honwiok, stockman and store- H H,1()rl yMl (U Hl)rt) (,roV(J
keeper at Follyfurm, wuh rugl.itoro.1 U(J j;or(,(J f()r n)0t f)vo wlu,ru
at a local hotel laiit night. i ..,., ,.,.,! aii imi,.t.,mn u
For a Greater Harney County
Are you interested in your future1?
The measure of your success will be
determined largely by how you build now.
Credit, character and a bank acquaint
ance are all important to your future. You
can build a cash capital, little by little, at
the Harney County National Bank, and at
the same time cultivate a bank acquaint
ance and credit, which will be an asset in
advancing your interests.
ramp wiih mndo.
C. A. I'orrenttud wnn a gtinitt at tho ho hot wo dooldod to poHtpono j
homo or Dr. and Mr. U.,0. llurkl Um "Hhlng until later when It warn
during tho week. To while away tho tlmo tho
iiliuwlilii ilnnlf unu I on nut mill Mo-Il?,
Virgil ShluIdH wuh over from bin Danlolii convinced that ho didn't
. . l. .. .1 . 1 .. .1.,. . . j ..... ........
nomu on niivor r.reeK uurniK inu kiiow iniicn ueoui inu gninu. uuiurp
wouk In compniiy with IiIh coUBln,Wti tried the Mulling hok'H. Thoife
MIrii Tllllo Cheney. nuwHpupcr mini hadn't gone but uifo
'uhort dlHtancn from tho car whou boj
Lold Crandall arrived hero thin bumpeed Into ono of tho llnont aped-, ff
week from Corvalllit where ho recent- ,nun of rattl(.HimkeM ho'd nvor gono
ly dlHpoNed of bin real I'tttiUo Inter- up BRllHt. It got away beciiUMO It
eittn. Ho Ih looking over thin hoc- wu nour tw nrUh, unj j,o hnd noth-
X'tlon with a view of looitlng horu. ,K f)Ut B f mil fhthlng rod with which
T Mm. Crandall, who was formerly MIhm to ta (jl0 Hnako. That Hpollod tho
Chenpa King, una her natty aro nun nnhlnR for him that uftemoon and
In Corvallln. I upon returning to camp McDbiiIoIm
Gordon V. Hull wan making proof had caught u nlco Htrlng. If wan
on hln land ycHtorday. Ho wan ntt- certainly aggravating to bo outdono
1 ulBtod by Emmett Johnnon and Wnl- "Ut It hnd. to bo onrturcd. Aftor nup-
(tr Klifiivngur. both of Huntex. Mr. Pr Mac decided Hk ho had boon
Hnll in now located over In Idaho tho nucceiiHful ono with, tho rod MiatjuH may come boforo tho mooting will
I.... i . i . n i it. tin milfl trim tlwi nnwunnnnr mull tlt'linun ulitinUnn
wnorn iin una cnirKU oi a nuurinurii ...... .... n ..r..,. ... .-...
Harney Courtly
National Bank
And member of the Federal Reserve System
For a" Greater Harney County
I Uutl UUI VUi UuU UiM lk titdl Uotl Omit UUl Ua4l UcJ UciJ HsU Ue!l llcM Veil Ucd
Kwamn Hall. Tho oloctlon of a board 1 Wcdnendity.
of director! and ouch other business
' ft
herd of cattlo which hln undo owns, plnochlo, ho ho turned on tho hoad
lllghtn of tho Ford and tho carjln again
Hev. and Mm. J. J. Tlckuor of tho brought out but tin got "nklnned"
Haptlnt church, took their depart- uguln. And to add to thin victory tho
Hov. John II. WicherHon of tho .uro Wodnosday evening for on outing newnpapcr man got up nt daylight
I'roitbytorlan church, upent n portion I trip to bo abnont noma three woekH. the following morning and caught a
fo thin wook at Crnno.
C. II. Moyd wnn a vinltor at tho
llloll A Itanch during thin wook. Mr.
llHrry Clondonon wan among our.1'10)'" reuldea at Salt Lako.
vliiltorn from out of town Thumduy.
Ueogro Iluchanan wan down from
Mm. (loorgo MarHilen nnd her little
daughter huvo been gucHta nt tho
hln Htntlon homo Thurnday looking farm homo of Dr. and Mm. C. C.
after Homo hunlncmi nffalm.
John Wltzell wan up from hln homo
noar Mulheur lake Weduonday. Ilo
(Irllllth for ueveral dayn.
Minn Sura A. Howell, community
ntirmt. hint boon nlmnlil vlnltltur nt
nald It nn hot enough for haying vora, p,acoa out Qf QWn ,
but not very uncomfortable. : t0 )(Hl W0(?)
or lottn fatigued from their Journey
but olborwlie uro In good health.
K. T. Ilughet and Uert Itlchardttou I
arrived homo lant woek from u rtah- runU HM,or' " of-tho ,,onoor
lag expedition which took them to rft"cr,;r of tho nyon. wan
t.o DoBchuten and to trout lroan,n " buMnc''8 v,Hltor t0 our cK dur,,,K
In tho Concado mountalnn. Thoy 0,0 woukr Mr F,"tor ownH ovor
wero gono for a couple of weokn or 'I'000 acru nd ,n thU county ftntl
moro and report excellent luck and 1,0 w ,hn canyon 1,1 Mu,hour but ,K
a good tlmo. .Rating to an ngo whero ho would
j like to quit actlvo oporntlou of no
Mm! J. Shelley. Suurman arrived Inrgo a plant and in therefore con
huro from Salem In tho Horn! Stage tmuplatlng tho salo of tho property
Wodnottday night und will npond hov- and retiring,
oral weekn with her parentn, Mr. ami ,
Mm. Holland. Mm. Saurraan reportn A- "nrron, who bait had cbnreg of
Dr. Haurumn an enjoying lino health 1,10 "h00 repairing department at
i i. i . t ..... i.i. lilt) .1. fl. Wfilrnimi X- Rnn Imriwiuu
practice in Salem. !" op tho pant noveral month. I0,' 'Hu party c mo went o nttond
' bun l.u ..i.rn nn.i m nmrrlugo of MUk Helm IllggH htnt
Morlo nennett, who rcnldos In tho Idaho where ho Jolnn hln family. IIlH ,Month nt 1nt1ar,, !fml tCn'"n ," "!,;r
M ft - A . . 4, l.l I A ..llkl lllll.l I Ii fill. 1
Thoy wont ovit near Valo whero they flno Hiring of trout before broakfant
will vlttll a non during tho vacation, j Tho Journey homt from there wan
Thoro will bo no HervlcoH In the Ilnp- without incident other than tho find-
tint church until Ituv. Tlckner'u ro- Ing of an excellent Toad tn.'ough tli.f
turn. Illlltzen itwamp built entlroly upon tint
. t. . ... ... ..... ....... a .....
1 Leon M. Ilrown and family roturii- Htnru f ti.iu rnn. tu i.,.nt
ed homo yoHtorday from a vacation tho ,mnk of th(J jr,nuK0 cnnul n,,
vlnit to Han FranclHCo. During IiIh cout, bo mn,,0 n unt of tho orlh
ntny lit tho city Mr. Ilrown had tho lim, H0Uth ,,,KhWliy tbxough thin
prlvlltKO of attending tho national ,.ounty, ThB M,joocl wm i, KiVo
democratic convention whero Judgu moro nltontlon , tUvno C0umna at
Will H. King wan a doleguto and tho Hm(J otnor (jm0i
two met In thin olllco yentorday af- Vl)on ,unch wna hU, wlth Mrn
tcrnoon nnd dlHcuHHed It. Tho Con- J(im!M nendemon at Narrown and tho
ventlon wan a moht onthuluntlc affair. !lr u,, from llloro ,.onHUrac(1 jU()l onu
Mr. Urown and tho family woro moro hour ,, ,0, lnlnutCH.
J. C. FOLEY, ProitldcnL
CHIP (I. SMITH, Secretary.
Flvo centn each will bo paid for
Itnbbltn killed within tho boundaries
of our farm north of Ilurnn. Thin
offer ntnndn for 30 dayn, and count
will bo mado on our place. -Adv
July 8, 1920.
(llrl wantn work. Phono 11141.
No troHiiamlntt unon my nrmlA
IffKiti vrmr utib nut nf mv l.iM ...
U . I . . L . .1. I . ... ..1.1 I I I 11 I If 1 II .1
thin notice. Jamcn II. Stewnrt.
IL'ii aIll 4kAii IktaVM ft iiittiliu
buycTM for ttomo flrxt clnsn ttr
..t.i.. i i ...
ami IImI yotsr pniNart Harnr;
Omnty AbMrnct Co,
Try I'lroMono
Mr. McDnntoln in an excellent driv
er but that car In rightly named
"Teddy HoohovoII" at In certainly is
llr .1. M. lllrpa nnil U'lfn find
daunhter, of Odoiwa, Mrnsourl, and n U0URM ,uuor:
tho MIhhou Lucy and KlUabeth Oon- o
dnll, of Philadelphia, and Minn Anna- FOUND Tho Hurnn Onrngo in In
hoi IllggH, daughter of Jiitlgu Dalton
UlgKH, npunt noveral ttayH of thin week
vlHlttiig at the homcH of John and
Allen Mlggn of thlri city. Dr. lllggn
Ih a brother to tho boyn nnd tho liidleti
are couhIdh. Tho latter aro toach-
ponncHHion of three gun books Irhu
od by tho firm numburod 2H, 27C
and 277, renpectlvoly. Ownor may
bavo thorn by proving property.
John Day country, wnH hero during daughter, Mrn. Mny KggloHton, and
tho week for a Hhort visit with IiIh her family, together with Mr, Ilar
brothor, Ellin, of tho Hums Gurngo, rou'n wife, wont to our Hlntor ntnto
and hlH ulster Mrn. Melllo Purkor, noveral weokn ago and they hnvo pur
who roHldos up tho river a short din- cluiHod u homo In Payette. Lntor a
tanco. Merle wan a student of tho hoii, Hay Harron, wont over nnd now
Harney county high school at ono hln family hnvo followed him, no thoy
tlmo and Iiiih many old tlmo ac- InnlNted on tho father coming too. Mr.
quulntancon In thin vicinity who wero Welcome bus not found any ono to
glad to moot him. ,tnko Mr. Harron'a placo In tho hhop,
to hnvo a vlnlt with relallven in thlH
out for
Come to us for fishing tackle
Sec our supply of Kods, Lines
Flies, Hooks, Leaders, etc.
The Rexall Drug Store
Rtotsou hat fG.OO.
N. Urown &
PLHAB12 ItETUHN -Tho party who
borrowed tho slx-luch centrifugal
pump from H. 0. Lovenn in ro
quitted to roturn It to Mm. Lovenn.
Harney CountY Rich
In Natural Resources
our mouts aro tho poor of any on tho
murkot, Tho real teat of our moat
quality comes In tho outing, and if
your chof'haH done hln duty you wHl
havo a troat In'doed. Our roautn have
mudo a reputation for this store
(Continued from page live)
look over tho garden, Hero again
jwpK found tho cnmo enro hnd attrac
, tlvotioMH. Hero alno was foundiHomu
lino vogotubloH Including corn, cu
cumbem, bouiiH, tomatocHv molonu,
Cump wan mado that night just
above Albomon poet olllco by tho sldo
of a Hiunll ntroum and closo to tho
school houito whero D. M. McDado
taught boforo coming to Duma to
iiHHumo his position oh principal of
tho Harnoy county high school. Tho
following morning wo stopped to pay
our rospoctu to Hugh Tudor but
found he had gono to Chicago with
a train load of fat shoop. Mrs, Tudor
und tho little girl woro at homo and
wo had tho prlYllego of drinking our
All from ono of tho sovoral nrtoslan
wells on tho ranch, Ono wub bubbl
ing up Just outsldo tho kltchon door
nnd tho water was lino. A fow mlloti
on' down wo Htnppod to say hollo to Huvo your watch overhauled. Htjtvt
Nick Voogtly who ban a good ranch tho old clock to ticking1, got Unit old
and a nlco llock of shoop, Juniper pleco of Jowolry lu wonrlpa order.
grado wan tho uoxt interesting objoct Hnvo your eyes fitted to, Heading
and tho nowspnpor man was somo- kIuhsch, soo O. M. SAIXSttUHY
what roliovcd to find that tho Ford Jowolur, oUcIhii.
FOUND A ladloH pumo, containing
two handkerchiefs and hoiiio Hinnll
chungo . Owner mny havo sumo by
paying for thin ad, und Inquiring
ut thin offco..
' ' o
WANTEDA Hookkeopor and Bton
oigraphor, pormanoiit position If
proven satisfactory, good wagon.
For further information inqulro nt
tho Unlvorsal Oarugo Co. 31
o '
Adr. If. i
Fluo lino of Kakhl nnd Corduroy
trousem. N. Ilrown & Bonn. Adv,
StetHon Hats (COO. N. Drown &
Sons. Adv.
Mrs. A. D. Jonon la now In cbargo
of tho Smth rooming house adjoin
ing tho Colo hotel. Sho will bo
ploaned to moot her many friends
thoro. 6-12tf.
Wm. Farre
Practice bfere U. S. Land
Real Estate
IndicMtioan uro thnt Uin
I uro of tho land will
attract many Invtwlort, to
Harney County the com
IbK taneu. LlhtliigM now
Mill bo kept beforo pros
pective inventor tho en
tire oaon.
Notice Ih hereby given that tho
annual motlng of tho Hums Flour
Milling Company will bo hold In
Ilurnn on Monday, August 2, 1920,
Bend & Burns Auto Stage
All Tour inn Cam
Leaves Hums every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Special attention given passengers
Quickest and cheapest route out
Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped
via Bend in our care given prompt attention
A tub full of It, Tho croam with an
Irr alfitlblo flavor mado from tho best
product tho market affords. Our Ire
vruura In kuown by all as most cxell
ont and nourishing. Supplied In ituy
amount for public nnd privato fune
tlona. Tho boat valuo. Prices 50c
pt. 90c ut. $3.00 gallon.
.... .i trrt
Come To Us
and we will nave, you money on your general needs $
Our atore buys in quantities consequently we are able t
to secure prices foJ you that lesser buyers can't touch T
We are specialists in a general way.
Our counters offer daily bargains in women's wear,
kitchen accessories, fancy work and so on through X
the list of popular articles for the home.
Everyb dy
Anyb dy
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.