The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 07, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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Vjiro HI.v
Cititnuthr h ImrntlD. Connelfj ,
It n h r r f l.itiiln
Imrii of riilttirril
luirrriln, Nov. in,
IMW, In i:llt
lniruli, I 'in in In
fancy Mi 'm-mIIIi
tlrlli'iitr, III
rawraA 1ST-' aciumi uir wh
RSrj Ilirr.-fJirn ilvmil.
SWs. . 'T r-uw.-
ti it r tt (he mini
mill jiinMiin ri'inl If
It 1 1 1 1 liy Ill tlx
vntPtl liurrr Mi
aou Ctinnttialmtti,
untl no liCMiitt Uir
imvMou for lld-rit-llirr
whirl, tloiiil
nnlrtl liln I V. II In
f ii I li f r, 'I'lffliiiiia
Ntrvenann, tin nlilr
rlll cnrrlurrr. tit
lrr) I.omIn Irt 'follim Mm tirtifrwltiti.
rut aflrr morn, limit llirrr; yrnrV alinly
fcp atianitonril II. lie nril rrfiil Invr (n
rlranc hl firllirr, but l,a icraulnrly
rami only for rrrltlHtf.
PrrJuiii no flKiire In Hfrrafttrc U
narr loved for fthrt-r vnlann ofNpltlti
(Iran Holier! Imtla ;lrirnoii. llr von
tradnl nil Filer llfr agnlnnt ilWrMar iWtlt
hick cournwr and dnn'atlfNN auyrly. In
Kraare mid rntlfornlit, In thr Aillron
itarka rtml the .South t(tn InIiiiiiIm, lit"
aaraard thr. rrlll tlit IP, henltU.
kla almnya.rluitrtl aim. Krom 1HS0
kla dralh la 1WW, Ha wife nnm n
Nrrf of atrraarth aad luaplralloni yrt
mUrd from frlrada ha auffrrra' physical
rmtm aad weary dlaappolaf aat. Much
f kla Im( work nna wrlMrn la fcril
Tr1krlraa In IT yraaa kit prodaor.1
fear yolutnra of raaaya, arvrn romttarra,
T mllrrllaaa of faataalln talra. Inn
4 floatb Hra yaraa, lbrr of poetry.
volunira of travel and topoajiapUy,
ae of political kUtory, and Irft ma
terial for wrrrral poalknmoua vrorka.
nVraanrr lalaadM la irrhaprihe brat
la-rd uf kla rniaMrra. HlPrvaaoa anldi
"If hU don't frfrfc th klda, vtby, tkr
kavr fair rvttra alar my tlmr." Aad
aala, aa kn wrote III uIt'a awful fan,
kaya' atorlrai yoo Jut ladnlitn lh
laare of your krart, tkat'a all."
TllVi Durlt-8 of Unlliintrno wcro n
HtronK family In Sctilluml Irom
stlio ilayH of Davltl I. Tlielr ups
ud dowiiH I jiiism over, to coino to tlutt
j-car 17-15 wlicn Uio foundatUum of IIiIh
tragedy wcce laid. '
Thuru wuh my lord. atudloiiH, Met
ful und rcllrtd fntin tho world. There
u'hm tho muster (Jium-tf In ImptlHin)
with hla father' lov of ntudy; hut
what wuh tact In thu father chatiKtd to
black dlnulmulntlori In him. Though
rvT In hrollK. Invarhihly ho lft "hlA
partnern In mlschltf to pay the plner.
The ncond Hon, Mr. Henry, wuh
neither ahl nttr had; an out-of-doorH,
aalld sort, who had had an uctlvu hiind
from a boy In the Management of tho
estate. In tho bouHu uluo wan MIhm
AlUon Qraenio, an orphan, comely and
Mlf'Wllled, hclrcHH to a fortuno und,
Ikktbuho of my lord'H norcwuItleM,
pledged In mnrrhiRO to tho mnxtor.
Then came tho upilhlnK for t'riiiiu
Charlie. AKalnut the wlnhen of tho
other thre'o tho mauler fleeted to rltlo
with tho prince; which loft Mr. Henry
lo take Kin;,' Coore's Hide, IhlH heln
u common policy of ytroat hoimcx In
that tiny. So tho maNter rode to the
North. Thou camo tho word of CiiHo
tloii and tho mator'H death. After u
jlccont tltno Mr. Henry, to prescrvo tho
fHtate, married .MIhm AIIkoii, althoiiKh'
ho mt more than any other doubled
her lovo for tho manter'a memory.
Jlut tho muHtcr wuh not dead. Ho
had escaped to aco, his cscapo helnj;
not ti hlH credit. At fiea he wuh rap
tHred hy a plr.ito nhlp. IJy tho moHt
JnKcnjoua deviltry hu' secured the
treaiHuro of tho pirate bhlp an tdio was
about to fall lnU the hnndH of a kln'H
milKor, and ehcapod with It to tho
Kwampa on tho American xhore. One
man -ho took td wild him out of tho
uwamp, and dirked him to death after
they were safely clear of It, Thome
ho continued ,)i1h march to French
Canada, although forced' on tho way to
hldo lilH trcnKiiro In tiia wlIiJerneHx.
ThlH.we Irnriiod from n CoIonel'IJurko,
un IrlHh fcnldlcr of fortuiuf, 'who cunio
In tho ulKlit to plead money for the
KiipporL. of thv master, who wuh then
In Trance.
There waa a letter from the master
which threw Mr, Henry In a paHHlori.
"He calls mo u nlKuardly doKl" h
cried. "Hut If I ruin tho ttatu I sluill
Mtuff him, the bloodsucker I And all
tiilM I foresaw when ho elected himself
und not me to j?o with Prince Charlle.H
The cap made In our accounts by
tho mnster'H deirmmis hecamo n sore
embarrassment. As Htoward of the
tato I must needs rldo to Edinburgh
and there ralso new loans on hard
ternm to keep old ones nllout; und this
held tat seven yearn. Mr. Henry hav
Iiir everything to tho last furthluir to
ralsfl more money, and yet more
money; winning for hlmiself thereby
no better title than miser with the
countryside ns well as at homo; for
nover a word of this business did hei
even tell to tho old lord or Mrs, Henry,
It helot; tho devilish mullco of tho mut.
tor to require this secrecy and the
loyal nature of his brother to comply.
Tho odium attaching to Mr. Henry
nnd the knowledge, whh-h came to mo,
that tho master all tliU time had also
u pension from tho Scotch fund In
Paris, bocamo too ureat n burden for
me. I took It on myRolf to toll Mr.
Henry how her husband had already
s sent 7,000 to tho muster. Thereafter no
V It 10 T I M
further moneys woro pent nlrpnd, nnrt
Iho telling did much to check n widen
ing restraint between Mr. Henry nnd
my lady, u great Joy to me.
Title action Bomiltrd In tho mastcr'n
return to us, n groat curse to tho
household; for In all maltcra of con
tendon, though Mr. Henry might ho
right, tho master had tho trick of sot
ting him lu tho wrong. Ho still de
manded money, and, to satisfy him,
the entail wuh broken and n great
piece of land sold; and all the while
ho ceaseil not to lay nlego to tho heart
of Mrs. Henry, carrying It on po deftly
that I scarco know If hho was aware
of It herseir, slid wbotri 1 doubt not
still loved him.
Thli brings ,mn to tho night when
he laid the most unbearable or Insults
on Mr. Henry. "1 neier know a wont
on," said the miiKtor, "svlio did not
prefer mo, not' I ililnlt- wu did not
coutliuK to prefer hip to you." At
which Mr Henry coldly id rut U him on
Uio mouth.
"A blowl" cried tho umatfr. "I wIP
wot lake n blow front lm Almighty I 1
hum have blood for lliln'"
They fought boynnil ilia shnibbcry.
I bringing the candle for litem. From
the llrst Mr. Henry showed hluiNcll
Iho stronger, which so surprised uuti
confused tho m.ister Hint ho tried foul
play, but got onl'lho length of Mr.
Henry's sword through iho body. He
fell, apparently lifeless.
Mr. Honr.v shook with sobs. I led
him Into Hue Iioiimv und told the tdd
lord aiUPmy lady; put going hack Ui
bring In tho hodj-, I found It gone. A
good riddance, I thought, whether dead
or itllye, hut the ulghf's work threw
Mr, Henry Into a fever, and his mind
,vmh never itgiiln tho snmo t!lcnr mind
as of old.
Till old lord died, lint) to my Inily
ami Mr. Henry, now my lord, was horn
a boy, and to that boy my lord became
a slave, which hud not heen so with
his first child, Katherlno. Hu would
puss by his wife as though she were u
dog before tho hearth to como at the
boy. Without doubt this was In the
uuturo of a Judgment on my lady, she
who had been so cold so many years
to every mink of his tenderucsH; hut
to mo It was monstrous, and 1 was em
boldened much iih I loved him, to say
so; but my saying so only served to
send my lord sick to bed and to cam
for me from toy lord the word that 1
was no better than nit old maid.
This brings me to Hint morning In
April 17(H, that the muster returned
to us again, this time wltit an Indian
servant With his return my lord and
lady, I urging them on, took ship for
Svw York, where my lady hud prop
erty through her father. Thh voyage,
so I thought, will at one stroke rid
them of the master ami weave them
closer together.
Twenty duy. It fook tho master to
learn where they had gone; where
upon he also Hilled for &cw York, and
I on tho same ship, praying that she
would go down, oven with my sol f
with her, If It would but tuke
the mastvr also. I looked forward
with woo to thu duy ho should set fool
In New York ; hut our ship was u slow
sailer, and other ships which sailed
later arrived before us; so It hap
pened that my lord hnd word of tho
master's coming and prepared for hhn.
There was suspicion of ntoro thai'
tnunlor, It M-eius, to tho rkVMcr's hand
during tin earlier stay he madu lu
America, and ko now hu found It a bet
ter business to leave New York mid
hunt In tho wlldenioKH for that trefi
tiro which he had hurled no many
year before.
At this time all iho evil tho master
hail done scorned home In a ilood upon
my lord'n brain. He hecamo moody
mid took to drink. There bus been
tall: that ho connived with tho crew
which the master had hired for hla ex
pedition, bribing tho leaders to make
way with his brother. Them Is no
evidence of that, hut It Is truu that the
master's Indian servant to have his
life, iih ho said, did bury hint nil ve,
with tho Intent to resurrect and re
storu hint Inter hy tho agency of some
secret oriental trick. ,
My lord and p party, I bulng of It,
followed tho master, and It wuh when
tho Kast Indian wuh lifting Ids body
from thu gruvn that wo came upon
ilo'iu. I thought for a moment Unit
thu eyelldH Hollered, . Other's say that
tho Hps strove to speak, that his teeth
sho vud through his beard, which may
have been, for I wuh busy olsowhere,
for at the llrst disclosure of tho dead
man's ojes, my lord had fallen to tho
ground, When I raised him ho wuh a
I hurled hint there; my lady ffild
nu equal stono to each; and there
where they died, aide by Hide, they lie
to this day.
(CupyrlKht, 1919 by Post I'uUlahln Co.
Tho Doitoa I'ott.)
Water Telescope find Mlsalno iody.
MIsh Emily McCarthy, a nurso of
Merlden, Conn., disappeared nnd her
hat was foun)l In Illnck pond, Indicat
ing that slut had drowned, probably by
wading Into tho water In tho dark und
becoming confusod.
Every effort to find tho body by drag
ging failed, so Scout Executive John D,
Roberts miido u water telcscojH) from
n keg, with a glas bottom. Holding
this over tho Hldo of a bout und peor
Ing Into tho depth of tho pond, tho
body of tho missing nurso was finally
seen and brought ushorc Hoy Scout
In Yo Stono Arje.
John Dlonotmrmi Whnt'H that pent
fellow Jumping around with ho much
glee for?
Eddlo Htouohatchot Ho Bent a new
pocii) to thu editor of tho Stono Ago
Cuzotto and tho letter dropped on tho
editor's foot,
itt n -1
CtnJmulhn (a Cllfhn R. CttUrm X
Jnrk Ii ti it ii ti
won horn, with
Hit- love of atlvt-j-Jtirrt
In til M-liiM.
nt Sun rriiiii-lNi'ii
.Inn. I'J, ISTU. Hr
Nlnrln) lilt ctltlr-i -lion
nt ftii- I el
loFNllr or Cull,
fnriiln, liul tl Irt
not II nt. It It tti ere,
fur Hit- Hlrnioiin-
tll Will III til- lit
iu)iiiti), nnd nit
tin minify vrrri- to
li- til tt-m-tirrH
liny Mlritnu" tilmy
li I h M'lititilriiiiiii.
Now lie wiin lu
Hip Kliimtlkr I now
nl am hrfore Hip mittl I licit lip nun la
Japan ami arnl bunlliitc In ItrrltiK ."rn
oanln hp win triiiiiplnif Hironali thr
Ualtrd Htatra and t'niitiitti, Iriirnlntr till
bp pould ef tarn and llirlr wny hr
waa JournMtlaf uatl Iri-lurrr, wttr fur
rraaoailriit In ip HiiKNoOiipnnrap war.
and rrr nnd mioa mnhlau tit one oy
aarra wblrk kppl Hip ryra of (hp worM
upon him. Ilnw lir broUi- Inln Hi
rrulnt of Irllrra It hut.' vlvplly dr
rrMifdi ft fa own rcr'rnl linfllr with John
tarlp)i'(rn, tnlil Willi iian-iunl frank
nra, did a arrnt drat tn ari Ihr atat;r
for .lohn'a prrnrnt troRlt- utiKlill hla
own nrraiiniiUly krpl thr Krrul ri-ailluu
pablln aa latrrratrd nil illil thp rrpMllonn
of kla Imaiilaatloal hla hooka ranir
tklrk aad faal., brajlanlaa; with IW,
aantpl Intra two mn4 Ihrrr a yrar.
llr taa t wlrp atarrtrd, flrat tn Rraalp
Maddcra aad arm ad to Charinlna Kll
Itr4mt wbu pliiya alarrr part la kla
latrr bonka. Hp dlrd Nor. 31, MM,
THE keen eyes of Wolf Lnrson,
master of iho sen ling schooner
(lliost, bound for JapaneM'
poaching grounds, spotted tho bobbing
head or Humphrey Vun Weyifen amid
tho waves of Han Krunelscn hay, Into
whoso waters Humphrey had been
thrown as it result of u shipwreck. A
few moments more uftd Humphrey wuh
aboard thu (ihost.
Rescued, ho faced his rescuer with
thanks and n rotiucst to ho put ashore.
Tito skipper eyed him curiously.
"Whut do you do for a living?" he
"I I inn a gentleman," Humphrey
"Who feeds you?"
"I have an Income."
Wolf Larson's lips curled In n sneer.
"You slaml on dead men's legs. You
couldn't walk alone between two sun
rises and hustle tho meat for your
belly for three, meals. You tuy here
an cabin hoy for thu good of your soul,
I'll make u man of you."
Instant rebellion lenped Into Hum
phrey's eyps. Iteforo ho could protest
tbcrtj rame a sudden Interruption n
clamor from the real cabin boy, a
great husky youth who stood by. Wolf
Larson turned and crashed hlH list Into
tho boy's stomach. Crumpled llko it
wet rag around u stick. Uio lad col
lapsed Into ii heap on the deck,
"Well," said Wolf Larson mcunlngly
.(o Humphrey, "have you mu-lo up your
Tho spark of manhood In 7.,;;.hny
died out.
"Yes," ho replied weakly.
"Hny 'Yes. nlrl,M
"Yes sir."
And thus Humphrey passed Into tho
servitude of Wolf Larson, tho Ken
Wolf. His blinking eyes, half reveal
ing and'half concealing his terror, stir-,
vcyed his master and thus uppralsed
him: "Massive of build, like a hugo
gorilla; with a strength, savage and
ferocious; fen I tires of no evil stamp;
eyes of ballllng protean gray, some
times iih chill iih an Arctic landscape,
sometimes all aglow with Invo-llghtH
Intense, masctillnu and compelling
which at tho sumo time fascinate and
dnmliinto women until they surrender
In u gladness of Joy and of relief and
HIh creed, tho mighty will which en
glued Wolr Liirsen, wan short.
"Life Is ii moss," Ito'deeiared. "Tho
big out the little that Uiey may con
tinuo to move; llm strong eat tho
weak that they may retain their
strength, The lucky eat tho most'iind
move the longest, that la all."
HIh company on shipboard: seamen
sodden and sullen hy drink, more ani
mal than human; u group of seal hunt
ers, wild reckless nomads, Ignorant of
un ordered world all Hlavea lu body
and spirit to tho Sen Wolf.
Yet there waa a gcntlo sldo to Wolf
Larson. Ho wuh no Ignorant cave man.
Ho could (IIhcush literature with
"Hump," roll over hla Hjih tho poetic
glories of Kholloy and Ilrownlng, argue
tho sciences with nmazlng (luoncy and
bo dlsarmlngly churmlng at times.
As tho days rolled on und' murderous
quarrels mndo tho hnuru hideous,'
Humphrey's hackbono gradually stiff
ened. Ho dreamed of killing tho Sen
Wolf. Hut Lursen fascinated him and
llko sntno splendid unliiuil, some dun
gemus beast, lte'.d him In a spell. Ho
know tho world Bhonld bo rid of mich
n monster, yet Lnrsen'H eyc compelled
Day by day, with not u gleam of grit
elousneSH to break tho orgy of brutish-
ness, thin tragic drama went on. Hum
phrey despaired of oven u gleam of
HUUHhlne. Suddenly fnto Intervened
In tho pot-son of Muudu HrowHter.
Llko Humphrey, sho cumo to the
Ghost from tho sea, saved from u
wrecked lluor. Llko . Humphrey, uho,
li H II 10 It A Ij J)
f ty f V V
expected to ho put aboard n passing '
vessel. Hut no I Tho Hoa Wolf had
other plaint. Sho was added to Iho
crow iih Humphrey wits, nnd lkowluo
"for tho good of her soul."
Maude received tho nowa In wonder
ment. What kind of n man was thlA
mocking muster of tho Ghost? She
was noon to Hnd out.
Thu cook had offended Lorflcn. A
rope wuh colled around thu offender
ami hu wiut cast overboard In (lie
wako of the ship, A shark' rushed for
him and Lursen ordered him pulled In.
Despite tho maddened haste, thu Flunk
In thu dual rush tore away thu foot of
the victim.
"Tho shark wuh not In tho reckoning,
M'mh Mtewsler," ssld tho Hen Wolf.
Hmltlngj. "It wns shall wo any an
net of Providence."
This Kceno convinced Humphrey that
In 111111' kill Wnl' Lursen. Ills cotir
ago Harm ui so brightly tlint bo actu
ally thieiiionet to murder him.
Tho Sea W'elf harked a whltrHonl
I'liiYtiw : "Itrnvo, Hintp, yon do mo
proud. 1 like yirti pie bolter for II."
Humphrey winced, lie cottlldnil Ills
resolution to MtttiuV with whom he
laid fallen In lovo. Hho counseled
against It, prntftliig that moral cour
iue always ilertntshttili force, but
hIio failed to convince htm, Hu knuw
the Sen Wolf too well.
Thu dancing lights In Wolf-Lnrsen's
eyes when ho looked Into Maude'li
warned Humphrey that homo day the
storm would break. And It did. In
the midst of lite iillil, he rushed Into
Maude's cabin to find In tho crush
ing embrace of Wolf Larson.
Humphrey Hung hlmielf on the
monster to bo toMSt?! aside llko u chip.
Ho rushed again, drawing his Itnlfo.
plunging tho hludit Into tho Sou Wolf's
Mioulder. Larson staggered back and
Maude noised, Humphrey, begging him
not to kill. .Suddenly tho Wolfe, col
larftcd, not from IiIh wound, but as If
from some itiieniiiiy spell that para
lyxetl him, Tin giant was helpless.
Humphrey carried him to bin berth
and realized that opportunity for es
cape waa lit hand.
Maude and ho put off In n small
boat, hoping that they might make
Japan, MX tulles away. Hut the winds
and creeping drift of. tho Pacific Inter
vened and finally the grim r.dventuro
ended fur a time on a little Arctic
Island. Hero they prepared to remain
for tho winter,
Suddenly one morning, weeka after,
Humphrey saw on tho beach tho
wreck of n vessel, and It was strangely
familiar. It could not be yes It wuh
Iho Chosf. The blond chilled In Ids
vclua. Wild thoughlH of flight or tho
sudden ending of both their lives en
tered his mind. Then a wondering
cunning succeeded such fears. He
would kill Wolf Lursen, kill htm ns ho
slept, for nil on board were doubtlcd
sleeping. With knife and gun ho
climbed to tho deck. Ho miw no one.
Was the chip deserted after all?
Hut as ho rounded thu poop there
burst on his guxo the Hen Wolf. Hum
phruy ruined his gun; tho trigger
clicked sharply. Then silence.
"Why don't you shoot?" coolly re
marked tho Wolf.
Humphrey could not speak.
"Hump," said tho Sea Wolf, alowly,
"You can't do It. And after all I ltnve
taught you. You know that I would
kill an unarmed man as readily iih I
would smoko a cigar. Huh I I had ex
pected tho better things of yutt,
Humphrey alowly lowered tho pin.
Tho Ghost's presence was explained
calmly hy the Sea Wolf. Ho waa
caught In a net he had set for his
hated brother, "Heath" Lumen, Ida
crow wcro taken away and ho wiik left
alone. Pacific alorniH did thtt rest.
A strnngo wenrlnesH In tho Sen
Wolf's heat ing, a hesitant, preoccupied
u Ir about him puzKlcd Humphrey, A
few iIiivh later ho again summoned
courage to put him out of tho way.
Hut this (lino he saw Wolf Larson
slowly making his way down the deck)
Ills quivering linger tlpa groping for
Uio hand mils.
Wolf Larson' wns blind I No need to
kill him.
Maude nnd Humphrey determined to
escnnti hy repairing thu Ghost, hut the
Hca.Woir willed otherwise, illlnd nnd
help'losH iih ho was, ho crnftlly con
trived to ruin Humphrey'", work, de
termined they should dlo together, so
his grlpi rovengu would bo complete,
Fiendish cunning nnd instinct to kill
still remained.
A lliuil reckoning waa to come.
Scorning precaution because he foil
the Sen Wolf physically powerlosa
from Iho Kiispeeted presence of n tu
mor op tho brain, Humphrey ventured
too near one day, Suddenly the Sea
WoIfV stupor passed. The stoel-llko
lingers gripped Humphrey's throat.
The trap had sprung.
Maude leaped Into action, tearing at
Larson's hands. Hut for onco thu Sea
Wolf's tremendous will could not Hpur
his weakened body, His fingers
twitched and then relaxed und Hum
phrey was releaBod.
"That was the lust piny of tho
Wolf," said Larson, with hlu twisted
smile. "I'd llko to have douu for you
llrst, Hump. 1 thought I hud thut
much left In mo."
And so Wolf Lncrtcn failed Into un
consrloimiojss, a pitiful ending fur this
grim sen murderer who pictured hltn
yolt' roaring to deuth lu u blaze of tu
mult and ovll splendor.
Soon tho restored Ghost embrucou:
tho wuvea uguln, frolghted with hupp!
iiohh, Then a trull of smoko on tho
horizon, a rescue and tho lovers klbs
an tho cutter went dancing over tho
waves on tho long road home,
Copyrlulit. lOtl). by Ut6 Post Publishing Co,
(Tho Huston Post). All rlidits rcMorvnd
ConilmiHuil rrom "Tho Sua Wolf" by Jack
London. Copyright, 1001, Uy tho M'ho
niUl.xn Company, Usod by iicnnbialor, ol
uutlior und pobllnhec
f I! v
(l V V I, O V
( Winer tip, anil you vlll ohuor tho
other follow,
Qrirtwi twmnli imlrlrim Imvii f I
I aamilitnti Tlttts lluti tifilltti nil Ufitl 'tlU
y rlEtLo fey pfaomg oven VO0R-
V. y f 1 .....
I OHbrtlfSW lOUK riot.
I A -I OOrfT fT
' f W 5d sco mm let Me
PK 7 ? Borrow
- I w V
Ladies' MonogramSt ationery Here
Consider the egotism we adjective our heading with.
is something you seldom find because usually a patch
isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new
we know that it is the best service- we can give yon.
We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair it
Radiator repairing a speciality
The Maxfer Ford
C. . VOEGTLY, Agent
Price $217.50 Delivered in Burns
Note the tfig relief overload rpring -call Rnd see one
Saturday", Austin 7, J
Bomo pooplo aro nhvoya shod, a
ways heard, und never tt.m mbored
P I Tlirnu vmif ItUinnV (O thf it.l i
mtlDi. httt flfl Utirfl IllAV ha K.
humun buzzards.
D. - I'M
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Truck Attachment