Pal ttitlnyt August 7, 1030 T II R T t to i H II K 11 A Ii i n V n N H II A It N K Y COUNTY O II 10 OOff Pitfco FHro Barney County Rich In Natural Resources Doatly homo, Miss Lola Dofonbaugh sluco Ibofrn divided up Into novoral Mrs. Del Dofonbntigh wiih In tho ntoro'omobllos camn during tho bvonttx; Ho linn (t placo that is undor com add l-rnnltlu Uuntty. served both ranches. WggH A, McDado now own nud tlio writor Immediately rollnwod from different parts of tho country jplata Irrigation and a protected loca mgo nun and trout for supper a good portion of thin big ranch hut hor to a warohouno whim; Doll wiih I from bh far north 'an Androwu unci tlon whoro ho grown unythlug that Mr, IJoatty ltllK OIIU Of the fllinilt Mm. 10. It. Hill 1nn llilM n Inrirn nnt. fiiin,1 nn.l Ml.,.,,.....! ..-,,..11.... -.., tl...l. .1... in',' ml....... t i.iiii... ... il 1 . t II' i ......... ...,u . ..... minniuii hiuvuiif, iiuiii I'UIIIU III! IliU ItUlllll. ,IIU JUIIII; UIIU UUUIU IlillllU. Ill UUUIUUII lu in tuwoiopya rnnchoH In that country. ago taken from thu same tract to followed, During tho Intorvonlnu pooplo danced to the tnuslo of a Vic- Rood things onuraoratod for dinner home placo of tflO acres nro for- which holding han been added saver- veiir from lsna. wimn tin. n..rn. Iimln flllfl rif ttl 111 til t ii lilt trmt 11 till u t tin ttn ritim whu itfw1 in nnnt rt lt ( rwa ------ ---- - . ... " - - . ii iivh m m i v. a aeaeMaaaaa. 1 11 aaa aaaa.vuii tiiu a.uauuia it w u uia. lu i. w i i i.u a a a uu baiHiuot was norvod. Tho count) raspberries, rlpo blaekborrlcs, gooao- gout was Riven respectful heuriUK berrioti, eurronts, alt kindu of vogot- thosn present for u short tnlk dur- ablen Including color and tomatoes; ins noma piaco or mo acres nro rr- which holding han been added Hover- yearn from 1883, when the Defen- trt tile and while tho entire acreage ' "1 hundred acres of raiiKO land. Tho bnuKhn and llyrds wedded their way ba , not tillable, tho'porllon that Ih Ih pro- Trout crook ranch, Ih cutting tho fin- from Shoshone, tho end of' the Hhort a ,8 duolng capacity crops. They include out hay crop It han grown lu several Line railroad at that time, to tholby (Continued from page one) frrty H building. Tho building tan stories and tho accoud floor to b ttM'd for a community gather- ,Krttln utB' alfalfa, clover, yearn. Haying crown Yjoro at work then nlmortt'unhmjwn Harney Valley, In phoe. dunces, etc. Thef lower yM,othy .variety of rrult including on tho Dlggs & MeDndo part an well wo havo-mot at Intervals; never Tor door covers a big area ample for tho n,',,0!,' Pon". 1Iiuh, pruneii, nprlcotn iih Mm, IIIII'h holdlngn. Aftho ranch long enough time at once to tire or big Mock of goodR handled by Jack 0,0 hnmM fru,tH ,,,!,",l ourrentH, houae Mrn. Hill and her daughtor, each olher'n company, but often tor thu nurrouiidlng country. Mlsn Ku Mohorrloa, rimpberrk'n, elo. The Minn Harriott, woro found and thoro enough to hoop greon that alncore Allco Turner wan found at tho Btoro,KIU'uon ,H 6IU of l,m m0Hl l'rolltablo aloo wan found "ItuHty," ono of tho frlendnhlp that hardahlpH and homo' as an nlntant to Mr. NcCarty mid '"U),,B OI "3 lico. peat, potutoea, jllneHt Bpeclmon of Alrdalo doge It Nleknomi bring. Mrn. Dofonbaugh jack Brady wan also In evidence to 1,OIIH( ruor auu oiner nuch vegN.han been our fortune to nee and proponed dlnnor and an wo had again overflow in tho lino, lu'08 umng UH0 1,1 Um table, Miow "Hunty" occuplen tho front been HUcconnful with a flock of sage wuiio a targo quanuiy or sweet corn, porch, yard, dining room or any oth- henn we "Put in" and had a meal tonmtoon, water melons, munk mol- or part of the Uyrd holno where ho In that wan mont thoroughly enjoyed. ouh woro in ino mauing and were. tho companion of llllllu Uyrd. Me. Adam Adrian, another old pioneer of iuohi promining. jvir. lieatty hau been I)anlel'H gall wuh used to good advan- Harney county, who lived In thin val a ronldont of that noctlon for many tage for once, at leant. Tho newnpa- Icy In tho latter part of the 70'n wan )oaM. no huh uinpoNiid of bin largo por man wanted that dou Junt iih hoi.m a conKonlitlcomnnnloit nt tlm imnn ucbtannt wiih u nlmplo affair und ho!h,onl of crtlll w,l, u uw l"vollng litn uh ho Httw him, but never connldored moaj ilnd old many lucldoutii of tho offered it for a small sum, but having ' lo uw rum " " H,ni,l,or "enl or for a mlnulo the dog could ho parted oarly life In thin part of the country, Cir.p ) li.ind he couldn't nntke many'' v " Hllortlu,rn"' ,u' l,UM "VOth- from the young lady, hut It wiih Including a tlmo whon tho water bo- Mips trunk Kenny was uIho found or p lC0 or 11,0 nuros llow" 11,0 """k found shu wanted him to have a good 'amo very high at the Inland Itanch it tli atioti loading up'u truck that rrom 11,0 110,110 ,,,,a'u ,llltl ,N woU ,,x" homo tin hIiu doH not remain at the and he and Mart Ilrenton made a he us to Hupply hln nheop campH on A for 11,0 ,)Ul,,,,,"iH 1,0 Ih uonduetlng, ranch during tho winter mouthn, ho boat on which to nail; thin was a flat the mountain. Ileforo leaving for a ho t,0l,,r0H 10 dlspono f Ih hold- the bargain was noon inadu that we bottom affair hut It nulled llnu on the iiikh aim reuro an no teem no lias wore to take "Runty" whim wo Hturi. water. They nerniiiidi.d tlm UMim ed home. cook to otnlwtrk with them and tak Mrn. Hill han noino lino developed lug him out where the water wan Uko enro of any of customers, but hln particular bunl new that morning was to demon itrate u now attachment on a Ford car that does awny with any hand (el, emergency break and norao olbfr ' iUpprlluoun flxlns." The nt mlt u, Trout crooK ueorge Miller I....... i.. i.... . i - jmhIk wiih Mm. Molluih. Mr- M. uvv" "lu i""H uuougll, L'aivav fin i iiiriit h urn iiivtvi f itu , . 0 r?lfW i. 'phi1f s . . a ia . . . Mug a summer guont of Mm. or ",H, " ",urun' 'in P,RC0 . m. m . in u mi if ill v vnnn nnv i n r iininit nnn iriiaun uiiu mini ii a . mi i. j u m ua ...... m a , . . wuo lg looKitir ior a raticii to run puiu iruiu iae auuioa sen . ; Utstcr iluiullton drov up but woi " . . ... . a a. . ... i ulu ins ii n nvriiiiiv inn Tiuiinm Uater hud been down on . ifllt':DO " "P"1, "w B0r oa ta U hrthnr and tn 1V -f J8 before fetlrlDC for IU -Ight. " . . . Air. IlfMtttV (llnrilHtinri uuhlnrfM et a iiui'iniiiii. u n bum i amnwnn rotmoiaceai carcior, leillDg OI lOO early dya thorn and of tho succcnaon aad hardships. Ho spoke of the re- llntlonahlp of that seclloa to this; of tho expenditure of taxen, tho appar ent neglect of things that noemcd Im portant to that part of tho country, especially roads. Wo fotfml the road (liientlou to bo uppermont In tho minds of other In that part of the country. Juniper grade in the hard place to Interfere with trnlllc to and from that part of the county and It In an engineering problem to over come the grade, T7io court has re cently had a preliminary survey and limit It In ponnlble to Hccuro a fi per ciint grade over Juniper but the ex pense Is almont prohibitive. There In it puss to the cast of thin grade i where a road may ho built at less ex- 1 .......... .. .1 I.. .. I... I ln ... t. .. tn nil . ... ijt'iinti nil., in it u.i. .17. i...u n u ft... u.a f I . n .. .1 I ... I1i.rnl.n ....I. n ' ' at work In the hay Hold, hut; ""..r'l T " , 4nm It Ih taa linn full! 1 1 Attfnt'it I a . t. . . ... 1UI IL III a,llfl III.OI lULUaJ aaunjvtiaa ill u.-nvi.' i up ra unnri l mil m iii mi rm u a n. a aa u naaua a. liiiiii ... It i fitiiiullnii nf atti flu u 1 1 1 I tit t ! 1 alll tllltWlthUS. ' v Hw.w.. w. . . up nsldo from this story. Tbe John lieatty form was reached fi,,., 1M iin.i,,1i,, i.nmn nf nooi and there wan "nothing Mr lhmH th foIowlllK ulornlnB af- w wii ti ir u.' n u anwMtksriiii iitni ranch on Trout creek and Is ipii 1 1 a in ii i ii ii lav i .inrin nnnn We stopped at tho Melvln Doan . . I. A aa v na wnn in irin nnv tia n. rn i n i u n vi ii r t v ii a manM 4 B lialll lllll' III1V ntlinil Willi UI1IIII! .1 . I I ll.... SN.. tl ..k ia - a iniitii'iit m f is a. lt ftaVflnn rrnm Mlnttnurl ultl tlm w nv r uuui a vi'll fi.i mnr i nvn ritwiiiiiii iti rnni unniimi r slice Dell Dcfenbaugh owns store at Denlo and ho and his iii rreiiM u niirii u i inimn v iiiiii land In tho Trout crook holdings; nhe aulto deep they capnlzed tho boat and also linn none undeveloped land thut allowed the Chink to alnk. is susceptible of Irrigation undor tho. After dinner wo hod a Ion visit water of tho creek. She desire to with tho Dofeabaugh family and lat- this land developed aad tho writer weat over across tho Ing hut hi not In a position at pres ent to make the necessary Improve- line in Nevada to the home of Mr. and. Mrs; Yi.,T. Hill. The Hills for i par'y desired to come back down th 11 1 "if K- Mrninln mnohnn fnr n ill irii. .nil t...r i w i at the dls'iocal of the visitors us boy h:id Irjv feveT and could not in 'he field. Tho Ford wan mm j i lift uvui imaiiiif w i. tiriita. was proM-ftl Into service to w uiit the H ige hens wen likely tor n good brnukfatit, wo came down tho Trout creek, past the Wallace place, formerly Frauk Adrian place, another Heatty place, Hurt Hamil ton's, where another (Ino garden wan seen and where wo found llert and hln family domiciled In a neat stone houso. Upon emerging from the can yon Into the open valley wo noon came to tho Trout Creek ranch. This wan formerly the Blsnou stock ranch but novoral yearn ago It was purchas ed by a Chicago syndicate, K. H. Hill meats, therefore would Ilka to dls-.nterly resided In thin tlclnlty and are pose of her Interests to experleaood (well known, 'arandnau" Hayes, the people who aro capable of completing "Queen Mother" of the Harney Coun tho project. ty Ploneor Aiwoclution. whs at the After talking with Mrs. Hill and Hill home visiting, being the mother others in the Trout cruek valley sec-( of Mrs. Hill. A genuine welcome tlon, It was learned that a big Irrl-iwns found from this family und an gallon project Is feasible there and. hour Hpont In Just vlnlt. Coming with a reasonable outlay it big lot of'bnek to Denlo wo called upon Judgo laud can bo reclaimed by Impounding O'Connor and nlno later viewed the the Hood water. There are novoral monument erected to the memtfry of artenlan wolln now lu operation In the Ited CrciKS Nurnn who dlml whth. thin valley but no attempt has been on duty In that community during made to sink to any great depth or of. an epidemic of Influenza two years any size for Irrigation, they being ago. merely two Inch wolln and a shallow I , , ,, nrtorMOOl ww depth, used entirely for stock water. lHturl,, ,,, ,,on, nort,lWurtl ,mv,ml lth prop.rr development thin part of , Joo C(Uow nincU w,a,r u Kft,. the county can be made to produce .(ir,K of lhl, ppoplo of lhlll v,u,nll). twice what It now provides for man,,,,,,, ,, ,anm.(l t(, hlivt. ,iauco nlMJ .aMt' and to meet and dlscusn local pro- J. M. MeDaden haying camp wan ,,,. wUh , nK(IlU w ftr. vis led that morning und a vlnlt wuh;,.IVW, llt ,ho , of , ftthrl(.k had with Mrs. Clareuco I.uckoy who flt ro,attlnt.d tllcro for tt do. is presiding over tlm kitchen. Hint makes good pie. CLirenco had gone Ing the evening lu which he outline .nemo flue grapes forming ,011 the the wor.k he Was hero to do and pine- vines; water melons, munk melons; 'ed himself lu tho hatidn of tho renl- In tho orchard wo picked ripo uprl (leiiln to do whatever they imked, or cots orf tho treen, found a largo var nt leaHt do li Ih bent, It wan decided iety of applen, peaches, peurn, plums, at that tlmo 'thilt Mr. MoDanleln pruticn, qulncen, cherrlcn. Hlri grain again .go to the Wild Homo country wuh of tho very best with big heads and the people would meet him nt und sure yield of rrom 40 to 100 bu Fields on Beptembcr 4 to dim! mm fur- bIiuIh to tho acre. Out lu the Hold ther the plaim of organizing a Farm wo ran on to some nqunnh vlnen that Bureau. Thin date wan fixed an tho showed every Indication of yielding tlmo und Kieldn an thu most central ! heavy. Junt ncronn tho roud from place to have tho entire population of that territory get together. Jack McCarty will have hln now otoro building comploled by that date and tho second floor will bo given Its Unit dance. About 1 o'clock we bid thu Catlown and other frlendn there good night ami started out to "hit thu hay" lit erally. The first shock we found lu McDudu's hay Held wuh madu Into a bed. The following morning wo arose Laud went over to the ranch house nf- tor "Hunty." Trust McDanlels to let thorn know wo hadn't had any breakfast and of course Mrs. Hill In sisted that wo havo breakfast with her. No very vigorous protest was) voiced to this arrangement, because wn wero being spelled by tho good things provided at the several homes where we had accepted the hospital ity. Mrs. Hill's Uuo coffee, toast, eggs and bacon wero consumed in most approved stylo and tho Journey toward homo started. At Fields a short ntop wan made to greet another ono of tho Defenbaugh brothers who had escaped us up to that tlmo. up the Wild Home valley on nlllclal busini!s lu connection with hln dut ies as deputy water master und could not bo scon. Mrt McD.tdu'was found seated on u mowing machine behind br Jt.'l Tho 011ng ladles at tho manipulating the deal and which ban 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per cent interest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon IF"1" " rz 11 1 ..w.i .. FAIR PRICES - - - GOOD FOODS THIS IS A GENERAL STORE -but" WE SPECIALIZE ON FOOD ! lwy fai'r weather price In our bargain department for groceries, J-omo in out of the rain of profiteer. We have an umbrella with no jcdi in it. It it pocketbooe proof grocery buying, and it your oppor tunity for a Jut return on your money. See sur sample fur made Is e rater awl (a. Yh ceulrfa't get better values aaywhere at aaythlnff like the price. L. E. REED General Merchandise llghtful ttupper and where Mr. Mc Danlels had u talk with Mr. Hath rick respecting tho meeting nud what could bu done by thu agent to aid tho people of tho neighborhood. Dur ing the stay at tho llathrlck homo tho iwrlttr was riven thu first dntnlled two fine mules. He was glad lo see(rcporl of wntnr Hpowl whch httJ us as it was hot and tho mules want- oedud ,.- n,onlh i ,iiat noi-h. ed to restMe of course Is anxious borhoodl Mrs. Myers, mother of Mrs. to get mat nun crop or nay up iuilllhr,pkt ,,rmlKhl l0 M1,Jpcl up tn. was not averse to stop and discuss c,,,on,u, ,0 u aiscusslon of cyclones, thu weatlmr, crops, slock market and Tu, , of Jllly 3 this clou.l kindred subJeciK The crop on tho ,.lirH. aen.nA ..,, 1, ,.,.,,, wi,h uch ranch Is heavy and of the very best f rrom , HhMltt wh(iro quality. I he cattle and sheep of tho hoUH), rt Hl,ua,t., Ulllt ,h WII,P anA firm are assured or line feed for tho o,)rH roHO to ,l0 W,ow H,n, Ht coming winter, but the llrm (und oth-'KmHl two ft)ul from UU Kroum, n,i er stoekii.eii 11s wem would rather vory lt(1p ,,, ,,,. Kvdence be assured for a belter price for stock f ,, t.,(Ml ,mrMt ,.ou,,j founn nml w,)o1- alom: near tho hills all over Wild For fear Hie hav would become loo Horse and Trout creek valleys. At rlpo before it was harviwtod wo con-1 the Joe Cntlow plnro It hud covered iluded Mcpade Imtter gel back on his '((tilte an area of alfalfa to a depth that It could not hu cut with thu us ual crop but had to grow up through. Mrs. Catlow Br. greeted ub warmly upon arriving at that homo and a llttlo later wo mot Joo. Many aut- the lluffmuiiH we found tho Ulalrs. Miss Grace wu:t a student In thu Har ney county high school last season and hopes to return this yunr. Bho was glad to hear dlroct from several of her school mates und sont word back to them. Leaving that jmft of the country und reaching a tdlght incline to tho northeast one views what Is called the Alvord Desert. This Is a big Hat placo some ten miles wide by over 'fifteen In length where not a blado of verntntlon grows, It looks like ono big marblo slab as It is white and glares more or loss In tho sun. It Is a remarkable formation and oa Utat Is Impressing. It may costata soaaetklox of value In soda, or some suck tklag. TkieVvaat territory Is void of auytklng ilvikg and we are told It Is hard where aa automobile will &ake no Impression upon the bed. It would make aa ideal speodway for auto races aad perhaps will bo put 19 such uso when thu K'ooscvcolt Illrd Reservation be comes a famous rosort for tourists. Thu Alvord ranch was tho noxt Coming to Andrews we found George stop and wo tarried for a short time und John Hmytli at thu store, also I'at only to groet Mrs. Ktnauuul Clark. Donognn. Wlillo thu writer was via- This ranch covers Homo 20,000 ucros lllng with some of th,o boys, Includ-fnnd considered ono or tho llnost stock Ing Newt Lewis, McDanlels wont ror-' ranches In tho entire northwest. Tho raging lu George's garden and re- property belongs to Frank Clorf but turned with some nice rousting ears. Wo then pulled on up the valley to see V. D. HuiTmau, Charley Turner and other friends. John McLean wait overtaken Ju,st at thu Huffman gate and the entire bunch remained with thu Huffmans for noon dlnnor. With string beans., tunilps, cucumbers, rlpo strawborrles and thu like right out of tho garden It was certainly a treat to campers who hail some canned goods In addition to ilsh, sago hen and McDanlels "doughgods." Following dinner wo mado an In spection of tho ranch und garden. lilll Huffman has anything "skinned forty ways" In the way of diversified crops' we havo seen In Hnrnoy county. Is under loiino to thu Pacific Live Htoek Co. Thousands of tcnB of hay nro cut from this placo each year and much or thu land Is devoted to grain. It Is well watered and protected right under tho high bluffs of tho Htelnn Mountnlns. Tho ranch buildings are of an attractive and subufcntlal char acter and woll kopt. Tho yard around tho resldonco Is ono of tho most beau tiful In tho ontlro Harney county and shows that much caro was used In nrranglng It, with many rare old rtowors and plants In evidence, Mrs. Clark Insisted that tho visit ors pick a fow raspberries for ta camp supper and also Invited ua to (Continued on pa"geolght) Ladies' Monogram Stationary Here 1.' a. j m mower and wo started fur Denlo lo meet moru DofonhutiKh boys and other friends. Jim Dillon und Judge M. J. O'Connor wero thu first men to greet upon arriving In Denio but Red Star Detroit Vapor Stoves Costs less to operate Sanitary-no oder or smoke No wick Fastest No excess kitchen heat Fries, boils, or bakes anything Will pay for itself in fuel saving in a few months A boon to the house keeper . S. Geer & Co. HARDWARE Some Specials Dress Goods Underware Silk Shirts Collars Gloves. Shoes Belts Ties Groceries We sell everything to eat, Reduce Fruit and.Vegtables. N. Brown & Sons l 14