The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 07, 1920, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    THE T I M i: H II I-! It A I, 1) II V II N H , II A II N K Y 00 V N T,V , O II 13 O O X
Htitiirdii), AtlftUti. 7, 1020
The Times-JIeraldJ
Haying Supplies
Km The Largeit Circulation Of Any
Newtpaper In llitrney County.
We are prepared to take care of your
wants during the haying season. Our
grocery stock covers every requirement
Special attention given all large orders
Sue Yr .
, ' Month . .
Vhr Month
. 1. 00
Saturday, August 7, 1020
CntOUND HOU roiso.v.
Vw Four
In rosponso to tho many requests
for an oftoetlvo poison for grqund
fc-ogs, tho following formulas wore ol)
lalned from thu Hlologlcal Survey
ITirruh Mr. Ira N. Oabrlelson tlio
JlSAlHtlUlt HlologlUt.
'Tito funnula t hat wo lmvu boon
Iiir for poisoning ground lings has
5wen tlio regular miutrrol formula
nixed 1 ox. of strychnine to 8 it. of
r.ita; In othor words, about double
the strength that wo mix lliu squirrel
; olson. This nhoulil bo plneod in
sheltered places among tlio rocks
'hin It will bo Imposslblo for Block
f nuy Id ml to got at It.
ounces of strychnlno ntltlod to
vmry 8 pounda of tho poisoned oats
Mixture supplied through tho County
jfcrent'a offlco will no doubt bo effee
"Wo havo also had success with
guhonlng alfalfa tops and placing
ilwim In tho runways aad sear tho
frtrrows of th& ground hogs. These
cf should bo poisoned by sprinkling
a aace of strychnlno over about 8
pounds of fronh alfalfa tops which
Hon. N. J. Slnnott
Ho Is expected at tho Exporlmont Bta tlon Sunday.
articles exhibited.
Stetson hat $6.00.
N. Drowa
NoricK kok runLic.vnotf
Hums, Oregon, August G, 1120
ant factor In Htato and National con
trol, And moit of all the controllng
medium of our own aeoda aad affairs.
Tho protaptaeu aad auaftess in .gala
ling the requlrod results-growing out
of our necessities Will depend upon
Organisation. Organisation of Inter
cats of the County, that will adopt
Gents Furnishings Kiimmo f O r Ir Dry Goods, Produce
Levens Hotel Bid JLJUJL 1 lO VClOl 1
Groceries, old stand
..lf..t i - a - . .
N'OTMM l.orKv U.n ,. umnoii man 01 proceoanro, ror mo
Jrrato boon lightly sprlnklud for this William K. Kostor,, whoso post-offlco "ilvancomont of tlm raatorlnl inter-
purpose. Just enough syrup should ! " r . V i i . in ' J., ' ." ,1" county, wiuio I say coun-
used to make tlio alfalfa tops m " c' " . a'!'. ' .. " " n ,y m,CK lo l,,c,H Ml omo' ,r''
.ilghtly HtU-ky ho that the strychnlno Nation. Nof OlOU i;; tho County ar ' Kastorn Qro
vUl ndlioro well. Hoth of thonu for- 8BSBKVi, S.c. 31, T. 25 8 and Lot Ron' To ,,tm, wlth ",!,!,,,!,, problema
KJulaH havo proven oftcctlvo where l fl,,c,,nn Township 20 H., HniiKO portuliiIiiK to Inter relation both do-
v.. hav iiKu.l tiioin V .K ' w',,n"M Morldlnn, and tho mimtlc anil political hooiiih at IIiiich
;;",',,;,rf M;:rinofmmuTR7rov,H; to " ' xniu.i
1-llti: STAItTS l,V PIT AT ,;t!, mnnmlnlory, known i.'h tlio 'Tlm- thv ,,r,!H0,,, "K,,,'fc" v"- '"
r.MVIMlHAI. CAItAOK bor and Stono Law," at such value na ' ri,h,'rVH " " miMsIimU, both In
tulKht bo fixed by nppralMiMiiont. mid Lako ami Harnov Counties, tiiklnir
t...rnrA m M....I i nun, imruiu 10 sucn an n ucai on. m,wt .r i... u..,.it. n,. ...... n...
lay a fire was discovered In the pit been apprXed. of n"r""y ,,ro Ux
in the work shop department of tho ed at lflr.0 fonro posts, 8c each, and "llvldi'd opinion ver tho Jidvls
KTittviTrial CnraKO. It was put out be- '""d $112.00; that mild applicant Iblllly of oxcIiiiIIiik stock and. Us of-
8ro nny danuiRO was done but It r'" 0",,r ' l,ro(,r '" ""DPort of taei m taxation.
a,ked rather danBeroA for a time. !nM tV!! T!h!l iS &Ti? I A Trl-Counly orRnnlzatlon rould
The workmen hnd recently finished fore Iteglsler and Receiver, at Ilurns, control tho ouactment of tho laws, or
rxtmmiiK out a big truck ami the pit progon. K the (lovernmont one better, by
vna more or less tilled with gan and Any porxon la at liberty to protest the establlMhment of a national park
H. Tho smoko was (ulto deiiHo for M"'" lrpnase Derore entry, or Inltlnte within theHo confines, with a nat-
- I 1 rllltnut fit flllV (lltlri Itnftm hnlmil ....
time ana it looked llko n real fire . . w nii- .. r..7. . ' .m I1011111 highway leading to same.
hilt the boys had It under control at dnvit in this offlco, allowing facta
omv. which would dofcat thn entrv.
V. 0. COZAI), Register.
A mirprlse shower was glvon July
3Lt for tho pleasure of Miss fliulo
E.ow who will become thu brldu of
WUHnrn Oltmnn, of tills city.
The affair took place at the homo
lly Tom Cnlduell
Among range Htates through tho
medium of stock publications, con
trol of tho range is a subject much
dlscusseiL This subject must soon
bo solved by Harney County, Tho
nilvent of the range homoHtoud nnd
the leasing of claims, tho interests of
both cattle and sheep men, and the
Ilurns or the whole of Kastorn Ore-
. .. . . . ... . . I...... I,..., .... I., ... i 1
oi Air. aim .Mrs. Uoorgo HllllW assist- ":" "i'l" P"hiiiuii in i,,iii. ,,,rlvnil from tuvntlmt of
-a by Misses Vera Keeney and (Jladys "' Nnllonnl affairs. And Its , , . , HOuk,K .
Kli:holson. A number of tho friends dormant position was owing to Its i,,,,!,,! i., ,i,u,.,rl..m h ...,,v
eC tho young folks wore present , undevelo resource... However. Uh. ,.,, ,,, ,,, nrn a,r0),y ,,,Ilf r.
o delightful evening was Hpeut. ilomesile economy has suddenly be- . f(). (.0IIKr)H, l0 nlIow cVmiiiUok
-o - ... nine nwaifoiiiMi ami ino aniiviiies ni
will cause the moving' of sheep to
winter feed grounds, a perman
ent location will aid taxation. Hut
range conditions will have to bo per
fected ami Intnrcounty taxation lawn
more balanced and aystemlzed. At
presold about 150,000 ahoep aro for
aging In Harney County at times nnd
only 51,971 on the iiHHCHntuont rolls
as permanent parts of our sliecp Industry.
Stock Is our chief Industry. Tho
cooperation of tho stock men and the
fostering of their Interests through
as organization Is much needed. The
cooperative selling of wool, regula
tion of stock production, financing In
the shape of loans, marketing at
guaranteed prices and other problems
could be thus advanced. Kear Is felt
In some quarters as to the financial
situation confronting this County In
relation to tho stock Industry. Hafe to
say no panlcy feeling should tako
place. The Fed oral Hanking Hyutem
Insures safely. Tho only thing to
get a hard blow Is tho speculative
value of commodities. Those that
bought high and failed In got from!
under are going to lie losers. I
The profits of stockgrowers whose
cost of production were high and fail
ed to Mill at high prices, of con me
llielr profits are lessened. .Stock will
always have a standard medium of
value. Rut that requires a knowl
edge of tho science of tho business.
Owing to millions of pounds of wool
and frozen mutton being dumped
on the U. 8. market by Great Hrltlait
and the adjustment from speculative
to real values sheep ami cattle aro-at
n standstill. Forever stock will al
ways havo a real value. That Is Its
use value In relation to supply and
demand and In conformity with cost
of production.
Hut Organization Is necessary to
insure this.
Full Hue Kakbl and Corduroy
Trousers. N. Urown & Hons,
Tent 7x9.
& Folding Cot
Inquire at this ofllco.
Sentiment Exists In Business
Your Eyes I
A lecture which nromlhes to be ready under way ban shown these
well worth jiuarlug will bo given by
lWv. L. H. Tracy In the Nazareiie
proJectH us pitrmanent structures up-
I 'hi which rests now ami belter econ- nl ..1,'lif nVil.w.ts imvl 11,1 (I III II.' I'llllllltlllllH fdr IIh tlltfllllt. Ollf
a ...... .,. i 'i.i. , 1 . 1 nC iiiii. im iv iiiimifiKiif. i i , tii.... i more perfect
.;, ),, iiuftOll Mil. .111111 IIUIIIIH) , -'' ... II in- i
h;ii oxprosstod a desire to hear .Mr. ',"r" of Horney County, new problems
Trnryr toll of the resources, (lovorn
mem nnd customs of India as be ob
served them during his residence of
lo tax (loveruiuout lands within their
boundaries. 1
However, the more autonomous
(lie County In relation lo Nation, the
riiK.rU.on years in that foreign laud,
Will I'lillf mill im I.Vmifiuil flit.
Vi,i, ..... ,,,, , , ....... . iK'tinuiit of a law. allowing the Coun
w. i. ,in,iHiill'iin iiiii if ll 1 IIU-
('OHIO L'rimliir In Hlril.i uml NTi.tlnn A 'y
, . claimed lands uml leasing them our
urn uur rniiuoui economy places uh'
iu orgaiilzallnu alone
Is capable of handling tills proposi
tion. And may see lit to seek tho on
lo tako over the remaining un
One of the results of Irrl-
Thfc Vitility of
Remember that
the Price has Not
Raised in spite of
doubled operating
. E. L. & P. Co.
ftll Ilia ItflkJ fll Jtt11itojl 111 tilil.lln . . m
i' 'siui a pnaso or struggle and growth KIltlon of this County, Is tho produc-
2"aisr frsKr wl" ",m"y mok" u" - 10" ' ,n mc""r'' """
lit n?flfttMir UTinfilAP ntwl Mm nnnnpliin.1
try at hearing him speak upon this
Mifaject with which ho Is so familiar
will no doubt bo appreciated by all
who nJoy a treat of thbi klud. Cos
tiMa worn by tho natives of India
"111 bo displayed and othor curious
Kye Htniin causes hendaclifs,
ncrvotiHncKs and other trou
hies. I fit iHH.te.s accurately
and Ndcntillcally.
All Work Guaranteed.
Olfirr with Dr. H. F. .Smith
Campbell $t Retd Sc. WsMtern Sales Stablf Co.
Ht. Iritis NmUohmI Htotk Yards, III.
25,128 Head Sold inl919
- i
To naiichmun who have Rnugo Horses and Mules to ship, wo
wish in say that our market will otter the best outlet this season
of any market In tho country.
Our facilities for handling (tango Horses aro the bust and most
extufislvo to bu found uuywhero. Tho very largo number sold by us
lust year Is coni'liiHlye evidence that wo have tho buyers. Ship us
any kind, but bu curou! and not ship anything but onus that aro fat,
MR, 1. ('. (MM. UT, of Omaha, Nebraska, Is now connected with
this company, ho having realized that our market offers the best
opportunities In tho United Status for range buslnoss and that it
wus to his interest and that of his shippers to transfer his biinliien
Helow uro tho dates of our Special Se? for tho coming suauou,
Consign your horses nnd mules to C.i'aipboll & Hold & Western
Sales Stables Co, Arrungo your shlr ireut to iitart 12 days before
ndvurtlHud auction.
4th Sale, Tuesday, Aug. 10
nth Sale, Tuesday, Aug, 24
Cth Sulo, Tuesday, Sopt. 7
7th Sale. Tuosday, Sopt. 21
8 tb Halo, Tuosday, Oct. 5
th Salo, Tuesday, Oct. 1!)
Write or wlro for uny special Information.
I. C. Gallup, Nampa, Idaho.
Western Representative for Campbell & ltold
In the rush of the busy busi
ness day the ood principle of
courtesy is easily overlooked. -
Sometimes a business institu
tion appeal's to be a cold machine,
instead of an organization of
warm-hearted, human, regular
fellows most business people
really are.
Every courtesy, every order,
no matter how large or small, is
worthy an expression of appre
ciation. Our wish is that this may ex
tend our sincere thanks for the
business you entrust to us and to
make you feel that we are always
at your service.
Tires St Tubes
We are Experts In the Scientific Adjust
ment of Everything Connected with a Car.
Alber s Rolled Oats
40c. a Package
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor