1 . URUXl 7, l)ill 1 V U N 8 , It A It V 13 V T II K T I M 10 H - H K II A h DC OUN1Y, 0 It M 0 O N Fn;;o Tli i -co HELP WANTED- J (ri?K3HS' ir.TUi Path HjB gS9W 'PRETTY, SCOW, I'M w vni k . i mmaSffimwmm' : Haas-. " I'M A.WELL AND . HAPPY WOMAN NOW" Was AU Run Down and Had No Appetite Restored to ' Health by Tanlac I'AIUI PRODUCTION OOBT IB FOUND TO 11K 1IKAV1' Farm Ilurcuu Nurveya Hliow Icadlnu Farmer Moke Only Mode. Wrro Labor Income ' Tho coflt of produco In bolng de termined by tho furra buronu of MaS hour and Sherman countloa, "In nolvlnB economic problomn coet of production lo a fundomontal Itom," Bays tho Oregon flfato Karm llurcnu News. "Thtn has b:orroo Kenorally overlooked In farm econ omics." Tho cokI of production sunroy of growing alfalfa in Mainour county Mhowcd that mont of tho money made by farsuurs Micro wbh on rlslnp land valuos. it wan found that nftor al lowances was raodo for Interest and normal depreciation of equipment and other Invostments, tho labor In comcn of moro than CO farmers wero only about 11000 a year. "Considering tho Biro of their In- rotttmontB thin labor should bato brought tho farmers managers' nal arlea rather than laborers' "wokob," said tho Nowu. tho coHt of producing wheat In Shor raan county wan found to bo about $1 40 a buHliol, ranging from $1.11 to Jl Hi. Thin rcducos the labor in comu of tho farmora far bolow what It la Kcnerally thouKht to bo by tho public. Tho project of taking up coat pro duction work wboro feasible in ro comnSondod to tho farm buroauH by the News. Wise and Otherwise Tho young man who squandors hln money him many companions but fow friends. Mon form friendships for thoao whoin they can rospoct, and no on respects anothor who dlssl patcri hlHUbatanco In rlotoua living. Theorutlcnlly tho proaldnncy la a gift of tho pooplo, but practically tho great niaHH of thorn have but llttlo voice In Ita boatowal. Tho boaaca aro Htlll In thu tiaddlo, although tho nlrthit aro becoming woakoned, A man may think ho known It Ih own faultit, hut hla nolghbors can toll him a lot ho doesn't know. When a politician coyly remarks that ho Is in tho bands of his friends It Ih tlmu to begin dolvlng Into tho records of thoao frionds. Mr. Harding is from Ohio, Mr. Cojc la from Ohio, tho prohlbltlonlstH have nominated a gontloman from- Ohio, and thuro aro still a few ''1IkI11oi'h loft in Ohio. Any moro parties to bo heard from? "Tanlan did so much for my hus band that I began tAing it too, and nnvf I am happy to say that it has complutoly restored mo to lioalth al so," was tho statement mnilnrocontly by Mrs. Florence M. Gales, of OHO Kant Avomin 00, Hos Angeles, Oal. "My health had boon oxtrpmoly poor for nearly, a yoar," hIio nuld, "and I felt no tlroil and worn-out all tho tlmo that I wont about expootlng (o glvu out Just any day. My mimelcs aohun and I hud a constant pain in my batik, I hud such a pooL'.appndto that often I would go to tlm table and got up and leave without eating more thun two or three biles. I lost weight, my complexion turned yoflow ami I bocamo so weak that my houau work was a burden, llosldes thoao troublos I was going through that porlod that taxoti a woman's strength almost beyond endurance. "As I said before my husband had taken Tanlac with such wonderful ro sults Hint I decided to try it and right from tho llrat few doses I began to Improve. My appetite returned and now I am enjoying my meals because everything ugroes with .me. Tho pains in my muanles and back, havn nil dla appearod and I can do my housuwork without any trouble nt all. My com plexion linn o I on rod up, I am gaining In weight ovorv day and I am onJo Ing perfect hoalth. My husband prais es Tanlac all thu tlmo,. and slnco It has dono so much for mo I fool It my duty to tell others about this won derful modlclno." Tanlac la sold In liurusi by Hond and In Crane by Crane Mercantile Co. Adr. Tho prlco of coal, we are told. Is to bo high this winter. Hut why kick? If there Is none to be hnd wo won't havo to pay for it. L. i - Wo huvo ncortain nympnthy for thoHo estimable gentlemen who seek to roducu tho coat of living by wag ging their tongues. Hut wo havo a barrel of respect for tho fellow who realjy doea It by wielding a hoe In his own garden. An anonymoua writer who haan'o reached tho ago of pollto discretion remarks that paint doesn't hnvo tho 'same effect on an old face that it dot'H on an old house. Strango, you think, that this war did not produce a single military commander whom, the public could elevate to tho hero claim? Not n bit of it. Thu buck private had so many braliiH and uaed them to nuuh excell ent advantage there was no oppor tunity left for tho oltlcers to shluo by compurlKou. the Olympic Line Good Baking Is in Good Making, Bread made with Flour 3- is tasty and tender to the last crumb. If the folks appreciate good baking and we know they do it is worth while to insist on getting ffiKETJS j "Easy to make nnd easy to hake" are hot ?cL cakes made from SV3SEUS Pancake Flour. Breakfast h the favorite meal wherever W2KU3 Wheat Hearts arc scivcd. ' There is an (HGYmMTC Peed scientifically balanced -tt- to meet thu requirement of each variety and of every condition of your livestock or poultry. . FLOTJEi - FEEID - CEREALS . . rV Why lamont tho fact that you aroi C", not rich? If wo had a mllloti wo i would always bo wanting something that It would tako two millions to buy. Wo road much about tho upper crust of society, of tho mlddlo class, and also of the lower strata. Dut it's dlfllcult to find anyone who ad mits classification In tho two latter. Homo mon will go from ono end of the country to the other in order to tell somo othor feliow that ho has been nominated for the presidency, a fnct ho already knows, when thoy wouldn't cross tho street to hear a good nnermon and learn somothlng they Don't know. Sir Thomas Llptoli Is about as sporty a 'sport as ever sported In American sporting waters. Oomo of ton II Tommy, old boy. You're n sky bluo sjinrt, with not a cloud to mnr your sporting horinon. A number of farm organisations are llgurlng ,nu a cpoperntlvo plan of marketing tlidlr products through out tho United Htates, with a vlow to ollmlimlliig the middle man and re ducing to cent to tho consumor. That pounds Jiully but we hopo it reaches tho point where eating Is equally bully. , OUR BIG SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK MCCORMICK'S BINDING TWINE. MANILA, at . . 23c. Ib. STANDARD, At . 21c. lb. ; Remember t You Can Do Xsetter For Less Weinstein Merc. Co. LAWEfd, OREGON 73 ST M bur Dqyi ana Hi? Job "HAT kind of a job in your hoy going to have? It ought to he a hig one. Hut it is largely up to you right now, whether there . will he a hig joh in Oregon for your hoy when he grown up. You and' your neighbors, in the everyday act of buy ing the things you eat and wear, arc influencing the future job ot your boy. Sec that an Oregon Brand the mark of quality is on every article you buy,' and you will help build the industries in which your son some day will be a factor. BUY OREGON PRODUCTS Associated Industries of Oregon ll I I The Letter You Write m j MAY go astray because of t some error in addressing, or it may ran or aeuvery for some reason or other. If you use envelopes with your name and address- neatly printed in the corner it will be returned to you and you will not be puzzling over why your correspondent does not reply We Do All kinds Of Printing The Times-Herald Ski