The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 07, 1920, Image 1

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Hume)' enmity's (iuibtT nu
asset for immellnt exploita
tion Mills should lw tHrnlni
It out to Hid in tho mjoiwrtrwc
(Ion work of tho ttatioa. In
restlgnU) thLi virgin UcW.
Harney county's rccoutvon itn
attracting tho attention of Mm
entire- West. Irrigation, tAwJk
raising, mines, oil and gas pro
spccta and aricultturo nJt
awaiting development.
NO. 41
Tour Covering Southern End
Territory Discloses Great
Crops and Wealth.
Ills alfalfa wub coming on flno and ho'
reported that alfalfa and nvoot clover
at tho Murlggloll homo noar thoro
wi-ru growing iino ana woro morel
than throo foot high. Wo had ex
pected to 50 down by Mm. Morri
ggloll's nut not on another jrond
which took us Into tho valloy cant or
tlio ranch. Krtroutu down wo paused
near .Mr. Stoton'u place and also Mm.
Mi-Cloud's and found lino stucks of
ryo at uoch place.
At Hockluy another Rood garden
The nmnngur of Tho Tlmus-Herald ; wub foupd which Includod pouii, po-
College Heads, Congressman
Sinnott and Judge Will
R. King, Speakers.
has been out gutting acquainted with
llnrius louiily. 11 Fpont six pleas
ant m I prnlltable days (not profit
ably from a llnnnrlul Htandpolnt)
(ourli k the southurn part of Hartley
count1, lullliii; upon many old tlmo
friends and viewing tho cropn, ticon
cry und obBurvlng development. Ho
cornea hack to his ofllco with a much
better Idea of tho country-and with a
much bettor opinion of Harney coun
ty in guuerul than beforo and that'H
saying something an ho ban boon a
consistent booster for tho entire tor
rltory for many yearn.
This Htory should bo a complete
resume of thoso idx days, but it will
lack many Incidents of mora than
pausing Interest in a personal way
1n order that spaco nv.y be given to
other important matters in tho pupor
this week. However, it Ik likely tho
trip Just completed will furnish matt for other stories that may fol
low from tlmo to time an clrcum
stances will pormlt.
In company with County Agont
McDanlolN, equipped with a comploto
camp outfit, tho writer left Uurns
Wednesday afternoon, July 28. Tho
And ntop wan at Narrow whore
Nathan Drown was consulted uh to
tho roiid leading Into Catlow by way
of tho Warm Springs. ThU wan found
to bo a very good road but hua some
sand and a few rather steep hlllH to
Wo had oxpocted to find M. H.
Davlcs at homo on Jnck crock and re
lievo him of any HurpluH sage hens
that might be injuring his cropn, but
no one wan found at tho house, al
though tho door ntood ajar in a most
hospitable manner, ho tho Ford wan
hcadod for Keg Springs whoro it was
expected ho mo sago henn might bo
found, but wo wcro doomed to din
appointment. Upon driving on down
for a half milo or o tho ranch homo
of Oscar Downs was reached and
there no ono wan found at homo and
tho party utarted on to Und anothor
place where tho night could bo spent
without trepuss, but Just as the
nearby hill wuh topped Mr. Dowiih
and his young friend Mr. Nelson worn;
met and thoy Insisted that wo turn
buck und spend tho night at tho
Mr Dowin has one of 11m moiit
promising farms :n that part of the
country. Ho has not dovolopod it If
where Jt should bo as yet for tho rea
son that it not only requires time bu
also money. Kpk Springs will fur
nish water for domeatio purposed, al
though Mr, Downs bos twrj good
walls at shallow depth, but in addi
tion to this ho baa a flno water abed
that drains into bla basin and which
will eventually furnish him with uM
pie water for irrigation when ho gota
It in shape. Ho out soma nice ryo
buy this season and bau ho mo while
syrarna barley from tho Experiment
filat.on that matured well thU sea
son, Mr. Downu saved a uamplo o'f
this 1) irley for exhibition at tho fair.
I'u a) ') has somo alfalfa started. Ilia
potatw are going to yiold fairly
will ih.i following morning wo woro
up about four o'clock and made a
liurru d trip to tho spring whoro sev
eral Hago hens had como in for water
and somo blrda woro shot making
breakfast all tho moro inviting and
also somo game for tho neighbors.
Following broakfoat which Mr.
Downs cooked for us and after roll
ing up tho camp bod which hud boon
spread out by tho sldo of an inviting
stack of ryo, wo pullod out for Cat
. low whoro wo found tho mayor and
L'enoral "factotum" F. O. Holly, in
tho "bosom of his family" au ho ox
plalnod ho had a birthday tho day bo
fore and had been out late at a
neighbor's celebrating therefore had
Dot gono over to tho post office and
utoro early, Mrs, Kelly and tho boy
woro found in fino health and iib
breakfast had uot boon served wo
woro asked to partako -and McDan-
lels did -ho simply can't roalot an
luvltatlon to out rcgardloss of tho
hour or how soon aftor a meal tho
Invitation comos. Mr. Kolly has a
lino garden, espociully of potatoes.
Tho annual flold day meeting at
Pleased With Progress Made
Toward' Irrigation Project;
Suggests All Haste.
.his many years of Kovornment nor-'
ivtco ho has had occasion to becomo
visits burns mimwzrz
of what gdvornraont xeclumation or
irrigation does for a section ho cites
Salt Hlver Vulluy In Arizona, whoro
in one county tho taxablo property
In 1003 Was but nlnd million dollars,
whllu In 101(1 tho samo county hud
reached tho ninety million taxable
property murk; all duo to tho build
ing of extensive reclamation works.
For the Drst tlmo slnco ho bocamu ia i,H opinion Harney county has as
iMtlinu nml iitlinr linnlo v. .....I .. 1. 1.... tlio P.Ytwirlimml i. ......... Plilnf Pitmiuiil nf tin. IT.illiut Ulnl.. i i . ... . .
- -"v. .......j . Uhvinuiuiii -,.......... umiiuii IWIIIUI I llY . u"'i" m.vvm liriglll II IlllUrO III rOCIUlllUMOU US Uljy
Mr. Hockley also ban a flno stand of uromlsoett to bo particularly interest- Heclumatlon Borvlco, Btatlonod at of tho counties of tho. went.
nweet clover near tho storo. .lag. Among thOHo from tho Oregon Washington, I). C, Judgo Will U. . "What thin section iuiimIn " mv
From thin point tho party drove 'Agricultural collego who will bo pros- K'K ' PylK 1Ih many frlondn in Judgu King, "la tho wirly conntruc-
aesi 10 tno liliis aifd slopped at tho i io laico part In tho discussions Hurnoy county a visit. Ho arrived tlon of tbot3llvles Valley and other
itoarmg aprwigs rnncii or tljo Kast-wiii oo J. t. Jardlno, now director wounosuay iiignt uy nuio with wil- reservoirs, thereby conserving tho
em Oregon Llvo Stock Co. whoro Mr. ior tho .experiment stations for tho Ham Hanley from 1'ortland by way of surplus water for ucodod irrigation
Osborn is in charge. Several hundred nntowlth headquarters ut Corvallls BonK (which would resuft in tho building of
tons of hny wcro being harvested I'rof. W. L. Powers, In charge of tho Judgo King was oloctcd a dologato hundreds of homes on landB flow un-
thero and a largo crow of men were department of irrigation and drain- froin thin congressional district to occupied and in the increasing of (ho
handled. ago for tho colloga and othors. Ho- tho national democratic convontion population and business of our towns
An interesting foaturo of this cont word from tho party asked that llt 8,111 Francisco, receiving tho high- proportionately."
ranch is 'what is known us tho "pol- four rooms bo retained for their ac- 0Hl voto cast at tho primaries. Since I jj0 gVM nu'hB opinion that aa a
son field." This ia where the springs cotumodatlon, but tho other members attending tho convontion ho has boon'r(,Ut 0f tj,0 united action of the west
rise on tho sldo of tho mountain and wore not named. taking what ho dooms his first real l)ow under way, that needed con-
whero a quantity of water hemlock! Iu addition t otheso gentlomon It; vacation for aovon yoara and has grosslonat aid is In sight for tho en-
is growingcommoniy known nn " oxpecieu mat. congressman Nick lni some weoaa in laano ana oro- tro weBt. thut tj,0 u a recjanigtion
wnu parsnip. There la wild parsnip uiunou win bo present and tako part Kon.
thero but It ia not poisonous. Tho In tho program. Judgo Will It. King,
county agont showed Mr. Osborn how who hus occupied tho position of
to distinguish tho dlfforonco between Chiof Counsel to tho acclamation
tho poison plant and thut which Is Service at Washington, I), C. is also I
harmress. Ho also told Mr. Ottborn in this vicinity, nt present a gUest of,
that it was not a hard matter to gut William Hanley, and ho may remain
rid of tho poison and thus save tho over for thin meeting nnd tako part,
company money by eliminating tho! The wrltor has recently visited tho
possibility of poisoning valuable nnl- Cntlow Valley section and Is Inform
mala but also open up somo flua pas- oil that several farmers front that
lure. Mr. McDanleli oxplained that section are coming in for tho (laid
tho prlco of ono cow would pay for,lay meet and the fanners In this vl
digging out tho poisonous plants, clnlty am sure to bo thero. Invlta-
Judge Farrei Calls Attention
To Conditions Should It
Be Passed at Election.
The Homo Creek ranch wna reach- tlonn have been sunt out to (iOO
ed nt a little before noon nnd it wna farmers and with tho response tho
tho intention to usk permission to go Importance of the occasion warrants,
up the crek and try for trout, but there uhold bo a goodly number
Hosh Dollurhldo, wh,o was in charge, thero. f
would not give permission to fish tin- The usual picnic dinner will bn
til nftvr lunch. Again Mi D.uileln served during the day. Kadi" family
overruled the desire of tlirt newspn- should bring their buHket of "cats"
pr mun to have a camp dinner by which should Include h fork and
ihhhiiiiiih hi
work is only in itH infancy and that
further work in that lino will make
bucIi rapid advancement as will sur
prise tho world.
"In fact, tho government can now
glvo aid to private projects," con
tinued Judgo King, "but this work
need not necessarily need govern
ment aid or await further appropri
ations, for thero nro numerous pro
jects such as thin in Hurnoy Valley
that can bo successfully handled with
Ilurnn, Oregon, August 3, 1920.
An County Judgo of Harney County
may I bo permitted to express my
opinion on any mattor which airocta
tho taxpayers of tho County.
Lust winter upon tho roprosontar
tlon of Messrs. aabrlolson and Horn
of tho United Statos Illologlcal Sur
.voy that rabbitn and other poata
could bo controlled nnd eradicated
by poison properly administered, tho
County Court ontorod into a contract
with tho Stato for tho employment or
a County Agont, compotont to pro
ceed with an effoctlvo campaign for
the eradication theroof, nnd has pro
vided tho wherewith for him to pro
ceed at tho proper time.
A petition in now being circulate
by a "rabbit bounty coramltleo" to-
initiate a rabbit bounty law, provid
ing: that the County ohall pay a
bounty of flvo conta on each rabbit
killed in Hurnoy County. Without
criticising tho action of such commit
tee or signers of tho petition, tho bill
if onuctcd, will in a way doubleaboot
tho taxpayers of tho county, and
Judging from tho number of visible
rabbits now within its boundarlen.
private capital through tho Irrigation :K'or with thoso lured by suck
District System." bounty nnd liable to immigrate hero
In Judgo King's opinion this vol- an tt roflU,t thereof from thu Stato ot
lov loses moro in cronu overv live wcvnna, ami me uounilua or i.aKn.
years than would bu required to
build tho reservoirs and neccssury
distributing canal required.
Deschutes, Crook, Grant, Uakcr nnd
Mainour, no ono nan estimate wheth
er thu taxpayers will be compelled to
accepting Jtoss'a Invitation nnd wo spoon and If you desire, a cup. Tho
wont ovur to tho bunk house for a lunch will bo served cafatorla stylo. Jaflgo Will It. KIhk
visit with somo of thu boys who had Scuta have boon provided for a largo - - k
Just como In from tho hay flold. Over number and ovorythlng mado roady Ho resigned from the government commlttoo and reprinted by tho U.
00 tons of hay will bo harvusted for tho comfort of tho guecsts. 'service In June to rosumothe prac-iS. Reclamation service
from this ranch this season. Inspection of tho flold cropn will tlco of luw with olllccs (n Washlnaton After uttoHdliitr thu flold duv moot tut It will only result In roronue
After luncheon wo went up thu' likely bo In tho foronoon aa in tho D. C. whore ho oxpocta to take care mi plcnlo dinner at tho Kxperlraent ifor cftaln classes and a moans for
ciwvk io iry our iuck hi hhuuik uui imnv uhu inn epouKing program win or western Dusinoss Doioro various Btatlon tomorrow Judgo King will
Judgo King is thu author of a n;iy I2M00. or J7S.000.00 annually.
work entitled "Handbook of Irrlga-l""'1 0W,,,K to certain limitations nnl
tlon District I.awn of Seventeen West- mandatory lovlos, it must b nt the
i orn States." tho manuscript of which I uxponw of other needed impnno-
ho donated to tho government, n jinonts, especially roads.
has rccontly boon published by con- ,f tho proposed bounty In for the
gross for tho uso of tho arid lands .Purpiiao of Increasing production la
nnruny county nna tno result win
Justify tho outlay, It may ho all right,
It was (To warm tho fish did uot bite follow the luncheon.
departments, including business bo- go to Ontario and liolso preparatory
good and wo soon tired of thnt model Tho cropa at the station this nooa- foro tho U. S. coUrta and matters of to returning to Washington.
of sport and resumed our Journey. A son have been a success and should western importance In congress. Ills
short stop wan mado at Three Mile bo viewed by tho furmors to fully np- son, Captain iJldon King, was rocont
r anch but Mr. Green wna uot at home predate what Is being dono at tho y admitted to tho bar and will he-
being on tho mountain. Thu next station for tho davolopmont of tho como one of tho members of tho Will
barter and trade, It is all 'wrong.
I bellovo any bounty is wrong la
principle. In tho etornal fltnwi of
things ono post regulates another,
und eliminate one thu other hocomoa
a scourge. Nature provides ltn own
Dr. C. B. Wyatt, a dentist of Inde- 'romedtos:
stop was at' the homestead of Knt'.o country and for tho direct hoip of n. King law llrm. Judge King states pendonco, Kansas, arrived In Hums ".Vo ordinance of mon tihall ovorldn
VW'iu whoro ono ut tho bent gaiilena tho men engaged in tilling thu soil, ho will continue his legul rosldonco In on Thursday ovening in ins Dig tour- The settled lawn of Nature und ot
fi.uiiil on th i trip wna soon. It wau The surcesiiea and falluren of tho uta- Orogon and will find It n ploasuro to cnr accompanied by his wife and (jod;
well cared fir with plenty of waivi tlon crops nro of vital Importance to return to this vicinity whon occasion mm- Mr Waytt Is making a tour of Not written thoso In pngea of a book.
for Irrigation from a big spring; iha tho farmorn of this county. Thoy requires. Ho oxprusses hlinsolf as tho west during tho vucatlon and up .Nor woro thoy framed today, nor 'ie
giirdon Included quite a variety of should know about them. Attend highly pleased with Harney county .to tho time he stopped In Hums ho; torday;
vegetables. Tho grain Held Just bo- the meeting tomorrow and seo what and notes many ehangos and local lm-;''iul driven uomo -l, -00 miles sincu
low It was uIhii good and It Is likely lu being dono. provoinontu In thin section. During' Ju'10 12 w" they loft thnlr home
that this place can curry off the prize
offered by Win. Farro for tho host
exhibit ut the county fair from an un
patented homestead.
From thin point on south through
Catlow Valley thoro was evidenco of
u cloud burnt. Tho road had been
damaged moro or loan all along that
sldo of the yalloy, being waahod au.
to such an -uxtont'th'ab'ltf wau.dltllcult
to make any tlmo over h; So far
as observed tho wntor had not dam
aged A-ops In tho Immedlato vicinity,
but thoro certainly wnu somo water
;aino down off tho aide of Stolon
Moiintalii.' Tho road up Long I tallow
was lu fair condition, although oven
thero the cloud burst bud done. nonw
damage to thu grade nonr tho en
trance of thu canyon hut a short dis
tance up the road was not so rough
and thoro woro Iohs rock,
Camp was mado at tho Wlso
spring whoro a reservoir Is built to
hold tho spring water In a good slzod
pond for tho range stock. This was
nn Ideal spot for a camp as tho watqr
was puro and cold with good sago
hen country surrounding. Man."
stock wntor at thin spring nnd thoso
around it ut tho tlmo wo woro thoro
showod thoy had good rango on
which to feed nn thoy were in good
condition. We were not disappointed
tho noxt morning nt day light whon
wo Iookol for sago hens for they had
como down to tho spring for water
nnd it was not difficult to bag what
wo requlrod.
It was but a abort dlstanco to
Fioldn station and tho Ford ran down
there In a llttlo whllo, The flrtit
thing to great tho oyo upon coming
In sight of tho station Is tho flno now
stone storo building thut Jack Mo
(Continued ou pageTlIvo)
S (COME r- lJ
In Kansas. They toured the Yellow
stone Park, have gono up Into I). C.
us far an. Voncouvcr, camo back to
Pendleton und from thoru camo this
way toward California, Dr. Wyatt
has real estate Interests in the Cat
low Valley region and expoctod' to go
Wo know not whence thqy nro; hut
this wo know,
That thoy from all otornUy have
bmiu, '
And shall to all ctornity liuluro."
County Judge.
out that wny.and see It on hla way to ONE OF KIIWT SETTIiKHB HKKK
the southorn nluto. Dr. Waytt has
been a subscriber to thin paper for
several yearn.
During a visit at this olllco yester
day morning Dr. Waytt stated that ho
had found tho bunt roads on- the trip
through this Interior country. Ho
oiild tho paved highways woro fine, of
course, hut thu boat dirt roads worn
Ed Klgor, a brother to Doc. Klger,
for whom Klgor creek und the gnrgo
In tho Stoliin Mountain wna mimed,
was hero with hlu wlfo during tho
week. Mr. KIgea rooontly dispos
ed of his homo nnd land lutoratdn In
Idaho and la traveling through the
found In thin vicinity. This iitatomont U"W " J1'8 r o warm
Die UICGES7 consiJcratioe will) the average country sliop
pcr k lv nwiln ol I'RICK.
l'UICI'3 aiknl (or tncrrhanilitc in tins up-and-douiK town
awl 'ifiiiHjiuty j! ouu will Iciiml lo cemparr MOST PAVOR
A Ml : lib pitas. inywlK.71 bill iliac w nn added inrcntiveifoi
liao.nij Ih-ii -
Uui inercliants rairry CUT pnrci, lH"caiiH' lliey nrp not m llie
look toi ihfii protiti along lai'Signlcd LINES tliioiuh
Itolilniy linn tiiMuiiiitson QUALITY and i;ood
'TIk- SPIRIT ol llw town ol ova a lo I'UY FAIR and foj
Youi iWI,ii w, GO FARTHER lure. Make lite TEST and
kt lot youiscK. You'll iIimIiuk willi a bwly of biisiiics men
who you in a manner that will make you FEEL UKE
They'll makr yom SHOPPING TRIPS lo our lown easy on
So ln.k up oi (rank up jml COME ON IN lo lliij town of
ours llie HUB el (lii a'giuri.
wonthur. Ho camo to thin ructtoii lo
rovlslt old scones of tho Into 70's
and early '80's whon ho was a rcsl-
haps wo have not Informed ourselves " of the county. Ed Klgor .for-
lliuny uwutiu wiuvu in uun iiiu u. iv.
Potorsen homo ranch on tho Malheur
should encourage tho local people I
and glvo thum food for thought. Wo
complain about our roads hut par
as to conditions olsewhoro.
A, A. Traugotl of tho Inland Em-
nnd wus far a period associated with,
tho Vonatora and their mother in tho
stock buslnosH. Mr, .Klgor found
mnuy of bin old "tllllcuma" hero
plro Koallty Co. lu having a now among thorn being W, V. King, Dora
front put lu his place of buslnoBB. It I'ouJado, Mrs. Million nnd Mrs. Jonca
Is a very attractive front with ploto and othors, Ho has gone ovor to tlie
glass and a lino plato glasn door. Mr. Klger crook to sod if ho can catck
Traugott rocontly purchased what Ib somo fish and whllo In that nolghbnr-
known as tho JorgouBon proporty and hood will visit with hlfl old frIond
la now locatod pormanontly In hlBjMr, and Mrs. Ityo Smyth nnd may
own building whom ho will make como back around by Potorson's uu
somo very modorn Improvomonta in
tho immodluto futuro, Ho la now
convoniontiy domlcllod nnd has ado
quuto quartora for his growing real
ostatp buslnoBB.
Mrs. Q, Morlggloll was a visitor
look up Joo Olll.
Mrs. Lostor Hamilton and hor
daughtora are guoata of frlonds in
thin city. Thoy rocontly camo up
from North Ilond for a abort vucatloa
and visit with homo folks. Mr. Ham-
from Catlow tho other day and call- llton accompanlod thorn but has ro
od at this olllco. Slip had not boon turned to their now homo whoro they
In for some time provlouB und hor
muuy friondH woro glad to boo hor.
are ongnged in tho drug bUBluoaa
with UobwoII Hamilton.