1 1 I'ltKO Wight T II 10 T I M 1 H - II 10 It A L 1) 11 V H N H ii a it n K v v o v n 'i: v , on u o n Saturday, July :ti, I' tiH")44'?4l,'l'4''M'rvY'M'l'4 ' N. T. Smith Ih Initialling now limit iihrJ'KU mvj; hiuck in I rndlatoru In tho public Bohool build- OltlXJON IH IN HIOH'l Ing thin wook, I How To Live Worry less and Work more Ride less and Walk more Frown less and Smile more Drink less and Breathe more Eat less and Chew more Preach less and Do more Spend less and Save more , The "Save" came last but that doesn't indicate it is the least important. SAVING doesn't mean saying money alone. We can and should save in many ways. They arc all worth while, but the Saving of Money is of great importance. It is the Visible Proof of our Ability to Save. The man who Cannot Save is Beaten from the J beginning. Success is not in him. WE can help YOU save by keeping your Savings in the bank and4 paying you interest thereon, at 4 per cent compounded twice each year. f First National Bank 1 BURNS, OREGON iiiiiimiiinninMMmMnmtHtuHHMinii Mimics Itnxol and Anna Ilulnoii-loft Wodnonday for HvoitHton Wyo Tho Iiluho BtntOHtuan Dr. McClellan nnd family huvu gono to tho VollowBtouo park will roturn August 16th. , C. A. Kortoh Ih out from Chicago looking tiftor li Ih oxtonnlvo farm In' thla vicinity. . 'polo Cnrmor arrived homo Wod iiL'iulay, accompnulod by hl grand daughter. Tliln Ih her firm trip Into thin territory and thuro aro many things of i;roat interest to her, ItoyH and (Urla In Club Work aro Taking Groat Intonwt lit Pure Jlrt'd AiiIiiiuIh ...... ... , . ?i i.vuo no Door oaivoH, i Frank Mulnoy. arrived homo lanl . in week from a vlnl to Bouthern Or-'lRf i0 bo Krowll for ,mm Hon wimro nu mui maun raiirw ihjuuiihu u1tnn, TT LOCAL PEMM I H. llotchklBH in roportod very 111 at hla homo In thla city. of tho death of li Ih mother. Ho waa accompanied homo by hla brother, W. M. Matnoy, and ubio a niece, MIuh Until Hamlllou. Tho brother vlidlud with Frank Intro novorttl yoara ago. Tho TimcH-Ilornld man and Coun ty Agent McDatileln roroutly mndo a trip to tho Frank Nutloy ranch up In tho mountalna where an luvcntlgn t Ion of plant cnudltlonn wan made. Mr. Nutloy had boon IohIiik Komo flhunp and thought a polnon plnul wuh rnnpoiiHlblo. Tho Inveiitlgntlon did not reveal any polHon plnutn In tho Immodlato nolKhbnrhood or tho ranch and It wnn concluded tho ntock died from bloat bccnuHO of outing certain wocdH early In tho morning whan tho daw wah on. Mm. Nutloy in going to como to tho fair and bring noma of tho puro bred OxfordH for exhibition. CO.VKIDUNTIAI ' j j I ii. ii I 'at hla I CJX3 f'lomlay, crook. WllllnniH waH In town Wod from htii homo on Bllrcr thin wook. bUHlllUHH. "ftViH nnil W. D. Ilukor woro (loo. Hagoy roturnod thin wook ovor irom mo urowHoy country again from Nampo, whoro ho han bocn Wo did not loam tholr npondlng a few wookB outing, ho ro- i porta having had a good tlmo. ....... Mm. John Hunter wan down from Alex C. nao, tho'publlc accountant. lior mourttaln homo Wodnonday ac- of Portland, Ih In UiIh vicinity on bUH- armpnniou by nor llttlo grnnddaugh- Iiiorh. Ho Ih nlno vlMltlng with IiIh tor, Amy Tumor. floudH Mr. and Mr. William Htlrl Ing. MIbb Bara A. Howell, county health , nurao, Bpont laHt wook In tho Drew-1' Mr. ami Mm. Jack Craddock wcro aoy country. On her roturn h!u wok down from tholr Bllvlca homo during nccompanlod by a llttlo daughter of (ho foro part of thin wook. Thoy Mr. and Mra, J. D. timlth, who vlnlt- aro buny haying and camq down for 1 nor ror a short tlmo. MIhh Howell nomo nuppllvu. Ih npondlng thla wook at Narrows and i Callow. Harry Crawford, who was a real- I -1 A ll.l. .It.. huiii m mm ruy n low yearn ago Mm. W. W. Oould and MrH. Dult when hn rnnilnrl.wl t.r OlbbH with tholr booh returned homo wan hero thin week calling upon deal thh week from n, trip to Portland om with a lino of oIIh and ofTier whoro they wont to Hjiond u vacation thlnga for nalo. Ho found many of and to recolvo medical old for Mm. IiIh old tlmo frlonda who wero glad OlbbH' baby who had bocn In poor lom hoo him, lioalth for aomo tlmo. Tho trip bono-' iltod them all, nud tho llttlo felloe 1h '1'ho manager of UiIh great rollg Toportod very much hotter. weekly loft WoduoHday aftor- Jnoon In company with County Agent Nolllo Uoed arrived homo rrom MeDatilelH for a trip to tho Donlo I'ortland Tuoaday ovenlng. Ho had country. Thoy wont with camp out boon down Hlnro tho Unit of thin lit and will Hpond novoral dayn on month, having boon called there bo- tho road down and back, camping at rauHo of tho HorlouH lllnoHH of hla flHhlng atroaniH on routo and from wife. Mm. Hood underwent an op- tho number of guna and nmount of oration and In rocovorlng Hlowly but ammunition thoy carried away they hopcK to bo homo within a few wookH. cortalnly ought to got noma pago Nolllo woh accompanied ovor from ho:w. Thoy go by way of Cntlow Hand by Mm. H. M. Horton who will Valley and oxpoct lo roturn on the flHlt for a time with home folka. I eunt aide of Btelna Mountalnn. Going -out for Fish? Come to us for fishing tackle See our supply of Rods, Lines Flies, Hooks, Leaders, etc. REED BROTHERS 'JThe Rexall Drug Store For Hojh ami OlrU Only lly K. T. Mnrldtth, Hcc. of Agriculture I want to nay Jimt a fow wordu to tho farm bnyn and glrln, and tho oldor people need not bother to road It at nil. Now, you and I know that tho boyn' nnd glrln club work ropreMontM ono of tho moHt Important linen of agricultural activity In tho United Stnton to-day. I believe It Ih Import ant, bocauHO It ban Mich large pohnI hllltloH. Wo men nnd women who aro trying to Improve funning and farm Hfo will bo out of tho game when you Iiovh and glrlH are JuhI ronchlng tho prlmo of life. You havo tho advantago of uh, bvcaiiHo you aro learning tho prluclplon of gopd agri culture nnd homo making while you aro Htlll young enough to (earn to tho bent nil vantage and to apply In a practical way tho knowledge gained throughout your whole liven. Even an boya and glrln you ore ac complishing more good than can bo meanurcd. Tho good that you will bo able to do will (ncreano an you grow older, and, whon you become full grown men nud women, you can hup ply for tho agricultural force of thin nation n leadoMhlp Hitch tin tho world Iibh never known before. I congratulate the boyn' and glrln Puro bred ntock placed with boyn and glrln of Oregon In club work Ih oxpoctod to do much toward building up tho puro bred ntock Induntry In Oregon, by tho ntato loadorn of club work. Tho young people, It Ih nald, ro lutoreiitlug tho grown-upn In pay ing more attention to quality of ntock. L. J. Allen, uiiHlHtaut Htato .club loader announcen that live ntock placed with tho boyn and glrln In cluded 84 dairy calven valued at $l t.7Ur; 00 hoof oiilvoH, $ 1 2,280 ; 64 Weanling moat purpoHOiii and H7 puro bred plgH, weanling ago, $1700. Tho price paid for tho ntock wan nuiall enough, to mako It pmulblo for tho young pcoplu to mako a profit. Tho club loadorn havo put npeelal nlroiiH on (ho fact that not only nliould an animal be puro bred, but of a good Htralu. o l(lltl) HKHKItVK MAY INTIIItKKIti: WITH DIMINAUK ii For a Greater Harney County TO WHAT EXTENT H. F. JohiiHou of tho Colonization Company docn not believe tho crea tion of tho bird refugo at Malheur lake In going to bo of any benefit to thin country ho far tin developing Itn, agricultural roHourccii are concerned. Ho nayH that rognrdlon of what tho tiiivlMlntiu i.r.i III r.iniiiml In wnlnp l... m I i . ... . i. . ... u . . rr.. rlghtii or future water rlghtn, tho prd- Ul - oc,oi: ' ponition that coufrontn tho country Are you interested in your future? The measure of your success will be determined largely by how you build now. Credit, character and a bank acquaint ance are all important to your future, You can build a cash capital, little by little, at the Harney County National Bank, and at the same time cultivate a bank acquaint ance and credit, which will be an asset in advancing your interests. Harney County National Bank "YOUK UOMIO INSTITUTION" And member of the Federal Reserve System For a Greater Harney County Ih that when Irrigation In practiced and tho water dintributed out over the country, tho mutter of drainage In going to bo a factor and tho only place for the nurplun wnter In In thu lako hod. With the alkali water which will bo leached out of tho noil going Into tho Iruc It will not llk'dy bo very healthy fct hlrdn and theu there will bo a complaint from tho bird .men. Mr. Johnnon think tho favorable vote of tho people of tho Htato on thin bill will prove a iuIh take. Mm. Star Huckland was In tho city uwama Hall. Tho oloction of a board .Wednenday, of dlroctora and nuch other bunlnonti an may como boforo tho meeting will have attention. J. C. FOLEY, ProMdent. CHIP O. SMITH, Bccrotnry. -o- nazauj.m: en unci I o i Sunday School 10 a. m. Preuehlug Hcrvlco, 11 a. in, Young Peoplon' Meeting 7:30 p. m. Preaching norvlco 8 p. in. Prayer mooting ovory Wodnonday ovenlng 7:30 . MlHHionnry mooting nccond and fourth Friday in ouch mouth 8. L. S. THACY, PaHtor. o PltKHHYTKItlAN CHUIICII Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching Horvlco 11 it. ru. Other norvlccH will bo announced an noon uh tho now pantor gotn ac il'uulntod mid arrnngeH with thu con gregation. JOHN II. WICHKHSON,, Pantor o .... club momboM. And I would like to nnk a favor of tho boya and glrln who! FOUND A ladlon piiMO, containing aro not momboM of tho clubs. Wo aro trying -the United Btatim Depart ment of Agriculture, tho Htuto nrgl- cullurul colleger and a groat many other people to make tho faruiH of thh country more prolltahlo and homo Hfo on tho farm more plenmtut. 1 wlnh tho rOrtt of you boyn and glrlH would Join with Oioho who nro al ready momboM of tho clubn and help uh In nccompllHhlng thin great nor vlco for ou.r common country. It Ih n patriotic thing to- do; and it In it Horvico thnt call not bo rendered by anybody except you boya and girls. Tho year 1920 should bo tho big two haudkorchiufn nud nomo nmall change . Owner may have uamo by paying for UiIh ad. and luiitilrlug at thin ofTco., 7-31. tf. ' o WANTKD -A Ilookkeepor nnd Bton ographor, permanent poHltlon If proven mitlHfactory, good wagon. For further Information Inquire at tho UulvoMal Oitrago Co. 31 ' o NOT1CK OV HTOCKIIOIiDKHH ANNUAL MKKTINQ IU1IIUT BOtTS'TV Flvo contn each will bo paid for llnbbltn killed within tho boundnrlen of our farm north of Duron. Thin offer titandn for 30 dayn, and count will bo made on our place. . Adv N. imoWN. & SONS July 8, 1920. PAID fxMJAl,H. (llrl wnntH work. Phono II HI. Cord. Try Flrcntoiie ftttmgo. Unlvcrnal Adv. tf. TItHHPAHH NOTICK No tronpannlng upon my pr'rnic4. Keep your Htock out of my Held un- Iohh by my pcrmlnnlon. A rowurd lor conviction of tho violation tf thin notice. James H. Stewart. C-15. o HTOCK ItANCHKS WANTKD Wo will nooa havo mtinlKT of buycTM fur noma flrnt clans Mok ranrhm roMMinably prlcod. Gimp in nnd lint your property llnrney County Abhtrmct Co, Fine lino of Kakhl nnd Corduroy trouneM. N. 11 r own A Bonn. -Adv. StotHon HutH $6.00. N. llrown ft Bona. Adv. Mm. A. D. Jonon In now In chargo of the Smth rooming houno adjoin ing tho Colo hotel. Bho will bo pleitHod to meet her many frlonda there. C-12tf. Win. Farre !rclce before V. H. Land DcparlMcnl anil Real Estate IiuIIcmUobm aru that tho turn of tho laud will Attract many investor to ltray County tho com- IhrT MWOB. IdktillgN IKMV will be kept boforo pni-hx-Uvo in von Urn tho en tire MUifwn. ' J GfK)l) JOOKINQ an our pork, lamb, hoof, ote., .nro, thoy nro ovon bettor titHtlng. Wo hundlo only tho cholcoat and bo oven our choupoflt cuts aro tautlor and tontliHomor than tho mout oxpoitHlvo cuts from Jnforlor Htock. Try thorn hood, to-day If ponalblo. You'll enjoy the oxporiouco. O. - W. CASH MAR KES Notice Ih hereby glvon that th5 annual mntlug of the llurim Flour geHt year In tho hiutory of our boya' Milling Company will bo hold In and glrln' club work and I inn con-iHurim du Monday, Augunt 2, 1920, lldont that It will be. The country Ih facing u dltllcult Hltuntlou hocniiHO pa many men have loft tho fumiH tr work In I ho city. The good work that t ho club boya nnc uwU i.ut do will help to ovorcouie that handicap and the club boya and glrln will do that kind of work thin year. It may hearlon you to know thut many of un hero In tho Department of Agri culture look upon the boyn nud girls clubn much uh Ouanar mtiHt have lookod upon the Tenth Legion or Napoleon upon thu Old Guard, Tho other forcon may fail, but wo know thnt wo can roly on you. I might not bo willing to hoo you uudortnko nuch Horloun Horvlco if I did not know that, whllo you work hard, you play JoyoiiHly togothor. I am Hiiro that tho boyn nnd glrla In tho clubn havo hotter Union than tho boyH and glrlH who aro not in tho clubn nnd that la an additional com ponnatlpn to you for tho work you do In tho club. Bend & Burns Auto Stage H. It. SCJIANNO. WES HILL, O. S. PKTKHSON, Propn. All Touring Cars NOW MAKING REGULAR SCHEDULE Leave Hums every Sunday, Momlau, Wednesday, Friday Special attention given passengers Quickest and cheapest route out Perishable goods, Express or any freight shipped via Bend in our care given prompt attention HEADQUARTERS, REED BROS. DRUG STORE Btotnon hat fC.OO. Boiih. N, Hrown & PLWA810 U13TUHN Tho party who borrowod tho alx-lnch contrlfugal pump from II. C. Lovoiih Ih ro- Ml f Quostert to roturn It to Mrs. Lovoua. (Jowolcr, optklaa. Have your watch overhauled, Start thu old clock to ticking, not that old ploco of Jewelry In wearlnp order, lfavo your oyox fitted to Jtondlux KlaNHOH, hoo C. M, HALISIIUHY UKFKIOHlIIN'a FLAVOK That 's tho kind of Bodn evtrv r" lllcea. Our product is not of th r k and water character, It ia ma ! puru.Hyrups, tho boat sodn wad. . '! tho hlghoat grado Ico croam. U a hovuruuo of itourlBliIntr nuritv w A tho more you drink of It tho mor if ten you will stop In for mora. PAGE'S SWEET SHOP 4 1 Come To Us and we, will save you money on your general needs Our store buya in quantities consequently we are .able to secure prices fo-i you that lesser buyers can't touch We are specialists in a general way. Our counters offer daily bargains in women's wear, kitchen accessories, fancy wok and no on through the list of popular articles for the home. Every thing fr Evcryh dy Anything fr Anyb dy I Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.