The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 31, 1920, Image 6

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CtnJrnuthn h Alfrtti S. CY.r
N? K
Tlir tttitrvrtttttiM
Intt-N IlitU Ki'lu
lirrninilp tiiltl In
l( litre N It n h r I n r,
Hturtr tf hivt
nttil mtvi-Hlur unit
mini ihiikIi' c:i ii
ii nt In- nilrlliiilt'il
(it ii ny tine tint tier
fur llir ety 'kihhI
rriiiiui tltul. llirrf
iirtrr wnn mi tut-
llmr. Tlipy uir
impiilnr Nliirlm
I It it d i ir li n p m
nbtitil llir y r it r
1-1(10, wrrt iit(
lulu tlir prrnrttt
form by 11 itrtifra-
Nlnnnl Hliirj'-lrllrr.
irrHUinnl)l' m Vtr
In primitive
i o ni in u it 1 1 1 m
whrrr fctr uf tlir
amale ma read,
4 where booka mrr difficult In kH,
tkra arofraaloaal rradrtr are la Rrrat
Vataad. Tary P" l arrr aa4 tavrr
talea (hat aavral (a all aaa Mad (atu
aala a leaa aarratlva. Name "H-aalc
fcava aanl.t that llamar'a laair aoama
arbrtaatrtl la (hla war
verjmarr la ta avar rant ta
tratalar Um4u lata atarr-ttlWra la-
4a jr. A ri(rr aaaJeae raltorta, ta
ttaar thaaa, ae aajlaa; a await It
a ta rlTltea at Matrala. Ta
trtrtalavr alalata aa a watfca ta aaa"
fra alwara a (aaa Ma aarratlva Jaai
aafarr mm srlllaa; (Hau, aa that he
nM a aaanrea af llalaaera aa la
aarrnrr. Ilia a4ltlr fallewa hla re
cMal rlth hrathlaa lafereal, eaaeelal-
lr naen we lllaatratra tarllllair l
a4a wlla Itvelr aaatomlm.
Vrnr aflrr year theae ffraaaa el
llatrnrra cnthrre'1 nlnrlra ign. Th
alary-feller dlnrarilril lite talea (hat
4M Not hiil.l thr atlrntlua nf hla lla-
teaera llrailaally th aroeeaa nf rllm
taatloa Tent an audi oaly th heal
were handed iliivtra by vror1 of mntilh
frent Rcnrratlna in Thra
aam unknown lirnfa(r nf mankind
ha4 thrm tvrltfea down anil ronnrojen'
fhm with th frninrrrurk of Krtiekrrn
aail nod Kkahrlar. AhiI thra arr llir
Arnlilan NlKhla Kill have ilrltcMril
. a I
rnuurrn nnu m vttu mm n Trunirn
fr drcfidrn.
iIiuikIiIit nml wlifii Mil Iics.iiikIiI
Iter fntlicr to wnl her In KIiik
Klinlirlnr It wriH can ho fur tirU't In Hit1
tlilcr. For ouch tlity wnn It HlinhrliirV
wont tn put to death hln hrliht of tin1
any before. It befell, however. Ilttit
Kheheriirnile huil her will. Ah nlm hutl
Imped, the UIdk wuh WHkeful iiimI to
txfttillo h(m fhe hoan n ntory uf
iBKlc. Dawn broko before Hhe hail
flnlahcd Hntl w on;or wiih Hhalirlar to
ketr It all that ho gavo no order foi
hrr execution.
Kr h thoumnd nnd one nlhln did
thb) befnll while Hlielii'niiiilc told
talra nf love, war nml Horcory, of klnpt,
bCKKiirH ami nKUi'H, of, IuihIh where
dlninnnilH were more plentiful than
pehhte.s nnd hlKScr tlinn eKx. of In.
trlpieH In the la lies anil bnxiiiirH of
Oriental eltlcM. In townn nnd defertf
und fur l.slnndh did iiPerouianeerH work
their wills. Horaes Hew; Iokm tnlketl;
iiierinnldeiis nud crenlureH creater
than whuleH peopletl the deepx; oKrex
nud enormous upt'H crept out of for
rot; lilrils so creut that their wlnn
dnrkcued tins tluy Hwoopisl from Ihu
hkleH. Here, too, were lovers In pal
aces nnd hovels, bold und cowardly,
yet nil no enamored that they Mwooued
itt thi! very thought of the beloved.
Underlying nil wiih Mio colorful Orb
cut, with harbors ami purlers JosDIiik
nllplu und prlucehss la (he throuKi'd
und picturesque Iiiiicm of threu cities
whoso very names cunjuro up romance
IhiVdad, Cairo und Damascus.
Now these are tho best liked of Hhe
beraaile's (ales:
The Gtory of Aladdln'a Lamp.
Of Aladdin, son of n poor tailor In
China, a prankish Muiup. An African
iuukIcIiui unfiled him to u subterranean
cave where ho found the lump that
mtuiuinnrd iho enle. Out of uothln(
ness did Ibis (.'enle sj-reail baiKpietri
for Ahulillii mid robe him In rich rai
ment. He provided him retinues of
ulaves, bcarliiK' basins heapud IiIkIi
villi precloiiH Hlones, who carried to
thn khiK Ahiddlu'H Nuppllaiice for tho
hand of tho beautiful Princess Ilmlroul
bomlour. In u iilRht did thu kciiIo raise
palace of kIowIuk wondorfl, nf shill
ing marble and gold und silver, with
windows Incrusfed with (IIiiiiioikIs, em
erubls nnd rubles, with fraurant K"r
tlens and open courts. Ho Aladdin mar
ried tho princess nnd Ihoy knew Brent
Jy. Hut tho magician returned, stole
the lamp nnd In u trlco transported
thu palace und tho princess to Africa,
'ilien wiih Aladdin woeful, but by
magic lio .found IIh belovetl, poisoned
Iho inaglchin, Helxed thn lump und
mine to China, where ho nud Hndroul
houdour lived happily ever afterward,
The Story of Slnbad.
Of-8lnbnd Iho Hnllor nnd IiIh mnrvol
uh voyages. Wherein It Is related
that Klnbad Innded upon what seemed
nri Island hut which wiih a great
that sank Into the sea, And of other
voyages and greater wonderH, of which
one marvels most at tho adveuluro
with the roc. (be bird ho lingo Hint It
feeds Its young with elephants. Kln
bad bad fastened himself to the roc's
leg nud It bore mi Impenetra
ble valley slrewn with precious stones
from which he escaped by binding him-
self to rt Hhoop'H cnrrpHS tind wis
horde- away by a vultui-e. And nf the
giant who roiiHled men nnd whom Hlie
bnd blinded with 11 rod-hot Iron, And
of Iho terrible Old Man uf tho Hen who
pat upon Blnbnd's tthoulderfl and could
not bo uliaken oft until lie whr Intoxi
cated with wlno nud Hlnlmd slow hlni.
The Story ef th Forty Thlvw.
Of All HiiIih nnd hlri discovery of tho
frtono thnt Hwung wide when n vplcu
crletl "Open, Sesnmol" tn tho cnVo
wiih Iho booty of forty thluvw nnd All
Itilbn took huiuo hiicUh bulging with
Bold and HllVer, 'rim rohbeiH (raced
lilm nnd In thu guise of a iitm-cluiut thu
eiiptalu lodged with lilm. lit the yard
were Hlored great Jars, ono filled with
oil und tho others concealing tho
thieve. Ill would It have fared with
All Ihilm had norMnrghuiti. a cunning
Hhtve. delected the lilek nttil with hull
ing nil HCahled to death Iho wicked
UiNereantM. The Wpliilll O'eiiped, but
returned In a new disguise und ngnln
did Morglann save her iiiIIhi. i by stub
blng his enemy. Ho All Ihtba nuinlod
her to his hod nud he Mve-I loously
Upon IrensureH from the cave.
Mnny Other rncclnntlnu Storlei.
Of Iho Magic Horse of ebony und
Ivory, mi fashioned that Ita iltler, by
pressing divers buttons, could fly
whither ho willed. It bore a Persian
prince to a great p.ilace Inn metropolis
girl nbotil with greenery. There ho
looked Into the eyes of a princess and
they were enraptured, It befell that
they rude away on the Mnglo llorso,
but beroro they were wed an evil man
abducted tho princess. The disconso
late prince wandered far und at Inst
ho found her whom he loved and ngnln
they Journeyed through the air to his
home, where they were married with
exceeding pomp and lived happily.
Of a poor fisherman who drew til
net from the sea itnd found therein but
n bram bottle. He cut open the top
and there at reamed forth cloud of
smoke. It collected and, behold I It
was h gcnle, no huge that hla head whh
In thu clouds. lie would hmve killed
hla rescuer had not the wily fisherman
Insisted that never could he have come
from the bottle. The Hilly gcnle
Kqiieexed himself Inside, whereupon
thu llslierimiu chipped on the top, nor
would he remove It until Iho gcnle
swore to nerve him faithfully. This
oath It wan that led to the (hiding of
tho ensoreelled prince with leg (limed
to stone nnd the lake wherein swam
tlsh of ft uir colors thnt knd once been
men. After mnrvelous happenings the
prince wiih made ni other men and tho
llsh vtbro men und women. And tin1
fisherman was ho rewarded that he
was the wealthiest man of his time.
Of Prince ('niiiarnlr.iiman ami the
PrlncesH lladourn, beautiful beyond
compare, und of how each saw the
other In sleep nnd was smitten with
great love. Hut when they awakened
they saw not one another for they had
been brought tnuethei' by genii who
bnd carried Hadotini out of China tn
the cnnlhifH of Persia. (Irlef ho af
flicted both that thoy sickened and
were Insane from sorrow, Then a men
longer from lladourn Journeyed fat
over land nnd sea -until he found
Camnrnlxnmnn and returned wllli hire
tn China, where'lhe lovers were wed
ded. Hut while they were traveling to
Cainaralxamairrt laud he wandered
away. Iladoitrti dressed herself In lib
raiment and passed herself for a man
It befell that she found' favor In tin
eyes nf a king und wiih married In u
princess And Camaralzaiaan too canu
tn this land und knew not his wife
who heaped honors upon him. At hist
she revealed herself and was known
as u woman and Camaralxaiuan took
also In wife the princess whom Itadoii
ra had married und they were happy
Of u merchant who, awaiting death
at the bauds nf a cruel genie, wiir
Joined by three old men, one leading a
gazelle, another two blnrk hounds, and
the third a mule. Now It lx related
that the gar.elle mid the mule had been
wicked wives transformed by magic
und likewise hail the hounds been evil
brothers. When thu genie was told
these stories of enchantment, he wiih
ko diverted that ho spared the mer
chant's life.
About Harun-al-Raihld,
And of ninny Inles concerning the
Caliph Hiinin-al-Itashld und his gnlni!
'dlsgulHci Into the lanes nnd bazaars of
nagdad. where ho chanced upon
siraiiuo people who told him strnuge
Morten 'nf mngle. Once ho supped with
three ladles of dazzling beauty and
with lilm were a porter dazed with the
magulllcenco he saw and three mendi
cants, hoiik of kings, nil blind In the
left eye. Not knowing the Caliph they
told of their fantastic adventures and
sufferings und be rewarded thejn. And
again be encountered a beggar who Im
plored him tn strike him, a youth who
Hptirred cruelly a mare upon which he
rode nnd a rope-maker who had rlwi
suddenly from poverty to ullluence.
Their talcs too did ho hear nud them
too did ho reward. Nor should Abu
IIuKsan, the wag,ho forgotten, whoso
trickery la pretending that he nnd his
wife were detid won ho much gold nnd
ho many luuglui from tho Caliph. And
of like Import Is the mad tnlo nf the
humpback who seemed dead and of
tho talkative barber who restored him
to life, of nil those who had believed
theuisolve.H murderer.1- of the hump
back unit of the amazing tales that
they related,
Ho II came to pnsu that by the end
of the thousand und one nights Klinli
rlnr wiih ho delighted In the cleverness
of Khcheiazailo (hut ho wedded her
ngnln with regal pomp und they llveJl
happily ever after.
(Copyrlllbt, 1019 by Pot I'ubltuhlng Co.
Tho Baatoa Pnit.)
CtrtdkAMftn h Alfn Clark
Cooper it its burn
In N' Jersey In
I7N, bill utii-ti
mil)' it It on t it year
ntil rt-motril I"
lil fnllicr's li 1
itinat fi'liilnl ito-
iniitii ni riiiuic"i-
Iiihii, New VurU
wlirrr tie tiled In
ISM. riiorc lie
li-itrttril In hintu
I lie w 1 1 it n rnrsM
it hi eh ihi)'H nii
biiiiorlinil it imrl
In lit liiiiiks, inn)
llirrr, ton, lir
pruhnlily it ri til roil
li h I lirmlilronn
f lf-nNrrtlt rnrxn nml rtUrrarnrit nf tlir
iiiIiiIiibn ii f nilirra whlrh timl him,
Whll fta of Ik few Hum I whirl- rrnil
anlhnra In th wnrlil, nnr nf llir moat
rorillnllr drtratrtl llidlt lilttnla In hr
fimnil. II hail m tinaltlve Kraliiw fnr
Krtllna: In hntl, Whit Illt-kraa and
Kipling 4rplr wotinilril nnr nnlloa h
Ihrlr AnrlraN Nnlra, thy wr nlii
Mlra la thla rrnnrrt riiuinarrif to
CMiar. II maid rnirritl any aaa
ryhmlr and annarrnllr rnlllvaUd
wllh altaaBr hla habitual aatllNara.
Ii well wrala af hla aa "Coaar, nhan
wrtttr al valaaaaa ta arora fca'a aa
a4 aa a lard." Aa KaHa Macaila
arlhl hla aa a alHnaa hraararart.M
a Mar,f a "fall kaaa.N aa "laa!,
a "araa, aa a MrfH.N Th
Yarhr" ataaaatlr wral af hlait "Ha
la aa prm4 ml htwrhvaaralaa; aa a Sab af hrHlagagal. It la aa
aalaral ta hla aa aaarHa ta a a at rat
a arawHaa; ta a hallaaar. Ha haa th
rnra aail raalratat af Trf wrll la
farmrtl Aatrlaa."
ON n Into nflemoon of n winter
day, during the American Rev.
nlutlon, u rakish schonnernnd ft
majestic frigate iinchhred well Inside
n little buy on Hie northeastern coast of
Kngland. A whelchoat drove shore
ward, n young olllcer Kcrnmbted up
the steep cllffa and u few minutes Inter
a mynlerlons strmiuer wns tratisfemtl
to the frigate's deck. He nnswered to
he nnme nf "Mr. Oray" and wn. said
to be merely n pilot, hut ho wiih greet
cd with surprising deferenre.
Kor no ordinary man would these
vessels have ventured so near that
egitst of sandbars and bidden rocks.
The wind wiih n mere rullle of uir. Hut
the Inccunnt mutter of the long, slow
wnves foretold that n stitrm was
brewing. Kver more fit fully and faint
ly blew the lambbree.e; the mutter of
the wnterx grew deeper. Only here and
there did a few stars twinkle between
the fust gathering clouds, It wiih I line
to bent out to open sea. If It were not
even now too Into. &fcn swarmed aloft
nnd hung up the yards; sails fluttered
out; the anchor wiih pulled In; the
frigate gathered headway Then the
faint breer.e died. The spread of ran
vhs hung iiscIchh; tho currents drove
the Milp choreward.
With a ronr the wind came suddenly
from iho east. White spray dashed
from the bow. Vet the Pilot paced the
iiuarter-deck seemingly oblivious to
danger. Hut open water was fat
ahead nnd suddenly from the forecas
tle came that dreaded cry, "HreakerHl
breakers, dead ahead!" The Pilot
shook off his trance of thouijht. Ills
orders thundered forth, sailors sprung
hither and thither at his bidding, the
frigate Hwung about at his cry 'of
"Hold on everything 1" Tortuously she
picked her way through the twisting
channels, In darkness amid the howl
IngM of the great winds.
She shivered from how to stern as
a- hundred men loosed the huge main
Hall. Tho Jib was torn frcp with a
crash like a cannon'H blast, but the big
sail held nud thu frigate bowed like a
reed In the wind. White foam showed
dimly upon both Hides, hut the Pilot
kept the ship, as by a miracle, within
a narrow ribbon of dark water. Ho
took the wheel himself. Time and
again the frigate seemed tn have
reeled free from peril; time and again
Hho plunged anew toward a welter of
white water. Hut she drove ever on
nnd at last Hho redo the great waves
of the open neu.
Not tins, storm nlnno bad these ships
dnred. They were Anu'rlrnn vessels,,
lurking about an enemy's coast. '1 hi
little bay had a peculiar fascination
for two young lieutenants aboard, I'M
ward Orllllth nnd Hlchard Hnrnstuhle.
Not far Inland lived Colonel Howard,
u Tory who had fled from America
when the colonists revolted. With him
dwelt his niece, Cecilia Howard, be
loved by Orllllth, and hi ward, Kath
erlno Plowden, betrothed tn Hnrnsta
bio, In Ht. Ituth'H abbey lingered, too,
Christopher Dillon, a poor kinsman
anxloiiH to bettor his condition by wed
ding the wealthy Cecilia. Itedroata
lent n plcturenquenesH to tho venerable
abbey, for a Htnull garrison under
Captain Horroughcllffe had been aum
innned by tho owner. For aught Thnt
men knew, John Paul Jonea hImHelf
might ho aboard these ships hovering
While recotmolterliig tho next night,
"Mr. Clruy" and nrllllth were captured,
but Horroughcllfro'H drunkenness ena
bled thciu to escape. Orllllth .was, how
over, retaken.
Tho Impetuous HariiHtable, fretting
offshore with IiIh enormous coxswelui
Long Tom Collin, had been nearly cut
off from hlH schooner by an Kngllfdi
cutter, hut ho Bcrnmhled aboard safely
und thu drum heat to quartern. While
brnndnldoH roared nnd I he decks tfreu
slippery with blood, the llfllo fighting
ships met nnd grappled. Heforc Hum
atiihle could loud his hoardorn to the
enemy's deck, Collin tumbled Into the
sea, Hhoutlng "llevenge Long Tom 1"
the lieutenant rushed with hi men
upon the foe, It wiih fighting at clone
uuartcrs and the Ihsuo wiih in doubt
when Hie drenched nud furious cox
swain emerged from tho neu and with
bis harpoon pinioned the IOugllsh cap
tain to his niuut. In a few minute)!
thu Americana were masters of the cut
ter. Cowering In that scene of blood
shed the vlelorH discovered the crafty
Dillon, who pleaded to he sent off as a
hostage, nromlslng to return In nerson
or tn liavo Orllllth delivered In ,hls
Ills word of lienor wan trusted nnd
ho wiih Hen! ii way with Long Tom. He
luckily overheard Dillon's Ireiiehomu
' plot to (Uilrap llariisluhle'H waltlni'
..I. i ..... ...
puny. rue lesmireeiui iimi Hcitmnu
uliirgud Itorroiighelllfii und drove, Dil
lon, ut the point of bin harpoon, bach
in the walling schooner. Hy this lime,
however, u but lory on the cliff brought
down the scbooner'H mainmast, She
was driven from hor course by heavy
seiiH. The iiiuhih were felled and an
chors dropped, but she plunged on like
a bobbing cork In rapid, Hnrnstuhle
would have stayed by his ship, but
suddenly Long Tom seized him und
hurled hlm'nvor the hulwurk. "fJod'a
will bo done with me," Collin cried!
above the wind's ronr. Dillon's lifeless
body wn rolled upon the shore, but
Long Tom's stayed with the sea tn
which he had dedicated IiIh life.
HurprlNo succeeded surprise at the
abbey. HnrtiMuhlc murehad IiIh ship
wrecked mariners Into the building and
they took posienslou, hut Hfuy were
(noon mudo prlsoncra hy tho redcoats.
Then the mysterious figure of the Pilot
appeared at the door and behind him
loomed the marines ftn the frlgHte.
Colonel Howard, mi unwilling prison
er, wan marched nway with Cecilia
find Katherlne, who could not be down
cast at the triumph of their lover.
Captain Hfirrnughcltffe was freed, an
whh another Inmate of the Hbbey, Alice
Duicombe. Hhe had recognized the
Pilot In his disguise when he wiih first
captured. They hud been lover, but
she wns ho Mntiiich In-hcr love for her
king nud she ho hated bloodshed thai
she had broken her troth tn this "Mr.
Oray," whom she addressed us John.
She reminded him that did she but
once eag aloud his true name the
whole toiiiitryslde would ring with It.
What Hint name wns Is never revealed,
tint there wiih but one sen rover who
could strike stark terror Into nil L'ng
llsh heart.
On board tho frigate repeated con
ferences were held between the cap
tain, Orllllth and "Afh Gray." Hud
ib nly out of the fog drove it mountain
ouh ship of the line, The drum heat
aboard the frigate, sailors leaped nim
bly about thu deck, clearing for action.
The women were led below nud gradu
ally order resolved Itself out of the
cIihok of shouting men, A terrific roar
filled the air as three Hem or guns
blazed a broadside from the Kngllsh
ship. A few sails nod rope were cut,
hut the frigate' nailing power was
hardly affected. One chance hall
struck the captain and hurled him to
death. Urlfllth succeeded to tho com
mnnd nnd hu was appalled, as he haw
tho frigate hemmed about. To the
east loomed the great ship nf war and
fnr In thu northeast tho sails of another
"What are we to do?" cried Orllllth.
"Fight them! fight them!' shouted the
Pilot. "Let me proclaim your name to
thn men." Orllllth appealed. Hut the
Pilot refused. ".Should wo come to a
grapple." he said, "I will glvo forth the
name ns a war-cry nud these Knglhh
will quail before It."
The ship of war wan distanced, hut
die cut off a retreat and Hie frigate
ahead had been re-enforced by two
other. The foremost maneuvered with
the American frigate for position.
Hi'oadshlcH crashed and they grappled.
The American guns raked her foe nnd
left hoi helpless, with useless ropes
dangling from shuttered musts. The
deck whh cleared nnd iih another ene
my appeared, Orllllth shouted, "Hoist
i.wny or everything I" Fifty men flow
aloft upon tho spars and white can
vas whh spread from every must. The
frigate lunged ahead, hut It could not
outstrip Its rival, and thu halt to give
battle had enabled the ship or thu line
to draw up.
Then, ror n few bronthlesH moments,
the Pilot leaped Into command. Ureal;
cj'H loomed ahead, hut he drove the
vessels Mralght Into the sdioals, into
narrow passages where white foam
bubbled perilously close. The enemy
dared not follow, and when night fell
pursuit wnH hopeless.
Colonel Howard, futnlly wounded In
the battle, lived long enough to nee Ce
cilia Howard and Katherlne Plowden
wedded hy the chaplain to tholr lovers.
Ills last words were spoken to Grlfllth.
"PerhnpH I may have mistaken my
duty to America hut I was too olfi to
ibange my politics or my religion; I
I I loved the khiBHod hies him"
Tho frigate drove on to Holland,
whore tho Pilot landed In u small boat
that dwindled into a black specie nnd
dlwippc'.rod In the setting nun, Twelve
years later Cecilia Orllllth hiiw her bus
I ni'H face cloud iih he read In the
newspaper fit tho death of n great man,
but not oven then did ho divulge his
name. Ho had promised to keep It o
crot. lie said only, 'Qur happiness
might hnvo been wrecked In tho voy
ui;o of life had we not met thu un
known Pilot of tho fjf man ocean,"
Copyright, 1919, by tho post Piibllnbliiu Co.
(Tho HoBton Vjmi). Copyright In the
Hatted Kingdom, tint Dominions, Its
Coloub'N ami i1opiiii1iincli!i, under the
copyrlKht m-'t. by thu Post PubllalihiH
Co.. n.mton, Mann., U, S. A. All rights
Ladies' MonogramSt ationery Here
Inland Empire Realty Co.
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A ooriouH 'jnonployaont oituutlon urouo.
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A Kronter output fallowed with th nttcr
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Radiator repairing a speciality
The Maxfer Ford Truck Attachment
C. . VOEGTLY, Agent
Price $217.50 Delivered in Burns
Note the big relief overload spring call and see one
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